On Wings of Time (Lochlainn Guardians Book 1)
Page 5
Lord, help me, she prayed silently. These were not thoughts a proper lady should be thinking. She watched him staring at her, wondering if his thoughts ran parallel to hers. His cold blue stare told her nothing. It only made her shiver.
Luke hadn’t expected to see the woman when he’d entered the room, but there she was staring at him with eyes unlike any he’d ever seen. They were a lighter purple than Mairi’s—if hers really were purple, this woman’s eyes were hard to describe. They were almost translucent, and yet not. Regardless, they drew him in and he began to wonder if she was enchanted. Perhaps that’s why the humming in his head had grown stronger with every step toward the room. He’d wanted to ask Kiernan about it, but the man had already told him all his questions would be answered in due time, that they just needed to hurry to the Lord’s study, where he was waiting for them.
When Kiernan had first come to get him, Luke had half expected to emerge through the metal door to find it had all been a ruse, some joke played on him by his brother or Mairi, but that hadn’t been the case. They’d climbed the steps and gone through the doorway into a fully restored Somerled that had his mouth dropping open as they walked through the grand halls toward the place where he’d first seen the woman and on toward Lord McCollum’s study.
Though there were still signs of finery to be seen, he would never have guessed just how wealthy the family must have been to have afforded such lavish materials. The craftsman who had designed the banister alone must have cost a small fortune. Now this was a project he’d love to take on someday… restoring an old castle to its former glory.
Luke looked at Kiernan’s back, watched him as they walked toward their destination. If he truly was his great grandfather… which still seemed impossible given the time span, why had he not rebuilt the place? The Kiernan of Luke’s time surely had to know what had happened. Luke frowned. If his great grandfather had known he would be thrust back in time, why had the old man not told him? Surely there had to be more than just telling him to keep a coin in his pocket. Shouldn’t he have known the date and time?
An invisible current seemed to bring the hairs on the back of Luke’s neck to a salute. There were too many unanswered questions. Too much that didn’t add up, yet this Kiernan had told him his questions would be answered. Luke looked around again right before the hum grew to a deafening level, taking all his concentration. He guessed he’d have to wait to find out. Really, what other choice did he have?
When Kiernan had opened the study door and they’d stepped through, the hum was roaring so loudly in his head he couldn’t hear what the Lord of the castle was saying to him. He probably wouldn’t have listened anyway, his attention instead riveted to the young woman who sat in the chair beside where her father stood, his hand resting protectively on her shoulder. Amileigh. She heard it too—the hum. At least her fingers pressed to her temple made him believe she did. She’d looked him over again, much as she had in the ruins before she’d passed out and they’d hurled through time together. Of course, they’d end up in her time… but how had she found her way into his in the first place? And if he touched her again… was that the trigger? Is that what it would take to send him home?
When Luke rushed toward her, both Kiernan and her father quickly blocked his way.
“I… I’m sorry,” he stammered, looking at the two men briefly before refocusing on the woman who had stood and moved behind the chair. “I just thought…” He sighed. “I’m tired. I just want to go home.”
Kiernan nodded while pushing Luke back a step or two with a hand to his chest. “Keep your head, man. We’ve a lot to sort out here. Besides…” He looked over his shoulder then back again before continuing in a hushed voice, “I don’t think that’s the answer. I doubt merely touching her will be enough to create another ripple in time.”
Luke was surprised Kiernan had so fully understood and even more surprised when Kiernan chuckled.
“That’s not to say I don’t believe she is the key to many of your unanswered questions, my young friend.”
Frowning, Luke nodded slowly, though he was really thinking everyone around him was truly crazy. It wasn’t until he felt the light pressure of a small hand against his arm that he realized Kiernan might just be right. Her touch hadn’t blasted him through time. No angels sang, the heavens didn’t open… but he felt a moment of peace like nothing he’d ever felt before. It was like being complete or coming home… everything right all rolled up into one.
