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The Kotahi Bay Quartet

Page 6

by J. C. Hart

  "I'm fine." She licked her lips then tried to force her body to relax. "Okay, so you did scare me, just a little. I thought..."

  "You thought maybe he'd found you already." Noah's deep brown eyes narrowed.

  "It's stupid. I just... I have this weird feeling, you know? I'm pretty sure there was someone outside the caravan last night, but it could have been anyone, or no-one. It was probably a possum."

  Noah considered her before speaking again. "Or maybe it was him. You can't rule it out for sure." Melody opened her mouth but he held a hand up. "No, just hear me out. You know he's going to come for you one day, sooner or later, right?" She nodded. "Then as far as I can see you've got two options."

  "And they are?"

  "Run, or get ready for him."

  "I'm not running. I can't run anymore. I'm exhausted already and it's only going to get worse." Melody slumped back to the ground, wincing as a rock bit into her leg. "This is my home. I might have abandoned it once, but I'm not going to do that again, at least not because of Robbie. If I leave, it's because I want to."

  "Almost sounds like you've got a reason for sticking around." He raised an eyebrow in question as he sat down beside her. Their thighs touched, just enough to set her pulse racing.

  "I do," she said, resisting the urge to lick her lips. They quirked into a smile and she said, "Jake's here, after all. And my mother. I need to work on that."

  "Right." Noah nodded. His eyes never left hers as he raised a hand to her cheek and drew her in for a kiss. A rush of lust swamped her system and she deepened the kiss, hungry for the taste of him. It was like she had been starved and this, this was the only thing that could fill her.

  Electricity jolted through her body as his other hand skimmed over her back and she leaned into him, her nipples grazing his firm chest, sensitive through the thin cotton of her dress. Throwing caution aside, she decided to embrace the moment. She stood, and stripped off her dress before tossing it on the grass. His eyes went wide as he took her in and he reached for her, his hands gliding over her body. He tried to pull her closer but she shook her head, grinning.

  "Your turn.”

  His shirt was off in a moment, revealing his toned, brown chest. Melody smiled in appreciation and she could see a glimmer of the same in his eyes. A heavy peal of thunder boomed overhead and Noah jumped.

  "Shit, maybe we should get under cover. I think it's going to rain."

  "You're not going anywhere," Melody said. She lowered herself to the ground, straddling him and pressing him back against the earth. "I don't care if it rains. We're perfectly safe." He had no idea how safe. No idea at all. Nothing would harm them, not here. Not the weather, anyway.

  She reached for the buttons on his jeans. Thunder struck again and then a bolt of lightning electrified the air around them.

  "Slow down, tiger," Noah murmured. "No need to rush."

  "How about you hurry up, big boy. No time like the present." She pressed her lips to his and kissed him deeply, pushing her tongue into his mouth. God he tasted good, she could do this for hours. She ran her hands over his chest, buried them in his thick brown hair before they had to come up for breath.

  He rolled her off for a minute as he pulled his jeans off. Melody tugged his boxers down, admiring his form.

  It started to rain then, but she couldn't have cared less. Every worry in the world was expelled from thought. Noah pulled her down, trapping her mouth with his as they worked together, finding their rhythm, the pressure building between them just as it built above. Thunder crashed directly overhead and as they climaxed, lightning struck, splitting a tree nearby.

  "Holy shit," Noah said, pulling her into the shelter of his arms. "That was intense."

  Melody let out a peal of laughter and dragged her wet dress over her head. "It was a blast."

  "Shh," Noah whispered, pushing her back to the ground.

  "Quit it, no one can hear us in this storm." Melody shook her hair out and pulled it behind her head, tying it with the band on her wrist.

  "I know that," he hissed at her. "But I think there's someone watching us."

  A shudder swept through her body and she turned to look where Noah's gaze was pinned.

  There, a shadow against the trees, a man's shadow. Robbie's shadow.

