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03] ES) Firestorm

Page 14

by Shannon Mayer

  Peta tipped her head to one side. “You are not my queen any longer, Fiametta. I obey Larkspur, no one else.”

  Fiametta’s hands clutched at her side, the only indicator that Peta’s words affected her at all.

  I put a hand on Peta’s head. “Wait for me. Please.”

  Peta nodded and sat on her haunches. “I will come if you call.”

  Fiametta swept into her room and again, I followed. The door slammed behind me seemingly of its own volition.

  “You are going to get us all killed, you idiot,” the queen snapped at me, all pretenses apparently dropped.

  “Actually, I’m doing my best to get my people out of here.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Do you not wonder why there are so few Salamanders awake? Has it not crossed your mind that perhaps your friend’s life is a miniscule drop in the scheme of things?”

  How in the goddess’s name was I supposed to know any of that? “Why did you bring me here?”

  She began to pace, her power zipping along her arms and over her body as her agitation increased. “There are at least two more traitors within my home, Terraling. You found one, I want you to find these other two. If I have you in chains, I can hardly use you to ferret them out. And if you don’t manage that . . . those threatening me and my people have made it very clear they will wipe us all out. You and your friends included.”

  This was not what I expected but I would use it to my advantage.

  “And if I do? Will you let Ash go?”


  I burst out laughing; I couldn’t help it. “That doesn’t make me want to help you at all. If Ash will die either way, what does it matter to me if you survive your traitors?”

  Pausing by the bed, she stroked the sheet with one hand and flames licked along it, but didn’t burn it. “The traitor has been leaving me notes, breaking into my room and taunting me while I sleep.”

  A shiver ran through me. “As bad as that is, it has nothing to do with me.”

  “That’s what you think.” Her eyes lifted to mine. “His words lead me to believe you are also a target seeing as he is encouraging me to wipe out the three Terralings in the Pit. You, Ash, and my Cactus.”

  I swallowed hard. “Charge me with the deaths of the Enders, and allow me to go on trial. That gives me a reason to be in the Pit longer.”


  Anger sliced through what was left of my reason and I took hold of the power of the earth running through me. I softened the ground under her feet and sunk her to her neck in a split second. She gasped and stared up at me. “You would dare attack me?”

  I crouched in front of her. “I am not attacking you, Fiametta. I am stopping you from doing something foolish. If I must, I will fight my way out of the Pit. Do you understand? I will pull this wyrm-ridden mountain down on your head. I will keep those who are mine safe, no matter the cost.”

  Standing, my heart beat with fear as much as anger. I knew I was playing a dangerous game. “Do you think the traitor will leave you alive if I don’t let you go and he finds you imprisoned like this tonight?”

  “My Enders will—”

  “They will do nothing when they see a proclamation of release written on your paper.” I walked to her desk and opened the drawer, pulling out a thick piece of parchment. “Will they?”


  “My name is Larkspur.” I corrected her as I laid down the paper and picked up the pen.

  “I will hunt you to the ends of the world.”

  “Not if one of the traitors kills you first. Which I’m banking on.” I scratched a few words on the paper as Fiametta struggled. With her arms pinned to her sides, it would take her time to blast her way out.

  “I will . . . negotiate.” She bit the words out and I turned to see her eyes blazing and the lines of power running along the tops of her shoulders. She was fighting to get out and failing.

  I swallowed hard and realized the anger had fled me and I couldn’t connect to the earth. “Worm shit.”

  “Let me out, Terra—Larkspur. We will negotiate when I am free.” She tipped her head back as if she could look down her nose at me while imprisoned.

  “Peta,” I called out, and she burst through the door a second later. Lowering her body to the floor, she crept toward Fiametta.

  “Lark, what . . .” she stood and looked at me. “What has happened?”

  “I need you to get Cactus. Hurry.” Peta gave a quick nod and bounded away without another question.