And there was something else. As he looked down, through those lilac eyes into the soul of the woman standing next to him, something stirred inside him. Not the sexual stirrings of the suddenly starving man that he was… he had to admit everything in that department was firing on all cylinders. But this… this was something else, something he’d never felt before. It was a power apart from himself as if someone or some thing pressed to be released. A low growl formed in his throat and he forced himself to swallow it down.
“Easy.” Kiernan’s voice broke through the haze and Luke managed to tear his gaze away from the eyes that had stirred something inside.
Clearing his throat to garner their attention, the Lord of Somerled motioned toward a highbacked sofa against the wall behind them. “Sit,” he told them. “We have much to discuss, and I’m guessing not a lot of time in which to do it.” He looked at Kiernan who nodded and pulled a chair to where he was sitting before them once they sunk into the cushions, Amileigh’s hand still on Luke’s arm. It seemed… natural.
“Luke, Amileigh. I know this all seems a bit crazy. I’m not sure I understand it all myself. But… uh. This thing you’re feeling.” He pointed at where Amileigh’s hand rested on Luke’s arm. “And the whole traveling through time… It’s obvious that your destinies were meant to collide. There’s a whole lot more to it, but the best thing for you, for all of us really, would be if the two of you married immediately.”
“What?!” Amileigh and Luke both answer at the same time.
“Are you mad?”
Kiernan had never seen Amileigh move so quickly, but the young maiden shot up from the sofa, moving around her father’s desk, and stationing herself in front of the window with a speed that made his warrior blood proud.
“Look.” The word pulled all eyes back to Luke. “I’m sorry.” He was looking at Amileigh. “You’re a lovely girl. Really. And I’m sure you’ll make the right man a great wife, but I’m not interested in marrying anyone.” He stood up, an action that was mirrored by Kiernan. “I just want to get out of here and go home. There has to be a way.”
Kiernan stepped in Luke’s way as he turned toward the door. “What you’re not understanding is that without this union our kind will die. The Dubhagan will come for the girl… they are already trying. Eventually, they will win, and life as we know it will be no more.” He sighed loudly. “I can’t fight this battle alone, Luke. I need you.” He paused and turned to Amileigh. “And you.”
No one spoke for several seconds though it was obvious the wheels of thought were turning. It was Luke who first broke the silence.
“What do you mean our kind?”
Kiernan chewed on his lower lip before breathing in a deep breath and blowing it out. “Locked away inside you, Luke, is a… dragon.” Kiernan put his hand up to still the scoffs of disbelief from both Amileigh and Luke. “Hear me out. Over a thousand years ago, when dragons freely roamed the earth, one band became power hungry. They didn’t want to be equal to man, they wanted to rule them, to enslave them as their providers.”
“Much like many of the lords and serfs of today.” Amileigh’s soft words floated across the room.
Kiernan nodded. “Somewhat, only much more menacing.” He turned back to Luke. “Great slaying parties ensued and both the friendlier Kedan and the darker Dubhagan dragons were being killed. One clan of people saw the detriment to the extinction and stepped in, making a pact with the King of the Dragons of Kedan. These people, the Nebrani, held a certain… magic.” Kiernan paused
again, letting his words settle in for a few seconds. “The Nebrani Wizards concocted a serum that infused the essence of the Kedan dragons into men deemed to possess great courage and valor. However, it took the power of certain Nebrani women to make it all happen. Those women, Prihoms or Keys, were required to unlock the dragons inside these men.”
“How?” Luke interrupted. “This is insane. But if it was true, how do these magical women get these dragons out of the infused men?”
Luke squirmed, pulling at his shirtfront before rubbing the back of his hand with his palm. Kiernan smiled. You feel it, don’t you? The great beast inside you is straining to be set free, waiting for you to acknowledge him.
“They don’t get out, Luke. You…you shift from man to dragon.” Kiernan watched his face closely for understanding. “But that won’t happen, can’t happen until…until you’re ma…mated with a Prihom. Preferably your Prihom. Your Key.”
