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Camping With the Girls (Lusty First Time Lesbian Menage)

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by Sienna Valentine

  Camping With the Girls

  By Sienna Valentine

  Copyright © 2014 Sienna Valentine

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, dialogue, and everything else are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to people or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Author's Note

  The first edition of this story was called "This One Time, At Band Camp".

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  Camping With the Girls

  “Oh my god, you actually did it!” Cheryl exclaimed, staring down at my bald exposed pussy. It’s true, I had shaved all of the hair off just the other morning, but that wasn’t what she was staring at. I was standing in the middle of the showers, my shorts and panties off in the corner, and a big silver flute shoved right up inside of me with four other girls standing around and watching. I wasn’t the only one missing clothes, of course, but I was certainly the only one with a flute sticking out of her snatch.

  “That’s pretty fucking hot,” said Dahlia. She was one of the other girls not wearing pants, and her own fingers were running through the small bush that covered her vagina as they sought out her clit.

  “Well it was a dare…” I said with a smile. I pulled the flute down a little bit and watched as my wetness made the light from the showers gleam along its shiny surface. The mouthpiece that was completely buried in my snatch started to come back into view.

  I looked back up and caught Cheryl’s eye as I slowly pushed it back in again, using it like a silver dildo. She was such a prude, and was the only girl here still completely dressed. I liked making her uncomfortable, trying to push her boundaries. Although from the look on her face I wasn’t entirely sure I was succeeding this time. She seemed a bit flushed, and her mouth was open slightly as she stared down between my legs.

  “How about a dare this time, Cheryl?” I asked. So far she had only picked truth.

  “Uh, well…”

  “Come on,” said Emily. She was topless but her long black hair hung down the front of her, covering her tits. She had done that on purpose, being almost as shy as Cheryl. “Don’t be a chicken.”

  “Fine,” Cheryl finally said. “Dare.”

  I felt a huge grin spread across my face. I was excited to see how far I could get this petite blonde to go. This game was finally starting to get exciting. And to think I almost didn’t come back to camp this year…

  * * * * *

  It’s bad enough going to band camp when you’re a kid, but it got even worse after all those American Pie movies came out. Admittedly, I had it worse than most, what with my name being Michelle and that I played the flute. It was the perfect storm for teasing. If I hadn’t been so dedicated to music I may have given it up. The most frustrating thing was that every time the teasing would stop, they’d release another sequel and a whole new bunch of teenagers would discover it.

  It might have been better if band camp really was a big sex festival like those movies always made it out to be, but the sad reality was that it was just as nerdy as everyone originally assumed. Most of the kids were band geeks because they were outcasts in some other way, or perhaps being in the band made them outcasts. It was a chicken and egg thing, although I suspect everyone’s story was a little bit different. For me, I was a late bloomer. I had braces and pimples and long straggly brown hair that I could never figure out what to do with. Add to that misery the fact that I was flat as a board and all knees and elbows.

  But when I started playing the flute, all of a sudden I had friends. Band camp was something I looked forward to every year. Even after the movies came out, I still enjoyed going. It was only in-between sessions where the regular kids would pick on me. When I was actually at camp everyone was in the same boat. Kids still mentioned the movie, but I got the feeling it was more wistful then, like they wished band camp was more like Hollywood had made it out to be.

  So I continued to put up with crap during the school year, and then went and hung out with my friends in the summer. When I got old enough I became a counsellor in training and then a full blown counsellor. I did that for a couple of years but then I started college and it seemed like I was “too old” for that stuff.

  I was going to skip it altogether this year, and in fact I didn’t even send in my application, but then Deanna, the camp coordinator called me up in a panic. She was worried because all of her senior girl counsellors had decided the same thing as I had and she wasn’t going to be able to run the camp with just a bunch of 16 year olds to run the place. I had just turned 19, and had been a counsellor for four years (if you count my training year). She begged me to re-consider, telling me that she had recruited a few other girls from rival camps but none of them knew enough about ours to be left alone.

  It was a pretty small camp as it was, probably only about 100-150 campers, but it would still be a shame for it to close down. I felt bad about all the kids that would miss out if she couldn’t continue to run it. She offered me a bit more money to come and be the lead female counsellor, and with college starting it was enough to sway my decision.

  I got there a week early and helped Deanna set up the program and organize the groups. The camp had a mix of boys and girls, but the cabins were set apart so that there would be no hanky panky between campers (or counsellors) after the lights went off. Not that they needed to worry, since most of the budding musicians wouldn’t know what to do with the privates of the opposite sex if they slapped them in their open mouths.

