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Raising the Phoenix

Page 7

by Emma Nichols

  Taking another swig from the can, I finished off the Coke. “Okay, I don’t know about you, but I need to run off some tension. Feel free to join me if you’d like.”

  There were murmurs amongst them and I recognized the interest. Few things made us happier than running through a forest on a clear spring night. I motioned for the dog to follow me, then I made my way to the Alpha’s bedroom on the second floor. Pushing open the double doors, I waited for him to enter before closing them behind us. Then I ran and jumped on the king-sized, four-poster bed.

  “Looks like I’m buying an RV tomorrow.” I rubbed my temples. The dog crawled closer and pressed his wet nose against my cheek. “I’m going to be camping for months. You’ll be my only security.” I sat up abruptly. “You’ll stay with me, right?” I took his face in my hands. “I need you. And that’s saying something because I never need anyone. My father taught me that.” I laid my chin on his head.

  Finally, feeling calmer, I slid off the bed. “I have a surprise for you. Don’t freak out, okay?” I lazily undressed, folded each item, and placed them on the bed for when I returned. I loathed shifting on the fly and having to gather up a pile of clothes.

  The dog had been staring at me until I began undressing, and then he averted his head, growing suddenly interested in the French doors leading out to the deck. He pawed at the door. Maybe he had to pee.

  “Gimme a second. Almost done.” I tucked my panties under my shorts. “Remember, you’re not going to lose your shit. It’s still me, only better.”

  Peeking over at me, the dog panted while glancing at me and then the door. I strode past him to open the doors. There would be no opening them in wolf form. Then I laughed at his impatience and shifted. To my surprise, he was bigger than me when I was in wolf form. Ever so cautiously, I moved toward him, waiting to see if he’d bare his teeth, growl, or snarl. He did none of those things. Together, we made our way down the stairs to the backyard.

  At the bottom, I recognized several members of our pack who had shifted to join us. They bowed as I finished descending the stairs. The dog looked at me, the confusion or maybe even wonder, obvious. Shelby came and stood beside me for a moment.

  Can we talk before bed tonight? There was a playful look in her eyes.

  About what? When she didn’t answer immediately, I questioned further. Is this sister talk or pack talk?

  Her head tilted. Both. Then she trotted off toward the woods. Bet you can’t catch me, she teased.

  I launched off my back legs. Bet I can.

  Soon the rest of the pack had followed and our romp through the woods had begun. I wish you could hear me. I glanced over at the dog keeping pace with me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, exuding pure joy. I wish I was as free as you, but father chose me, groomed me until I went off to college, and left me responsible. I had to become the Alpha. I paused. We were on the edge of the mountain. From there, we could see for miles during the day. At night, the sky opened up, speckled with countless stars.

  The dog sat so close, I could feel his heat, his reassuring presence. While he leaned into me, he seemed to look around, constantly on the alert, wary of every sound. For someone who suddenly had to watch out for everyone else, it felt nice to have someone watching over me, even if it was a canine.

  Though I’d expected the run would soothe my restless wolf, it didn’t seem to be working. Still, she howled for her mate. Opening my mouth, I indulged her, allowing this baleful sound to escape me. The dog’s head dropped. Then he pointed his nose at the sky and joined my song. His sounded different. His was more of a yip yip howl. I liked it. Finally, my wolf seemed content. I lay on the ground and the dog did the same, wrapping himself around me, laying his head on my back. I could’ve slept like that, only I was needed elsewhere.

  We should go back. I stood, hoping he’d get the hint. I turned toward the house, ready to run as fast as my four legs would carry me. My wolf loved her freedom. The dog nuzzled me and licked at my face. Oh, boy. Come on. I’m already involved in one hopeless relationship with Quinn. Not you too. So, I jetted away and raced back to the mansion.

  As we neared, I slowed my pace, first to a jog, then to a walk. At the edge of the woods, I halted completely, taking time to sniff the air. While once I was carefree, I was quickly becoming careworn. I didn’t smell anything out of the ordinary, so I stepped out of the forest, ready to mount the steps to the Alpha suite. I hadn’t made it more than two feet when I was tackled from behind. In an instant, I had rolled and found my feet. My head was down, lip curled to reveal my fangs, and a growl resonating in my throat. Then I heard the giggle before I had a chance to recognize her.

