The Unmasked CEO (Captured by Love Book 7)

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The Unmasked CEO (Captured by Love Book 7) Page 7

by Miranda P. Charles

  “I know. Actually, I was glad Elmer resigned. I didn’t mind that he preferred to keep to himself, but sometimes it spoiled my fun when I saw him so stone-faced and uncomfortable around us.”

  “Since we’re still here in Sydney, maybe Simon could pick up his suit from his place on our way to Katoomba.”

  “Great idea! We’ll tell him when he’s back from his run.”

  Geri happily went back to preparing breakfast. Had Simon had enough sleep? He’d left a note on the dining table that he’d gone for run around the block and would be back at seven-thirty. Which was—she checked her watch—a couple of minutes from now.

  Her heart started racing in anticipation. Goodness. He wasn’t here yet and she was already excited. She hoped her face wouldn’t give their secret away to Ingrid, because her crush on Simon had skyrocketed up to several levels after last night.

  Oh, come on, Geri. Admit it. You’re falling in love.

  And it felt so right—that was why it was also scaring the hell out of her. A relationship would severely complicate matters.

  But maybe she could confide in Simon? She certainly felt like she could trust him, even if they’d only known each other for a short time. And she so wanted to have someone to share her problem with. Maybe Simon could even help her find a solution.

  Oh, hell, what was she thinking? If she weren’t careful, she might end up like Tricia—blind and stupid when it came to a man. Not that Simon was anything like Damon. Damon was an ex-con who still did the wrong things, while Simon was a guy well regarded by high-profile business people. So it shouldn’t be so wrong to be blind and stupid for a really nice, honest—and hot—man, right?

  Ugh. Shut up, Geri.

  “Good morning, ladies.”

  Geri’s heart skipped a beat as she turned around from the stove. “Good morning, Simon,” she said at the same time as Ingrid.

  She gave him one look and went back to the pancakes she was making. Even when slightly sweaty from his run, he was too darned sexy for seven-thirty in the morning—wearing a black running jacket and track pants. Heh, he was sexy wearing anything, and Ingrid might catch her ogling him.

  “I’ll see you ladies later. Enjoy your breakfast,” Simon said, heading for the stairs.

  “Why don’t you join us, Simon?” Ingrid asked. “You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”

  “Ah, no. But I can eat something later, while you’re getting ready.”

  “Why don’t you have your shower, then come down and join us?” Ingrid said.

  Simon smiled. “I’d love that. Thank you. I’ll be right back.”

  Geri made double the amount she usually made for her and Ingrid. Simon would surely be hungry after his run. She brewed some coffee in the machine and chopped some fresh fruit. By the time she had everything set, Simon had come back to join them.

  “Simon,” Ingrid said as they all settled in their seat. “Did you happen to pack a suit?”

  “A suit?” Simon asked, surprised by the question.

  “Yes. Sometimes, Geri and I eat at nice restaurants, and we both enjoy dressing up for such occasions. You wouldn’t mind escorting two ladies during those times, would you?”

  “Of course not,” Simon said with a smile.

  “Good. Well, I’d like you to wear a suit to those places, so you’ll need one tonight.”

  “I didn’t pack one, unfortunately.”

  “We can pass by your place so you can pick it up,” Geri said.

  “Oh, I’d rather get a new suit,” Simon said hurriedly. “The ones I have at home are really old and unfashionable. I’d be embarrassed wearing them next to you ladies, especially if you’ll be all dressed up. Perhaps I can miss tonight’s dinner, and I’ll find a suit in the next couple of days? We’ve already planned to be in Katoomba by lunchtime, so there’s no time for shopping today.”

  “We’re not on a strict timetable today,” Ingrid said. “In fact, we’re never on a strict timetable. I don’t like being constricted by schedules when I’m travelling for fun. I’ve retired from having the clock dictate my movements, so, yes, get your suit today.”

  “Okay, then,” Simon said, scratching his head.

  Geri caught the small nod that Ingrid sent her, getting the message that she was to arrange reimbursement for the cost of Simon’s suit when finalising his pay at the end of the month.

  “So where do you want to get it?” Geri asked Simon.

