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Virgin On Vacation

Page 9

by Emily Vincent

  “You’re going to be okay, I’m going to be here for you too.” Jasmine whispered behind me.

  I couldn’t even smile. Jasmine was my best friend and I couldn’t smile at her. I just nodded my head, almost as if I was a robot and someone was making me move, someone was controlling every action as I continued to step forward and getting closer and closer to getting off the plane and heading back to the house.

  Our taxi was waiting outside the airport for us. We piled in, I sat in the front seat and let the girls have the back.

  I was glad that Alice and Jennifer were getting dropped off before us. Each of us paying for our own cab fare.

  We were back in the city, the smog and the noise. The traffic was normal as usual, but I felt like a stranger.

  Making a disgusted face I heard Jasmine getting out of the cab.

  “I will call you in the morning. Same time, I will pick you up for work. Get some rest.” Jasmine told me, kissing the top of my head as she leaned her head inside my open window.

  I nodded my head as I felt a tear slip out of my eye. I wiped the tear away as quickly as I could.

  “It’s okay to cry. I will be up for a while myself so if you want to talk I’m here.” Jasmine was always observant. She was always wanting to save me.

  “You can’t save everyone.” I murmured, looking at her.

  Jasmine gave me a sad smile before she stepped away from the cab and turned to go into her apartment with the freshly mowed lawn and the flowerbed up against the house.

  I gave her the best smile I could before the cab pulled away from the curb.

  I was lucky to have someone like Jasmine. She didn’t take my hurt for anger. She knew I wasn’t upset with her and she knew that I was going to be different until I got over it.

  I began to train myself, training my mind that everything was going to be okay. I had to repeat it in my head. It didn’t matter how many times I repeated it. My heart wanted what it wanted and that was it. There was nothing else that I wanted.

  I felt like a teenager who thought that the love of her life had already passed her by. I began to feel stupid thinking that he loved me. IF he did he wouldn’t make me feel this way.

  I began to realize that we were from two different worlds.

  I was no one special and he was a millionaire. He could have anyone he wanted. He was probably already seeing someone new, someone that had caught his eye.

  I was getting upset and blaming it on him in my mind.

  How could he just let me go like that? He rushed to the airport, he almost missed me if he was a few minutes later and he didn’t even get on the plane.

  “Stop, you know that it wasn’t going to last. Just stop.” I muttered under my breath.

  Evidently, I muttered a little louder than what I thought because the cab driver gave me a strange look out of the corner of his eye.

  “Here you go little lady.” He smiled at me, I think he just couldn’t wait for me to get out of the cab.

  I went to give him my portion of the cab fare and he put his hand up and shook his head.

  “Your friend paid for yours. The one we just dropped off.” He explained.

  I rolled my eyes, of course she would do that. I would offer her the money in the morning, but I knew that she wouldn’t take it.

  I got out of the cab, looking at the ground, I refused to look at my house. I didn’t even want to go inside.

  I went to the trunk of the cab, watched it pop open and grabbed my luggage from the back.

  Slamming the trunk down harder than what I should’ve I tapped the trunk lid to let the driver know that he could leave.

  I watched as the cab slowly pulled away from the curb. In just a few seconds I was going to be going into my house, going to work, going back to regular routine.

  I turned and faced what I didn’t want to. The reality of the life I lived. The reality of knowing I wouldn’t be able to have such a great time again in my life.

  When I looked up it was almost as if I had the wind knocked out of me. It was at that point that I dropped my luggage and it almost landed on my red, painted, toe nails.

  Chapter 24


  I stood there, waiting for her to look my way. I could see the pain on her face, I could see that she was hurting.

  I stood there at her door with the vase of flowers in my hand. I had been waiting out there for almost an hour. I was thanking god that it wasn’t bad weather.

  The sun was shining, the skies were blue and when she saw me, she stood there as if she was frozen into place. I didn’t even see a smile on her face when she noticed that it was me.

  “Did I shock you into not being able to talk?” I asked her, walking away from the locked door and making my way to her.

  With the vase of flowers in one hand and grabbing the luggage with my other hand I was surprised when she took the luggage from me and set it back down on the ground.

  Shelly smiled, she brought her arms around the back of my neck and hugged me as if she was never going to see me again.

  I brought my arms around her and held her just as tightly as she did me.

  “Did you really think that I was going to stay away?” I whispered in her ear.

  I could feel her shoulders shaking, I knew she was crying. She nodded her head at me and held me tighter than I could ever imagine someone holding me.

  “I didn’t think twice about getting on the second plane. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to show you that just because you were gone didn’t mean that I forgot all about you. I’m falling in love with you Shelly.” I cleared my throat.

  I felt my heart pounding. I had never said those words to another woman. I had never let those words slip out of my mouth and it excited me but scared me at the same time. To utter those words shook me a little.

  I felt Shelly stiffen, wondering if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

  She pulled away from me and took a few steps back.

