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Real Riders Never Die 2

Page 12

by A'zayler

  “You think I would hurt you, Taryn-Lee?”

  She was quiet.

  He shook his head. “I would never hurt you. It’s fucked up that you think I would.” He swallowed again because he could feel his rage on the rise. “I told you before, you’re the one thing that I can’t handle losing.” Demoto tapped the side of his head. “I’m going crazy and it's fucking with me because I’m going crazy over you.”

  When his eyes began to water she looked away. Her head was turned for a few minutes. Not long, just long enough for her to get herself together. When he looked back up, she was walking toward him. Taryn’s hand came up to the side of his face and stayed there. She wrapped her other arm around his waist and held him close to her body.

  Taryn lay her head against his chest and rubbed her arm up and down his back. The hand that had been on his face came down and circled his waist along with her other one. He wasn’t hugging her back, just standing there allowing her to hold him. His body relaxed a little in her arms but he was still a little stiff.

  Taryn held onto him, trying to massage the stress from his body. Demoto took deep breaths trying to get his breathing to return to normal. He felt so tired and empty as he looked down at her. She stepped back away from him a little so that she could see his face. She looked like the chocolate goddess he’d fallen so in love with. Her long hair circling her serious face.

  “I love you, Demoto… you. I,” Taryn pointed at her chest, “love you. That’s it. Only you. There’s nothing or no one that will ever make me leave you.” Taryn hugged him again. “Whether you know it or not, I’m just as crazy about you as you are me.”

  “But you ran from me.”

  Taryn looked away. “I ran because you scared me. Demoto, this stuff is normal to you, not me. I mean, yes I know what you do and I know it isn’t pretty, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. You have to give me a little time to understand all of this. It was hard for me to watch you do that and have you right back on me.” Taryn moved some of his hair out of his face again. “I mean, Demoto, you came right for my neck moments after I witnessed you snap someone else’s. You have to see where I’m coming from with this.”

  Demoto sniffed and grabbed his bottom lip with his top teeth. He listened to her and understood exactly what she was saying. In his fit of fury and uncertainty, all he saw was her leaving.

  “It’s hard to think straight when you’re involved.”

  Taryn grabbed both sides of his face and stood on her tiptoes. Even in her heels he was taller than her. She kissed his lips softly. Taking time to kiss each one of them separately. When she pulled at his bottom lip with her teeth, he grabbed her. His hands all over her butt and thighs. He felt on her for a little bit longer before wrapping his arms around the top of her shoulders. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead into hers.

  “I need to be committed to a mental ward or something.”

  “Who do you think is going to do it? Because I most certainly am not. You’re not crazy. You’re just in love. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “You still want me?” He looked at her.

  “I’ll always want you.”

  He nodded and grabbed her hand. He led her up the alley and back to his car. They moved quickly so they would go unnoticed, which was easy since there were so many people lining the sidewalks. They hopped in and pulled away. There were down the street before anything else was spoken.

  “You remember my foster dad, Terry?” Taryn looked at him.

  Demoto’s face frowned in thought. “Kind of.”

  “Well do you remember me telling you that he used to try to have sex with me all the time?”

  Demoto’s hand tightened around his gearshift. Taryn placed her hand on top of his before she continued.

  “Well, the man back at the club, that was him.”

  Demoto looked over at her quickly to make sure he was hearing her correctly. “For real?”

  Taryn nodded. “When I first saw him come into the club I was a little nervous because I haven’t seen him in years. I kept trying not to look at the bastard, but I could feel him looking at me. I was trying my hardest not to let you know who he was because I already knew how that would turn out, so I said nothing.”

  “I knew something was wrong with you the moment he walked in.”

  Taryn looked shocked. “How?”

  “I can read your body language.”

  “Ooooh, okay. Well anyway, he followed me to the bathroom.”

  Demoto nodded. “I saw him. I was watching y’all.”

  Taryn turned in her seat. “I didn’t see you.”


