Bella Notte

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Bella Notte Page 3

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Thanks for coming to lunch with me, and introducing me to Mr. Stevenson. I really enjoyed it. Perhaps we could do it again sometime? Maybe I could take you out to do something soon, something new for you?” He blushed but looked down at his boots to try and cover it.

  “I had a great time this afternoon. I would love to go out again. Maybe we could discuss where we know each other from too. I have to get to History and you don't want to be late for Gym, even on the first day Mr. Williams will make you do push-ups for being late. I probably won't see you after school though; I've got to hurry to get home as I have an instructor coming over to help with my dancing. My parents don't want me making a fool of myself on my eighteenth birthday. So, I'm going to cut out of Art early, but I'll see you tomorrow morning. Oh and here's my number in case you want to call.” I handed him a small piece of paper with my cell phone number written in crimson ink. I wasn't normally this forward, but he brought it out in me. I gave him a quick hug and headed off toward History.

  “Bye, Em. See ya!” he called from his direction.

  The rest of the day passed without incident. History was really boring, just as I told Mike it would be, and my Art class was more of independent study for me.

  Miss Forrest taught an art class at this time, but we'd already discussed the fact that I'd taken art classes since I was a little girl, so I was a little too advanced for her intro class. We decided I could take the class period and carry on with my own art work and she would occasionally check on my progress.

  Today wasn't a work day so I helped her pass out her materials and sat in the back of the class until fifteen minutes before the class ended, then I snuck out the back door.

  I raced over to my car and threw my stuff in the backseat. I opened the door and found a single red rose sitting on the seat. There was a little note attached to it that said; “Thank you for a beautiful first day. See ya tomorrow.” It was signed with just the letter 'M'.

  I brought the rose up to my nose and smelled- it was heavenly. My face flushed red and my eyes watered up as I climbed into my little monster. That is so nice. I can't believe he got me a rose. When did he have time to get me a rose? Oh!

  I set the rose down gently on the seat next to me and drove home. I left the stereo off and enjoyed the silence and feel of the wind on my face.

  When I got home, I parked inside the garage and went through the side door again. I met my instructor in our 'living room' that was more like a ball room.

  He started the same way he did every Monday, with me trying not to fall on my head while he told me how to stretch. Come to think of it, the entire session was me more or less concentrating on not falling, tripping, or injuring myself in some odd manner.

  By the time the hour had ended, I still couldn't waltz and I am sure that his feet hurt from me dancing on them. I was tired, and I thanked him for his hard work. I knew I had another session on Saturday.

  Perhaps if I brought Michael with me, then the instructor could stand back and not have to ice his feet every time he left here. I sighed and went upstairs.

  I ate dinner in my room, which was all right with my grandparents as they knew how I generally felt after my sessions. After dinner, I got into my pajamas and went to sleep. The dream didn't come until halfway through the night, but it was the same dream and I woke up crying more fiercely than ever- probably because I really knew him now- all I had to do was wait for the next day to start.

  Chapter Two

  The days fell into routine and my dreams continued. The more time I spent with Mike, the worse the reactions to the dream got.

  It was the last Monday in September and my birthday was approaching fast. My dancing sessions had become two hours and I was miserable. Between the waltz and foxtrot, my feet hurt and I felt unimaginably clumsy. I finally decided that if I was going to suffer that I should do it with company- I was going to ask Mike to join me in my torture. I needed something to make the experience more bearable. Now that I had the idea in my head, I needed to figure out how to approach the subject with him. I didn't want to seem like I was suffering and he must save me from this, I wanted it to be more enjoyable. Not that listening to my instructor yelp every time I stepped on him wasn't enjoyable.

  During lunch at the deli- we never ate at school anymore- I decided that it was now or never. What's the worst that could happen? He could say no – no big deal.

  I grabbed a salad and green fizzy soda and went to sit down, it was Mike's turn to pay and Mr. Stevenson saw what I got.

