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Buried Secrets_A dark Romantic Suspense

Page 27

by Vella Day

  “Sorry, buddy,” Sam whispered. He stuffed the cloth into the unconscious man’s mouth and wrapped the rope around his face to ensure he wouldn’t be able to make a sound when he came to.

  While Sam had never harmed a woman, this one might prove the exception. Taking down Marlon would be no problem if he could catch him by surprise. Once Sam reduced the speed of the boat to half to keep him near the wreck, Sam hopped up on the boat’s walkway and slipped to the bow.

  After taking off his tank and placing it securely on a neatly wound pile of rope, he eased open the door to the main cabin.

  With no one at the helm, the boat hit a wake and teetered to the side. Marlon swore. Sam took that moment to attack. Stun gun poised, he slammed open the door.

  Shelby’s eyes widened as a hand rushed to her mouth. Marlon’s gaze shot to the Sig Sauer on the table. Before he had a chance to reach the weapon, Sam pounced. He grabbed Marlon’s arms behind his back, glad he didn’t have to taser him. Mr. Pomerantz had equipped his suit with the stun gun but also with a pair of lightweight cuffs. Proactive bugger.

  Shelby screamed. She stepped forward, but Sam raised the stun gun at her. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Her jaw tight and her teeth bared, Shelby looked like she wanted to claw him to death. “How did you get in here?” She glanced at the helm.

  “Your friend will not be coming to your rescue. He’s tied up.”


  “As soon as I see about the boat you blew up, all three of us will have a chat.”

  He secured Shelby and made sure Marlon wouldn’t be going anywhere either. With the Sig Sauer in hand, Sam rushed to the helm and turned the boat around. Through the dense fog, he thought he caught sight of a flickering light. The water lapped against the sides and the wind whistled across the stern, sending the canvas flaps in spasms. If any survivor did call out, he wouldn’t be able to hear even if he cut the engine.

  Shelby shouted something from below, but he ignored her. A quick glance at Sweatshirt Man assured Sam he wouldn’t be an issue either.

  Once he reached the trawler’s debris, Sam cut the engine, fearful a body might be floating in the black water.

  “Jenna?” Sam’s voice cracked as he called out. Why did he bother? No one could have survived the blast.

  Marlon cursed from below. Behind him, The Pomerantz forged toward them.

  Sam cupped his mouth and yelled again. “Sheldon? Jenna?” It was no use. They were all dead.

  A faint shout returned, and adrenaline surged through him. He called again to make sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. Was the wind calling to him? Sam raced to the covered storage at the rear and lifted the seat. He pulled out a rope ladder and slapped it over the side.

  Blood pounding in his head, he dove under the water and swam in the direction of the faint voice.

  When he surfaced, he located the light undulating in the sea. “Jenna?”

  “Over here,” several voices shouted in more or less unison. He refused to contemplate why he hadn’t heard her sweet voice in the mix.

  Pumped, Sam raced toward them. As he neared, the fog thinned, exposing a life raft. How could this be? He reached a hand onto the edge of the rubber boat. Sheldon clasped his palm. “God, it’s so good to see you. We weren’t even sure if The Pomerantz would find us.” The moon reflected off Sheldon’s white teeth.

  Sam hung onto the side of the raft, his legs dangling in the cold water. Jenna lay curled in a fetal position on the bottom, her head on a blanket. “How is she?”

  “Really sick,” the tall cop said. “When Sheldon brought her into the cabin, she was conscious, complaining her head and stomach hurt. She lay down on the sofa and never woke up. Mr. Snyder here,” nodding to the mechanic, “informed us Shelby planned to blow up his craft in an attempt to murder Jenna and Sheldon, or rather, you.”

  “That’s why Shelby had readily handed her over.”

  The mechanic sat across from Sheldon, his hands cuffed behind him, his lips pressed together.

  Sam checked out the boat’s owner. “You didn’t mind sacrificing your trawler?”

  “She paid me more than it was worth.”

