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Bought by the Italian

Page 7

by Annie West

  She watched him digest her words.

  ‘Fabrizio was complaining that maybe he had a mole in his office, since your brother pipped him at the post on the deal he’d been secretly planning for months. My ears pricked up when I realised he was talking about the old palazzo I’d told you about just the week before.’

  She drew a slow breath. ‘And especially when I learned the name of the rival who’d sneaked in that last minute higher bid – Luca De Laurentis.’ She fixed him with a steady stare. ‘I felt so guilty. I didn’t want to believe you’d betrayed me. But you hadn’t told me your brother and mine were rivals.’

  ‘Would you have gone out with me if you’d known?’

  ‘You’ve got to be kidding.’ Chiara huffed an outraged breath. ‘Blood might be thicker than water but my brother’s business doesn’t dictate my personal life. At least not till now.’

  Gennaro leaned close, turning his hand over to grip hers. His other palmed her face. It was the softest caress, like a whisper of air, but it made her blood thunder and hope stir.

  ‘I underestimated you.’

  Her jaw shot up. ‘You did.’ She’d bared her heart but she strove not to show how vulnerable she felt.

  ‘The first time I saw you,’ he murmured, ‘I fell for you like a ton of bricks. Just watching you walk across that courtyard was like music and sunshine and the best vintage wine all rolled into one.’

  Chiara’s eyes widened. Fell for? Could it be…?

  ‘That’s right, tesoro. I fell for you that first day and I’ve been falling ever since.’

  Chiara’s heart gave an almighty thump as if it would burst free of her ribcage. The look in his indigo eyes mesmerised her.

  ‘I wasn’t taking any chances on you refusing to go out with me. I knew our brothers were in the same business. I’ve built hotels for Luca before, but I didn’t see why that should come between us so I chose not to mention it. If you found out along the way, well’ –his powerful shoulders lifted– ‘that would be time enough.’

  ‘Why didn’t you just explain when I asked? I didn’t believe you’d actually betrayed me when I came to see you, you know.’ Hurt lingered at the memory of that night. ‘I was sure it was a misunderstanding. All I needed was to hear you say it.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Chiara, so sorry. I was a proud, thoughtless bastard. Of course I should have explained.’ He breathed deep. ‘You came in dressed like a million dollars, dripping with heirloom diamonds—’

  ‘I was going to a ball!’ What had her clothes to do with anything?

  ‘And there I was, just in from a building site I’d been inspecting. Old boots, dust in my hair.’

  Chiara sat back, amazement for a moment stealing her voice.

  ‘Don’t look at me like that!’ His hold tightened. ‘I know it was stupid. I know you don’t care about that sort of thing. The fact my brothers and I grew up on a farm. That we had no money to start with.’

  ‘Good!’ she snapped, anger stirring.

  ‘It didn’t matter to you, but it did to me. I’ve always needed to prove myself and there was I, head over ears in love with a society princess and scared as hell. I’ve never been in love before either. I hadn’t expected it. What man does?’

  He loved her? Her heart danced, despite her shock.

  Slow, glorious hope filled her.

  Chiara remembered the bemused look in her brother’s eyes when Jenna and he had their on-again off-again affair before they sorted themselves out. Did all men react to love like that, or just those who liked to be in total control? Could that really be what had happened to Gennaro? To think of them both struggling to hide their true feelings!

  ‘Go on.’

  Gennaro’s expression changed. Sheepish was the word that came to mind. ‘You say you were the coward?’ He shook his head. ‘I was petrified of what I felt. I hadn’t planned to be tied down for years yet—’

  ‘No one said anything about tying you down.’ Though the idea of spending her life with Gennaro made her heart stall in delight.

  ‘And in you came, accusing me of dishonesty. To a man who’d grown up with nothing but his family honour that was unforgivable.’

  He raised his hand when she tried to speak. ‘I know. I was unreasonable. You didn’t actually accuse. But Luca was right. I was scared of what you made me feel so I lashed out rather than explain. I refused to justify myself on the grounds you should have trusted me from the first.’ He shook his head. ‘I don’t pretend it was my finest moment.’