  When Mike sat down at the table he looked at me like he knew there was something on my mind. It was frightening how close we'd gotten over the last three weeks.

  Mom and Dad will be home tonight so he'll be able to meet them.

  Both of us managed to avoid going home while we were together. I was going to be the one to change that.

  “So, are you going to tell me what's up ... or continue to have the discussion in your head without my input?” His grin was bright, but his eyes darkened with concern.

  “It's nothing really, I, uh, was just wondering if you might want to come over after school, and go through my dancing lesson with me?” It all came out so quickly that I was afraid it would be a jumbled mess.

  “Em! That would be awesome! I was waiting for you to ask, I've been taking all sorts of dancing lessons since I was five.” His enthusiasm was a little shocking and my mouth dropped open in spite of myself.

  “You wanted to come? You know how to dance? I am terrible and you'll probably have to bandage your toes afterwards. And it's two hours, not to mention the fact that you'll have to leave shop early. I suppose you'll have to follow on your bike too.” The shock turned into doubt and then planning- my brain was in fast forward.

  “Slow down, Em! Yes, of course I want to come over, and yes I can dance. You should have asked before- I could've been helping you. I'm sure you won't injure either of us and I'll meet you in the parking lot fifteen minutes before school ends, ok?” His voice was calm and steady- it held all the confidence mine was lacking.

  “Ok,” I mumbled, through a bite of my crisp salad.

  We finished eating and climbed back on the bike.

  When we got back to school we had to rush to get to class on time. Apparently, we had taken longer at the deli than either of us had realized.

  The rest of the day flew by as I tried not to have a panic attack. I knew I'd make a fool of myself, probably even trip and break both my legs. Good, then I wouldn't have to dance and they could just push me around the floor!

  There were quite a few times when fear seized my normal functions and I couldn't do even simple tasks. What is wrong with you, Emma? It won't be that bad, and it's not like Mike will disappear because you step on his boots. I giggled in a way that sounded way too close to hysteria for comfort. I took a few breaths to calm my nerves.

  By the time to go, I had started my sketch of the clearing from my dream and cleaned up all the materials. It was relaxing to work simply with my pencil, to get the base lines for something that I saw so vividly while I was asleep, and, so far, the sketch was looking very familiar.

  I slipped out of the room while the newly budding artists were trying to draw their own hands. I walked down the checkered hall and out the heavy door- it always felt nice to feel the fresh air hit you in the face after the stuffy atmosphere of the classroom. I was tempted to walk by the shop to check to see if Mike had forgotten, but I decided it would be quicker to go through the cafeteria and give him a little credit. It was odd to walk by all the plain beige tables, where I never sat and ate, as I was surrounded by friends. I could picture all the little groups sitting together yet separate and all the work it took to fit in- I didn't want that.

  I got to the student lot and saw him waiting for me by my Jeep. I walked slowly up to my car and threw my stuff in the back. I turned quickly and gave him a huge hug.

  “Thanks for doing this.” I was so happy to see him.

  “Em, I told ya I'd
be here, now let's go before you get even more sappy,” he said as he gave my cheek a kiss.

  I could've easily fainted but instead I got in my wrangler and watched Mike climb onto his bike. He signaled “after you” at me and revved his bike. I turned my key in the ignition and heard the purr of the engine. I backed out of the spot and turned out of the lot. I drove through town at the twenty-five miles per hour speed limit, but as soon as I hit the highway, I hit seventy. I never lost sight of Mike- he stayed right behind me the entire time.

  When we reached the turn off to my little road, I slowed down to fifty and went through the gate. That was the only time Mike fell back, he looked like he was lost staring at the gate. But it only lasted a second and soon he was right behind me again.

  I turned into the garage and parked and by the time I got out of my beast, Mike was standing by the front of the garage walking his bike deeper inside.