  “How was it supposed to go down?”

  “The timer was set to go off four minutes after I left. Shelby had the remote. Of course, I didn’t expect to have the cops aboard to slow me down.”

  “We checked the bag at the marina and didn’t see any explosives.”

  “When Shelby’s friend paid me, the C-4 was wedged in between the money.”

  “Clever. So the engine never had a problem.”


  Figures. Sam pulled a small flare from a side pocket and handed it to Sheldon. “Pull this tab and The Pomerantz will find you.”

  Sam dropped back into the water.

  “Where are you going?” Sheldon asked.

  “I need to return to Marlon and Shelby. I didn’t want to drive in through the debris field and run over you guys. I never thought you’d be in a raft.”

  Happy for the first time in days, Sam swam back to the boat with strong, even strokes. As he climbed up the ladder, The Pomerantz pulled along side.

  Jenna opened her eyes. The room light hurt her eyes, but seeing the wonderful man sitting across from her hospital bed made up for the pain.

  “Hi,” she said with cottonmouth.

  “How are you feeling?” Sam asked.

  She took a quick assessment. “My stomach still hurts a little.” She looked around. “How did I get here?”

  “Sheldon saved you.” He told her about Shelby and Marlon’s plan to blow up the trawler with both of them on it.

  “And here I thought she was nice. Where is the bitch?”

  Sam smiled. “In custody, along with Sweatshirt Man and Marlon.”

  “Why do you think she wanted me killed?”

  “They aren’t really talking, but from what I could piece together from Kathy Bello and Shelby’s husband, Shelby and Marlon have been having an affair for some time. She wanted Botanica for herself, as well as Marlon. Together they devised this plan to kill Marlon’s dad.”

  “Fine, but why me?”

  “He wanted to hurt your dad because of the affair.”

  “That’s what Enzio told me. Creighton Jackson must have been one mean son of a bitch to cause this much hatred.”

  Sam leaned over and took her hand. “Enough talking about the bad people.” He rubbed his thumb over her palm and a deep, warm feeling flowed through her. “We need to talk about us.”

  Joy blasted her. “Us?”

  A knock sounded on the door and her nurse came in. “Ah, you’re up. I’ll send the doctor in.”

  Ten minutes later, the doctor showed up and checked her out. “He turned to Sam. Will you be staying with her? She’ll need someone to take care of her for a day or two.”

  Sam smiled. “You get.”

  Then you are free to go home,” the doctor said.

  “Thank you.” Before anyone else came in, she eased out of bed with Sam’s help and changed in the bathroom with the clothes he’d picked up from her house.

  Another knock sounded. This time it was her dad. “Heard about the harrowing event.”

  That was a good word. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine.” He wheeled closer, and a tear slipped down his cheek. “I can’t believe I almost lost you.”

  Sam stood, but her father stayed him with a hand. “Stay. Both of you need to hear this. Bill stopped by and filled me in what happened.”


  He half chuckled. “Bill Lucas.”

  Ah, her boss. “And?”

  “They did a search in Marlon’s house and found several skulls. Since Sam was busy saving you, we had his assistant compare the skulls to those in your mom’s mausoleum.”

  “They found a match?”

  “Yup. Your mother’s body is now complete, as are the other skulls.”

  “Thank God Marlon h
adn’t desecrated them.”

  He dragged his hands down his face. “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for all of this.”

  Sorry? She didn’t think her father even knew the word. “Because of what you did to Mom?” She held up her hand. “Because of why you retaliated against Mom I should say.”

  “Yes. I knew you’d gone out with Marlon, but I thought it was ironic. His mother made me promise not to say anything. When the relationship between the two of you died a month later, I thought I was in the clear.”

  His cheeks sagged so hard she thought his heart would stop. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s all my fault that you almost died.”

  “You almost died too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Marlon shot you himself.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. I realize that if Louise and I hadn’t had our fling, her husband wouldn’t have left her, and the kids and the boys wouldn’t have turned into such bad men.”