  Fiametta struggled against my bonds and I felt them crack, lava pushing through the rock I’d ensconced her body in. “Terraling, if one of my people sees me like this I will kill you.”

  I dropped to a crouch in front of her, feeling the heat through the earth as she tried to power through the rock. I had to have a reason to call Cactus, or she would see my weakness. “Fia, can I call you Fia? There is a problem. I don’t trust you to keep to your word.” I patted her on top of the head and for just a moment I thought she might snap her teeth at me.

  A breath went out of her. “You are . . . not what I would expect from a princess of the Rim. Or an Ender from the Rim. Or really anyone from the Rim.”

  “Why? Because Cassava told you we were weak?”

  Fiametta laughed, and I had to hand it to her. She handled things like a queen. Calm, cool, and reasonable. To a degree. Not to say I trusted her by any stretch of the imagination.

  “That. And I have seen your father deal with people. Even Cassava who he should have killed, yet only banished.”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes, I agree.”

  Fiametta nodded at me. “Who is the heir to the Rim?”

  Shrugging, I looked over my shoulder to the door, hoping Peta could find Cactus quickly. “I don’t know.”

  Fiametta leaned her head back. “You are powerful enough to be the heir, yet you are not a full Terraling. You don’t have the look. So that would make you a half breed. Like Cactus.”


  “What is your other half?”

  I clamped my mouth shut and shook my head.

  Fiametta’s eyes narrowed and she stared hard at me. “No fire runs in your veins, no water either. Perhaps Sylph? You have the height for a wind walker, but not the temperament.”

  “I favor my father’s side,” I said softly.

  Her eyes didn’t waver and for just a second I met them. I didn’t want her to guess my other half, didn’t want her to know I could manipulate Spirit. And it hit me in that moment I could have forced her to agree with me.

  “You’ve thought of something, Larkspur.”

  The door behind us creaked open and I twisted on my feet. Cactus stepped into the room, followed by Peta and . . . Brand.

  Brand’s eyes widened and he pulled a crossbow from his back, had the bolt set and aimed at me before I could even stand. “Terraling, you go too far.”

  I slowly held my hands up. “She and I are negotiating. As two royals houses do from time to time.”

  Fiametta snorted. “Shoot her, Brand.”

  His finger hovered over the trigger and I tensed. “If I move when you shoot, you will hit your queen.”

  Brand wavered, his bow dipping. “My queen, she is correct.”

  “I just need witnesses to this negotiation,” I said. “The queen is letting Ash go. In return, I will search out the remaining traitors within the Pit.”

  Peta cleared her throat. “And then we will leave without pursuit. Make sure you add that in.”

  I glanced at the big cat. “Yes, there will be no punishment or pursuit regardless of how I find the traitors. Regardless of who I may have to injure or even kill to do as you ask.”

  Fiametta growled under her breath. “Fine. Let it be done.”

  I stood and rubbed my hands together. “Bring her out, Cactus.”

  Cactus gave a start. “Me? You put her in there, you pull her out.”

  Glaring at him, I pointed at Fiametta. “Pull her out, or I’ll leave y
ou behind when I go.”

  “Damn, you’re cranky when you haven’t had breakfast.” He dropped to his knees and pressed his hands into the stone, softening the rock around Fiametta. Brand rushed forward and helped his queen out of the stone. She whispered something to him and he spun, the crossbow flying toward my head.

  I ducked, but the bow still hit me, slamming into my shoulder. I stumbled backward and went for my spear as Peta leapt in front of me. A ring of fire burst up around us, like a cage that increasingly shrank.

  Fiametta stood over me. “These two men are loyal to me, you didn’t really think any negotiation we made in front of them would hold, did you?”

  Pinned to the ground, Peta laid her body over mine, protecting me from the heat, I stared up at Fiametta. “You know, I’m beginning to think the rulers of all the families are assholes.”

  The door swung open with a bang behind us but I couldn’t see who it was. However, the voice, when I heard it, made me want to weep with relief.