Kiernan turned to Amileigh and both men watched her father move closer to her. All the color, what little there was, had drained from her face.
“I’m not going to try to fully explain all of this now, and I won’t pretend to understand why you were brought back in time. I do know I’ve been searching for other Kedan Blends for years to no avail. Maybe there are none left.” He shrugged. “I also know nothing about what is happening in your world now, Luke. I’m not sure why you were sent back. So, I don’t have all the answers. I can tell you Amileigh is from the purest of pure Prihoms. She’s also obviously reached maturity as a Key, which is why the Dubhagan are now searching for her.”
Amileigh sunk into her father’s desk chair. “The shadows… they were these dragons you speak of?”
Kiernan nodded.
“So, wait.” Luke’s voice was edged with the same skepticism as his stance. He was looking at Amileigh. “You mean to tell me you’re buying into all this? You believe…” He scoffed. “You’ve seen these dragons?”
Amileigh looked from Luke to Kiernan and waited a few seconds before nodding. “I’ve been seeing the shadows for a while now. A couple of weeks. Maybe a month. But right before… Kiernan and I had ridden out to enjoy a picnic Mother had had prepared for us, only as we rode, there was a sound of great mayhem behind us. Kiernan yelled at me to ride to the cave, to not look back. But I did. I turned around and saw the great beasts, three of them, hideous creatures chasing another.” Her expression softened, a sweet smile playing over her mouth. “That one was beautiful, his colors vibrant, his eyes…” She looked at Kiernan. “His eyes were a deep, dark crystal blue and they were filled with great care and concern.”
She looked back at Luke and winced at the single eyebrow he had inched above the other. She thinned her lips and strengthened her resolve. His dislike for her was obvious and Prihom or not, she’d not allow herself to be used by some man who cared nothing for her.
“I need to lie down, Father,” she told him while pushing herself away from the desk. “I’m not feeling well.”
Gairlich McCollum took his daughter’s arm, his hand going to her back. “Of course, my love. This has undoubtedly been a great shock to you. To all of us, really.” He looked at the two men. “I’ll escort her to her room. Just wait for me here.”
Kiernan nodded and Luke followed suite. Just like he’d thought earlier, what else could he do? As a man in a time not his own, he was rather at the mercy of his “hosts.” He’d have to ride this out, try to figure out his options. He watched the girl walk past, caught scent of her fresh apple cranberry fragrance, and noticed for the first time that the humming sound had simmered to a more bearable ringing in his ears. He squinted, realizing things had changed from the moment she’d laid her hand on his arm and he’d covered it with his own. He could feel that odd stirring inside again, felt it reaching out to her as she walked by. Did she feel it too? Is that why her lilac eyes grew wide?
He smiled, a small gesture, just before she looked away and went through the door. She’s stalling, looking for answers just like you. Luke wished he could silence that inner voice, the one that had been with him always, as far as he could remember.
“I’m not stalling,” he mumbled under his breath. “At least not anymore.” He turned back to Kiernan. “So, what else do I need to know?”
Kiernan pointed to the sofa and both men sat back down.
Amileigh could feel her whole body shaking as her father escorted her back to her room. He’d already dispatched a servant to make sure Abigail was there waiting for her.
“What will you tell Mother?” she asked, hating the feathery quietness of her voice. She felt her father tense, knew a talk with her mother was not something he was looking forward to. “You could send her to me.”
Gairlich’s greying blonde topped head shook. “And have her take matters into her own hands? Nay. Let us work this out through Kiernan first.”
Amileigh nodded, kissing her father’s cheek at her doorway when he pulled her into a tight hug. “I don’t wish to marry him, Father. I don’t know him and there’s no way he could have any feelings for me. The stranger, I mean.”
Gairlich nodded as he pulled away, though his eyes and smile were both sad. “We all do things we don’t want to do, love. But perhaps there is another way.” He patted the cheek of his only daughter and turned to walk away.
