Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 24

by Michelle Rabe


  Please watch over Killian and keep him safe. Despite what I’ve had to tell him, I do love him and fear his reaction. Please understand I am trying to do what is best for all of us. I trust you will keep him safe and whole while he copes with my betrayal. I wish with all of my heart there had been another way.

  Thank you, my friend.


  He couldn’t get the words of the letter she’d sent along with the one that severed her relationship with Killian out of his mind. You were wrong. This whole situation is wrong. He’s miserable. You’re miserable. Worst of all, he strives to be a better man, a better ruler because of you. I fear what may happen under Katia’s influence.

  “You appear deep in thought, my lord.” Bronwynn’s voice interrupted his thoughts. He glanced up and found the Dragon Fey lady standing beside her own mount a few feet away.

  He smiled without realizing it. “I was, my lady.”

  “Perhaps it is something I can help with.” She tied a rope around her horse’s neck, securing the end to the pommel of the saddle so the animal couldn’t step on it.

  “Can you ask Serena, at the very least, to explain to Killian what she’s thinking? After everything else that’s happened, this separation is killing him slowly, day by day.”

  “She won’t admit it, but I know it’s the same for her too, if not worse,” Bronwynn muttered.

  “Worse?” he asked as Bronwynn removed her horse’s bridle and loosened its girth.

  “We don’t fall in love like humans. One of the traits we got from our dragon ancestors is that we mate for life. Once we find our mate, it doesn’t matter when it happens, that’s it. No other man or woman holds any interest for us.” She patted her mount and started strolling toward the hunting lodge where they would rest before resuming their journeys.

  “Wait. You’re saying Serena has bonded with Killian?”

  “She fell in love, and yes, she has bonded with him. The bonding is part of falling in love for us, it’s not everything, but it’s not going to fade or change. She is going to love him until the last breath leaves her body, whether or not he’s married to another, or they’re together.”

  “Harsh.” Ryan pushed open the door and indicated she should go inside before him.

  “When you’re separated from your mate, yes. When you’re not, I understand it’s like feeling as though the part of you that was missing is there, even if you never realized it was missing.” She blushed and shook her head. “I’m not explaining it very well.”

  “No, I think I understand. She’s hurting just as much, if not more than him.” He approached the table in the center of the room and dropped his saddlebags on it.

  “Yes. But I don’t think there’s anything we can do. Serena is convinced she’s doing the right thing… that it’s best for both Illedria and our people if they’re not together.”

  “How is it better for the Dragon Fey?”

  “She believes an alliance with another powerful Dragon Fey clan will help strengthen her claim to her mother’s throne.”

  “Isn’t she right?”

  Bronwynn inhaled and let it out slowly. “Yes and no.”

  “Either it’s one or the other.” He glanced to his left hand and then his right as he spoke. With a shrug, he asked, “How can it be both?”

  “In the beginning, it will strengthen her claim. However, in the long term, it might actually weaken her.”

  “I still don’t see how marriage to a Dragon Fey lord could be a bad and good thing?”

  “Heirs. It has to do with another trait we inherited from our dragon ancestors. A female Dragon Fey cannot have children with anyone but her mate.”

  “So she can fake the marriage.” Ryan nodded, understanding. “Yes, she can pretend to love her husband, but when there are no children, her court will know.”

  Bronwynn took a drink from her waterskin and then wetted a linen towel with it.

  “And if she marries Killian?” Ryan drummed his fingers on the table.

  “He is her mate. That much is clear to anyone who pays attention.”

  “But can being mated to a human weaken her?”

  “No. The fact that he’s a married human who will inherit his father’s throne does weaken her in the eyes of some.”

  “Because she is seen as breaking up a marriage? Or as the lap dog of another kingdom?”

  “Breaking up a marriage isn’t the important part. We do not recognize human marriages. In fact, I think if you asked most Dragon Fey, they would say Serena and Killian are already mated, even though there hasn’t been a formal ceremony.”

  “So it’s about being the lap dog of another kingdom.” Ryan paced the small room.

  “She will have to prove she’s acting in the best interests of the Dragon Fey people and not the kingdom of Illedria.”

  “So what weakens her more? Being with Killian or not?”

  “Politically, I’d say it’s a draw.” She sighed and shook her head, “Personally, not being with him is taking its toll.”

  “I agree with you on that point. So, how do we get them to see it?”

  Her lavender eyes met his, and a wicked gleam sparkled even in her voice as she said, “That’s going to be the tricky part.”

  Ryan looked around, glancing at their surroundings. “This is a hunting lodge. The king’s foresters sometimes use to keep out of storms. They’re not used too often in warmer months.”

  “You want to lure them both to this place and do what?”

  Ryan smiled. “The doors have latches on them that can be locked from the outside.”

  “You want to lock them in here?” Bronwynn spun on her heel. The lodge was small, but comfortable, fitted with a kitchen, and a small bed. “For how long?”