  Shelly was smiling but I could see that she was just as surprised as I was.

  “If you don’t feel it yet-

  Shelly didn’t let me finish my sentenced, her lips pressed hard against mine. She laughed, just like she always had when she kissed me, and her actions spoke louder than the words that I had let slip from my mouth.

  I found myself in a different world, I felt myself kissing her back just as hard as we stood there like fools for everyone to see.

  “I’m very surprised that you’re here.” I heard her whisper against my mouth.

  “You shouldn’t be. After all the times that we’ve spent together. You should’ve known by now that I wouldn’t be able to stay away.” I pulled my mouth away from hers.

  Picking up the luggage that was on the ground at our feet she took the flowers out of my hand and brought them to her nose. She inhaled deeply.

  “Roses are my favorite. They’ve always been my favorite.” Shelly whispered to me.

  I could see that she was getting back to her old self. She was the Shelly that I had first met.

  The sound of her voice was music to my ears. Her laughter was a song that was on repeat deep in my heart.

  The smile on my face couldn’t get any wider.

  “How long are you in town for?” Shelly asked when she slipped the key into the door and unlocked it pushing the door open.

  “As long as you’ll have me. I’m going to look at houses today and put some money down. I can go to Hawaii and check up on things once a month but there’s no reason to stay there. My heart is here.” I explained to her as quickly as I could.

  Chapter 25


  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was already planning everything out.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Jasmine, I couldn’t wait to call her up and let her know.

  I was shocked, to say the least. I never thought that he’d come to the house. I never thought that I would see Jackson again.

  I expected a few phone calls, some text me
ssages and that was it. I thought that he would move on. I knew that I could never move on and I felt like a fool thinking that he would find someone as soon as I left.

  “I wanted you to get on the plane with me. You can ask Jasmine, I think I cried myself to sleep wondering if you were thinking about me.” I confessed to him.

  “I wanted to surprise you. You don’t have any idea how hard it was for me to not get on the plane. I watched your plane take off from the window. I stayed until I couldn’t see it anymore.” Jackson told me.

  “I know, I saw you. I was waving to you. I didn’t think that I would ever see you again.” I sucked in my breath, I let it out slowly.

  I was no longer sad, I was no longer upset. My heart was happy again. I was completely happy again and that’s when I knew that Jackson was going to be the one that I would spend the rest of my life with. I just knew it.

  I put the vase of flowers on the kitchen table. I was glad that I had cleaned up the house before I left.

  I couldn’t imagine him walking into a dirty house.

  Showing him the upstairs and putting my clothes in the laundry room. I felt his arms go around my waist from behind. Just like on the yacht when we were together. When I didn’t want to go back.

  “I would never leave you high and dry. Not like that, not after the connection that we had made. Some people just know from the start who they want to be with.” Jackson whispered, kissing the back of my neck.

  The words and the softness of his lips sent a shiver up my spine. I felt my neck hairs stand up and I leaned against him feeling his arms wrap tighter around me.

  Turning around and putting my arms around him I kissed him. I couldn’t get enough of him, I couldn’t get enough of the affection and attention that he was giving to me.

  He put his hands on my hips and lifted me up onto the dryer. I threw my head back and laughed.

  I had never had a man go to such lengths to be with me.

  Jasmine told me that if it was meant to be then it would be. She was right, it takes two people to want to make a relationship work. It takes two to keep going strong no matter if they are a thousand miles apart or a world apart.

  I was still surprised that he was there, that he had traveled all this way to make me happy. I could see that he was just as happy as I was.

  I felt Jackson’s soft lips kissing down my neck, I felt my heart beating quickly in my chest. It was almost as if I had gone back to dreaming. Only I knew this time it wasn’t a dream. I could feel him, I could feel his hot breath slowly sliding down between my tits. I could feel the realness of it, my body coming alive.

  Chapter 26


  It felt good to hold her in my arms again, my heart knew what it was missing. It was as if my soul was complete once again as I held her tighter in my arms.

  I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth of her body. I knew at that point I wasn’t going to let her go. That not even wild horses would be able to drag me away from her. Nothing could stop me from what I wanted, what I knew I needed.

  I imagined her living with me, the two of us being together every day. She was the woman that I had been longing for, the woman that my heart ached for and I had her once again in my arms.

  Shelly had a hard time believing that anything could go right for her. That once she was happy it would be ruined. I was there to prove to her that I wasn’t going anywhere. That we were going to be together. If she let me I was going to be there for her to show her that life wasn’t always like that. That she could be happy and stay happy.

  Shelly was a great woman that any man would be lucky to have, and I knew that I was the luckiest man alive to have found her.

  It was destiny that we were together. That we had found each other. All the signs had been there since we first bumped into each other. I was going to show her that not every man was the same. That there were men out there who did want love, that did want to find the right one. I had her and I wasn’t going to let her go. I would be a damn fool if I did.

  The End.


