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In the Dark by Lila Rose

Page 7

by Lila Rose

  The first thing I did was to check my side for the knife injury. What the hell? There wasn’t any sign of it. How was that possible? Even after the time my mom hit me in the head, I woke up with a bruise. There should have been a small healing cut at least. But nothing?

  Unless, the vampire blood combined with my own could have had some play in my quicker than usual healing? It was definitely a fact to consider.

  After some time in the shower, I got out and dried myself, thanking the almighty above the shower had helped relieve some tension. Now, all I had to do was eat something and hope it would help settle my stomach after vomiting the contents of it. I needed to eat regularly; my metabolism burned a lot quicker than any normal human’s, mainly because of being part cat. Apparently, they liked to graze all day, something I had inherited.

  I looked down at the clothes Jezanna brought in and knew, just with a look, they were going to be a tight fit. Once I dressed, I surveyed myself in the mirror. Snorting out a laugh, I gazed at the words on the closely fit pink tee, ‘I love vamps.’ Was she trying to be funny? To go with the tee, I had on a tight pair of black pants. Neither of them I would have bought myself. I liked things baggy. Though, there was nothing I could do about it right then, no matter how self-conscious I felt.

  Drying my hair one more time, I chucked the towel in the basket beside the door.

  Opening the door, I looked out into Isaac’s bedroom. The light was on in the empty room. I took some time looking around. Isaac’s bed sat under a huge window. And that was really about it for his bedroom. He didn’t even have a desk, so there was nothing for me to snoop in, damn it.

  I peeked out his bedroom door and heard voices coming from the room across the hallway and down a little. Taking those few steps, I walked into a kitchen and realised, straight away, it was a different kitchen. How many rooms did the place have?

  Of course, the conversation stopped once I entered, so I said, “Don’t stop on my account.” I smiled, tugging at the tee and looking at each of them sitting at the table. Isaac sat at the end of a twelve-seated, wooden table, his own gaze moved over me, smiling slightly at the words written over my boobs. Shit, can they hear my heart rate pick up from that one small smile? Wasn’t that what the books said about vampires, super hearing, like myself?

  Somehow, I’d have to try to control my reactions to Isaac.

  To his right was a grumpy-looking Jeremiah. Jezanna was next to him, and Caelen sat opposite them. Another person, who I hadn’t met, sat at the other end of the table. He was an older man, possibly in his late fifties, with thick, short grey hair, warm light brown eyes, slim and tall from what I could tell from his sitting form. He came across as a nice, friendly man, from the smile he directed at me. He also didn’t flinch when he looked into my eyes for the first time, and for that reason alone, I knew we would get along.

  “Hi, I’m Leila.” I held out my hand for him to shake. He looked down the table to Isaac and back to me with humour in his eyes.

  He took my hand, shook it, then said, “So nice to meet you, Leila. I’m Gregory, Isaac’s father.” He grinned. “I have a lot to thank you for,” he added.

  Snorting, I said, “Don’t mention it. All in a day’s work.” I cringed inwardly. Okay, that was lame. Caelen and Jezanna covered their mouths to hide their soft laughter. I quickly took a seat next to Caelen and glanced around the kitchen for any signs of food. It was in that moment my stomach spoke up and Jezanna jumped up from the table, walked over to the fridge and came back with a plate full of sandwiches. I couldn’t help but lick my lips, which caused another round of laughter.

  “I thought you might be hungry.” Jezanna smiled.

  “Starving. Gimme, gimme.” I dragged the plate to right in front of me. “Sorry, guys, but I have to eat before I start dry-heaving again. And believe me, it’s not a pretty sight.” I moaned on the first bite. “It’s all got to do with the cat side…” I glanced at Gregory. What did he know? “Ah… cat side of the hill. I get delirious when I’m hungry. Don’t mind me.” I waved my hand in the air for them to continue talking and quickly shoved more sandwiches in my blabbering mouth.

  “It’s all right, Leila. Our father knows everything.” Isaac smiled.