  Simon looked at her with wide eyes. “I don’t know. In a shopping mall?”

  She hid a smile. The poor darling sounded so lost. Obviously, he hadn’t needed to wear a suit for many years, since he had no idea where to buy one. “We can stop at whatever shopping centre we pass by along the way. I’m sure we’ll find one there.”

  “Okay,” Simon said reluctantly. “Although it might be better if I go by myself after I’ve dropped you guys off somewhere.”

  “You can drop us inside the shopping centre,” Ingrid said brightly. “I haven’t been to one here in Sydney.”

  Simon chuckled. “I’m sure they all look the same inside, Mrs. Lawrence. But if that’s what you want, we can head into Bondi Junction. It’s only ten minutes away, and there’s a big one there.”

  “Good. We’ll go after we eat,” Ingrid said, turning to her breakfast.

  Geri watched Simon surreptitiously as they dug into their food. He seemed to be deep in thought. Was he worried about the unexpected expense of a new suit?

  “I’d like to walk around,” Ingrid said as they entered the Grant Ace Shopping Town at Bondi Junction. “Why don’t we all split up and meet somewhere in an hour? I’m sure the two of you would like to browse by yourselves.”

  “Sure,” Geri said readily. She already knew that Ingrid disliked having someone hovering around her when she was deciding on a purchase. Even though Ingrid had hired a PA and a chauffeur-bodyguard, she hated walking around with an entourage when it came to shopping.

  “Are you sure you don’t need me, Mrs. Lawrence?” Simon asked with a frown. “Someone might recognise you, what with your face being prominent on your food labels.”

  Ingrid flicked her wrist dismissively. “I’ve never been stopped by anyone in the two and a half months that Geri and I have been travelling. I’ll be fine. So where would the homeware shops be?”

  “I’m not sure,” Simon said.

  “We can check the centre map over there.” Geri pointed to the big touchscreen information board standing prominently in the middle of the walkway and went to it. She entered “homeware” in the search field and several store names came up, the majority of them clustered on the same floor.

  “Ah, perfect. I’ll visit this store last so you can find me there in an hour,” Ingrid said, pointing to a spot on the map.

  “Okay,” Geri and Simon said, then they watched Ingrid walk away. When Ingrid disappeared from sight, Simon placed an arm around Geri’s waist and kissed her temple.

  She smiled, looking up at him. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” Simon responded with a heart-melting grin.

  Hiding her thrill, she turned back towards the information board. “So where should we go for your suit?”

  “Um… maybe Kmart?”

  She stared at him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen men’s suits at Kmart.”

  “Oh… well, uh, Big W?”

  Geri shook her head, chuckling. Simon was probably one of those guys who hated shopping. “Let’s walk around. There should be a few menswear stores in here.”


  Simon linked hands with her while they strolled and Geri was grateful Ingrid was on another floor, far from where they were. She hadn’t been on a date for at least two years, and this almost felt like one. Unfortunately, they only had an hour, and there was no time to indulge in extensive window shopping.

  She spotted a shop where the mannequins were wearing suits and pulled Simon inside. “By the way,” she whispered, “Mrs. Lawrence is reimbursing you for this.”

imon looked at her in surprise. “No. There’s no need.”

  “She’ll insist on it. She’ll say that since she wants you to wear a suit, then she’ll need to reimburse you since it’s like a uniform.”

  “Well, since you do the actual paying, don’t pay me for it and don’t tell her that you didn’t,” Simon said stubbornly.

  Geri smiled, impressed that Simon hadn’t grabbed at the chance with glee. “She does check her bank account regularly, and she’ll know if I didn’t follow her instructions. I’ve had the same argument with her when she told me to get a couple of nice dresses. I didn’t win. And you’ll just get me in trouble if you don’t accept her generosity.”

  “Fine,” Simon said with a heavy sigh. “We better find the cheapest suit suitable for a night out with Mrs. Lawrence, then.”

  Geri couldn’t help herself. She cupped Simon’s face and kissed him hard. In the last six months, her life had been turned upside down by a heartless, dishonest criminal who had taken advantage of her sister’s emotions. She couldn’t believe she was now standing next to someone totally opposite—an honourable, ethical man who found her desirable. There was hope in her world!