  “That’s my sister you have unlawfully restrained.”

  Belladonna had arrived.


  hings moved quickly after that and not in the direction I’d been hoping for. Manacles were clamped onto my wrists and I was dragged to the dungeon along with Peta and Ash. The steam filled, gloomy rooms were almost a relief to the constant dry heat of the rest of the Pit.

  Strung up by my wrists, Ash was on my left and Peta was chained in her leopard form by the neck on the right. I leaned against the wall behind me. “I’m beginning to think this is our thing.”

  Ash gave a low grunt. “What do you mean, our thing?”

  I tugged at the chains, knowing they were more than just metal and actually blocked our ability to reach our power, not unlike our own cells at home did. “This is the third dungeon we’ve been in together. Think we can make it four for four?”

  He rolled his head toward me. “Are you trying to be funny while we’re locked up waiting to be pushed into a bubbling pool of lava?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe. You aren’t laughing, so I’m guessing—”

  “Lark, stop it. We aren’t going to survive this. I thought I could at least get you out of here and now you’ve gone and screwed that up.”

  “What?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Are you serious?”

  “One thing, I asked one thing of you—to go with Brand and save your own life—and you couldn’t even do that.”

  The disappointment in his voice cut through me like a knife, reminding me of just how many times I’d disappointed my father and those around me. I turned my head away, letting my hair fall forward to hide the tears that fell. Peta gave a soft cry and tried to reach me but we were too far apart.

  “Larkspur . . . are you . . . crying?” The sound of chains rattling and the shuffling of his feet filled the space around us. I kept my head turned away, it shouldn’t hurt so much, but there had been a part of me that so badly wanted to prove to Ash that I could do this on my own. That I could get him out of here; that I could get us all out of here.

  My pride had sunk that particular ship.

  “Lark, I was trying to make you angry. I don’t really mean what I said,” Ash said. “I thought that was what you were asking of me, when you started talking about being in here together.”

  I wiped my cheeks as best I could with the side of my arm and turned to him but got no further than opening my mouth.

  The main doors clanged open and in swept Belladonna, her pale red and yellow skirts swirling in the steam. She came to a stop in front of us, her hands clasped behind her back. “Larkspur, I see you’re in trouble again.”

  I managed a smile, but even I knew it was weak at best. “Yeah, looks like I could use some help.”

  “I can get you out on a technicality, but not Ash.” She raised a hand, stopping me from interrupting. “We won’t leave him, I promise. But for now, let me get you out of here. It may be all I can do before I leave.”

  “Leave, what’s going on?” My first thought was of home, of the Rim and all that could have happened in the short time since I’d been gone. Bella shook her head.

  “I am the interim ruler of the Rim. Father has gone . . .away for a time.”

  I jerked at my chains. “Away. What do you mean?”

  She shook her head. “Now is not the time. We can discuss it when you are home. But I must go back swiftly, things are unsettled there. Our siblings are causing problems. Of all, can you believe Keeda is being the worst?”

  I could. Our younger sister was a great deal like their mother, Cassava.

  I nodded and she snapped her fingers. Brand came forward out of the gloom and unlocked my manacles and Peta’s. He didn’t apologize for swinging his crossbow at me, and I didn’t apologize for sinking Fiametta into the ground. His movements were jerky and more than once he banged the manacles against my wrists as he removed them.

  “Bella,” I said, “what was the technicality?”

  “You are still assigned to me as a bodyguard. And since I am here, I need you at my side.” She smiled, though there was a distant pain in her eyes. “I’m glad you called for my help, because I could not have come unless you asked for it. As per my instructions.”

  “You . . . you wanted to come on your own?” We walked out of the dungeon and into the throne room where Fiametta waited. She didn’t have a chance to answer me.

  Bella’s whole demeanor changed, from the way she walked to the tilt of her head. Regal was the first thought that hit the front of my brain. Of course, none of that mattered in the moments that followed.