  Looking to Isaac, who had also showered, I couldn’t help but admire him. His black hair was still wet and shining. His white shirt opened at the top, so I could see his throat and part of his chest. It was enough to get my heart to take off once again. Dear God, a pulse below had me clenching my thighs together.

  Where were these hussy hormones coming from?

  Quickly looking away with a blush heating my cheeks, I noticed Isaac wasn’t the only one to shower and change clothes, understandably so. Jezanna now wore jeans and a T-shirt that read, ‘No. U. Suck.’ Jeremiah was in dark jeans and a tight black T-shirt, showing his bulging muscles. Caelen, though, was the only one still in the clothes he had on originally. Somehow he’d managed to not get a spot of blood on him anywhere.

  Taking a gulp of the water Jezanna had just sat on the table, I dragged my reluctant gaze from Isaac—stupid eyes kept on seeking him out, no matter what my mind said—to turn back to Gregory.

  “Does that mean you’re a vamp too?” I asked.

  “No, I’m human.”

  “Huh? How? That can’t be, right?”

  They all laughed again.

  “It’s true,” Isaac confirmed and then frowned. “Our real parents were murdered. Gregory and Kimberly took us in. They already knew our parents and knew what we were. It’s easier for us within the human race to have parent figures. If we lived on our own, we would have caused too much attention. We’ve been with them for two decades now.”

  Clearing my throat, I licked my lips and asked, “If you don’t mind my asking, um, what happened, to Kimberly?”

  “We didn’t suck her dry, if that’s what you think.” Jeremiah glared.

  Isaac’s fist pounded down onto the table. His eyes shot daggers to his brother.

  Rolling my eyes, I shrugged. “It could have been possible from you, J Man, but not Isaac or Jezanna.” I scowled back. He stood abruptly, causing his chair to crash to the floor. I rose quickly to be ready for anything.

  He leaned over the table towards me. “Watch what you say, girl.”

  “Jeremiah,” Isaac snarled in warning.

  “Calm the frig down and I won’t be forced to pull your chain. What is your problem, dude? I haven’t come here to piss on your territory. Why so grouchy towards me?”

  “Jeremiah, sit down,” Gregory demanded. It took him a few beats before he obliged his father.

  Gregory sighed. “I’m sorry, Leila. Jeremiah is still a little upset the other men were able to trick them and hold them captive. As well as you coming along to save them.”

  “Yeah?” I scoffed. “How can a mere girl be able to do that? Don’t fret, macho man. From this day forward, I’ll leave all the saving to you.”

  “Anyway,” Gregory intervened, “Jeremiah will calm down, because it will never happen again. We’ve sent for more of our people.”

  Gregory looked away from his son and down at the table blankly. It was obvious that memories of his past had taken over.

  He shook his head slightly and looked back up to me. “Kimberly, my dear wife, passed away only a few years ago of cancer. We tried to adapt after losing her, but some other matters were occurring, so we found it better if we just moved on.”

  “Gregory, I think we should tell Leila the truth from the start,” Isaac calmly said. He turned his gaze to me. “Our mother did indeed have cancer, although that wasn’t how she passed. She was murdered, and before one of us became the next victim, we left the city. We travelled a while before coming here.”

  My eyes widened. That was only two years ago. Why would anyone want to murder their adoptive mum who was also a human?

  “Why are they after you?” I stopped eating and pushed the plate away. The nausea rose again and I was afraid if I took another bite, I�
��d spew all over the table.

  I thought Isaac would have been the one to answer, but it was Jezanna. “We were born in Russia a very long time ago. However, our parents were from the United States. Everything was wonderful in our home in Russia, until we were told of a seer who foretold a prophecy to the vampire King, Gerald Holms. He was the one we all looked up to, who ruled our kind, and he’s also the oldest master vampire known.

  “He was such a nice man.” She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Until, twenty-one years ago, when he was told by the seer there will come one who will be chosen to lead all vampires. One who will have our people’s love and devotion, and who will be followed by other species as well.” She sighed. “That person would be the one born with the birthmark of a dagger.” She scoffed. “It sounds very corny, I know. As if it comes from an old movie.” Shaking her head, she continued with, “God, I wish it had been the case. Once finding this out, Gerald changed. He showed his true self, what he was like behind closed doors. We’d heard stories, but no one believed them. We did, after we witnessed it ourselves.”

