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Chained to You, Vol. 5: Seduced (Vegas Billionaires)

Page 12

by Alexia Praks

  My head spun, and my body felt weak with terror as I slowly turned around.

  The moment I faced him—the man who never stopped haunting my nightmares—I sucked in my breath.

  There I stood, frozen in fear, as I stared at the man I had hoped to never see again.

  “Hello, Mia,” he said. “Uncle has come to take you home.”

  Instantly I snapped out of my haze of fear and, my body shaking uncontrollably, said, “No. I’m not going anywhere with you, Herbert.” I twisted around and glared at Sophie. “You bitch. You tricked me.”

  I knew I had to run away if I didn’t want to end up in Herbert’s clutches again, if I didn’t want to go through the terror I’d been through when I’d been a teenage girl.

  I tightened my grip on the phone in my hand as I continued to swear at Sophie as if my life depended on it.

  “You think you’re going to get away with this? When James finds out you planned this whole thing, that you joined forces with this disgusting man, you’re both going to be dead. You obviously don’t know James very well. He’ll murder you without batting an eye. I swear you’ll pay if anything happens to me.”

  Sophie laughed lightly. She was actually laughing at me and my threats. Once she was done with her sour amusement, she said, “Yeah. Like I’m going to believe you. James may be a billionaire, but when it comes to something like this, he knows nothing, sweetheart.”

  I shook my head at her naivety. I said as I slowly walked backward, the phone in my hand tighter in my grip, “You’re stupid, Sophie. So fucking stupid. And I’m not going to feel sorry for you when James and his men hunt the both of you down, because that’s what he’ll do. He’ll hunt you down and destroy you.”

  The moment I felt Herbert close behind me, I swung around and really let my fist fly into the man’s face with all my might. The phone smacked his cheekbone, sending him staggering backward against the side of the van.

  Sophie was stunned at what had just happened, while Herbert muttered under his breath as he touched the spot I’d whacked.

  I took the opportunity of their shocked surprise and made a run for it. I literally ran for my life, my ballet flats hurting my feet and threatening to fall off.

  As I rushed around the corner, intending to head back up the street toward the house, I suddenly felt a rough, strong hand on my arm, pulling me back.

  Shit! No!

  It was Herbert. He had caught me, his hands rough on my skin. I fought him like a crazy cat as I swung my hands wildly at him, smacking his face and chest, giving him blow after blow with my puny fists. I tried to free myself from the tight grasp, but it was to no avail.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Sophie’s voice came bellowing from behind. “Fuck! Quickly. Shut her up, will you? Or someone will hear.”

  Instantly a hand smashed my face, sending me reeling back. I lost my footing and collapsed onto the concrete slab, my cell dropping from my hand. As I lay there, all I felt was the pain, hot and deep, spreading across my body. My head was spinning, and all I could see was hazy darkness.

  I panicked and knew if I didn’t clear my head and try to get help or get away soon, I was in deep trouble. I groaned and forced myself to move. Then I spread my hands out, searching for my phone by feeling about the concrete.

  “Why do you have to be so difficult, Mia?” I heard Herbert say darkly. “Uncle was only here to take you back home. Do you know how much Uncle has missed you?”

  I furrowed my brow and forced my head to clear, and miraculously it did. I opened my eyes and scanned around for my phone. I found it not too far away and scurried toward it. Once close, I snapped it up and, with shaky hands, searched for James’s number.

  I was about to push the call button when Herbert’s feet appeared beside me and casually kicked the cell out of my grasp. I felt sick as tears stung my eyes. My one and only savior was kicked out of my reach. James! Oh God! Oh no!

  Suddenly I felt myself being picked up, and a rag was pressed against my mouth and nose. I fought as I tried to breathe, my hands struggling wildly against the big man.

  It smelled odd. The cloth. A strong, foul odor. I became weaker, and my mind began to fade.