  Fiametta smiled. “Lark, I will take your confession now. You will be tried for the death of the four Enders, and Ash’s life will be held in trust as if it were your own.”

  “Shit,” Bella whispered under her breath and I had to agree. This was what I wanted, but if I understood Fiametta correctly, Ash would still be killed if I were found guilty.

  Belladonna stepped forward. “No trial is needed.”

  “What?” Shock flickered through me like lightning through a summer sky—a sharp flash followed by the certainty I hadn’t seen what I’d thought I’d seen. Or in this case, heard.

  My sister held her hand out to Fiametta and those few around us—mostly Enders and one old man who held a pen over a piece of parchment—fell silent. “There does not need to be a trial. It is a waste of time. The law states for an Ender to kill another Ender is death.”

  Fiametta nodded, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “This is true.”

  Belladonna smiled. “Larkspur has confessed to killing four of your Enders. You accept this as truth?”

  I made a choking sound and Bella glared at me. “Be quiet, I’m about to save you.”

  The queen’s eyes narrowed farther. “I do accept that as truth.” What the hell was my sister up to? She was making my sentence of death a certainty.

  She snapped her fingers at the old man and he scuttled forward. I didn’t recognize him but he was a Terraling by his deep brown eyes and tanned skin. “My lady.” He bowed as he held out the parchment. Bella took it and handed it to Fiametta.

  “Would you read it out loud please?” Bella asked, her voice dripping with sweetness. “I ask only because another person might be accused of lying, and speaking only what they wish to be heard. As the queen, you will be above such reproach. Just read the outlined section please.”

  Fiametta snapped the paper and then began to read. “If any Ender should kill another Ender, they shall be sentenced to death. As Enders are trained to the highest skill level with weapons and magic they shall be held to a higher standard.” Fiametta blew out a breath. “This is nothing new, Belladonna.”

  “Please, the next few lines are the most important.” She clasped her hands together, holding them at her waist.

  Fiametta shrugged. “But should an Ender be killed by someone not with that title, their death shall be considered just. If those trained to the highest standard fall, it is to
be their time to return to the mother goddess.”

  Bella held her hand out to Fiametta, taking the paper back. “This is truth?”

  “Yes, of course it is,” Fiametta snapped and then her eyes widened. The net Belladonna had carefully laid seemed to visibly settle over her. “Damn, you are your mother’s daughter. Clever girl.”

  “In this case, I will thank you, and take that as a compliment.” Belladonna lifted one hand, palm upward. “Your Enders were killed before Larkspur took her final testing to become an Ender in full. Therefore she is within her rights, and they were meant to return to the mother goddess. You may not execute her, or Ash in her stead.”

  Bella swept toward me, but Fiametta stopped her. “Belladonna, read the next line on that paper . . . if you will.”

  My sister closed her eyes and I knew that whatever happened next on the sheet was going to be bad. Her hand trembled so I took the paper from her, unfolding it so I could read the remainder of the section.

  The words were about as shitty as I could have imagined. “Those who kill an Ender shall yet be punished, for death is not to be taken lightly. And the one who shall mete out that punishment will be the ruler of the house the Enders were taken from.” I lowered the paper and looked straight at Fiametta. “I assume you have something in mind?”

  Her smile was not nice, the edges of her lips hard with cruelty. “I have just the thing for a spoiled royal who thinks she can come into my home and do whatever she pleases without facing a single consequence.” She walked up to me and leaned in close, her words only for my ears. “A royal who will not willingly help another ruler.” She clapped her hands together and Brand strode forward, handing her a coil of rope.

  Fiametta pointed the coil at me—leather, not rope—“Strip her.”

  Belladonna gasped. “You can’t truly mean to do to this.”

  “Cassava has obviously misled you, little Terraling. We are not friends, and neither are our families.” Fiametta uncoiled the rope and her hands lit up as she called on the fire. Like a living snake it wrapped around the leather, lighting it.


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