  “The worst part is that Chance had to die, when Marlon meant to kill me.”

  “That’s true. I’m glad the man who carried out the act, Enzio, is dead.”

  “Tell that to Carla. She lost two people she loved because of him.” Her father’s shoulders trembled and more tears streaked down his cheeks. She’d never seen him fall apart like this. “Don’t beat yourself up. You didn’t know.”

  “That doesn’t excuse all the hurt.” He reached up and squeezed her hand. “Whatever you think of me, I do love you.”

  Before she could answer, he spun away and left.

  Sam cleared his throat. “That was intense.”

  “I never thought I’d ever hear those three little words from him. That’s twice in one week.”

  “How could he not love you?”

  The glassiness in his eyes told her something she could only hope for.

  “Well I do keep secrets sometimes.”

  Sam gathered her into his arms. “We all have secrets. It was your job to keep one.”

  She studied him. “You believe that?”

  “Yes. However, I’d like to hear about your mother’s skull.”

  “You know about that? How?”


  That rat. “It’s a long story.” From now on, she wouldn’t withhold anything from him.

  “I’ve got the time.”

  Her heart fluttered, and it wasn’t from the left over drugs in her system. “Let me finish dressing, and I’ll start from the beginning.” She might have to leave out one of the reasons she wanted to date him in the first place and focus solely on how much she liked him.

  Sam picked up the rest of the clothes he’d brought, and using a wheelchair, guided Jenna down the hospital elevator. “By the way, while you were out of commission this morning, Sheldon stopped by the hospital.”

  “I’m sorry I missed him. I’ll thank him once I return to work.”

  “I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”

  Half an hour later, Sam pulled into her driveway. He scooted out and opened the passenger door. Her heart fluttered at his chivalry. She didn’t want to ask him about his future plans for fear she wasn’t part of them, wasn’t part of the us he’d been about to discuss before her dad showed up.

  The quick change of positions from sitting to standing caused Jenna’s blood pressure to drop. She faltered. Sam’s strong arm wrapped around her. “Are you okay?”

  “Just a little dizzy.”

  “You should have stayed at the hospital longer.”

  “No way.”

  Despite the blazing sun, the chill in the air made her shiver. He hugged her closer as he led her inside.

  “Flowers?” Jenna made a beeline to the counter. A card and a gold box sat next to the vase. She turned to him, her heart racing at the implication.

  “I came over last night to apologize.”

  “Apologize?” Her hands sweated. Please, God, let him say he wants to stay.

  “I kind of overreacted to your announcement about you working undercover.”

  Her heart pounded. Jenna ran a hand down his arm. “I wanted to tell you so many times, but I knew you’d be upset. Then when I did tell you—”

  “Shh. It’s over.” Sam leaned down and kissed her. Soft, gentle, and oh so nice.

  She stepped back. “Ah, while I adore kissing you, you kind of smell of sea water and something else I don’t want to think about. And I ain’t so sweet either. So...”

  Sam’s laugh came out throaty. “What do you suggest?” The twinkle in his eye urged her on.

  “A shower—together.” He wouldn’t hear of it when she suggested this at his house. Would he now?

  “Oh, yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”

  Yes! Sam clasped both of her hands and backpedaled into the bathroom. Without taking his gaze off her, he flung his shirt over his head and dropped it on the bathroom floor. Before she had a chance to unzip her pants, he slipped out of his jeans and kicked the material to the corner. He didn’t have to remove his boxers for her to see where this was headed.

  Sam turned on the shower. “Need to warm it up first.” He took a step toward her. “You look like you need help.”

  “I’m not moving because I’m in shock.”

  His brow creased. “Over what?” He dragged a knuckle down her cheek and her insides melted.

  Sam’s brows rose, obviously waiting for her to answer. He unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it over her shoulders. The bra came next. “Spit it out,” he said.

  “Aren’t you going to pick up your clothes off the floor?”

  He ran a tongue along the edge of his teeth. “Nope. I have better things to do.”