  No! What’s happened? Why is my body like this? Mia, don’t back down. Get a grip on yourself. Mia! I shouted internally.

  But I couldn’t win. Something in that cloth was making me sleepy. Then I blacked out.

  Chapter 20


  “I’m going to check up on Aria and Mia for a bit,” James said, getting up from his seat. “I think that’s enough gossiping about Dad and his new bride.”

  Eric snorted. “That woman is not Dad’s new bride. Don’t be ridiculous, James.”

  Scott chuckled. “We’ll get to meet her soon, no doubt. Our old man is coming home next month, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah,” James said as he headed toward the door. As he was about to exit, he added, “You’re about to meet your new stepmother, Eric. You should be elated about that.”

  Eric shouted, “Fuck you, James. It’s not funny.”

  James laughed, shaking his head as he headed up the stairs.

  He couldn’t believe how sensitive Eric was where the new bride Alice was concerned.

  New bride, he thought, his mind turning to Mia. Fuck, he’d said the four-letter word to her this evening, and he still couldn’t believe it. Once again, he felt elated, simply elated when he’d finally recognized his feelings for Mia and said those wonderful words to her. Not to mention that quick sex was simply mind-blowing, and her pussy was so fucking sweet too.

  Mia, he thought. He loved Mia Donovan. Fuck. He. Loved. Her.

  He chuckled as he headed toward his daughter’s bedroom. There he found Aria fast asleep. He bent down, kissed her, and then headed out again, wondering if Mia was already in her sleeping garment and in her own bed.

  At her bedroom door, he gave a couple of knocks. When there was no answer, he went in, only to find the room was empty. Frowning, he strode to the bathroom and checked there.

  Suddenly he felt sick. Fuck! Where the hell is she?

  “Mia?” he called out, looking around and checking inside the walk-in closet. She wasn’t in there either.

  When he came back out, his gut instinct told him something wasn’t right. Fuck!

  “Mia?” he called again. He was about to head out when he saw the note sitting on the bedside table.

  He picked it up and scanned through the short message.

  “Fuck!” He swore loudly and rushed out the door.

  He sprinted down the stairs, raced across the foyer—which surprised his brothers who were just about to leave—and then out the door.

  “James!” Scott called out. “What’s wrong?”

  James didn’t have time to answer. He raced down the footpath and across the garden toward the gate. There he shouted, “Peter. Open the gate.”

  The security guard came rushing out of his office and asked, “What’s wrong, Mr. Maxwell?”

  “Mia! Have you seen Mia?”

  Peter nodded. “Yes, sir. Just fifteen minutes ago. She went out to meet Miss Wilson down the street. She said she wouldn’t be long.”

  “Fuck!” James swore again. “Open the gate! Now!” he demanded.

  “Yes, sir,” Peter said and rushed back inside his office.

  Behind him, Scott and Eric arrived. Scott shouted, “James, what the hell? What the fuck is going on?”

  His face contorting in the dark, James said, “I think Mia’s in trouble.”

  “What?” Eric asked.

  The gate opened, and James raced out.

  He sprinted across the street, and in a split second he turned the corner. As he came down the road, he searched wildly about him, seeking Mia.

  The place, however, was deserted. Not another soul was in sight. Scott and Eric arrived behind him, also searching about the place.

  “Here?” Eric asked as he ran across the road to the other side, scanning sharply.
  James nodded. “The note Sophie left for Mia. Their meeting was here.”

  “Fuck,” Scott muttered. “Then where are they?”

  The three men raced up and down the street, looking for any sign of Mia or her presence before they’d arrived. It was then Eric stepped on something and glanced down. He picked it up and cursed.

  “James!” he called out to his brother. “Is this Mia’s?”

  James rushed over and grabbed the broken phone from Eric’s hand.