  Thought you were going to get me. Shelby was in a mood to play.

  Before I could respond, the dog had tackled her. He stood over her, glaring down, snarling and snapping his jaws like before.

  Wanna call off your hound? Shelby rolled her eyes.

  Before I even thought about others being around, I shifted so I could communicate with the angry husky mix. “Hey, dog. It’s okay. It’s my rotten little sister.” I walked over, crouched beside them, and pet Shelby. The dog stepped away, his head down. Then his ears perked up and I realized the rest of the pack had returned. He whipped around and looked at me, standing there naked.

  “Up we go!” I laughed. “Shelby, if you want to talk, come knock after you dress.” I started up the stairs with the dog behind me, pushing me the whole way. “They’re safe too. Just part of the pack.” I grinned as I retrieved my clothes from the bed and began dressing.

  Once completely clothed, I shut the French doors. “Let’s snuggle.” I jerked my thumb at the bed. Immediately, he hopped on the bed and danced around while he waited for me. I had barely flopped onto the mattress when I heard the light rapping on my door. “Come in,” I called.

  Shelby peeked her head in. “Is it safe? Do I risk being attacked again?” Her brows arched.

  I laughed. “Not if you behave. Otherwise my fierce protector will eat your face.” Then I shrugged like it was no big deal.

  “Not my face! It’s my only true asset.” Shelby batted her lashes at me. “How will you get me mated and out of the house if I’m horribly disfigured?”

  My lips twitched as I tried to hide my smile. “Dowry.”

  She grabbed a pillow from the chair by the door, hopped on the bed, and began to pummel me with it. With a giggle, I grabbed one from the bed to defend myself. “Hey! I thought you wanted to talk.”

  Immediately, she stopped. “I did.”

  “So, what is both sister and pack business?” I gave her the side-eye.

  “Tell me about the architect.” Shelby wiggled her brows at me.

  “Oh, that’s nobody’s business.” I looked away, reluctant to share.

  “Come on. There’s something going on. I can feel it. Spill.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  With a sigh, I leaned back on the pillows while Shelby climbed around the dog to join me at the head of the bed. When she finally settled in, I rolled my eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Geez, I just wanted to be comfortable. Sue me.” She glared. “Architect.”

  “Nothing to tell.” I played with the hem of the pillow. “This needs to be repaired,” I noted absently.

  “Is he cute?” Her brows popped up.

  The dog lay on my legs and stared up at me. “You too?” I shook my head. “Yes, I find him very attractive.”

  “Do you think he likes you?” Shelby was practically bouncing.

  “He told me he did.” I smiled shyly.

  She slapped her thigh. “Hallelujah! We’ve found your mate.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. Not a shifter.”

  With a frown, she tapped her lip. “Are you sure? Father recently told me to be careful because he’d just found out there were at least three other packs in the area. He always worried one of them might snatch me up and run off with me.”

  “Not everyone is a shifter!” I grew agitated. />
  Shelby leaned in. “How can you be sure?”

  “He doesn’t smell like one. There. You satisfied?” I laid my hand on the dog and rubbed his ears.

  “You’re disappointed.” She sighed. “Me too.” She curled up and wrapped her arms around her knees.

  “Why are you disappointed?” I rolled to face her, and the dog crawled up the bed and nuzzled in my neck.

  “Because I think I found my mate.” She squeed. “Sorry. I really like him. The attraction was undeniable.”

  My brows rose. “Oh really. And where did you find this magical male?”

  She leaned in. “The fireman. Before you ask…I’m pretty sure he likes me too.”

  I rubbed my face. “So Lenoir is busy chasing Tanner and you’ve got the hots for a fireman.”

  “You’ve got the architect,” Shelby reminded me. “Besides, it doesn’t matter. You know I’ll never leave you until I know you’re happy.” She slid off the bed and wandered over to my side. “But I’d like to reiterate how much I like this guy, so hurry up and get happy.” She giggled and then ran out the door before I could swat her.

