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COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1)

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  "I will," she laughed. "I promise to keep my promise. That's hilarious."

  "And I'll be comin' to keep my eye on you, and now that I think about it, I have an idea."

  "Which is?"

  "If Elsie gives her okay, I'd like you to sit on Domino."

  "I'm confused. Isn't Domino one of the horses Andy's going to be showing to the buyers coming in?"

  "He is, but one of those buyers is a woman. Connie Masters. She might wanna see another female ride the horse before she gets on. It happened the last time she was here and Sandy wasn't prepared."

  "Have you talked to Andy about this?"

  "Not specifically, but we discussed havin' you ride the horses so he can spend more time talkin' to the clients. He didn't think Sandy was good enough, but from what we saw on the videos, you are."

  "I am?"

  "That's what got you in the door."

  "Really? Wow. I'd love it. I used to do that for Max King at Circle K. Do you know him?"

  "I know of him, but Andy's the guy who deals with all that stuff."

  "Oh, right, I forgot. You're the phantom cowboy."


  "What? It's true."

  "For now," he said, then kissing her swiftly he slipped from the bed. "I'll talk to Andy. If he's good with it then—"

  "Then YAY!"

  "I'm jumpin' in the shower, and no, you can't join me. I need to get movin'. I have to stop in my office before I head into breakfast."

  As he disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door, Carly snuggled under the covers and smiled. Things were working out far better than she'd expected, but she was more intrigued than ever. From the conversation she'd overheard, she'd learned his father would try to shut down the ranch if he learned about it, but was that any reason for Keith not to tell her more about himself? Then there was Elsie and her story. The love of her life was in prison. Talk about drama.

  "I can help you, Elsie, but I need more than just a first name and asking questions will only get me in trouble. Seems like I only have one option. I'm going to have to have a poke around. I just can't get caught."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short time later, as Carly hungrily devoured scrambled eggs, cooked tomatoes, bacon and toast, she persuaded Elsie she was well enough to get on a horse, and she wouldn't ride more than two.

  "If you feel a bit tired you need to sit down and see if it passes. If it lingers it's best you come back up to the house. You don't understand how trauma can affect you, but I know about these things. Yesterday afternoon took you by surprise, right?"

  "Totally. It was the strangest feeling, as if a giant vacuum had pulled all the energy out of me, and I felt sick to my stomach. All I wanted to do was sleep."

  "Learn from that and don't push your luck."

  "I'll bet this is Andy," Keith declared as the sound of his phone interrupted the conversation. "Yep. I'll take it in the kitchen."

  As Keith disappeared through the swinging door, Carly finished her food and washed it down with the last of her coffee.

  "That was delicious. Thank you, Elsie, you've been amazing. Everyone has. I've never been at a barn like this. I'm used to hearing a grumpy trainer telling me to suck it up and get back on."

  "My only experience in the horse world is this place so I don't know what it's like anywhere else, but if we don't take care of each other we won't have much of a team."

  "I love that, and there might be a way I can do something for you as well."

  "You being sensible and not overdoing things is all I want."

  "Excuse me for interruptin'," Keith said as he reappeared, "but we'd best get down there. Andy wants to see you on Domino, and if it turns out you can only ride one horse let's make it count."

  "Great, and I've got way more than two horses in me," Carly said, rising from the table, then hastily added, "but don't worry, Elsie, if I don't feel right I'll stop."

  As they left the dining room Carly smiled happily. She couldn't wait to ride, and when Keith opened the door she walked outside and found the sun shining under a clear blue sky.

  "This is going to be a really good day," Carly remarked, "I can feel it. Shall we walk down?"

  "I need to take the cart. Andy said some laborers will be comin' to clear up the mess from the windstorm. When they show up I need to get back here pronto."

  "This is driving me crazy," she muttered as they headed into the small shed. "What's the big secret?"

  Before the words had even left her lips she wanted to breathe them back in. He was climbing into the cart, and she glanced across at him to gauge his reaction. His lips were pursed and his eyes had narrowed, but he didn't say anything so she settled in and took hold of the handle above her head. She was glad she did. Pulling out of the shed he headed down the driveway at a fast clip. As they neared the barn she spotted Sandy's car parked in the trailer area, and a moment later Sandy herself came running out to meet them.

  "Carly, how are you? I saw Daisy. Holy crap. And the carport and cabin. I couldn't believe it. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, honestly."

  "You have to tell me everything."

  "I will when we finish riding."

  "Domino is all tacked up and ready," Sandy continued as they walked into the barn. "I can't wait to watch you on him. I've only ridden him a few times but that was before Andy started working with him. Hi, Keith," she added, turning around and sending him a smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you."

  "No problem. I'm goin' up to the viewin' area."

  "I'll join you in a few minutes," Andy said, stepping out of the cross ties. "I've just gotta give Carly some pointers on what makes this boy tick. Sandy, why don't you get Jezebel ready. You can give her a light hack when Carly's done."

  "Sure thing."

  Keith was already striding down the aisle to the staircase. It would lead him up to the balcony overlooking the arena, and as he took the steps two at a time the short sharp exchange with Carly was foremost in his mind.

  What's the big secret?