  “That was crazy, Moto. I was scared at first, but now I’m just like whatever. That’s what he gets.”

  “How did you get back there with him?”

  “Well once you sent me to the car so you could talk to your little friend, I saw him standing outside. When he saw me he asked could we talk for a minute. Me being who I am, I wanted to beat his ass anyway, so I said yeah. We weren’t supposed to be that far into the alley but once he started talking nasty to me and I punched his ass he hit me back and we kind of just tussled our way further down.”

  “That was reckless as fuck, Tee. He could have done anything to you.”

  Taryn shrugged. “I was fucking him up though. The only reason my dress was up was because I had just kicked his ass in the face.”

  Demoto looked at her again as they turned into the hospital parking lot.

  “Don’t do that shit no more.”

  “It doesn’t look like I’m going to have to.”

  Demoto said nothing to that just got out of the car instead. He came around and opened the door for her.

  “Why are we here?”

  “My hand is bleeding like fucking crazy.”

  Taryn nodded her head and followed him inside. When they got inside, the waiting room was beyond packed. They signed in and took their seats. Demoto looked around at all the people nervous about what he was about to do. He leaned his head to the side before standing back up again and grabbing her hand. She looked confused, but she got up anyway.

  “You tired of waiting?”

  “Yeah, but not on the doctor.”

  Taryn’s face was one of pure confusion.

  Once they were outside, Demoto pulled her to the side and got down on one knee. Her eyes got big as saucers.

  “Demoto, what you doing?”

  “Baby girl, I’m tired of waiting to be your husband. I’m tired of waiting on the right time to ask, and I’m tired of you not being mine completely. I know you saw another side of me tonight, but you stayed. Instead of running away and leaving me to lose my mind, you held me and let me know that you was fucking with me regardless.” Demoto tapped his chest. “I ain’t never had nobody love me like this, Tee, and I can’t let you get away. I would say I love you, but that word ain’t even enough. It does nothing to describe the way I feel about you. You’re everything and more, and my life ain’t shit without you. Just say you’re going to be my wife, baby girl. Please?” Demoto winked at her. “Say yes so you can be a Youngblood for real, ma.”

  Taryn’s words were caught in her throat as she shook uncontrollably. She had envisioned this in her mind on so many occasions, and it still didn’t prepare her for the way she felt inside. She cried and turned around from him for a split second to gather herself. He was still on his knee when he grabbed her hand and turned her back around.

  “What’s it gon’ be, baby girl? You with me for life or what? You already see I can’t live without you.”

  “Man, Demoto, yessss baby. Yes!” She grabbed him as soon as he stood up. They hugged for what seemed like forever before pulling away.

  He kissed her deeply before pulling the ring from the pocket of his shirt. It was the biggest, shiniest rock she’d seen in her entire life. It was flashy, but so classy and elegant. He slid it on her finger and it was official. They smiled at one another as they ran back to his ca

  “So you never planned to get your hand checked?”

  He shook his head. “Nah, this the only place that has a minister this late. I was about to marry your ass right in the chapel of the hospital.”

  “Nigga are you for real?”

  He nodded, and she took her seatbelt back off.

  “Well, come on. Why we back in the car? Let’s go back inside.” She was getting out when he grabbed her hand. He laughed at her before shaking his head.

  “Your daddy has Ayo, let’s just go home and we can hit the courthouse in the morning. We’re dirty as fuck right now.”

  Taryn looked down at their clothing before agreeing with him. “Promise?”

  “On my life.”

  Taryn smiled and sat back in her seat. She was happy, and he was happy. Tomorrow they would be, the Youngbloods.

  Chapter Eight

  “How’s the numbers looking for this month, Jackson?” Buck took a seat in the chair across from Jacko’s desk.

  “They raising like a muthafucka, Mr. Buck. I ain’t seen no shit like this since I started. Hell, to be honest, I ain’t seen no shit like this in the books that I went over from the past when I first started.”