  He gathered both her hands in his, holding them together almost as if in prayer, and something tugged at Chiara’s heart.

  ‘That was my big mistake. Foolishly I thought you should trust me, without all the facts, just because I said so. I used honour as some sort of test of your loyalty, as if I didn’t know it would turn you away from me. What woman would put up with that? Of course you deserved a full explanation.’

  Chiara stared up at Gennaro, reading the regret and pain on his face. They’d both been quick to judge. What a price they’d paid for that.

  He lifted her hands, placing them on his chest. Beneath the warm cotton she felt his heart thundering. ‘Like an idiot I thought you’d be back if you truly cared. I forgot you had your pride too.’

  ‘And that I was hurt.’

  A spasm tightened his face. ‘And that I’d hurt you.’ He shook his head. ‘When I saw what I’d done, I tried to make amends. I called and left messages but you refused to have anything to do with me.’

  To Chiara’s surprise his eyes shone. ‘I loved you all the more for standing up against me. Who’d have believed it?’ His voice lowered as he leaned across the tiny table towards her. ‘I was proud of the way you stood your ground, even while it sent me crazy, trying to find a way to reach you.’

  ‘Really?’ Chiara found she could smile. ‘Remind me to do it again. I could—’

  ‘Don’t you dare! I’m not going through this again. You’re mine.’ His voice dropped to that low note that always sent a shiver of feminine delight through her. ‘I’m never letting you go.’

  ‘Perhaps I’ll have something to say about that.’ But in her heart, her glowing, full heart, she knew he was right. Neither of them were perfect. They’d have to work at building their relationship. But she loved him too much ever to walk away from him again. And if he loved her as much, well, the world looked suddenly brighter.

  She looked around the tiny square of the small provincial town. For the first time she noticed the charm of the deep overhanging balconies, the ornate wood carvings, the window boxes bright with geraniums, the buildings across the road with quaint painted scenes on their walls.

  ‘You’re going to make me pay for my arrogance, aren’t you?’ He didn’t sound at all perturbed.

  Her lips twitched as she began to think of what form that payment might take. ‘What makes you say that?’

  ‘Just a feeling.’ He lifted her hands and kissed them, one at a time. ‘You do still love me?’

  Humour fled at his expression. ‘I still love you, Gennaro.’

  ‘And I love you, Chiara.’ He smiled and instantly she wondered what he was up to. He looked more than happy. He looked smug.

  ‘What have you done?’

  ‘Nothing.’ But a grin split his face.

  ‘Tell me, Gennaro, or I’ll insist on driving your car all the way to Milan.’

  He winced, but a smile lurked at the corner of his mouth. ‘There was a reason I brought you up to the Alto Adige.’

  ‘Go on.’

  He looked over her shoulder, his expression expectant. Chiara heard a car approach. Nothing else.

  ‘I brought you here because this is my home town. Not this precisely.’ He waved a hand towards the direction they’d come from. ‘But the village at the bottom of the road to the resort.’

  ‘The one we drove through on the way here?’

  ‘Exactly. I didn’t stop there because it doesn’t have any boutiques. I knew you’d want fresh cl
othes for this morning.’

  ‘Why?’ Instinct told her there was more to this than she suspected.

  Behind her a car slowed to a stop. Gennaro spared it one quick glance. ‘Because I have one more surprise for you, my darling. I knew that as soon as I appeared in town with a gorgeous woman, word would reach my family. I’ve bought us an extra hour by coming here, further down the valley, but I knew the grapevine would work overtime from the moment we appeared in the town square.’

  Both of them barefoot and looking disreputable.

  Chiara frowned, her spine tingling in premonition. ‘Who are you expecting, Gennaro?’

  ‘Now, now, it’s okay.’ He kissed her hand, his lips lingering. When he looked up his smile had gone, replaced with a look so tender it stole her breath. ‘I just want to convince you how much you mean to me.’ He snagged a quick breath. ‘What better proof of an Italian man’s feelings than to have you meet his mother?’

