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COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1)

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Sure, but first," he said softly, pausing to wipe the hair off Carly's face, "I just wanna tell this little lady we're gonna take real good care of her."

  As he sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand, he spied a lone tear slide from the side of her eye.

  "Hey, you're safe. It's over."

  "What I said when you, uh…"

  "Hush now. You just rest. Tomorrow's a new day and you'll feel a whole lot better."

  "But what I said…" she murmured. "Please don't let it make things weird between us."

  "It won't," he said warmly, then leaning in he whispered, "I feel the same."

  He saw a light in her red-rimmed eyes, and feeling his heart flutter, he released her hand and rose to his feet.

  "She's all yours, Elsie. You fix her up. We need her in the saddle."

  "She'll be just fine," Elsie assured him. "You can leave now."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  But he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay and watch over her, but turning around he reluctantly left the room and headed down the hall. Salvo had been the hero of the night and Keith could not have been more proud. The young teenager he'd taken off the streets had grown into quite the young man.

  "Hey, there, you wanna join me?" Andy asked as Keith entered the kitchen.

  Looking across at the table he saw Andy was nursing a whisky and the bottle was in front of him.

  "Damn straight," Keith replied, retrieving a tumbler from the cabinet. "It's been a helluva night."

  "I can't believe she wasn't killed," Andy said gravely as Keith sat opposite him. "Whatta the chances? She must have been a hair's breath from that log crushin' her."

  "She had an angel on her shoulder," Keith muttered as he splashed the whisky into a glass and took a swallow. "If it hadn't been for Salvo she'd still be out there."

  "What did Elsie have to say?"

  "She was optimistic, though I saw a bad gash on Carly's arm. Outside of that I think she's physically okay but she's gotta be traumatized."

  "I've never seen you panic before."

  "I've never seen a girl trapped in a car with a goddamned tree trunk through her windshield before," Keith retorted, then taking another drink he looked at his friend and narrowed his eyes. "Whatta you tryin' to say, Andy?"

  "I'm not tryin' to say anything, I'm just wonderin' if you might be…"

  "Might be what?"

  "Takin' a shine to her. Are you?"

  Keith didn't answer, but ran his fingers through his thick mop of dark hair, and poured more whisky into his glass.

  "I guess that answers that question," Andy quipped, "and it's okay. It's about time you let your guard down."

  "I haven't let my guard down," Keith said hastily. "I've been tryin' to keep it up. You know I can't get involved. I tried to fire her before dinner."


  "Why do you think? What you just said," he admitted grimly, "and she was askin' too many questions."

  "But you didn't."

  "No, dammit, I didn't want her to go."

  "Is this attraction mutual?"

  "Yeah, she's already told me. She told me before I got her outta that pickup, probably because she was worried she wasn't gonna make it."

  "The truth has a habit of comin' out when we think we're about to meet our maker. What'd you tell her?"


  "Dammit? You told her dammit? You sure are usin' that word a lot."

  "I told her I felt the same," Keith said with a heavy sigh. "What the hell do I do about this?"

  "Whatta you wanna do about it?"

  "What I want and what is…is…"


  "Yeah, what is safe, they're two different things. I can't risk it."

  "Sure you can."

  "What did you just say?"

  "I said, sure you can."

  "Need I remind you if I'm exposed you are too? You have as much to lose as I do."

  "We've been playin' this cat and mouse game for too long. We've both found ways to scratch our itch but I'm gettin' tired. I wanna come home to a woman besides Elsie, and I reckon you're feelin' that way too."

  "I know, I know, but we're almost there. That's the problem. We're so close."

  "Let me ask you somethin', Keith. When was the last time you had a heart-stopping holy crap moment with a woman? That's what's happened with Carly, right?"

  "The minute she walked into my office. I knew I should've hired someone else but I thought if I kept her at arm's length I could handle it."

  "And how's that workin'?"

  "Dammit, Andy."

  "There's that word again."

  "It's how I'm feelin'."

  "Someone's gotta straighten out that pretzeled head of yours."

  "What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't tell her about what's goin' on."


  "I'm not gonna put that burden on her. It's not fair."

  "You might have a point. How close are we? How soon do you think we'll be able to come clean without risk?"

  "There'll always be risk, you know how powerful he is, but a few more big sales and we'll be debt free and this place will be paid for. A few more after that and we'll have cash in the bank. That's what I want, cash in the bank so if he tries to pull any shit we'll have the funds to fight him."

  "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he won't?"

  "Pull any shit? Andy, I'm the heir apparent. When I bail he'll have a complete meltdown."

  "True, but if we're only half-a-dozen horses away there's no reason you can't let things with Carly develop and keep your mouth shut. It's not like she's gonna fly off to Houston and find out who you are."

  "But don't I have to tell her? She thinks I'm just a rancher with a bizarre need for privacy. When she finds out who I am I won't be that person any more."

  "First, I think your underestimatin' her, second, a name and all the crap that goes with it doesn't change who you are, third and most importantly, it's not every day you meet someone who makes your heart pump. If it were me I'd go for it, and on that note I'm off to bed," he declared, downing the last of his whisky.