  “Just put it where it will be easiest to get out for you,” I told him as I thought of how my grandparents were out of town and how Mom and Dad would park around the oval in the front of the house.

  “Nice place you have here,” he said as he looked back at the entrance of the garage.

  “Nothing special. What did you stop to look at?” I asked as I remembered him at the gate.

  “Oh, I was remembering when I was little and we drove into town and I saw those huge gates. I thought they were spooky.” He was lost in his memory again.

  “Earth to Mike, are you ready to dance, dance, dance?” I was trying to bring him back to the moment.

  “Oh. Sorry, Em. I was thinking about how our gates look more inviting, but how, if I had known you lived here, I probably would have come exploring.” He smiled and laughed his perfect tenor laugh.

  I blushed as usual. I often wondered why I didn't know anything about the other 'rich' family that lived at the other end of town. It was strange how my family never mentioned his.

  I grabbed my practicing pumps that I kept by the side door and led Mike into the house.

  “Good afternoon, instructor, this is my friend, Mike. He'll be my partner today, if you don't mind that is?” I gave him my sweetest smile and looked up at him from under my lashes.

  “That's fine, Miss Hutchinson, it is good for you to learn to dance with different partners.” The relief was written on his face as he said this.

  I slipped my red peek-a-boo pumps on and went and stood in the center of the room as usual. Mike walked over and joined me, his combat boots made clunking sounds as he took his spot opposite me.

  The instructor- why I couldn't call him Rene was a puzzle to me- came and stood at our left side.

  “Now, Miss Hutchinson, into your position, please, and Mike, could you please...” That was as far as the instructor got before Mike had me in his arms.

  “Instructor, I have been instructed since I was five years old. I know my placements well; I am here to help Emma. Please instruct her.” His tone was formal, but also respectful. I was shocked.

  “Ok, Michael. Miss Hutchinson we will be working on the waltz today and if that goes well then perhaps we will get to the foxtrot.” The venom in his voice for Mike was clear, but his appearance remained composed.

  I met Mike at the beginning position and we locked hands. Mike had the stance of a dancer and if I hadn't been so afraid, I suppose I would've been in awe of him.

  I felt my hands clam up as he held mine and I knew that my hand was leaving a sweat print on the back of his t-shirt. Nerves racked my body, and soon I felt rather light-headed. The instructor was saying something, but I couldn't make it out.

  Mike leaned closer to me and whispered, “Em, its okay. Just breathe and everything will be fine. We're going to start and I want you to only look at me. Please try okay, Em.”

  His words filtered through whatever was happening to me and I nodded in response. The room seemed to disappear and all I could see was Mike. I'm afraid. He shouldn't be able to consume my entire world like this. But it is nice to dance without thinking about dancing.

  I knew I was moving, I could still vaguely feel my feet moving, but I didn't care how it looked. All I wanted to do was focus on Mike.

  “That was a very nice start, Miss Hutchinson. By far the best improvement yet.” The instructor seemed to gloat at his great accomplishment. “I think we should try it again, and see how you do with a little quicker tempo.”

  “Don't worry, Em, you know the steps. Focus on me and it will be fine.” Mike's rich and deep whisper sent shivers through my body.

  We started in the beginning position again, the music started – a little quicker than the last piece. Mike led me around the room, and I was amazed that I did not trip over myself at the speed things seemed to be moving. But that was when it happened- everything turned black.

  The room faded back into focus, but something was different. I looked around me and realized that this was the room we had been dancing in, but it was now decorated in a way I had never seen before. It looked old, way too old. I looked down at my dress.

  When did I put on a dress, and where did my little red pumps go?

  My dress was a golden hue of shiny satin. Something felt odd about the dress though, it was sleek and with a slight train. The cut of it was empire, and it showed the top of my chest. I suddenly felt extremely exposed. I turned to see if I could find someone I knew, someone to help explain what was happening. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. My hair was a curly pile of tendrils that were cascading down from a small hair pin of green gems. My face seemed to have makeup on it as well, but I could not tell for certain. It all felt too right. I smiled and saw that my canine teeth were slightly longer and sharper than usual.