  A baby’s cry close to them made her break the kiss, and she blushed furiously. Geez, they were right smack at the entrance of a menswear shop in full view of everyone. Couldn’t she have given him just a peck on the lips?

  She peered at Simon, checking his reaction to her thorough smooching in front of other shoppers. He was grinning from ear to ear, clearly unconcerned. Heck, he was probably thinking she couldn’t wait to sleep with him again.

  Well, she couldn’t, so why hide the truth?

  “You look so beautiful when you blush,” Simon said, leaning close to her.

  Geri flushed even more, but she gave Simon a teasing push and went to the rack of men’s jackets. “Which one takes your fancy?”

  Simon rubbed his chin as he eyed the selection. “Hmm, let me see.”

  Geri couldn’t remember having such fun shopping with a guy. Her last boyfriend had been boring and annoying when it came to shopping, always dragging his feet and putting on a sullen look. But Simon was cooperative. He listened to her suggestions, and he truly checked out the items he was trying on.

  Finally, he selected a black suit that could go with almost anything. He also got a red tie, but not a shirt, saying he had a couple of those packed.

  They walked to the cashier and handed the saleslady Simon’s new clothes.

  Simon pulled out his wallet, his forehead wrinkling as he checked its contents.

  Geri frowned. Didn’t Simon have enough cash on him to pay for this purchase? “Is everything okay?” she whispered.

  Simon jumped, glancing at her guiltily. “No, everything’s fine.”

  “Simon,” she said softly. “If cash flow is a problem for you, then I can transfer money from Mrs. Lawrence’s account to yours tonight. Or I can pay with my credit card and get Mrs. Lawrence to reimburse me, if you like.”

  “No, no. It’s fine,” Simon said with a lopsided smile.

  She opened her mouth to reiterate her offer when she heard her phone ring. It could be Ingrid. To her surprise, it was Justin. “I’ll take this outside,” she said, glancing at the crying baby who was screaming her lungs out.

  “Sure,” Simon said, fully turning his broad back on her, as if he didn’t want her to see what he was handing the saleslady.

  Geri shook her head mentally. Why would Simon feel embarrassed that he was paying by credit card?

  Chapter 8

  Simon let out a sigh. What a time not to have enough money in his wallet. He usually had at least a thousand dollars in bills, but he’d taken them out before starting the job. He didn’t think a chauffeur should be carrying that much cash on him.

  Thankfully, Geri hadn’t seen him handing the saleslady a black Amex with the name Simon Alexander on it. That would raise more than an eyebrow if Geri did see it, and he wasn’t prepared with an explanation.

  He finalised the purchase and headed out to join Geri by the railing outside the shop.

  “Ah, yeah, that would be great,” Geri was saying to whomever she was talking to. “A dinner? Without your grandmother…? I’m not sure that we’d have time for that.”

  Simon scowled. Geri was obviously talking to Justin. He didn’t like the guy. Justin had put his hand on Geri’s back in an intimate way. That was enough for him to dislike Ingrid’s grandson.

  “I’ll have to let you know,” Geri said. “Okay… bye.”

  “What was that about?” he asked when Geri hung up.

  “That was Justin saying he’d be joining us in two weeks. Remember he promised Mrs. Lawrence that he was going to make time to see her again before he flew back to Boston?”

  “Did he ask you out to dinner?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Yeah. I don’t know why.”

  Simon blinked at Geri. She didn’t know why? Clearly Justin wanted to make a play for her too. Well, too bad. He wasn’t going to allow it, even if Justin got Ingrid’s blessing. “He wants you,” he stated flatly.

  Geri snorted.

  “He does.”

  The disbelief in Geri’s face disappeared, replaced by a slow smile. “Why do you look… displeased?” she asked playfully.

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why do you think?”

  Geri shrugged, looking up at him with a bright, happy face.

  His annoyance dissipated at her cute expression. “You know why,” he murmured before leaning down to kiss her.

  “Tell me anyway,” she said against his lips.