  Buck smiled and threw his hand across the desk for Jacko to shake. They shared a brief victory laugh before retreating back in their chairs. “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about, Jackson. You’re doing one hell of a job, son.”

  “Appreciate that, Buck, but shit, it’s more than me. Demoto’s ass been putting in work like crazy. That nigga had just over eighty contracts in this month alone. Not one mishap. My boy is on his, hitting the fuckin’ target.” Jacko used his mouse to scroll up some on his computer. “All of his contractors have nothing but the best shit to say. Some of them have even rehired him a second and third time.”

  Buck’s face frowned as he smiled. He rubbed his hands together before running one over his bald head. “That young nigga is the truth. He’s thorough and professional. I can respect that.”

  Jacko nodded. “I see why y’all promoted him to number one instead of Adisa.”

  Buck looked out of Jacko’s door to see if Adisa was in his office. He wasn’t, so he pushed the door to Jacko’s office closed before sitting back. “Adisa, is good, really good. He’s just not made for this. He’s been doing this for a while now and not once has he gotten as many contracts as Demoto. His heart is just not for it. I don’t know why because they’re cut from the same cloth.”

  “Demoto is just different.”

  “That, he is. I knew that from the time he started dating Tee-Tee.” Buck picked the hair on his goatee. “You know what really showed me what kind of man he was?”

  Jacko raised his eyebrows and nodded.

  “When he took Taryn to New York with him a few years back, and though I didn’t agree with it, he was able to let her help and still get the job done. Her being there could have cost him his position and maybe even his life dealing with Cayman. I ain’t gon’ lie though, I wanted to kick his young ass when I first found out Taryn was up there.”

  Jacko laughed. “Moto would never let anything happen to her. He loves that damn girl something serious. I swear I aint never seen no shit like that. You can’t even say nothing about her and another nigga around him because it’s like he goes to a totally different world or some shit.”

  Buck nodded his head as he listened to Jacko. “What about you? You love Kia like that?”

  “Yes, sir. I love Kia like no tomorrow, but it’s still different with Moto. It’s something deeper. I just don’t know what it is.”

  “So do you think the love he has for her is good or bad?”

  “Definitely good. Anybody would be lucky to have it. In my opinion, Mr. Buck,” Jacko stood and came around his desk, “you’re lucky to have men like myself and Moto to love your daughters. We’re the best they’re ever going to have.”

  Laughter erupted from both men. Buck laughed a little longer than Jacko as he stood up and shook his hand again. “I agree, son. I appreciate y’all young asses. Especially you. Kia’s been having it hard since her mom passed. You help her a lot. You and Taryn both. That’s why I was so happy when Taryn came along. You and I both know Kia and she wasn’t fucking with nobody.”

  “And she still don’t. You should hear her talk about the people at her job.” Jacko chuckled.

  “Oh trust me. I hear it.” Buck opened the door back up. “Let me get up out of here. I’ll catch you later. I got somebody waiting on me.”

  Jacko spun around quickly and looked at Buck. “Since when you had a woman?”

  “Nigga since I been the muthafuckign man. Don’t forget I been doing this shit. I’m old school. I aint like y’all young niggas. Find a girl fall in love with the pussy and next day you act like you can’t function without her, or better yet marry her.”

  Jacko burst out laughing because Buck was throwing shots. Every chance he got he talked about how fast he and Kia had gotten married. It was funny as hell every time he said it too. Because he was right. Jacko laughed at his own self sometimes, but then he thought about how much he loved Kia and how short life was, he’d do it all over again the exact same way.

  “Man, whatever. Wait ’til I tell Kia and Taryn on your ass. I bet you won’t be talking all that big shit then.”

  Buck’s face got serious. “Nah, not yet. Keep this shit to yourself. Those two will been done ran the damn woman off before I can even get with her good.”

  “You ain’t lying. Especially Kia. She raw as fuck. Taryn a lil nicer.”

  Buck shook his head. “Not since she been with Demoto. She mean as hell too, and put her and Kia together, shit is just all bad.”