  A sense of fear and sickness descended in his stomach once he recognized the phone he’d bought for her back in Vegas. There on the broken screen was his name and number, ready to be dialed. Bile rose from his gut, and he swore loudly in anger and frustration. “Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  He was in a full-blown rage now. Fuck! Whoever did this was going to fucking pay. He wasn’t going to let them get away with it.

  He turned to his brothers and said, “Call everyone. We’re going to hunt those bastards down.”

  Scott nodded at Eric. The brothers then pulled out their phones and called in the team.

  Still looking down the street, James raked his hand through his hair, his whole body shaking in terror.

  “Mia,” he said under his breath. “Fuck, please be all right, Mia. Please.”

  Thank you for reading Chained to You, Vol. 5: Seduced. Last in the Chained to You serial is Chained to You, Vol. 6: Loved.

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  Chained to You Reading Order


  Chained to You, Vol. 1: Bound

  Chained to You, Vol. 2: Captivated

  Chained to You, Vol. 3: Ensnared

  Chained to You, Vol. 4: Entwined

  Chained to You, Vol. 5: Seduced

  Chained to You, Vol. 6: Loved


  Chained to You, Book 1

  Chained to You, Book 2

  Chained to You, Book 3

  Get More of the Vegas Billionaires


  Sexy. Powerful. Lethal.

  William Bosworth is one of the billionaire elites who rule Las Vegas with an iron fist.

  When I helped the powerful billionaire William Bosworth, after he’d received a severe beating one night in a back street of Las Vegas three years ago, I did not expect my life to turn out this way—becoming a pet to the influential man who makes my heart ache for him, who not only sees me as his plaything, but as someone who is special to him, someone who loves him unconditionally.

  My name is Savanah White, and I was sold as a pet, a sex toy, by my stepmother to the highest bidder in order to pay off her gambling debt. William Bosworth is that highest bidder. He is now my master, and I must obey his every command—be it outside or inside the bedroom, behind closed doors where his show of adoration makes me burn for more. This is our story.




  I wasn’t used to this new extravagant lifestyle I was leading. The makeup, the dressing up, and the going out to dinner parties and meeting rich, influential people who refused to look twice at me, who refused to think of me as anything more than an ornament, a toy, a sex pet to a powerful billionaire; it exhausted me. All I wanted was a simple life, like the girls my age lead; going to college, going out with friends, getting a boyfriend, and studying hard to pass exams. More than anything, at the moment, I simply wanted to shut myself in my bedroom with a good book, and let the time and the world pass me by, while I lost myself in a fictional world; a world where nothing could hurt me and where no one would beat me. But of course, that was fiction and this was real life, and sometimes real life, or fate as most call it, dealt you a big blow, such as when your mom suddenly died from cancer when you were barely five years old, and then your dad married a bitch named Marie who liked to drink and gamble, and beat you up to vent on her own frustration at the unfairness of life.

  After that big change, I had assumed that this was it, this was my life now and I just had to accept it and live with it. Of course, I had learned to endure all the shits, to always dream I could lead a better life once I was able to get out, to break the chain, as it were. Thinking back, how I wanted to laugh now at my own naivety.

  God, if only I hadn’t saved him that night. The handsome, powerful billionaire named William Bosworth, who was standing next to me now, the man who had been severely beaten on a back street of Las Vegas, three years ago. If only I hadn’t been so compassionate, and taken him in, nursing him, and taking care of him as if he was important to me. If only I hadn’t been so young, innocent, and had such high hopes and silly romantic fantasy. If only...

  If only I hadn’t fallen for him then.

  If only Dad hadn’t gotten himself involved with drugs and the Mexican Mafia. If only Marie wasn’t knee-deep in gambling debts, and thought I was beautiful with an untouched pussy; a virgin angel of an ornament rich men desired to fuck. If only she didn’t think I was the perfect object to sell in order to solve the family’s money problem. Then, and only then, would I not be encountering this fate now, where I was a mistress to this particular billionaire, the man who made me scream in sexual pleasure at night, the man who made my heart ache, begging him for more, pleading with him to not only see me as his pet but as someone who was special to him, someone who loved him unconditionally.