  She giggled and stepped closer to him. Stink be damned. “Do tell.” Jenna melted into his arms. Her hands slide down his muscular back. Hooking her thumbs in his boxers, she slid them over his hard, luscious rump. Sam stepped back and dropped his briefs, his erection at attention. “Now, that’s what I’m talking about. She couldn’t help but laugh with joy.

  He then pulled her into the warm, soothing shower. Facing Sam, Jenna let the pulsating water sluice over her head and down her back.

  “Feel good?” he asked.

  “The best.”

  “Let’s see if I can make the experience even better for you.” He winked and grabbed her liquid soap.

  After dribbling the soap on her breasts, he dragged his palms up and down, around and around, causing her nipples to harden and her sex to moisten in anticipation.

  While he tended to her front, she shampooed her scalp. Salt and blood had caked her skull. Jenna scrubbed, but her focus was on what Sam was doing to her body and not on the pleasure of getting clean.

  When Sam’s hands traveled down her waist to the juncture of her thighs, she couldn’t help but moan. “I may have to have you wash me everyday.”

  “I plan to.”

  Her eyes widened. Dare she hope what that might mean?

  He pulled her to him and kissed her with more passion than ever before. Their tongues danced in and out, savoring each other, until he came up for a breath and pulled back. Sam ran his gaze up and down her body. “I love you, Jenna Holliday.”

  She stilled. Was he kidding? “You mean it?”

  “Yeah, I mean it.” He ran his fingers through her soapy hair. “I haven’t been able to sleep at night since I walked out. Your image is burned into my mind and keeps haunting me. You’ve become part of my soul.” He lowered his hands to her cheeks, kissed her nose, and then dabbed foam on the tip. “I love how you make me feel. You’re so free, and so excited about life. For the first time, I’m tempted to throw caution to the wind.”

  She raised a brow. Leaving his clothes on the floor was the first step to freedom. His eyes turned dark from what she wasn’t certain. “Let’s not get too out of control, here. You aren’t thinking of quitting your job at HOPEFAL or anything are you?”

  “No. I love helping people find closure. But I think I’ll stay in the lab and let the police do the

  She understood the helping people part. Jenna maneuvered him around and let Sam enjoy the warm water. “My turn,” she said, shooting him her wickedest grin.

  Jenna dumped a handful of soap on her hands, and starting with his gorgeous chest, lathered his neck, and then trailed a finger down his pecs. The soap slid over his abs and settled into his navel. His cock jumped up and down, making her laugh. “I think someone is vying for my attention.”

  “He needs to be cleaned too.”

  “I’ll be happy to oblige.” With deft fingers, she rubbed him up and down, the smooth, slick soap making the movement easy.

  Sam grabbed her hand. “If you continue doing what you’re doing, we’ll end up on the floor or against the wall.”

  “And that would be bad, why?”

  He nipped at her ear. “While I could stay in here with you for a long time, I want to explore you more thoroughly.”

  “What’s with you and the bed?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Sam dragged Jenna out of the shower, but she insisted on drying him. She dragged the thirsty towel down his back, and then over his way too luscious rear end, and finally over his legs. She didn’t miss the chance to draw the towel between his thighs either.



  He took the towel from her and carefully squeezed the water from her hair. The massaging of her breasts drove her so crazy that she was forced to snap the towel from him. “Okay, enough already. I can dry myself on the sheets.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bathroom. At the entrance to the bedroom, he stopped. “Jenna, before we go in, I need to ask you something.”

  Dear God, why was he torturing her. “Hurry. What?”

  Sam stilled her hands. “I know I don’t have much, and my family is a mess, but will you marry me?”

  Jenna froze. “You want to marry me?” Her voice rose.

  He touched her nipples again, his calloused fingers heightening the sensation. “Unless you want to throw me out on the street, I’m here to stay.” He tossed her a pathetic excuse for a frown.

  “Oh, no. I have lots of plans for you.”

  “I hope it involves giving me a few kids.”


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