  I groaned. “Like it’s that easy.” I shook my head. “Finding a mate is a big deal. And let’s face it, I’m no easy conquest.” The dog groaned. “Oh, you’ve noticed?” I chuckled. “Plus, I’d have to find a shifter who was okay with his wife as the Alpha. I don’t know a single man who would ever fall in line like that.” I rolled toward the dog. “Good thing I still have you.” I frowned. “But you could use a name. What shall I call you? Quinn is too obvious. Maybe you need a dog name and not a people name. Like…wolf?” He whined. “Or husky.” He stared at me blankly. “Okay. So, I suck at naming.” Inside, my wolf paced. “Let’s call you…Howl.”

  The dog was still for a moment and then he licked my face.

  “Ew, stop! You lick your butt with that tongue. Gross.” I pushed him away from my face. “I’m exhausted. Wanna go to bed?” I hopped out of bed to turn out the lights, and then I pulled back the covers, ripped off everything but my panties, and climbed back onto the mattress. “We’ll talk more in the morning, Howl.”


  I didn’t want to wake up because I was having the prettiest dream. Quinn was with me, in bed, naked. His arms were wrapped around me as he spooned me. His erection had found the perfect spot, pressed against my butt. Soon, his hands were roaming all over my body, gliding gently, teasing my skin. His fingers easily slid beneath my panties and I didn’t object. Hell, I spread my legs, giving him more access to my deepest, darkest, most private places. His lips grazed the back of my shoulder. I could practically feel his breath tickling my skin, could nearly hear him moan as he rubbed against me. My wolf whimpered impatiently before she howled for her mate. Then there was a loud crashing sound downstairs. I jumped and there was a muffled thud on the other side of the bed.

  Sitting up quickly, I frantically looked for Howl. He wasn’t in bed. He wasn’t on the floor beside me. So, I crawled over to the other side and peeked over. Sure enough, I found him on the floor. “Did you fall out of bed, silly boy?” He perked up and panted happily. Then he rushed over to the French door and pawed it.

  “I get it. I need to pee too.” I slipped out from under the sheets and strode over to open the door for him.

  At first, he merely blinked a few times. Then he stood and trotted out the door. After I watched him gallop down the stairs, I decided to leave the door open for him and then shower and prepare for the day. Twenty minutes later, I was clean and dressed, but I couldn’t find Howl anywhere. Standing on the deck, I called for him. Then a knock on my door had me giving up and wandering inside. I closed and locked the French door just as Lenoir timidly entered the room.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hello, Lennie. What’s up?” I tried to sound pleasant, but I’m afraid my annoyance was obvious.

  She huffed. “Why are you mad at me?”

  “I’m not.” I shrugged.

  Lennie stepped closer. “You are. I see it. Everyone sees it. Even now.” She threw her hands up in frustration. “I need your help, Savvy. I don’t need you judging me.”

  I pursed my lips as I considered how to respond. “I don’t mean to come off that way, but you’re my sister. And I can’t stand watching you demean yourself for someone who isn’t interested in you. Understand?”

  She shook her head. “He’s my mate. I know it.”

  “Wanting something doesn’t make it so,” I argued. “Even if you want this really badly, it doesn’t mean he will come around.” My shoulders drooped. I could see she was unmoved by my words. “You know, as your Alpha, I could order you to stay away from him.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “You’d be condemning me to death.” Lennie whimpered and covered her face with her hands. “You just don’t understand.”

  “I’d like to. Try me.” I sat on the bed and patted the mattress beside me so she’d join me and we could talk like we used to when we were little.

  Her head tilted and she reluctantly sat where I’d suggested. “If he could just see me like he sees you, Tanner would know we’re meant to be.”

  I frowned, uncertain where to go with this discussion since she seemed so determined. Before I could come up with something wise and Alpha-worthy, a new knock sounded on my door.

  “Is Lennie with you?” Shelby leaned into the room. When she saw her twin, she sighed. “I thought you were going to meet me at the van. We have to go to school.”