  “Not much. A couple of days.”

  “And just how are we supposed to get them here?”

  “I can convince Killian to go on a hunting trip. That wedding band Katia has on his finger is strangling him as sure as a poorly placed noose. His father’s health has improved, and the king is handling the affairs of state once more. It will be easy. The harder part is going to be finding the guards who are willing to watch the lodge but look the other way with regard to their prince spending several days alone with a woman who is not his wife. Do you think you can convince Serena to come here?”

  “Leave it to my sisters and me. The most important question is how soon can we get them both here?” Bronwynn asked.

  “How does a month sound?”

  “Too long, but I’m not certain I can arrange it before then. The council thinks the princess needs to handle many decisions personally.” Bronwynn rolled her eyes and sighed.

  “A month. I’m certain we will need to meet again to exchange messages. We can work out the details.”

  “I think we should agree upon a date so we can start working on how to get them here.”

  “Shall we say… The third day of the third month?”

  “So, twenty-eight days?”

  “I don’t think we can do it any sooner without either of them getting suspicious.”

  Bronwynn sighed and shook her head as she started a circuit of the lodge’s one room, her head spinning with ideas and plans. Questions rang in her head, over and over without end. After a while, she stopped and faced Ryan. “Is this the right thing to do? What if he can’t be free of his lawful wife? Will being his lover hidden in the shadows be sufficient for Serena? Would not remaining apart be preferable to being known as his whore, as you know his wife will call her?”

  “I believe it is something Killian and Serena must discuss. We cannot make those choices for them.” Ryan sighed.

  “It might make things easier if we could.”

  “You’re right.” He sat down again, leaned back in the chair as far as possible without tipping it and closed his eyes. The plan was risky and stood a good chance of failing, but they had to make an attempt. Watching Killian’s heart harden with each passing day, and s
eeing him become someone Serena wouldn’t respect, wasn’t what he’d agreed to when he signed on with the Royal Guard. “We have to try. If they can’t work something out, maybe they can find closure and some measure of peace.”

  Chapter 26

  Serena stood in front of the full-length mirror, staring at a woman she wasn’t sure she recognized. The reflection resembled the mother she’d seen in paintings and resurfaced memories. A large cluster of butterflies began taking up residence in her stomach, making her nauseous. She reached up and wrapped her hand around the single long braid draped over one shoulder and wondered what Killian would think. Her heart twisted in on itself, grating over the sharp edges his loss had left in its wake. She closed her eyes.

  “You pushed him away. You did what was best. For him. For you. For your people. For his people,” Serena whispered the mantra again. It had become a sort of touchstone for her, a way to keep the wall around her heart from crumbling.

  Bronwynn’s timid voice came from the door. “Your Highness?”

  Serena picked up one side of her skirt and lifted it before turning to face her advisor and friend. “Yes, Bronwynn?”

  “Lord Altus would like a moment before the audience begins.”

  “Of course, send him in.”

  “Very good, my lady.” The other Dragon Fey offered a curtsy and stepped out of the room.

  Once alone, Serena turned back to the mirror and tried to see a leader. All that stared back was a frightened young woman whose life had been turned upside down by greed and lust for power. I am not a diplomat. I know nothing of politics and court intrigues. This is not who I am. I am a soldier, a protector. Not anymore. I resigned my commission. I am not a fighter. I am not a noble. I am not a scholar. Who am I?

  “Your Highness, you look so very much like your mother.”

  “Thank you, Altus. We have the seamstresses and lady’s maids to thank for that.”

  “There is one item missing.”

  “What is that?”

  “Had your family lived, upon your sixteenth birthday there would have been a formal ceremony presenting you to the assembled clans as her heir.” He stepped up behind her, meeting Serena’s eyes in the mirror. “At that ceremony, you would have been presented with the princess’s crown.” He lifted a delicate circle of gold with red rubies set among the metalwork above her. “I believe it will help your position with the clan lords and commoners tonight,” he said positioning it on her head.

  Serena’s breath caught in her throat. She wanted to believe the mirror somehow lied, and this was a bad dream. Soon, one of her instructors would appear from nowhere to berate her for being a lazy fool. “How is a piece of jewelry going to help keep me from falling on my face?”

  Altus chuckled. “Perhaps it won’t. What it will do is give some of the more stubborn lords pause. It is a visual reminder that you are Ellesandra’s daughter.”

  “Which means they are more likely to listen to me speak before they try and hang me?”

  “I doubt they will try to hang you,” he said with a smile, catching sight of her somber expression. He called himself a fool before explaining. “Until you reach your majority, no one can challenge your right to sit on your ancestor’s throne.”

  “How do they know I am who I say?”

  “You are the image of Ellesandra, and you have Rafe’s fighting prowess.”

  “That’s why the sword belt has been added?” Her hand drifted to the hilt of the finely wrought weapon that had been her father’s. Touching it, she felt closer to the man she was getting to know through stories and memories.