  "Oh shit," Melody squeaked. "It's him. He's seen me, shit shit shit. He's seen us. I have to go." She grabbed her bag and ran in the opposite direction, the wind at her back speeding her along and drowning out Noah's voice behind her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Robbie stalked across the meadow, stopping a few metres out from Noah. His hair was damp with rain and his fists were balled up against his thighs.

  Noah knew that the other man wasn't afraid to use them. A familiar thrum spread across the glade, as though Robbie were trying to use his magic on Noah, who chuckled. "Won't work on me, buddy. We're made of the same stuff."

  "Fucker. I don't need to use my magic, I'll take you down the old-fashioned way." Robbie moved closer. "You touched my woman," he grunted. "You should have known she was mine. I marked her well enough."

  Noah shrugged, trying not to let Robbie's oppressive aggression affect him. "She called you her ex. You don't have any claim on her now. From what I gather, she left you and it wasn't all that pretty. You should get out of here, before you invite more trouble."

  "You're not listening." Robbie stepped closer, reaching to grab Noah's shoulder, but Noah slipped away. "She's mine. It doesn't matter what she says. She's mine." He all but growled those last words, and then lunged, barrelling into Noah's ribs.

  Noah’s bones crunched when they landed against the ground, a sharp pain bit into his chest as he rolled Robbie off him and drove his fist into the other man’s cheek. Robbie let out a dull groan but returned the punch, knocking Noah onto the ground.

  "You stay away from her." Robbie landed another blow to Noah's ribs, and then another. "She's mine, and you can't have her."

  "She's not an object. You can't own her, man." Noah pulled his knee up, striking Robbie in the side. The move didn't budge Robbie though, who had planted his knees into the ground. Robbie moved his hands until they were around Noah's neck, his thick fingers pressing down against Noah's windpipe.

  "I will have her, and you will not get in the way." Robbie hissed the words, his face twisted in a grimace.

  Noah lashed out with his fists, but he was shorter than Robbie and couldn't make contact with his body. He could feel the blood pumping through his veins and his head throbbed, ears pounding with the noise. He clawed at Robbie's arms but his nails were too short to make much impact.

  A moment of relief had him scrambling for breath as the pressure was removed, until a fist connected with his chin, knocking his head back to the ground. A sharp pain spread across the back of his skull, but there was no time to check it before another blow connected with his ribs. He let out a groan and tried to curl onto his side. He lashed out with a fist, finally catching Robbie in the balls which made the other man stumble back. Noah was in too much pain to regain his feet though. He had to satisfy himself with dragging his legs against his chest to protect his ribs from any further attack.

  "Just stay the fuck away from her." Robbie panted the words out. "I'm serious. She's mine, and if you get in between us, I'll let you watch me kill her and then I'll finish you."

  Noah shook his head. "I warned you mate, you're the one who needs to leave her alone."

  "I'd shut up if I were you. The only reason I'm not going to finish you now is because I know I can beat you in a fight. You're no match for me." Robbie spat at Noah's feet and then stalked off.

  He was right though. Not only was Robbie physically stronger, but magically as well. Years getting fat off Melody's magic had left her ex not only powerful, but addicted to the magic she released in an unconscious stream. No wonder the bastard was so intent on getting her back. Noah had tasted just the barest effects of it and it had left him wanting more.

  This was not going
to end well.

  He cringed as he stood, arms crossing his ribs as though he could keep them from aching. Nothing was going to stop the pain though. Not until he could find a fix.

  But first, he had to get home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Melody pushed through the last of the trees and found herself in Sullivan Park at the western edge of town. The rain had eased a little, but the streets were still vacant. She was exposed and shivering from both the fear, and the drenched clothing. She nudged her tongue against her teeth, trying to decide which was more important—getting warm, or getting away? Another shiver coursed through her, so she turned for home, not stopping until she was in the confines of the caravan.

  It wasn't safe here now. She knew that. It had to have been Robbie at her door, and then he’d found her again and she couldn't just sit here waiting for him to show up. She stripped off her wet clothes and threw on the first things she could find. Jeans, a ragged old t-shirt and a hoodie, then shoved a change of clothes and her essentials into her bag before heading back out.