  Chiara stared. Her pulse kicked hard. ‘Your mother?’

  He chuckled, the sound like honey. ‘Don’t look so worried. She wants nothing more than for me to settle down with a lovely woman. Before you know it she’ll be giving you tips on how to keep me under your thumb.’

  ‘Is that really how mothers react to interloping women around here?’ Tension twisted her stomach.

  Gennaro cupped her cheek. ‘Don’t worry, tesoro. She’s heard all about you. When Luca let slip what had happened between us she told me I was an idiot. She’s a strong-minded woman herself and, with only sons, she’s looking forward to welcoming another female into the family. Says it will even the balance.’

  Yet it wasn’t the thought of his mother that held her attention. It was Gennaro. The way he looked at her made her feel… she couldn’t put into words the happiness and hope blooming inside.

  ‘None of that matters, Chiara. Nothing matters except that you’re the woman I adore. Now and always. Will you be mine?’

  Chiara took his hand in hers and lifted it to her mouth, pressing a kiss on the hard line of knuckle right where an old scar silvered his golden skin. ‘You know I will. If you’ll be mine. Now and always.’


  If you enjoyed ‘BOUGHT BY THE ITALIAN’ check out Annie’s first Hot Italian Nights novella:


  No woman walks away from billionaire Fabrizio Armati’s bed. No woman except Jenna MacDonald. Now he’ll stop at nothing to get her back, and keep her there.

  It’s love at first sight for Jenna when charismatic hotelier Fabrizio Armati sweeps her off her feet in Venice. That chance encounter sparks a sizzling affair that lasts until she discovers Fabrizio sees her as no more than a convenient, expendable mistress. Then her world falls apart.

  Six months later Jenna tells herself she’s moved on. Until Fabrizio walks into a meeting to find her working for his greatest rival. She’s about to discover just how far he’ll go to get her back in his bed.

  When revenge turns to passion, will surrender be on his terms, or hers?

  Continue reading for an excerpt.

  Excerpt from ‘Back in the Italian’s Bed’

  Copyright © 2014 by Annie West

  ‘And here’s the bathroom.’ She put down the remote and stepped into the room of travertine marble and glass. The view of the sea from the sunken bath was perfection and no expense had been spared. She gestured to a collection of crystal jars. ‘The bath salts are labelled.’

  Not that Fabrizio would bother. He was a shower man, only soaking in a tub when sharing.

  Fire washed her breasts and throat at the unwanted memory and she spun around, only to find herself impaled by hot silver eyes. His stare sent a shiver of erotic heat rippling from her nipples to her womb as easily as if he’d flicked a switch.

  She knew that look. How well she knew it!

  And her body’s response.

  Jenna blinked and stepped back instinctively, horrified and ashamed at how longing instantly slammed into her. She came up against the cool marble countertop, hands clutching the hard surface.

  Fabrizio moved further into the room, his gaze never wavering. She swallowed a lump of panic and cleared her throat.

  ‘Would you like to see the rest of the suite now?’ Her voice was too throaty, like an invitation. She swallowed again.

  ‘Why bother? One bed is enough.’ His voice dipped low.

  Enough for what? He wasn’t talking about sleep, not with that predatory gleam in his eyes.

  The atmosphere between them sparked with static energy that sucked the oxygen from the air. Her body grew heavy as the pulse of her blood turned sluggish and expectant.

  Jenna shook her head, her eyes never leaving his as he came to a halt well inside her personal space.

  ‘If you don’t want to see any more, I’ll leave you to relax and explore at your leisure.’ Her voice was clipped and cool. If you ignored its husky edge. ‘Will you dine here or downstairs?’

  ‘I’m not ready to relax. I find myself…restless.’ His mouth curved in a smile as sharp as a tiger’s. ‘And it’s not dinner I’m hungry for.’

  He lifted a hand as if to brush her cheek and her head reared back, indignation exploding at his innuendo.