  “Yes.” Altus stepped back. “There is one other way they will know.”

  Serena sighed. Sometime soon, she was going to have to sit with Altus or someone and get a long lesson in Dragon Fey culture. “Do tell.”

  “The chief of the Soothsayers will be in attendance. Minerva was present at your birth, and I have just gotten word she has brought your chart from their archives.” He didn’t mention that she also had the chart for the human prince Serena had been betrothed to marry.



  “What’s a chart?”

  “When a Dragon Fey child is born, before they are presented to their clan, a bit of blood is taken by a Soothsayer. You have a scar over your heart, do you not?” He pressed his fingertips to his own chest. “Somewhere in this general area?”


  “When you were born, your father used his claw to cut your chest. The blood from that cut was gathered and used by the Soothsayers to peer into your future.”

  “Did they not see all of this coming?”

  “They cannot see everything.”

  Serena ran a hand through her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “So, how does this strengthen my claim? How does it prove who I am?”

  “The Soothsayer will know,” Altus said,” they have their ways.”

  “And lowly diplomats don’t know what those are?”

  “Not lowly, princess. However, you are correct. Their ways are not known to anyone outside of their clan.”

  “And if they do not support my claim?”

  “Then we may very well need you to use that sword.”

  “Lovely. What the Dark Fey began,” she said and let out her breath on a frustrated sigh, “my own people may complete.”

  “What did you say, princess?”

  “That my own people may finish what the Dark Fey began.”

  “Who told you the Dark Fey were involved?”

  “No one.” She closed her eyes and dropped her chin to her chest. “I remember.”

  “The night they died?” He frowned, there were so many questions he wanted to ask about that night. So many things their people wanted and needed to know. If Serena was able to answer them, to remember, it would bring peace to several families.

  Serena glanced at the ground, fighting to keep her emotions in check. “Yes.”

  “And it was the Dark Fey?”


  “We suspected, but had no confirmation.” He took a deep breath. “I am sorry, princess.”

  “Is there anything else I need to know before we go?”

  “Just be yourself. You are your father and mother’s daughter. When you were a child, you watched Ellesandra preside over more than one audience like this, so you know what to do.” He paused. “Don’t try to emulate the human rulers you’ve known. We have different ways.”

  “How many clan chiefs will be there?”

  “Do you truly want to know, princess?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Fifteen.” Altus took a few steps, hoping Serena would follow him without more questions. After several, he paused and turned back to face her. “However, many of our people are eager to see their princess.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and asked, “How many?”

  “I am told there are over two hundred Dragon Fey men women and children in attendance.”

  “Two hundred?” Serena squeaked. Her throat slammed shut as her heart galloped in her chest.

  “They are all eager to see their princess.”

  “What if I don’t meet their expectations?”

  “What would your young man say?”

  Her voice dropped to an almost nonexistent whisper, and she closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. “He is not mine.”

  “What would he say?” Her advisor’s voice was soft, soothing. He was careful not to bring Killian up too often, but there were times when invoking her love was for the best.

  Serena closed her eyes and swallowed hard. She knew what Killian would say… wanted him at her side, needed his support. For all she knew, he hated her. In spite of that, she realized how the old Killian, the one who lived in her memories, would handle the situation. “He would say I should be myself. Trust who I am and what I know.”

  “That is wise.”

  “I don’t know how. I’ve never been trained.”

sten to your instincts, princess. It is what you were born to do. It is in your blood. Your mother’s line has ruled our people for the past seven generations.”

  “Very well then, please take me before our people.” She turned and held out her hand to him.

  “As you command, your Highness.” He placed his hand on hers, and together they made their way through the keep to the large meeting hall. Altus paused at the double doors and turned to Serena. “Would you like me to accompany you?”

  “No. I believe I will enter on my own.”

  “Very well, I will come through the side door. Be patient for a few moments before knocking three times.”

  “And after I do?”

  “Wait. The doors will open and then, well, it should be obvious what you need to do.”

  “Thank you.”

  Altus bowed low. The smile curling his lips sent butterflies in Serena’s stomach off on another frenzied attempt to escape. With a final, “Your Highness,” he whispered, turned and walked down a corridor leaving her alone in the silence.

  Serena waited, listening to the echo of Altus’s footsteps and the indistinct jumble of voices from the other side of the entrance. She stepped up to the door and raised her hand.

  Not yet, little one. Her mother’s voice echoed through her mind. Serena took a deep breath and let it out. Listening, not only to the sounds around her but also to the voice deep within her memory, she heard Ellesandra whispering words of encouragement and comfort.

  When she felt enough time had passed, Serena raised her hand and knocked three times, the sound echoing through the empty corridor. She stepped back and waited, listening to the voices in the back of her mind as they whispered in the lyrical Dragon Fey language. Serena rolled her shoulders, closed her eyes, and breathed deep.


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