  “Aight, Buck, I got you.”

  “My man,” Buck stuck his fist out for Jacko to pound before leaving.

  When Buck was gone, Jacko took a seat back at his desk and got back to work. He was almost finished with the Double O budget for the month when his cell phone rang. It took him a minute to locate his phone, but he found it in his desk drawer.

  What the hell?

  Jacko’s face frowned as he wondered why Izzy’s school was calling him. He hit the speakerphone button and set the phone down on the desk. “Hello.”

  “Hello, Jackson, this is Holly Richmond from Isabelle’s school. How are you today?”

  “I’m well and yourself?”

  “That’s awesome. I’m fine. I was calling you because Isabelle is here at school today, but…” There was some noise in the background before it got quiet. “Jackson?”

  “Yeah, I’m here. What’s going on?”

  “Sorry about that. I stepped outside so that the Izzy wouldn’t hear me. Anyways, like I was saying, Isabelle is here at school today but she’s wearing the same thing as yesterday. Normally I wouldn’t speak on anything of this matter because everyone is different, but for as long as I have known Isabelle, yourself, and Kerry, this has never happened.”

  “What the fuck?”

  Holly chuckled for a second. “I know, Mr. Jackson, I thought the same thing. So I take it you were unaware of this?”

  “Hell yeah I was unaware of that shit. Kerry knows better than to put Izzy on the same fucking clothes two days in a row.” Jacko was fuming as he rocked back and forth in his chair. “She’s knows gotdamn well to make sure is Izzy is good before bringing her to school.”

  “I tried calling her first, but she didn’t answer. Isabelle is a lively and beautiful young lady, but this week she just hasn’t been herself. She’s not as active in class and she seems to want to stay to herself more. She’s doing all of her classwork, but none of her homework has been returned since last Wednesday. I would have called sooner, but like I said, Isabelle is a special case. I’ve known you and Kerry for years.”

  Jacko listened to Holly speak. She had been Isabelle’s teacher for the past two years. Being that Izzy was at a private school, everyone pretty much knew everyone. So even the year before when Izzy was only in daycare, Holl
y had known who she was. Although she was a nice white lady, Jacko didn’t want anyone to look at his niece like something was wrong with her.

  “What is she doing now?”

  “She’s lying on her desk asleep. All the rest of the children are gone to prayer.”

  “She’s sleep? Why didn’t she go to prayer?”

  Holly cleared her throat. “She asked me could she stay with me and take a nap.”

  Jacko hit the top of his desk. “You have got to be fucking kidding me! Excuse my language, but this is some fucking bullshit Holly.”

  “I agree.”

  The line was quiet only for a few seconds before Jacko spoke again. “Aye, I’m on my way. Just let Izzy sleep until I get there.”

  “No problem.” There was a brief pause again. “One more thing, Jackson, before you get up here.”

  “Damn, it’s some more?”

  “Uh yeah. Isabelle has a black eye.”

  “She has a what?” Jacko’s voice raised.

  “I asked her where she got it from but she wouldn’t tell me.”

  Jacko took a few deep breaths before telling her again that he would be on his way in a minute. As soon as he ended his call he was out of his seat and out of his office. He took the elevator down to the main lobby while calling Kia.

  “Hey, Jack.”

  “Hey baby, where you at?”


  “Can you leave?”

  “Umm, I don’t know. What’s going on? Is everything alright?”

  Jacko hopped into his car. “Fuck no it ain’t alright, and I’ma kill Kerry when I get my hands on her ass.”

  “Oh shit. What happened? I’m about to leave now.” He could hear shuffling around on Kia’s end as he pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Just meet me at Izzy’s school.”

  After telling him that she would, they ended their call. Jacko contemplated calling Kerry but changed his mind. He honestly didn’t want to hear shit she had to say right then. Furthermore, he would probably have even more to say after he left the school anyway. Jacko’s Corvette sped up the highway until he got to his rightful exit. He turned his car up into a parking spot and hopped out.


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