  "One last question."


  "If it were you, what would you tell her?"


  "But I thought you said—"

  "Not yet. All you've got is attraction. Play it out, but don't get ahead of yourself."

  "I guess I'm havin' a tough time cos it's been so long since I've felt anything like this. Shit. If I ever have! She's makin' me crazy."

  "When you're sure, then tell her everything, but prepare yourself. She'll be pissed you didn't tell her sooner, but that's the way it has to be. Not until you're sure, now try to get some sleep. It'll work out one way or another. Just don't jump the gun."

  Watching his friend amble from the room, Keith picked up his crystal tumbler and studied the amber liquor. When his truck's headlights had illuminated the horrendous scene his heart had stopped.

  Carly made his pulse race and his cock stiffen like a rock. When he'd spanked her he'd ached to lift her skirt, gaze at her backside, then mercilessly ravage her, and when he'd pulled her into his arms he'd wanted to consume her mouth and roam his hands over her luscious body. All through dinner he'd had an erection, and when it would begin to ebb she'd laugh or catch his eye and it would spring back to full life again.

  "Where's that milk and brandy?"

  "Sorry, Elsie," he apologized, looking at her sheepishly as she walked across to the refrigerator. "Andy was here. I got sidetracked. How's Carly? Can I see her? Can I take the drink into her?"

  "The milk and brandy was for me, not her," Elsie smiled. "I gave her a sedative. She's sleeping. Her arm will be sore for a few days, it's bruised and scratched up, but otherwise she's fine. I swear she has to be the luckiest woman alive."

  "Alive being the key word," Keith muttered. "It's a miracle. I'm exhausted. I'm turnin' in."

  "Me too," Elsie sighed, placing the glass of milk she'd
poured into the microwave. "Keith, even though it's risky I think I've changed my mind."

  "Excuse me?" he said, jerking up his head. "What are you sayin'?"

  "I'm saying you could do a lot worse than Carly Kincaid, and let's face it, this race you've been running…you've turned the corner and you're heading for home."

  "But I'm not there yet," he said grimly, "and that's the problem."


  As Keith laid in his dark room listening to the windstorm wail its wrath, he was consumed with thoughts of the spunky, brave, beautiful girl down the hall. He barely knew her. Why could he not get her out of his mind? Why did he yearn for her naked body next to his?

  "This is crazy," he grunted, slipping from his bed and pulling on his robe. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

  Milk and brandy was Elsie's sure-fire sleeping tonic, and deciding he'd follow her example he left his room and padded down the hall, but as he passed Carly's room he thought he could hear her calling his name. Pausing he put his ear to the door. He heard it again. Gently knocking he cautiously pushed it open and stared across at the bed. She was tossing and turning, obviously in the throes of a bad dream. Hurrying across the room he sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  "Hey, Carly, wake up, it's okay, you're dreamin."

  "No, please, I don't want to die here…no…Keith! Keith! Please come."

  He couldn't stand to see her in such great distress, and pulling her into his arms he held her tightly against his body.

  "Wake up, Carly, I'm here, it's okay, I'm here."


  She suddenly pulled back, and appearing completely bewildered she stared around the room.

  "You're in my house," he said gently. "You were havin' a nightmare."

  "I was in Daisy, I was trapped," she muttered, "I couldn't get out. I was so scared."

  "I know, but you made it. You're safe now."

  "I made it," she mumbled, and falling back against him she buried her head in the crook of his shoulder. "I'm so glad you're here."

  "That's what you said when I found you."

  "I don't think I'd ever been so happy to see anyone in my life."

  "Except maybe Salvo holdin' the flashlight."

  "Yeah," she muttered, "I guess him too."

  "You feelin' better?"

  "I am, but my heart is still thumping," she murmured, raising her head and gazing up at him. "How did you know to come in here?"

  "I couldn't sleep and I was on my way to the kitchen when I heard you cryin' out."

  She was bathed in the soft glow from the night-lights, her eyes were carrying a silver sparkle, and staring down at her he felt his heart swell.

  "You think you can get some sleep now?" he asked, wishing he could crawl into bed with her.

  "Um, yes, but can I ask a favor? I still feel shaky. Would you mind laying down and holding me for just a few minutes?"

  Her request had been tentatively whispered, and though a thousand reasons why he should walk away rattled through his brain, he heard himself say,

  "I think I can manage that."

  As she slipped from his arms to lay back down he couldn't take his eyes off her. Even in the dim light he could see her nipples pressing urgently against the thin fabric of the T-shirt Elsie must have given her, and he was suddenly aching to lift it over her head and lower his mouth to her luscious breasts. He was about to stand up and drop his robe, but changing his mind he kept it on and climbed under the covers. As she snuggled against his chest he could feel his cock beginning to stir, and though he told himself he needed to leave, his body refused to cooperate. Instead his arm came around her, and finally surrendering he let out a heavy sigh. Even with his robe on, even though he hadn't touched her, even though he'd been able to fight his aching need to lower his lips on to hers, he knew they had crossed a line and there was no going back.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  In Houston Texas it was 7 a.m. Harlan Boyd, CEO of Boyd Holdings, was padding into his bathroom. He had a conference call at 8 a.m., and he had to be in his office with his lawyers fifteen minutes ahead of time. He'd been up the night before on an international call until 1 a.m. His lack of sleep was legendary. Many of his office staff believed he secretly napped during the day. It was the only explanation, but Harlan Boyd thrived on his work. What others saw as stressful negotiations, Harlan saw as fun. Challenge energized him, solving problems made him feel alive, and debating people was fuel for his constantly churning brain.

