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Blessed with an Angel [Grey River 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by Maia Dylan

  “There was also another crazy fucker that met with a righteous end that night, but at my hand,” Ty said when he turned back to the stage. He grinned but there was no humor in it. It was the most bloodthirsty grin she had ever seen in her life, obviously another happy male who was extremely proud of himself.

  “Silas Williams.” Ty had to hold up a hand to quiet the booing and hissing crowd. “He came here looking to challenge me on my own fucking lands and take my pack from me. I have no idea how he planned to do that righteously, but I figured he reckoned with his standing and power that he could do it and no one would argue. But he forgot how fucking smart and knowledgeable on all things Shifter Council me and Trent are.

  “He stepped into our pack lands without our permission. That act alone gave us the right to not only meet that challenge, but to make the kill and have it be righteous even without it being witnessed by another member of council.”

  Angel listened intently to every word Ty said. She wasn’t really up with the play on the whole shifter council thing and what it meant that Ty had killed Silas. She was just glad that without him in the picture, then she and Mateo were safe. His wife, Marsha, had stepped down as the state Senator and Angel heard she had been committed to a medical facility. Angel couldn’t imagine the pain and loss of losing a child and hoped that Marsha would get the help she needed.

  “Yesterday, I met with the remaining members of the council and tactfully explained how I had to kill the bastard and how it was well within my right to do so.” Ty grinned again at the cheering crowd. “And the council agreed with me. Well…eventually.” Again there was cheering and Faith leapt forward and wrapped her arms around her mate. “The conversation then turned to the council itself and the need for it to be cleaned up. We talked about the need for new blood on the council to help provide proper leadership if the shifter communities in this country are going to thrive the way they should. So there are two new members of the shifter council, and they are young, honest, loyal, damn good-looking and dominant as fuck, and yes, my pack, I am referring to Trent and me.”

  There was a moment of silent and then cheering. Faith frowned at her mates and Angel saw Ty turn off the mic and lean forward to whisper in Faith’s ear. She scowled even further and tried to pull out of his arms. He simply pulled her in tighter and a heated conversation between the two, with Trent adding a few words in, took place.

  “What does that mean?” Angel spoke loudly to be heard over the crowd.

  “It means that the Grey River pack is now a force to be reckoned with and we have two fucking seats on the Shifter Council!” Chris grinned at her but she was still confused, so turned to Noah.

  “The council should work in the favor of all shifters,” Noah explained as he pulled her and Mateo around the corner of their table then pulled them down onto his knee. “They should be there to make policies and help to police our communities for our safety and the survival of our races. However, under Silas’s reign it became the exact opposite. He tried to build an empire and create it so that rather than having a democratic process that would allow change and growth with equal say, we had a country of warring shifter factions all fighting for dominance with him set up as the fucking puppet master.”

  “Oh, and with Ty and Trent on the council, they won’t allow that to happen.” Angel said and she immediately understood why Faith was upset. “They made that decision without speaking to Faith first I take it.” She turned her head to the stage to see Faith glaring at her mates who were both obviously pleading their case.

  Angel knew how she would feel in that position and winced when Faith spun on her heel and walked away. She heard Ty’s growled curse from here on the other side of the room. Faith stomped back to their table and sat next to her mother-in-law who placed an arm around Faith in comfort.

  When Ty and Trent sat down beside her, Faith refused to look at them, and Angel’s heart ached at the pain etched on her face. There was more going on there she was sure of it. Ty and Trent just looked miserable.

  “Angel-mine,” Chris said down their link from beside her and she shifted in Noah’s lap so she could see him better. “Ty and Trent will work it out with Faith.”

  “Yeah, sweetheart,” Noah said as he gave her a little squeeze. “It will no doubt involve a truckload of apologies and groveling, the likes of which they have never done before, but they will work it out.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Angel sighed. “I just don’t like to see our friends hurting or angry with each other. I want them to be as happy as we are.”

  “Angel-mine,” Chris said aloud dryly as he lifted her legs up onto his lap. “As much as I would like to believe that we have the world’s most perfect relationship since Adam met Eve, I know that there will be times that we will piss you off. Well, to be fair it will probably be Noah, but either way, there will be times when we will be angry and upset at each other.”