  Personally, I had no interest in boys. Too much negativity in my gangly years had soured me on men, at least for now. Funny, since I was finally starting to get some attention from them. In the last couple of years my skin had cleared up, I had figured out my hair situation, and my tits, although still not huge, had grown to a solid B cup. I had nothing to be ashamed of now, at least judging by all of the catcalls I heard when I walked around downtown.

  The day finally came when all of the campers and staff arrived. Each cabin had a dozen kids and two counsellors, one senior and one junior. The junior was a trainee, often 15-16 years old, while the seniors were at least 18 or 19.

  Since I didn’t really know any of the senior staff and I was supposed to be their leader, I organized a meet and greet that night after the campers all went to bed. We left the juniors in charge of the cabin, and then all of the older girls met in the mess hall. There were five of us, and we spent a few hours getting to know each other. We all became fast friends; they were a great group of girls.

  We decided to make this meeting a nightly thing, since the campers had to go to bed around 9 PM which was too early for us. We felt no guilt about sticking the junior counsellors in charge every night. All of us had already done our time.

  On the third night, one of the girls had brought out a joint and we all decided to sneak out into the forest to smoke it. If the mess hall smelled like weed in the morning, there’d be hell to pay.

  When we found a place that was far enough away from the cabins, we lit it up and all sat around getting high. Everyone opened up and things finally started getting a little more interesting.

  “Fuck I love to get
high,” said Dahlia. She was the adventurous one of the group, and it had been her joint. She had medium length blonde hair and her tits were pretty large, I’d guess at least a C. Tonight she wore a thin white t-shirt and it was obvious she hadn’t put on a bra. Every time she laughed her shirt would jiggle, and the friction of her nipples as they rubbed against the fabric would cause them to poke out, even in the warm summer air.

  “Me too,” I said, taking another drag. I passed it over to Cheryl but she shook her head.

  “I’ve never done that,” she said. Cheryl was a bit of a prude, but still a nice girl. It’s just that she had been raised by very religious parents and felt like everything was a sin. But it seemed clear, to me at least, that she was starting to question some of that. I could see in her eyes that there was interest, but she had an internal struggle going on.

  “Come on, one drag won’t kill you,” I said. I paused and then added, “Or send you to hell.”

  I watched as she blushed in the dying light of the evening. I knew she didn’t like being the only one of the group to not participate but she was still reluctant.

  “I don’t even know how, I’ve never even smoked a cigarette.”

  “I’ll shotgun it to you,” I suggested.

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ll take a hit and then blow the smoke into your mouth. It’s easier than taking it directly. Not as hot in your lungs or as strong, so it goes down easier if you’re not used to it.”

  Cheryl looked around at the group, everyone was nodding at her.

  “Try it,” said Alexis. “But hurry up, I’m next.” Alexis was probably the bitchiest of the group, but she really wasn’t that bad. She could just be kind of blunt at times.

  Cheryl sighed. “Okay, fine. How do we do this?”

  I was about to explain that she needed to use her fist to make a tube against her mouth that I could blow the smoke into, but then I had a better idea. Cheryl was the prettiest of the group, which was saying a lot, because none of these girls fit the band geek profile. She was also blonde, like Dahlia, but she was much more petite. Her tits were smaller than mine and she was lucky if she was five feet. I found her very attractive so I decided to try and push her boundaries just a little bit further.

  “I’ll take a hit and then you lean in and open you mouth, breathing in as I breathe out.”

  She looked sceptical but nodded anyway, so I took a big hit and then passed the joint over to Alexis who grabbed at it quickly.

  I motioned Cheryl to lean forward and I did the same. Her mouth opened and I started to blow the smoke out right into hers as I heard her start to inhale. As I continued to blow, I kept moving forward until our lips were touching, pressing mine firmly against hers as I continued to fill her lungs with THC. I watched her face and her eyes widen as I pressed my lips to hers, but she didn’t pull away.

  When I had emptied my lungs, I finished by pursing my mouth against hers into a kiss before pulling away.

  “Nice,” I heard Dahlia say behind me. I smiled at Cheryl and she turned away shyly. I was pretty sure I saw her blush again, but it was getting harder to tell with the last of the light fading quickly. She blew out the smoke and coughed a little bit.

  “So, how was that?” I asked.

  “It was okay,” she said, “but I don’t feel anything.”

  “Give it time,” said Alexis.

  By now the joint was being smoked by Emily. I was surprised that she had taken it, since she was almost as up-tight as Cheryl, but she explained that her older brother use to smoke all the time and she had picked it up from him.

  “How about you shotgun me next,” said Dahlia, giving me a little grin. “We’re already half way through this thing and that’ll make it last longer.” I had a feeling that wasn’t her only motive, but I happily agreed.

