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Virgin On Vacation

Page 12

by Emily Vincent

  There was a gun in my face, not just any gun. At the end of the gun was someone I least expected.

  “What, you don’t have anything to say? Surprised maybe?” The man laughed at me.

  I kept a straight face, I was shocked sure, but I wasn’t going to let him see that. I wasn’t going to let him see that I was even the least bit rattled.

  “Why are you doing this? We were friends. I thought we were.” I glared at him.

  The first guard I ever hired to take care of me. To take care of my house, to make sure I was going to stay alive and here he was he had turned like a rattle snake.

  “What’s going on?” Ginger asked, bumping into me.

  She couldn’t see over my shoulder, she didn’t know what was going on yet.

  “Drop the suitcase. Hand over the bags and her too.” Jacobs almost shouted at me.

  “I’m not doing anything, you need to put that gun down.” I stated as calmly as I could.

  I thought if I remained calm he would too.

  “You do what I said! You’re not the one in control anymore. You’re not the one on the best side of things right now Jesse!” Jacobs stated, his face was red, he was yelling. His voice was echoing.

  “What is going on?” Ginger asked again, this time in a fearful voice.

  “We’ve been tricked. It was all just a ploy to get us out.” I grunted, shaking my head.

  I set the suitcases down and gave him the two bags of gems that I had. I didn’t want to, that was something I couldn’t control.

  “Now the girl.” Jacobs waved the gun towards Ginger that was behind me.

  I didn’t want to move out of the way. They could have the gems I would get them back, but I knew that if I gave Ginger up she was going to be dead. I wasn’t going to get her back. Jacob’s would kill her before I even had a chance to find them.

  “I said, give me the girl!” Jacobs shouted this time around.

  He stepped to the side to try to get her, I stepped to the side so that he couldn’t get her. I wasn’t going to let him have her without a fight.

  “This is the side that I’ve never seen before when it comes to you Jesse. I can’t believe that you’re willing to lose your life and still lose the girl. I can either take her now or I can kill you and after you’re dead I will take her.” Jacob’s shrugged his shoulders.

  I could do this the easy way, or I could it the hard way. That’s what he was saying, I had no plan in action. I had a car, that was in the hanger to my left, but I knew that I wasn’t going to catch up to him. Not without some help.

  Ginger put her hand on my shoulder and I could feel her step away from me.

  “I’ll go willingly.” She stood beside me.

  “You’re going to get killed.” I warned her, reaching for her hand.

  She pulled away from me with a smile on her face, it was a smile of courage, but I knew that she was scared as hell. There was no way that she was brave all the way through.

  “I’m not going to kill her, you have my word on that.” Jacobs laughed at me, shaking his head.

  If he wasn’t going to kill her than what was he going to do with her? What was he going to do just keep her trapped and find out information?

  That’s what he was going to do, he was going to get whatever he could out of her. I knew Ginger wasn’t her real name and I was sure that she was going to give up whatever she could just to stay alive.

  “I’m going. I don’t want you dead.” She whispered, kissing me on the cheek before she walked over to Jacobs.

  I didn’t say anything to her, there was nothing to say. She had made her choice. Not that she wanted to, but she had still made it and that was something that I couldn’t undo. I couldn’t fight for her while she was still there in front of me, but I was going to look for her and when I came for her and it was going to be a battle.

  “You’re going to try and look for us. You really didn’t think that someone from your own team would do this did you?” Jacob’s laughed at me.

  “To be honest, no I didn’t.” I glared at him, feeling the first sprinkles of rain hitting my hands.

  There was no more darkness. It was a new day. The sun was promising a bright day while the gun was lowered and turned away from me when Ginger went to his side.

  “I’m going to be okay.” Ginger muttered, nodding her head at me.

  They turned away from me and got into a black car. There was nothing that I could do. Why didn’t Jacob kill me? Was he as smart as I thought he was? There was no way that he could be in the moment.

  When they left I felt a smile come to my face. I wasn’t as stupid as I looked. They would be back, they would be looking for me and by that time I was going to have a plan. I had some insurance.

  I walked slowly to the hanger where my car was. I got into the yellow Audi and revved the engine. It felt good to be behind the wheel again. I had missed it, it had been too quiet in my life and occasionally there was going to be some danger, but I didn’t think that I would be going after a girl.

  The game was about the rarest gems, selling them off without getting killed and going along your way. There was never a girl in the mix.

  I hardly knew Ginger but that wasn’t the point. I had felt she was sincere, that she was a true person. Someone who was too trusting while other times she was too stubborn. Not wanting to answer my questions and not wanting to give me more information than what she had to.

  I didn’t know what her plan was on going with Jacob’s. I didn’t know if she even had one. Probably not. That was for me to figure out and keep her alive.

  I did believe Jacob’s that he wasn’t going to kill her. I believed his word because he wasn’t that stupid.

  As I pulled out of the airport and onto the street, squealing the fresh tires that I had on the car I had to laugh to myself.

  “There’s no way that they’re going to kill you. I will get there before they have the chance to. I will figure out where you are.” I whispered, as if I was talking to Ginger right beside me in the car.