  The memory brought tears to her eyes. I was about to tell her we could talk about it another time, or not at all, when she took a deep breath and went on, “We were invited to come to his palace for a celebration. At the time, we were unaware of what he’d been told, so we went. We were very excited. Once arriving, a guard told our parents Gerald wished to speak with them privately. They went while we walked into the grand ballroom, and talked and laughed with others. We didn’t know Gerald was questioning our parents about their child who has the same birthmark as the one foretold.

  “We’ve heard our parents didn’t believe Gerald’s tale. They warned him not to believe it either, saying their child would never want to rule his people. He didn’t believe them. Instead… he slayed them on the spot. A woman who overheard everything told Gregory, knowing he would help us escape. Gregory kept us hidden in the woods for over sixteen years, but they found us, and killed our other mother. That was when we fled and have been travelling since.”

  Waving my hands in front of me, I said, “Whoa. I… I’m so sorry for everything you’ve all been through.” Hell, it was so much, too much even. Running my hands down my thighs, I asked, “Who, um, who’s the one with the birthmark?”

  Jeremiah banged his fist on the table. “Is that all you can ask? Don’t you get it? You should be scared. You should be running away from us. More will come. I’d be surprised if Gerald doesn’t come himself, since he’ll soon find out where we are and who we are with.”

  I knew he meant me.

  Closing my eyes, I breathed deeply. I didn’t want to yell and scream at him because it would get me nowhere, and I needed him to understand.

  Upon opening my eyes, I looked to Isaac’s grumpy brother and said, “Jeremiah, maybe I should be scared and run, but I won’t because this is my home, my town, even though I have no one here. Starting over somewhere new isn’t an option for me.” I shrugged. “I guess, when Isaac and I became friends, it was the worst day of your life because now you guys are stuck with me. I don’t care what happens. I don’t care who comes. I will be here for you all, whether you like it or not.”

  Sitting back, I waited for Jeremiah to curse at me, to yell. What I didn’t expect was Jezanna to start sobbing and Jeremiah to lean over the table, grab me from my seat and pull me into a fierce hug.

  He whispered, “You are one crazy girl. You’re made perfectly for Isaac. I just hope it doesn’t get you killed.”

  Blowing my mind and confusing me with his cryptic shit, Jeremiah then stood with concern showing in his eyes before he turned and left the room.

  I swung my stunned gaze to Isaac, who was also just as surprised. “Please don’t tell me he’s the one to rule. Because I don’t think the world could take it.”

  Gregory and Caelen laughed. Isaac offered me a small, sad smile, shook his head and started to unbutton his shirt. I was hoping it was because he was about to give me a striptease. However, I knew better. Especially when I spotted a birthmark on his left rib, in the shape of a dagger. One I hadn’t noticed earlier when he was on the table being gutted, or even the first time in my bedroom. Then again, maybe I had, but didn’t think anything of it.

  “That’s a lot to deal with,” I muttered.

  He scoffed. “Tell me about it.”

  “If it’s all true, then why don’t you just go and kick this Gerald’s arse to get him off your back?”

  Sighing, Isaac said, “For one, I do not wish to be the new King, and second, it’s near impossible to get close to him. I’ve had people try, and they’ve lost their lives for it. I don’t want to risk more of my people.”

  “Well… crap.”

  “Love, you have the most wonderful vocabulary.”

  Glaring at Caelen, I snapped, “Get used to it, buddy.” Only to then grin and add, “Gregory, I’m sorry if I offend you with my language.”

  He smiled warmly at me. “Don’t apologize, Leila. You’re a touch of fresh air in such a stale house.”

  A blush rose to my cheeks, and suddenly I found myself feeling uncomfortable, unused to compliments.

  Hell, I wasn’t used to being around people.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled. “Anyway, I had better head off.”

  “Leila,” Isaac started before I had the chance to move. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you some quick questions?”

  “Sure.” I yawned, my hand covering my mouth.

  “Does your uncle know what you are?”