  Oh my God, I'm a vampire! This is one crazy dream.

  How did I know it was a dream? I turned to look at the guests and family that seemed to surround me and I realized that I was like them. They were all vampires. I slowly moved toward an open door, I didn't care where it led- I wanted out of this room. I found my way outside. The cool night air was a savior to my already fuzzy head.

  What was going on? And where was Mike?

  I walked over to a stone bench and sat in the moonlight. That was when he appeared, almost out of nowhere. He walked toward me and I knew right away- it was Mike.

  “Mike, what's going on?” I asked as soon as he was close enough to hear me.

  “Em, this is of your creation. I cannot tell you. But ... I know that I don't belong here.” His words hung in the air like a thick smoke.

  “My creation? If it's my creation, then you definitely belong here.” I smiled because it was the best reasoning I had at that moment.

  Mike cringed slightly at my smile, and I knew. I was different from him. He was not one of these fabricated monsters. “Sorry, Em. I won't leave you, do not worry. I have a hard time adjusting to this.” His eyes looked sad to me and a tear slid down my cheek.

  “But, Mike, if you are not like me and this is my creation, then what are you?” I had to know what was separating us in this imagined time.

  “Why, Em, I thought you knew your monster tales better than I do? What can't be with a vampire because they're enemies?” His words echoed in my head as I searched for an answer. The darkness surrounded me once more.

  When I came to, I was in our house again. I was wearing the clothes I wore to school and my little red pumps. I was lying on the floor with one of the couch pillows under my head. Mike sat on the floor next to me holding my left hand.

  When I looked over at him, his eyes were as big as saucers and he was staring blankly ahead. Someone was holding my right hand, I looked over and saw Mom kneeling next to me, and Dad was yelling at the instructor behind her. I hope he doesn't blow a fuse or something.

  There was a great blanket of concern covering the room.

  “What happened? Why am I on the floor?” I squeaked. Curiosity had finally won me over when no one noticed I was awake.

  “Oh, Em!” Mike shouted his eyes and body re
laxed a little bit with relief.

  “Emma Mary Hutchinson, you scared us half to death!” Mom said as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She grabbed me in a hug and the room lurched around.

  “Mom, I, er, can't breathe ... and the room is slanting,” I panted from her embrace. She let go and helped me lay back down.

  “So, what happened?” I asked again.

  All the eyes in the room went to Mike. “I don't know, Em, we were waltzing and in the middle of a turn and you became dead weight in my arms. I thought you might have fainted, but when I laid you down on the floor, your eyes were flickering behind the lids and your muscles twitched. I was really worried. The instructor called your parents, and here we are.” He was tense with nerves and I couldn't figure out why.

  “Well, I'm okay now so everyone stop looking like the grim reaper was here trying to barter for my soul.” I tried to sound exasperated, but I knew it sounded whiny.

  “Okay, Emma, let me help you up. Your instructor said you were doing beautifully today anyway. Perhaps you can stop with your lessons if you want. Maybe this young man could help you if you feel more comfortable with his help?” Dad's voice carried the sound of a worried father, and I had to stop myself from laughing.

  “Oh, Mom, Dad, this is Michael O'Shanold. He lives on the other side of town. And he has been taking dance lessons since he was five! Mike, this is my mom and dad, Mrs. Edwina Hutchinson and Mr. William Hutchinson.” I knew that I was bragging about Mike, but I really wanted them to like him.

  “Well, hello there, Michael. I see that you've been an improvement on our little Emma's dancing abilities. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Mom's words were pleasant, but it seemed like something was bothering her.

  “It's nice to meet you, Michael.” That was all Dad could muster, his usual bright blue eyes seemed to turn shades darker.


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