  ‘You really think you can just walk in here and have…’ Jenna shook her head, unable to say the words.

  ‘Have you?’ His smile widened. ‘Oh, yes.’

  Outrage poured through her, drenching the betraying spark of arousal she’d felt from the moment he’d got close.

  ‘You have the most colossal ego.’ She straightened, her hands fisting at her sides as she fought not to lash out. ‘I’ll leave the two of you alone to enjoy the company.’ She stepped forward, turning her shoulder as she brushed past him.

  There was a bark of laughter, abrupt and surprisingly appealing, then strong fingers clamped around her wrist. ‘Not so fast.’

  She stopped, heart thumping, and stared down to where his hard, olive-skinned fingers shackled her hand. Six whole months since he’d touched her, a fleeting kiss at her throat before he left her in the cool of dawn, and still he had the power to undo her. If she let him.

  Jenna shivered, control hanging by a thread. ‘Let. Me. Go.’

  ‘You must be joking.’ Her gaze wrenched up to snare on his. ‘Now that I’ve finally found you I won’t let you go again so easily.’

  Find Back in the Italian’s Bed at Smashwords.

  If you’re a fan of second-chance romances, you might also be interested in Annie’s


  When the thrill–seeker strikes a deal!

  Five years ago, Poppy Graham married Orsino Chatsfield beneath a confetti of paparazzi flashbulbs. But Orsino spent more time chasing the rush of adrenaline than with his wife and, in her darkest hour, he let her down. Their split was bitter and Poppy’s striven for independence ever since. But now her arrogant husband is back…

  Injured in a climbing accident, there’s only one person Orsino can turn to…his deceitful wife! They have unfinished business and he’ll face it before he walks away for ever. But the blazing passion between them reignites in an instant, leaving Orsino to wonder whether it will kill or cure!

  When the thrill–seeker strikes a deal!

  Five years ago, Poppy Graham married Orsino Chatsfield beneath a confetti of paparazzi flashbulbs. But Orsino spent more time chasing the rush of adrenaline than with his wife and, in her darkest hour, he let her down. Their split was bitter and Poppy’s striven for independence ever since. But now her arrogant husband is back…

  Injured in a climbing accident, there’s only one person Orsino can turn to…his deceitful wife! They have unfinished business and he’ll face it before he walks away for ever. But the blazing passion between them reignites in an instant, leaving Orsino to wonder whether it will kill or cure!

  Continue reading for an excerpt.

  Excerpt from ‘REBEL’S BARGAIN’

  Copyright © 2014 by Annie West

  Permission to reproduce text granted by Harlequin Books S.A.

  ‘This way.’ It was Poppy, beside him again, her voice as colourless as a mountain brook. She swept one arm in a wide gesture and he located the door.

  Slowly he paced beside her, his good hand clenched around the walking stick, his body tense with effort.

  The big door swung open with a whoosh of crisp air. He hesitated then stepped out, relishing the cocktail of smells bombarding him: exhaust fumes and dust, smoke and spicy cooking. It was so different to the scoured smell of the hospital. He heard bustling life surround him. Relief battered like a wave, making him light-headed.

  Not even to himself had he admitted to fear that he’d never leave the hospital. Yet he felt a weight slide off his shoulders.

  ‘Orsino! Orsino! Over here!’

  He blinked, trying and failing to focus on the faces surrounding him. His heart drummed in his chest and a cold sweat broke out on his brow. Something suspiciously like panic twisted in his gut.

  A hand closed around his sleeve.

  Poppy. She was there beside him.

  He breathed deep, hating the way tension eased because he wasn’t alone. Hating the fact that she felt the way his arm shook. She of all women.

  It was one thing to imagine her pandering to his every whim while he regained his strength. It was another to have her guess how much this cost him. To know how much he needed her right now. His pride smarted.

  Gritting his teeth, Orsino walked on, aware of the warmth of her hand through the sleeve of his jacket. Aware too, of the curious leap of excitement he felt being close to her again.

  As they walked slowly the voices grew strident and blurred faces crowded close.


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