  “I’m done with all my tests.” Lenoir moved closer to me, as if she thought I’d take her side and save her from her fate.

  “Yes, but attendance still counts. You want to graduate in a couple of weeks, don’t you?” Shelby’s hands were on her hips.

  Lennie’s head hung. “I suppose.” Reluctantly, she hopped off the bed and then turned to me. “Can we talk more later?”

  I laughed. “We’re going to be stuck together in an RV for the next few months. I don’t think we can help but talk.”

  “Good. I need you to understand.” She picked at a cuticle nervously.

  They started out the bedroom door, but I stopped them. “Hey, Howl isn’t downstairs, is he?”

  Shelby snorted. “You named him Howl?” Then she shook her head. “He’s not down there.” Obviously, she sensed my concern. “Savvy, he’s a stray. I bet he’ll come and go. Watch. He’ll show up again tonight. He knows when he’s got it good.” She winked at me and then the twins disappeared down the stairs.

  After deciding she was probably right, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, and made my way to the kitchen. Lula was sitting in a chair, staring out at the backyard. “It’s surprisingly peaceful here,” she murmured when she saw me.

  “Well, we’re back off the road and the gate helps.” I grinned. I could smell the coffee and realized one of the women had even made bacon and eggs.

  “That’s for you.” Lula pointed at the food. “They left it for you.”

  I prepared my plate and poured myself a coffee before joining her at the table. “Where is everyone?”

  “They went back to the homestead. I’m going to clean up the house before I return. Can you have someone pick me up later?” She took a sip from her mug, and I could tell something was bothering her.

  “What’s wrong, Lula?” I laid a hand on her shoulder. “You can talk to me.”

  “Don’t be mad, Alpha,” she murmured with her head down.

  “Why would I be mad at you?” I scoffed at the idea.

  She leaned forward. “I called your aunt.”

  I slapped my forehead and sank in my seat. “I should’ve thought to do that. After all, Aunt Jo lost a sister.” With a smile, I murmured, “Thank you, Lula.”

  “I should’ve asked, Alpha.” Her eyes watered.

  I grabbed a napkin from the middle of the table. “Nah. You were being helpful.” For a moment, I stared at my plate. “I’m actually not hungry.” My wolf had been restless ever since I woke and it had tu
rned my stomach. Instead, I packed some bacon in a baggy, then poured some coffee into a travel mug I found in the cupboard. I started to pick up after myself, but Lula shooed me away.

  “This is my job, Alpha. You go take care of business.” Then she shoved me out the front door.

  As soon as I started the car, I decided to call Quinn. When he answered, he sounded breathless. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Not at all. I just finished exercising.” He cleared his throat. “What can I do for you, Savvy?” He sounded remarkably happy despite the way we left things the night before.

  “So, you’re not mad at me?” I was filled with self-loathing for how timid I sounded.

  “How could I be mad at you? In fact, you should come over. I’ll make breakfast and we can finish those plans before you go RV hunting.” He chuckled.

  “RV hunting. Right. Did we talk about that?” I frowned.

  “Savvy, quit arguing with me and come over.” He sighed. “I’m hanging up now. I’d better see you in the next fifteen minutes.”

  “Or what?” I challenged him.

  His voice grew deep, the way I loved it. “Or your breakfast will be cold. See you soon.”

  I held the phone to my chest once our call ended. Then when my heart had stopped racing, I drove to his place. Sure, I felt a twinge of guilt for leaving Howl, but he wasn’t mine. He could come and go as he pleased. Still, I felt as responsible for him as I did the rest of the pack.

  Determined to present a confident façade, I strode up the steps and knocked firmly on the door. When Quinn opened it, I opened my mouth, ready to offer some snappy comment. Instead, his lips were on mine, his arms wrapped around me. “What do you do to me?” Quinn whispered in my ear.

  “Me? Pretty sure you’re the one with the lips who decided to get all handsy.” I giggled.

  “Apparently, I have an extremely visceral response to your presence.” He pulled me into the house and shut the door behind us. “I see you and I have to touch you.” He walked me to the table where he had food on plates, hidden under heavy silver lids.


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