  There was no time to stop at the house and tell anyone what was going on, she had to go. Now. Melody looked at the place one more time and was torn. No-one was likely to be home anyway, what was the point?

  Her heart ached. She's just told Noah that she was sick of running, and what was she doing? She'd run from the meadow, was running again now. But it was only until she was ready. What was the point in standing your ground if you were only going to get beaten? She shook her head and turned down the street, heading for town, for Samantha.

  The bell rang as she opened the door. "Samantha? Sam, I need you," she called into the shop.

  Samantha emerged from the back room, her brow furrowed. "Melody? What's up?"

  "It's Robbie. He found me."

  "Already?" Samantha moved to the door and locked it before grabbing Melody's hand and dragging her back into the kitchen. "Are you okay?"

  "He saw me with Noah, we were..." Melody let out a sigh. "And I ran away! I freaked out and left him alone with Robbie. I'm going to hell."

  Samantha looked her up and down, frowning when her eyes landed on the necklace. "That. Take it off."

  "My pendant?" Melody's hand went to her neck and folded around the necklace. Robbie had made it for her.

  She quickly undid the clasp and flung it on the table, too scared to look for the tracking device he must have planted. "How did you know he was tracking me? I didn't even think... It never crossed my mind that he would bug me."

  Samantha laughed, long and low. "Well, I guess it's kind of like bugging someone."

  "What do you mean, kind of? He must have put a bug in it, how else could he track me?" Melody eyed it suspiciously.

  "His magic, Melody," Samantha said patiently. "He created that piece and imbued it so he could keep tabs on you. No wonder he found you so easily." Her lips twisted, matching the lines of her brow.

  "What's wrong?"

  "He still should have had a harder time getting into town," Samantha responded, though it seemed more to herself than Melody. "That is a concern."

  "I don't understand..."

  "It's nothing you need to worry about right now, sorry. Getting distracted." Samantha laughed, though it sounded forced. "So, do you think you can convince him to leave?"

  "No." There was no way he would just go. He'd made it clear he intended to have her, dead or alive.

  "Then I guess you need to think about how you want to handle the situation." Samantha grimaced.

  "What would you—"

  "No," Samantha cut in. "Don't ask me that. I'm not you. You're the only one who knows what you can handle."

  Melody gave a snort of laughter. "Right. Well, thanks for nothing."

  Samantha grinned. "Hey, I'm taking this off your hands." She swung the necklace from her fingers. The sight of the pendant made Melody shudder.

  "Where are you going now?" Samantha asked.

  "I can't go home."

  "No, probably not the best idea. Is there somewhere else you can go?"

  Melody tongued her teeth as she thought of Noah. "Yeah, there is."

  "Be safe," Samantha said as she led the way back through the shop and unlocked the door. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

  "Yeah, soon." Melody nodded, then gave Samantha a quick hug. The other woman gripped her firmly as if she were trying to gift her some strength. "Thanks."

  "My pleasure," Samantha whispered. She waved as Melody turned away, and it wasn't until then that she realized she should probably have told Samantha to be safe too. But, if she was willing to take the necklace then surely she knew the possibilities.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Melody knocked on the front door, despite the fact the tattoo studio was obviously closed. She even peered through the window, but the lights were all off and there was no sound when she pressed her ear against the door.


  Well, what had she expected? She'd had sex with him, and then left him alone in a field with her psychotic ex-boyfriend who had just seen them in the throes of passion. For all she knew, he might be mortally wounded and still out there in the woods.

  Melody turned and headed for the alley. Maybe there was another door down that way, or maybe it led to the back of the shop. It was lined with bins, which was a good sign, though it stunk of cat pee. Gross.

  Unable to find a door, she climbed onto one of the bins and looked over the top of the fence to find a small, unruly yard, and there, the back door. "I wish this whole demigod gig came with super strength or something," she muttered, before hauling herself to the top of the fence and tumbling over. She let out a grunt as she hit the ground and took a moment to recover before she stood, swiping the dirt from her jeans.