  “And as much as I would like to punch Chris in the nose for that comment, I can’t because I know it will probably be me that upsets you.” Noah grimaced. “Especially if I think you are putting yourself in danger or not talking to us about what you need. I can see myself wanting to paddle your luscious ass at that.”

  Angel smiled as she swept her hands through his hair, enjoying the way his eyes darkened. As ever, it only took a touch from her to excite her men and she loved it!

  “Noah, if those are the reasons for you getting upset at me then I think I will be able to forgive them pretty quickly.” Angel reached out and grabbed Chris’s hand, savoring the shiver of electricity that gently pulsed through her at touching both her mates at the same time.

  “And heck, if I am putting myself or Mateo in any type of danger, then I might just let you paddle my ass. I have a feeling I’ll enjoy it,” she whispered down their link, loving the intimacy of being able to talk to them without anyone overhearing.

  She felt Noah harden beneath her and saw his eyes flicker with a little touch of arctic-blue. Chris groaned and shifted a little in his seat which meant he was just as turned on at the thought of spanking her ass as Noah was.

  “Damn, sweetheart.” Noah leaned in to nuzzle her neck and she shivered even as she tilted her head to give him better access. “How did we get so damn lucky to have the Fates destine a woman like you as our mate?”

  “It wasn’t luck, Noah,” Chris said as he lifted her hand to his mouth to press a kiss to her inner wrist and Angel felt her heart start to beat even faster. “It was a blessing. The Fates blessed us with an Angel.”

  Angel knew that she was just as blessed. She looked down at Mateo sleeping peacefully against her, then at Noah and Chris, both of them looking at her like she hung the moon and the stars and making her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “You guys wanna head home and test my theory on whether I’ll like being spanked or not?” She grinned at them and waggled her eyebrows. Shock, lust, and need burst across their expressions in quick succession. Then she and Mateo were lifted up into Noah’s arms and carried out of Country Blue so fast her head spun, catching the giggles and laughs from their friends as they weaved their way through the crowd.

  “Damn, Angel,” Noah rasped as they walked out in the car park. “You know just what to say to push me to the point of going crazy with wanting you.”

  “Me, too,” Chris agreed as he hurried along behind them. “Hell, there isn’t a moment when I’m around you that I’m not seconds away from a hard-on that could pound nails anyway, but then you say things like that and I’m raring to go!”

  “Well, my loves,” Angel said with a wicked grin, looking forward to life with her mates. “You do know that the devil was once an angel, right?” The night filled with their laughter and Angel knew that no matter what the future held, with her men beside her, Mateo safe and sound and surrounded with love, then it was her who was truly blessed.




  Maia Dyla
n lives, loves, and works in beautiful New Zealand. She married her best friend and they have two adorable, but stubborn children who obviously take after their father.

  Maia’s career has featured a lot of travel, and she has filled her time at airports and in the air with books, books, and more books. Her love of erotic paranormal romance has seen her amass a huge library. She has been an avid reader and lover of ménage romances since she read her first book in this genre about three years ago.

  In January of 2015, Maia submitted her first ever manuscript to Siren Publishing. She wasn't at all confident that it would be accepted and in fact she was expecting a nicely worded e-mail with a resounding no! Much to her surprise less than two weeks later she had an acceptance and a signed contract in hand and since then she hasn't looked back.

  Outside of writing, Maia loves to eat, so she loves to cook! Her herb garden is legendary, but she still has issues getting tomatoes to grow. She’s been a performer for years, and has even sung on international stages. She would love to own a classic Ford Mustang one day and of course have the opportunity to race it on a race track without fear of a speeding ticket.

  Although ultimately her dream is to be able to write full time on a sandy beach with a Mai Tai in hand, she is quite happy to fit her writing in when she can. As long as someone reads her books, gets a laugh, and maybe comes to love her characters as much as she does, then she feels that she is living her dream no matter what!

  For all titles by Maia Dylan, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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