  There was one thing that Jacob’s didn’t know that I did. He would soon figure it out and I knew he was going to be mad as hell when he did. I didn’t know what was going to happen when he did find out, but I was hoping that she would find a way to stall him before he did the investigating he should’ve done when he was standing in front of me.

  My phone rang, and I pushed a button to on the steering wheel to pick it up.

  “Hello?” I asked, without taking my eyes off the road.

  “Where are you?” I heard a familiar voice and couldn’t help but smile.

  “I’m in Paris right now. I have something I need to take care of.” I cleared my throat.

  “Funny, that’s where I am too. I hear that you’re having trouble. Pick me up at the coffee shop on fifth street.” My brother was always around when I needed him.

  Teddy was a good man; had always been a great man and he always had my back no matter what it was.

  “I will be there in a few minutes.” I stated, clicking the button and shutting the phone off.

  If anyone could help it was him, there was no doubt in my mind that he would be able to help me. I worked alone when it came to take the gems but something bigger that I couldn’t handle I knew that Teddy was the one person that I could count on.

  I pulled up in front of the coffee shop and watched him get in. He didn’t bother putting on his seat belt.

  “You’re really putting yourself in some hot water over a girl.” Teddy sighed, giving me a wink.

  “They won’t do anything to her.” I shook my head.

  “How can you be so confident?” Teddy asked me.

  I put my hand in my pocket and came out with it closed. Opening the palm of my hand I was the one who held the Alexandrite. What they wanted the most. They didn’t care about Ginger. They wanted the gems.

  “This is why. Right here. Alexandrite and they think she has it. For a twin you don’t have that connection with me.” I l

  Teddy and I looked just a like. I was born a few seconds after him, technically he was the oldest, but no one knew that. There was only one way to tell us apart and it wasn’t seen through the face or figure of the body.

  “Are you ready to go get Jacob’s?” Teddy grinned at me as I pulled away from the curb.

  “There’s only one problem, I don’t know where they are.” I sighed, shaking my head.

  “That’s why you have me little brother. Good thing I am at the bars late at night. I knew you were in trouble before you were. I got myself in a bind or else I would’ve warned you, but I didn’t have the time. I knew something was going to happen I just didn’t know what. I know where they are.” Teddy’s face grew serious.

  I nodded my head and listened to the instructions he gave me. I wanted to get Ginger. I had the gems but I didn’t care about them. Alexandrite was what everyone wanted. I was the one who had it. Now I was going back for the girl.

  Chapter 6


  I saw that we were in a warehouse of sorts. It was dark, and I wondered if he was going to kill me. Jesse had done something that I had thought he wouldn’t, he kept the Alexandrite which was good. I didn’t think that Jacob’s would kill me until he got it.

  “Where is he?” Jacob’s asked, pacing back and forth.

  “I don’t know, he probably left. I mean drop the girl let the girl die and he has what he wants. No one is going to be able to catch him now.” Another man called out, shrugging his shoulders.

  That thought had run through my mind a few times. It wasn’t like I was stupid. There was a part of me that thought maybe Jesse had run off.

  There weren’t many men there with Jacob’s I thought that he would have a full crew. He didn’t know Jesse as well as I had but the first assumption of just running with what he had was a strong one. I was sure that’s why Jacob’s hadn’t called more people in.

  There was only one window in the place and I wasn’t sure if anyone could get in and out of it. I knew that I couldn’t. There was no way to climb to it and on the outside, there was no way to jump down from it unless you were to break your neck.

  “You should call him.” I scoffed, feeling the urge to say something, anything.

  “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that already.” He grunted, shaking his head at me. I felt a smile come to my face but wiped it clean when he started towards me.

  “Don’t think that I am afraid of any woman. They are weaknesses in my eyes.” He glared at me.

  I didn’t care what he thought I didn’t want to die. That was the only thing I didn’t want to happen. I still had a lot of life in me and to die in a warehouse wasn’t on the top of the list of places to die.

  I heard a noise outside, but it could’ve been one of his men moving around. I heard a knock on the door and was surprised when Jacob’s just freely went to answer it.

  “This isn’t something that I had planned. I didn’t expect for you to just come to me.” Jacob’s laughed.

  I turned my head but couldn’t see who it was because of the light that was coming in.

  Jacob’s brought the person into the darkness and I almost fainted. It was Jesse. Why would he come here? Why would he surrender without a fight and how did he know where I was?

  All sorts of questions were going through my head.

  “The Alexandrite isn’t on me. You think I’d be stupid enough to bring it with me?” Jesse laughed.

  “Where is it!” Jacob’s shouted at him, I could tell that his ears and face were getting red. I could see it from the small distance of where he stood.

  “You let her go and I will tell you where it is. It’s that simple. I’m not playing games.” Jesse was smooth, he was calm, and he had a sassy smile on his face.

  Did he not realize that if Jacob’s wanted to him could just kill me where I was and that would be the end of it? I was going to be the one who would be dead in the end not him.

  Jacob’s closed the door and flicked on the lights. My eyes had to adjust to the brightness. I knew he wanted to see for himself that Jesse was there with us. That he had just handed himself over.