  The house part of the shop was dark too, so she approached quickly, not worrying too much about being seen. It was fully fenced and there were no high buildings from which people would be watching. Come to think of it, Noah was primed for a break in—lucky for him it was only going to be her.

  She made it to the window and peered inside. There was a low light on in another room, but she couldn't see anyone moving around. Melody raised her hand and rapped on the door. No response.

  She cursed under her breath and felt around the door frame. Everyone in this town hid keys, where was his? Nothing. Next she lifted rocks, and then a dead pot-plant, but still nothing. It was heavy in her hand and she bit her lip, looking between the plant and the door.

  "Shit. I'll pay you back, I promise," she muttered, then swung the pot. Shards of glass and terracotta flew everywhere, and the sound bounced around the back yard. She winced at the noise, sucking air in through her teeth, and the sound silenced. Interesting.

  Melody pulled her sleeve down over her hand, like they did in the movies, and reached inside for the handle. She un-clicked the lock and the door swung open. It wasn't until she closed it behind her that she realized she'd just made a perfect entry point for Robbie if he somehow tracked her down. She was such an idiot! But there was nothing she could do about it now.

  She moved silently into the house, considered taking a blade from the knife block in the kitchen, but in the end went without. "Noah," she called, keeping her voice quiet. "Are you here?" Still no response. Melody paused at the door where the light was coming from. It was mostly closed, and she pushed it gently. It moved a couple of inches before getting caught on something.


  There was a faint groan from the other side of the door.

  "Shit, Noah. Are you okay?" Melody pushed again, but it wouldn't budge. The gap was just big enough to get her head through, and behind the door she saw Noah lying on the ground. She got down on her knees and reached an arm through, grabbing his shoulder. "Noah. Noah, can you hear me?"

  "Melody?" His voice was slurred, but at least he was conscious. "What you doing here?"

  "I needed a place to hide from Robbie. I didn't know where else to go..."

  "It's okay." He opened his eyes an
d looked up at her. "I need a hand."

  "You think?" She raised her eyebrows and bit her lower lip. "Did he do this to you?"

  Noah nodded, his eyelids falling closed again. Melody got her head out of the gap and reached around with her arm, trying to push Noah away from the door. It didn't work very well, only gaining her another inch. Not enough to get her through the door.

  "This isn't going to be pleasant. I'm sorry," she said, standing up and putting her shoulder to the door before he could protest. She barged it once, twice, ignoring Noah's cry of agony as she did, and slid her body through the gap before it closed again.

  Melody pushed the door shut, letting Noah slump flat on the floor. "He really did a number on you, huh? How did you get home?" She dropped to her knees, smoothed his hair back from his face. A bruise was darkening on his cheek, and there was blood on his swollen lip.

  "You should see the other guy," he said. He opened his eyes again, but his pupils were dilated and he couldn't seem to focus on her properly. She maneuvered behind him and put her arms under his so that she could drag him away from the door. Lucky for Noah, the bed was pretty low to the ground, and with a little sweat she managed to get him onto it.

  "Have you got a first aid kit?" She pulled his shirt open and ran her fingers over his abdomen. It was so firm, but bruised badly, he possibly had a couple of broken ribs. "Hell, Noah. I'm sorry. I didn't even think about what he'd do to you, I just... I freaked out."

  "Well, now I know how you felt, right?" Noah's gaze focused and he watched her intently as she pulled back. She could feel all the muscles of her face tighten.

  "Yeah. I guess you do."

  "He's not going to go away."

  "I figured as much." Melody tongued her teeth, not sure what else to say. "So, first aid kit?"

  "Kitchen, under the sink."

  "Trust you not to keep it in the bathroom like everyone else." She rolled her eyes at him, and grinned when he smiled just a little, even if it made him wince. "I'm really sorry. This is all my fault."


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