“Perhaps,” she whispered. Her mind went to Kiernan. Why could he not marry her? She thought of the beautiful winged creature with Kiernan’s eyes. If he could already transform, did that mean… She refused to let herself think of Kiernan enraptured with another. She couldn’t fathom it any more than she could see herself with Luke.
Tendrils of heat spread inside her. Maybe she could see it. Maybe she just didn’t want to. Amileigh opened her door just in time to see the shadow fall away from her window.
Chapter 6
Back down in Gairlich’s study, Kiernan had tried to explain a few things while they waited for the castle lord to return. He’d hoped Luke would understand and be ready to discuss plans for a hasty marriage between himself and Amileigh when Gairlich returned. The whole thing was unconventional and would take some coercion to bend the laws of the land to seeing things their way. It wasn’t like they could waltz in and tell the truth. The reality was, they would keep everything as hushed as possible, but the walls always talked. He hated that, felt his gut clench at having to make Amileigh go through this. As sweet as she was, there was no way her reputation would not be soiled. He only hoped by her going ahead and marrying the handsome stranger, society would somehow overlook what they would believe as her indiscretions. Try as he might, Kiernan could see no other way.
“So, let me get this straight. We get married, there’s something about this ceremony that unlocks my powers, and I turn into a dragon?” The disbelief was thick in Luke’s voice but he hadn’t bolted yet. Kiernan was appreciative of that.
“Something like that. It’s more the uhm… actual mating that completes your transformation and allows you to shift into dragon form.” Kiernan waited for Luke to respond, waving his hand in front of the man’s face when he didn’t.
Luke jumped, blinked a few times, and then began to laugh. “Oh, this is rich.” He looked at Kiernan and smiled. “Technically, I don’t have to marry her I just have to sleep with her.” He waggled his eyebrows at Kiernan who now openly glared back.
Holding his breath for a second, Kiernan scrubbed his hands down his face and sat back. “Technically,” Kiernan tried out the odd word, “one would hope there would not be a lot of sleeping that occurred, but…”
Clapping his hands, Luke jumped up and walked over to the window. “This is going to be a piece of cake,” he mumbled to himself. He’d just have sex with the girl and go home.
As he breathed in, Amileigh’s lingering scent tickled his senses and Luke noticed his heart pitching just a bit. He frowned. Let’s not get carried away, he told himself. She’s only here long enough to let me unlock this dragon. And if that turns out to be some kind of lie, well,
at least we’re not saddled with her forever. Really, she didn’t fit his taste in women at all. It wasn’t that she was bad looking or anything. Truth be told, she was downright beautiful. Just not what he was usually attracted to. If the twitching below his belt was any indication, there was some definite attraction there. Maybe it was just because it had been a while since he’d been with anyone. It wasn’t like he wasn’t needy.
He shifted and huffed. In an attempt to get his mind off the two of them tangled together between the sheets, Luke tried to concentrate on the supposed dragon that lived inside of him.
Not in you. As part of you. I’m in your blood, your bones, in every cell of your body.
Startled by the boldness of the voice, Luke turned around to stare at Kiernan. He’d always heard a voice, just not so forcefully. Had it always been the beast inside? Swallowing, he cleared his throat. “So, he began before moving back toward the sofa, “how exactly does all this dragon shifting stuff work anyway?”
Kiernan shook his head, the hope in his eyes dulled. “You’ll not get past her father with thoughts like that. I don’t know how things are done in your time, but here… ladies are ladies, and this is going to be difficult enough for the family to endure.”
Luke crinkled his nose, his brows coming down. Endure? What the hell did they think he was having to do? Ripped from his own time-period, told he was a freakin’ dragon, expected to marry some girl… If he did get back home, and he intended to do everything he could to do so, what would that mean? He’d have a wife some six hundred years in the past? Too damn bad. Luke marched over to the door, reaching for the handle just as it began to open. He stepped back to let a startled Gairlich through.