  I repeated the procedure but when I pressed my lips against hers I felt her press back, hard. Before I was done I felt her tongue invade my mouth as one of her hands rested gently on my hip. I kissed her back and we only broke when she finally had to exhale the smoke from her chest.

  I turned back to look at Cheryl and her eyes were about ready to pop out of their sockets but she didn’t say anything.

  “Are you going to take another hit?” Dahlia asked Cheryl. The petite blonde nodded.

  “I’m not quite ready to shotgun again,” I said. “Emily, can you help her out?” I was being a shit disturber again, wanting to see what the two goody-goodies would do to each other.

  “Uh, okay,” she said. I passed her the joint and she took a drag, walking over to Cheryl. The two girls inched forward and she started to blow the smoke but was too far and it was just dissipating across Cheryl’s face.

  “Move closer, you’re wasting it,” Alexis said, giving Emily a bit of a shove from behind. The two girls closed the gap and touched lips, the smoke passing quickly between them before they pulled quickly apart.

  Alexis took a hit next, and opted to also blow it into Dahlia’s mouth. They devolved into a similar bout of kissing before pulling apart. Alexis turned to me, looking at me from behind her copper colored hair and gave me a little look like she was trying to prove something, but I wasn’t sure what. Regardless, I didn’t really pay it a lot of attention. The weed was starting to hit me, and I wasn’t the only one.

  “God, weed makes me so horny,” Dahlia exclaimed after pulling away from the red haired beauty.

  I laughed, nodding. I was starting to feel a little tingle as well. I looked at Cheryl but she was studying the ground as if there was something very interesting lying by her feet.

  We continued smoking until all the weed was gone, each girl having a turn at blowing smoke into Cheryl’s mouth in their own way. I was pretty sure Dahlia had slipped her a tongue by the way she jumped, but she didn’t protest when it was over. By this point the petite blonde was swaying, and I was pretty sure she had lost the motivation to object to almost anything. That gave me an idea.

  “Let’s play truth or dare!” I suggested. Like Dahlia, I was feeling pretty frisky and all of these shotgun kisses hadn’t helped the matter.

  “Fuck yes,” said Dahlia. I knew she’d be on board. Alexis agreed as well which left only Cheryl and Emily.

  “I don’t know…” said Emily.

  “I will if you will,” giggled Cheryl. As I suspected, the weed was working its magic on her. Emily’s previous experience with smoking had probably given her more tolerance.

  Emily looked at the rest of us who were all nodding and smiling at her for encouragement. “Alright, fine,” she said.

  I clapped my hands in excitement and we all found a place to sit to get comfortable. I found a log and was happy when Cheryl came and sat next to me on it, close enough that our arms were touching. Dahlia just plopped down onto the dirt and Alexis paused and then joined her. Emily found a big rock to settle onto.

  The game started off slow with everyone choosing truth at first. We found out how many guys Alexis had slept with, two, and that Cheryl and Emily were both virgins. No surprise there. Dahlia admitted to having slept four boys but also admitted to sleeping with a couple girls. Upon hearing this, Alexis immediately added that she, too, had slept with a girl. I, of course, also added my tally of three girls to the list and no guys. I had also admitted to having recently shaved my pubic hair off completely. Then Dahlia surprised me with a new question.

  “What’s the strangest thing you ever masturbated with,” she asked.

  I was glad that it as dark so that they couldn’t see me blush. “My flute,” I said. The whole group burst out laughing.

  “Seriously?” Dahlia exclaimed. “What a walking cliché you are.”

  “Ha ha,” I said, still blushing. “It was that stupid movie that gave me the idea. Anyway, truth or dare,” I said back to her, trying to change the subject.

  “Dare!” she responded. Finally, the game was on.

  “I dare you to flash us your cooch,” I said with a laugh.

  “Just a
flash?” Dahlia asked, standing up. She stuck her thumbs into the front of her shorts and pulled them down quickly before letting them snap back up again.

  “No fair, that was too quick and it’s too dark to see anything,” Alexis protested.

  “Not my problem,” Dahlia chuckled. “Truth or dare,” she asked Alexis back.

  Alexis paused looking up at the tall blonde. “Dare,” she said.

  “Well, I’ll learn from Michelle’s mistake,” Dahlia said. “I dare you to take your top off completely. And bra, if you’re wearing one.”

  I heard a gasp come from next to me. Cheryl had her hand over her mouth and wide eyes as she waited to see if Alexis would follow through.

  I could barely see the tongue that Alexis stuck out at Dahlia as she reached down and grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt, pulling it quickly up and over her head. Her large tits fell forward with a little bounce, she hadn’t been wearing a bra after all. From what I could tell in the dark, she had pretty tits with medium size nipples. I couldn’t tell if they were hard, though.


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