  There was, however, one problem, one challenge, one negotiation, that was the source of constant frustration.

  His son.

  His brilliant, impossible, infuriating, renegade son.

  As the waterfall shower streamed over him, he returned to the debate he'd been having with himself for several years. If he gave his maverick boy enough space he'd come to his senses, stop his wandering ways, and return to work at the luxurious suite of offices from which Boyd Holdings operated. But Harlan was running out of patience.

  "Dammit, you need to start settling down," he muttered as he turned off the faucets. "I've had enough. After we finish our business this morning we're going to have a serious talk."

  Toweling off he walked into his closet, dressed in a charcoal grey pin-striped suit, crisp white shirt and red tie, then selected a watch.

  "Harlan, honey?"

  Turning around he saw his live-in girlfriend leaning against the door frame. She was curvy and beautiful and half his age. He suspected his money and fancy home were major contributors to her presence, but she was a thoughtful girl, and he enjoyed the comfort of her warm body and pleasant company.

  "Yeah, Mitzi?"

  "Must you leave so early?"

  "You knew I was a busy man when you moved in. You can't start complaining about it now."

  "You're in one of your moods."

  "I just have things on my mind."

  "Things? You only bark at me when you've got your son on your mind."

  "It's time for him to come home for good. I'll be retiring in a couple of years and he needs to be ready to take over. There's still a lot for him to learn."

  "Maybe he doesn't want to take over. Maybe he's been trying to tell you something by his constant traveling."

  "Maybe his old man has been too soft on him," Harlan retorted. "I don't even know where he goes when he disappears, but I've had enough and I'm going to find out. For all I know he could have a wife and kids stashed away someplace. He sure hasn't shown any serious interest in the women around here. Anyway, I can't stand here talking. I need to get to the office."

  "Harlan, honey?"


  "Do you want me to have a word with him?"


  "I know I'm not much older than him, but we've always gotten along. Maybe he'd open up to me. Maybe he'd tell me why he stays away like he does."

  "He'll be here next week. I'll give it some thought, but now I have to dash. Go shopping, enjoy yourself, and don't forget we have dinner at Tony's tonight."

  "I won't forget. I love that place."

  "You should. It costs enough."

  Marching through the bedroom, he trotted down the stairs and stepped out into the sweeping driveway that fronted his magnificent home. His limousine was waiting, and his driver hurried to open the back door. As Harlan slid into the seat he thought about his son's mother, the love of his life. Mabel. They'd been college sweethearts, and their marriage had been a happy, loving union, but too early she'd fallen victim to cancer. It had been the only time in his life he'd felt helpless. All his money and power, could do nothing to save her.

  "I know what you'd say," he mumbled. "You'd tell me to let him be. You'd say, let him forge his own path, but I built up Boyd Holdings for him. Petroleum is in his blood, just like business is in his blood. He just has to stick around the office long enough to get into the swing of things and he'll soon see sense. That's what he has to do. It's time to put my foot down
. He's coming home and he's staying here."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Keith had fallen into a deep sleep. He hadn't meant to. He had meant to slip quietly from the room when he knew Carly was at peace, but the fatigue from the night's dramatic events had taken their toll. When he opened his eyes and realized the sun was up he glanced urgently at the clock on the bedside table. It read 8:23 a.m.

  "How could I have slept so late?" he muttered. "Oh, no, the call. I missed the call."

  Carly softly moaned, then clung to him as he tried to move away.

  "No, please don't leave, please, not yet."

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he said softly, rolling on to his side and studying her face. "You have color back in your cheeks. How do you feel?"

  "Like I want to stay here with you forever," she murmured as she nestled into him.

  "It's late. Elsie will be comin' in to check on you—if she hasn't already. Damn, I can't believe I slept through the night."

  "Does it matter?"

  "Yeah, I missed a real important call at six."

  "No, I mean does it matter about Elsie?"

  "Uh…sort of, not really, actually I don't know the answer to that."

  "She works for you, right? So why would she care?"

  "It's not quite that simple and I need to get up. How's your arm?"

  "It hurts a bit, but Keith…"


  "Thank you for staying with me. Is it okay for me to say that I loved sleeping with you?"

  Her voice was breathy, and as she crushed her body against him and raised her lips to languidly kiss his neck, his semi-stiff cock surged to attention.

  "I really do need to go, and you need to get some more rest," he said firmly, trying to extricate himself from her limbs.

  "Can't you stay just five more minutes?"

  "Behave," he said firmly, then lowering his voice he added. "Carly, we both know if I stay five more minutes Elsie will walk in on something she shouldn't."

  "Not if you lock the door."

  "My goodness, who are you? Who kidnapped the girl I hired?"


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