  I glanced up at the handsome man, and instantly my heart raced. I bit my lip and then stiffened a little because my high heels were killing my feet.

  William shifted his bluish-grey eyes at me, and an amused smile played across his lips.

  Good Lord, but the man was way too striking for my liking. I hadn’t been able to stop myself from drooling over his good looks then, nor could I do that now. I tried not to react to his smile, and concentrated instead on standing in such a way that the heels wouldn’t hurt my feet as much.

  “You look like you’re about to faint,” he said.

  I licked my lips and tucked my long hair behind my ear, a habit I had whenever I was nervous.

  “I’m fine,” I lied.

  “Are your feet all right?” he asked, his eyes cast downward to the new shoes he had bought for me. I couldn’t deny that the pair of gold colored shoes looked good on my legs, the straps wrapping tightly about my slim limbs like those of a ballet dancer. It made me looked exotic and sexy, and certainly, pleasing to the eyes—especially William’s eyes.

  This was one of William’s fetishes. He liked things tight on his pet, like the shoes and the unseen corset I was wearing right now beneath this cute frilly dress. He made sure I had it on right and tight, but not too tight, because he knew it’d be hard for me to breathe. He liked that I looked good in it—the fancy, sexy garment accentuating my slim waist and enhancing my breasts. He liked fucking me with it on, with the corset wrapped erotically around my body while his hands held firm about my waist and his cock was buried deep inside me. All the while he watched me writhing beneath him, crying out his name as he pounded into me.

  The thought of him making love to me made my tummy quivered in excitement, and my breath to catch at the back of my throat. I had never been like this before, loving everything about William and what he did to me in the bedroom behind closed doors... be it the normal kind or the dark and disturbing kind of sex play.

  Before I had started leading this new life of mine, I had never thought much about sex. It was just something I wanted to do with someone I loved when I met that person, which back then, at seventeen years of age, had been him anyway. I had kept myself for him, refusing advances from other boys from school. My heart and my body was for William alone, and no one else. It was funny how that one dream of mine had come true in one of the most bizarre ways. Me being sold as a pet in the black market.

  I returned my thoughts to the present and stared long and hard at
my shoes.

  “It’s my first time wearing them,” I said, referring to the shoes. “I hadn’t had time to break them in.”

  He sighed as if he was frustrated. Suddenly, he snapped, “We’re leaving.”

  I frowned, confused. We were leaving? Already? When we had just finished dinner and the night was still a long way off for these party goer millionaires and billionaires?

  “But what about your clients from China,” I asked, in concern, my eyes on the Chinese men across the room. They were very important people, after all. They were the honored guests, and for us to leave... For William to leave so suddenly, wouldn’t it be a slap to their faces? Wouldn’t it tarnish his name and reputation?

  “They can deal,” he said. “Wait here.”

  I didn’t have time to react before he left me. I watched him walk over to the men across the ballroom.

  These rich, powerful people, I knew, were here to make business deals with William. Their importance where William’s attention was concerned superseded me, a mere mistress. Yet...

  William chose me over them. Certainly, his action made me feel special. He made me feel happy. Yes, I felt empowered, yet uncertain and afraid at the same time. Was it right for William to jilt them for me?

  I wasn’t used to people favoring me. I was usually the one who got jilted, be it with friends, whom I knew weren’t really friends, and family. I wasn’t important. I was used to being invisible.

  It didn’t take him long to return to my side. Without breaking stride, he grabbed my hand and led me out the door without a backward glance.

  I wanted to ask him what he had said to those people, but I kept my mouth shut because I knew he didn’t like me asking him questions about his business. It may be odd, but I knew sometimes he despised his type of work. Not the legitimate hotel, resorts, and casino chains type of work, but the other one. Well, who wouldn’t? Stuff to do with the underground market, drugs, guns, and all that sort.


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