  Flashing Lights

  Emily Vincent

  Chapter 1


  I watched her as she pulled in behind the jewelry shop. I was just getting ready to leave work. Well after midnight and I knew that no one was supposed to be around. The shop closed at five and here it was hours later.

  I decided to sit in my car and wait, to investigate if you will. I wasn’t worried about calling the cops. I just wanted to see what would transpire while I watched her.

  She got out of the car and her long blonde hair was up in a tight bun. I couldn’t see the rest of her body. Her face was covered, and her body was well covered in a black body suit. The only thing that showed from the back was her hair.

  I almost laughed at the thought that she would be doing this. She could give herself away in the suit that she was wearing.

  She couldn’t have been more than five feet tall, figuring by the blonde I knew that she had to have blue eyes. What was she even doing? I could tell that she wasn’t there to check the inventory of the gems that I was sure had to be in the safe locked up tight.

  There were rare gems in the shop, I had been in there to look at them. They were quite expensive as well. I couldn’t imagine some woman going in and taking them.

  I continued to sit in my car. There was nothing that was going to stop me from staying. It didn’t matter if the sky was falling I wanted to see how the night would end.

  Relaxing in the front seat of my black Jaguar I laughed as she popped open a window. She wasn’t even doing it right. I knew what was going to happen.

  I was waiting for the alarm to go off. I was waiting for her to trip the alarm system just by opening the window, I was surprised when it didn’t go off. I thought about getting out of the car at that second and asking her what the hell she thought she was doing.

  Instead I forced myself to stay in the car. There was no way that I was going to try and play hero for anyone.

  It was about fifteen minutes before I heard the alarm that sounded in the shop. I just knew that it was going to go off but why did it take so long? I wasn’t sure, but the inside job looked as if it she was going to get caught red handed.

  Starting the car, I saw flashing blue lights headed our way and saw that she wasn’t even close enough to her car to escape, by the time she tried to peel out of here they were going to have her red handed and my next move, the way I saw it she was a damsel in distress.

  My car engine roared to life as I grumbled to myself. Heading into the parking lot I leaned over and opened the passenger side door.

  “Get the hell in, quick!” I shouted at her.

  The woman gave me a look as if she wasn’t crazy enough to, but she got inside with the bags that she had taken from the shop. Before she even closed the door, I was pulling out of the exit and on our way as the police were headed into the shop parking lot.

  “What the hell were you doing back there?” I asked, speeding up.

  I didn’t have to guess I knew what the police were going to do. They were going to check out her car first which meant that we had some time to get away. We weren’t going to be in town for long.

  “You messed everything up!” She shouted, putting the bags between her legs.

  I couldn’t believe the nerve of this girl. I just couldn’t believe it. She wanted to blame me for saving her ass when she could’ve been in handcuffs already if I hadn’t come along and saved her!

  “As I see it you wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t pick you up. Who are you running for?” I asked as calmly as I could.

  I didn’t like it when people tried telling me that I was the crazy one. I knew that I was crazy, I didn’t need to be told but tonight it had nothing to do with craziness.

  “Look, let’s not talk about that. You did me a favor, let me out at the next stop.” She glanced over at me.

  I could see that she hadn’t taken her face mask
off yet. I didn’t think that she would because she would reveal herself to me.

  “I’m not dropping you off anywhere.” I shook my head back and forth, keeping my eyes on the road.

  “You can’t just take someone, that’s kidnapping.” She sighed.

  I could see that she was going to be a tough female, all of them are.

  “You have no idea what I just risked. You want to talk about kidnapping? I shouldn’t even get involved. IF I hadn’t you would be in a cell right now. You’re getting out of town until we can clear this up. Evidently this is your first heist.” I growled at her, having enough of her act.

  “I didn’t ask you to help me!” She reached for the door handle but before she could I pushed my foot down on the gas and hit the lock button.

  Glaring at me from where she was sitting she huffed at me. I glanced at her and grinned. It was the best that I could do for her.

  “My name’s Anthony by the way.” I chuckled.

  If she thought I was going to kidnap her than she should at least know my name. I could give her that.

  “Ginger.” She didn’t hesitate to give me her name. I wasn’t dumb. I knew that wasn’t her real name. I didn’t know how dumb she thought I was.

  I kept my mouth shut though as we continued speeding out of town and into the hills.

  “Where are you taking me?” Ginger crossed her arms and did her head bobbing thing which was already irritating the first time she had done it.

  I wasn’t going to tell her where we were going.

  “I want to know how you got in through the window without tripping the alarm.” I stated, keeping my eyes on the road but felt a smirk coming to my face.

  “It was left off, someone tried to get me caught. It wasn’t like I had meant to get caught. Someone left the window open, shut off the alarm but the one that was at the safe wasn’t turned off. I didn’t see it, I was told that it would be unlocked for me.” Ginger grunted, shaking her head. Knowing that she had messed up.


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