  Biting my bottom lip, I confessed, “No. I’ve never told him.”

  Isaac seemed surprised by my answer; actually, all of them did.

  “What type of feline are you, love, and are you a shifter?” Caelen asked and then sank lower in his seat when Isaac glared at him. “What? It ain’t like you aren’t curious.”

  Laughing, I said, “To be honest, I’m not sure. I’ve never met anyone to clarify it for me or met another supernatural.” I shrugged. “I guess you could say I’m as big as a cougar, yet my fur is dark brown to black. Your guess is as good as mine.” I had wondered about those questions since the day I could shift. My eyes caught Isaac’s. He looked away quickly, which normally would mean someone knew something about the situation. Did that mean he knew what I was? I wasn’t sure if I was reading him wrong.

  “I didn’t even know you were different. You all smell like humans to me.”

  “Most, if not all, supernaturals have the power to block their paranormal aura. It is hard to tell who is what because of it. Do your parents know?” Isaac asked.

  I flinched. “I—ah, I need to get home. I’m too tired to answer more questions. However, be ready tomorrow. I’ll be at my fullest and ready for more.” I smiled and rose from the table.

  Questions about my parents were never easy for me. Just the thought of them sent my mind and body into turmoil.

  Not only from the fact they left, but also because I hadn’t had a message from my dad in over a month, and I couldn’t help but worry. In the very last message Dad had sounded fearful. From what or who, neither my uncle nor I knew.

  “You can’t leave,” Isaac said with a hard tone as he stood.

  “What do you mean I can’t leave?”

  “You live in a house alone, Leila, besides an absent uncle. It’s too dangerous, especially after what happened tonight.”

  Damn it, he was annoyed enough to do the buttons up on his shirt. I was hoping to ogle a little longer. Who wouldn’t want to admire perfection?

  “I can handle whatever comes my way. It’s not like anything would happen tonight. We’ve got a couple of days at least, right?”

  “She’s right, Isaac. Furthermore, you’ve sent Hamish and Seraphine after him. They might catch him before he contacts Gerald,” Gregory said. I could tell he was always a man of reason.

  “Who’s Hamish and Seraphine? And when did you get time to tell them to run after Freckles?” I asked.

  “They’re member
s of my personal guard. I had given them the weekend off. They’d left town, only came back once they sensed my distress. They would have been here sooner if they hadn’t travelled so far.” Say what now? They could feel Isaac? Sense him? “I found over the passing years I haven’t needed their protection as much. Now, I’m mistaken. Another reason I have sent word out for my remaining loyal friends and guards to join us here.”

  Holy hell, Isaac has guards. He’s like a royal.

  “What do you mean they could sense your distress?”

  He cleared his throat and said, “Those who wish to join my guard rankings have…” he trailed off, lost for words.

  “It’s kinda like you did with me, love. They share a mind link. If it’s too far for thoughts to carry through, they can still sense what each other is feeling.”

  I was going to have an information overload soon.

  “There you go.” I yawned, only that time was fake because a sudden stab of jealousy penetrated my gut. I didn’t like Isaac having any type of close connection like that to his people, which I found weird for even feeling and thinking it. “So, I’ll be going now. Nice to meet you, Gregory. I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of me from this day forward.”

  Gregory didn’t get a chance to reply because Isaac piped in with, “I don’t like this, Leila—”

  “Noted, Isaac.” I smiled at him and blew a kiss. He raised his eyebrows at me. “Caelen, be a pal and give me a lift.”

  “I will take you,” Isaac growled.

  “Thanks, but it’ll be fine. Caelen was about to leave anyway.”

  “Righto, love. ‘Nite all.” Caelen waved.

  Before anyone said anything else, I quickly made my exit. Isaac called Caelen back for something, but I didn’t wait around for him as I walked outside to his car. After a minute, Caelen strolled out smiling. He unlocked his car and climbed in as I did. We drove home in silence. I didn’t know what he was thinking, and I doubted it was the same as me because all I could think of was Isaac.

  I didn’t realise I’d drifted off until the engine being turned off woke me. I looked out to see my unlit house waiting for me in the dark.


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