  He deepened the kiss instead of answering. What exactly should he tell her? That she must not even consider going out with Justin? Wouldn’t that suggest he was asking for exclusivity? Was he even ready to become someone’s boyfriend? It seemed way too soon, even if he’d deck any guy who dared steal Geri away from him.

  “I don’t want you dating anyone else but me,” he heard himself say.


  He pulled away to look at her. “Okay?”

  Geri smiled. “Yeah. Okay. As long as we don’t tell Mrs. Lawrence yet.”

  He couldn’t help his grin. “Okay,” he said, kissing her again.

  Oh, boy. Had he just gotten himself into a relationship?

  Simon pulled out his ringing phone from his pocket as he craned his neck to search for Geri and Ingrid amongst the throng of sightseers checking out the breathtaking Jamison Valley and the famous Three Sisters rock formation.

  “Hey, bro,” he answered Lucas.

  “Hello, Mr. James,” Lucas said. “Where are you today?”

  “At Echo Point in Katoomba. It’s so busy here today that I can’t spot my clients. I dropped them off first because I had to park the car a few blocks away.”

  “How’s everything going?”

  “Good,” he answered jovially. “I’m having a great time.”

  “Does that mean you’ve met a few nice girls already?”

  “I’ve met a nice girl.”

  “Just one?” Lucas teased. “C’mon. It’s not like you to be such a slowpoke with women.”

  Rolf barked in Simon’s arms.

  “Hey, are you carrying a dog?”

  “Yep. It’s Rolf, Mrs. Lawrence’s Yorkshire terrier. Say hi to Lucas, Rolf.”

  Rolf simply looked at him.

  “Bark,” he said.

  And Rolf did.

  “Good boy, Rolf!”

  Lucas snickered. “I want to see this. I’ll put you on video.”

  “Okay.” Simon accepted Lucas’s FaceTime video call and held his phone at a distance so Lucas could see Rolf.

  “He’s wearing a jumper!” Lucas said.

  “Of course. His mama put it on him. It’s cold out here, and we can’t have Rolf getting the chills, can we, Rolf?” He brought the pooch close to his cheeks and allowed Rolf to lick his face.

  “Oh my God, look at you,” Lucas said with a laugh. “Wouldn’t a German s
hepherd suit you more?”

  “Hey, don’t offend Rolf. We’re good buddies.”

  Lucas laughed harder. “I wonder if you can keep this up for the whole month.”

  “We already bet on that. I will last for the whole month.” He had to, to give him the best chance of Geri sticking with him after he confided in her who he truly was.

  He inhaled deeply. He knew what he was like when it came to women, and he was damned sure this thing with Geri was something special. Whether or not it would last, he didn’t know yet. But the way he was feeling right now, he certainly hoped so.

  “I don’t believe this,” Lucas said with wonder. “Simon Alexander, CEO of Alexander Jets, is loving his incognito role as a chauffeur, bodyguard and toy-dog nanny. So you’re not missing being a rich playboy?”

  Geri and Ingrid appeared out of the corner of Simon’s eye and he hurriedly hung up on Lucas. Damn it. The two ladies hadn’t heard what Lucas had said, had they?

  “Were you showing Rolf off to someone?” Ingrid asked.

  “Yeah,” he said with a chuckle. “It was just a buddy of mine who wanted to see me carrying him.”

  “Oh, really? What did he say about our Rolfie here?” Geri asked eagerly, petting the pooch.

  Simon breathed easier. His secret was still safe, by the looks of it. “He can’t believe I’m carrying a jumper-wearing toy dog. He said a German shepherd would suit me more.”

  Ingrid laughed while Geri pouted.

  “But I told him off for offending my buddy Rolf,” he said.

  Geri beamed at him, and Simon had to restrain himself from planting a kiss on her lips.

  “Well, let’s take some pictures here,” Ingrid said, indicating the view she wanted. “Simon, could you take me, Geri and Rolf first?”

  “Sure.” He took the photos with Ingrid’s phone before also taking a couple with his own device.

  “You’ll have to send me copies of these pictures,” Geri said, taking his phone from him to take over as photographer.

  Geri was lining up a shot when she frowned at the screen. “Lucas Renner-Bilton is calling you, Simon.”

  His heart lurched. “It’s okay. I’ll answer him later.”


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