  “This isn’t a game.” Jacob’s grunted.

  “But it is. This is the game that you wanted to play. This is the game that you started by taking the girl.” Jesse pointed a finger at him.

  “For you to come back for a girl is shocking. It is. I’ve worked for you how many years? Never once had you worried about a girl and that’s where your mistake lies - with a female.” Jacob’s laughed at him, slapping his knees he was laughing so hard.

  Jesse was keeping his composure. I could see that his eyes were on fire. He was holding back the anger that he was growing inside of him.

  I did have to admit that I felt special. He came back for me, the man that was known as the biggest thief. The man that was all about gems and fame never about a female in his life. I felt as if I were the queen of the world in the moment even though I was sure I would die in the end.

  “That’s not your concern. You give me her and I will tell you where the Alexandrite is.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “You think that I’m that stupid? You think I’m just going to hand her over to you on your word?” Jacob’s wasn’t laughing anymore. He didn’t want to play games. He wanted the gems and that’s all he wanted.

  “It’s not a game. I’m willing to tell you where they are.” Jesse shook his head, he was serious. Anyone could see that.

  Jacob’s sighed, he looked around at the two guards that he did have with him and they were surprised when Jacob’s made his way to me.

  The room was quiet. Too quiet and I think that’s why we heard a bang outside so loud that it jumped me.

  “You two go out there and see what’s going on!” Jacob’s shouted, moving away from me and staring over at Jesse.

  “I don’t know what the noise is. I came here alone.” Jesse answered him, nodding his head firmly.

  Jacob’s had to stay inside, he had to watch us. There was no way that he could see for himself. I found myself biting down on my lip so that he wouldn’t see it.

  The warehouse was too quiet. Then we heard it, we heard the two men screaming at the top of their lungs. Their screams were cut short and it went silent again.

  “Jesse!” Jacob’s shouted, pulling out his gun and ready to pull the trigger.

  “I told you I didn’t bring anyone with me.” Jesse put his hands up.

  Jacob’s pointed the gun at me and for a second, I thought I was dead. I thought I was going to die. I closed my eyes waiting for the bullet to hit me, but it didn’t.

  The gun did go off and I felt something wiz by my head, but I didn’t feel anything. I heard a grunt and opened my eyes. The two men were wrestling around on the floor and there was nothing that I could to help.

  My hands were tied behind my back, they were tied tightly though I had worked the ropes loose it wasn’t enough. I couldn’t slip my wrists out to help Jesse who was on the ground with the gun to his head.

  I could see that it was pointed at his temple. If Jacob’s pulled the trigger he would be dead, a pool of blood coming out of his head and staining the cement. I was sitting there helpless. Nothing I could do to help.

  “If you kill me the Alexandrite will be lost forever. Are you willing to not get the gems that you want?” Jesse shouted at him when he had nothing else.

  I couldn’t’ believe that Jesse had come into the warehouse unprepared to begin with, why would he do that?

  “That doesn’t appeal to me anymore. With you dead I will be the one in first place around the world. You don’t get it. It’s not even about the Alexandrite. It’s not. You’ve been playing against me for years you just didn’t know it.” Jacob’s grunted but got off him.

  Jesse got to his feet quickly, I couldn’t believe everything that was coming out. Jesse was surprised and there was no way to hide that you could see it all over his face.

  “They say to keep
your friends close but your enemies closer. For years I’ve been one step behind you. Have you not seen the rankings?” Jacob’s asked, throwing his head back and laughing.

  “Jackal. That’s who you are?” Jesse asked, running through his memory.

  “You’re pretty smart. Smarter than most.” He nodded his head, letting Jesse know that he was right.

  “You’ve always been too busy with what’s going on around you. You thought that you were untouchable but here we are. The truths come out, I had this planned since the first day that I’d started working for you. You just thought that you were building an army while I was there tracking every move that you have been making. I know how you work. The ins and the outs.” Jacob’s explained to him.

  Jesse turned away from the both of us. I couldn’t believe that he could just turn his back like that. If Jacob’s wanted to kill him though he had the opportunity and didn’t do it.

  I knew that the game was going to end with someone dead. I just hoped that it wasn’t either of us. The odds were stacked against us and Jesse had to act all cool when I knew that deep down somewhere he had to be scared out of his mind.

  “If I were you I would get out of here. You should run while you can.” Jesse turned around to face him again.

  “Bluffing isn’t going to do anything. Someone’s out there, we both know that. IF it’s not your guy and it’s not mine then it’s someone else. We’re going to have to fight with each other instead of against each other.” Jacob’s was thinking out loud.

  “Untie her, we have to get her out of here. She needs to be able to run if we are.” Jesse pointed out to him.

  “I’m not going to do that Jesse. You’re going to have to play the hero if you want to at the last second.” Jacob’s sighed.

  “Someone needs to get me out of here. I’m not going to die here.” I stated, wanting someone to get me out so that I could stand up.

  Jesse started towards me with Jacob’s gun in sight again.

  “Don’t do it, you will be dead before you reach her.” Jacob’s voice was low and steady. He wasn’t screaming, and we knew that he was serious.


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