  If they hadn't needed to get to the barn he would have spanked her right there and then. It had been a rude and thoughtless remark. When would she learn to respect his privacy?

  "Seems like you've got another lesson comin'," he muttered, "and this time I won't be pullin' any punches."


  Keith could hear Andy climbing up the stairs, and as he appeared and sauntered across the balcony to sit next to him, Keith pulled an envelope from his pocket.

  "Here," Keith said, handing it to him. "I did some personal shoppin'. It'll appear on your statement as Gem Enterprises."

  "Ah, thanks."

  "Thank you. Things would've been a whole lot tougher without that card to hide behind. I don't know how I would've managed."

  "And my life wouldn't be anything like this," Andy said solemnly. "I thank the good Lord every day that your mom brought you into the stable I was workin' at. What a three-ring circus that place was."

  "Sometimes things are meant to be. Huh, that's the second time I've said that in the last few days."

  "I reckon I'm lookin' at the first," Andy remarked as Carly rode into the ring.

  "No comment," Keith grinned. "Damn, she looks good on a horse."

  "Yep. That girl was born to sit in a saddle. Look at that."


  "How relaxed Domino is. That was the first thing I was watchin' for. It took me hours to get him to chill under saddle. I didn't know how he'd react with a different rider but he's doin' just fine."

  "But that's your trainin'."

  "Only to a point. If Carly wasn't sendin' the right signals I doubt he'd be so mellow."

  As Carly effortlessly moved the horse into the jog, quickened its pace, then graduated into a lope, Keith found himself struck by her graceful skill. Though the horse was changing speed and gaits, circling and diagonally crossing the ring, he couldn't see her actually doing anything.

  "How does that happen?"
he asked softly. "How can she get him to do all that without movin' her hands or legs?"

  "She's kinda blown' me away too," Andy replied, mesmerized by what he was watching. "I was expectin' her to be good, but not this good."

  "That doesn't tell me how she's making the horse move."

  "You ever watch a horse race on TV?"

  "Sure, plenty of times."

  "If you raise your hand to block out the horses and just look at the jockeys, the top guys look like they're floatin'. They barely move."

  "Huh. I never knew that."

  "It doesn't matter whether you're jumpin' a fence or canterin' around a ring, the best riders make it look effortless. I guess it's the same in any sport, but certain people can communicate with horses beyond technique. They get on and everything just works. I'm pretty sure Carly's one of those."

  "But you are too."

  "Sure. I have a way with horses, it's something we're born with, though I think the message I send is different to the one Carly puts out, but she's a woman, it would have to be."

  "You want to see anything else?" she called, as Domino came to a slow halt.

  "Damn, she didn't pull on the reins," Keith muttered.

  "Magic," Andy chuckled. "Yeah, Carly. Let's see a gallop and roll back."

  "Really? You'll let me do that?"

  "Sure. You look great."

  "I feel great, and he's amazing."

  "Get ready, Keith," Andy said as she moved the horse forward. "I have a feelin' you're about to drop your jaw, and you know what else I just figured out?"


  "Carly doesn't know how good she is and that's part of why it works. She lets the horse do the thinkin'. She's a guide, not a frickin' wrestler."

  "Even so, are you sure you want her to do this? Connie's gonna be here tomorrow."

  "If Connie sees what we just did she'll be real interested, but that's just the appetizer and she'll want the main course. Let's see if Carly can give it to her."

  "What's the difference if you show Domino or if Carly does?"

  "If she sees another woman ride him it'll clinch the deal."


  "It's all about perception. Connie will instinctively think, if she can do it, I can too. With me in the saddle the perception changes. He can do it, but he's a guy. He stronger than me."

  "Ah. Right. That makes sense."

  Sandy had finished tacking up Jezebel and was standing with her at the gate. She'd been watching Carly in awe. The girl was as smooth as a lake on a windless day, but hearing Andy's instructions she caught her breath. Andy had never let her take any of the horses into the tricky maneuver, especially not a horse that was about to be shown to buyers. She knew it was a testament to the high regard Andy had for Carly, but it was also a trial by fire.

  Sitting on the handsome gelding Carly was in seventh-heaven. The horse was push-button perfect, and she barely had to move a muscle to elicit the reaction she wanted. Less was more, but doing a gallop and roll back on a horse for the first time didn't always go as planned.

  Her first trainer, an old cowboy named Monte who was more horse than human, had once told her to visualize everything she wanted the horse to do seconds before asking the horse to do it. He'd claimed if the rider pictured the action, not only would the horse pick it up, the rider's body, hands and legs would automatically do what was needed. Carly hadn't implemented Monte's sage advice for some time. She and Winston were so in tune she'd had no need of it.

  As she cantered around the ring mentally preparing herself for the challenge, Domino began to pick up speed. Normally she would use her legs to tell the horse to quicken its pace, but she had only imagined Domino accelerating. The magic was already happening. It was as if she was riding Winston. She thought it, he did it. That's how they had become such stars. Did she have the same mystical connection to Domino? The answer came as a sudden surge of energy rippled through her body.—Domino's energy. He knew what they were going to do, and as he bolted into the center of the arena she readied herself for the screeching halt.

  Watching from the balcony, while Keith was holding his breath, Andy was filled with feverish anticipation, and it wasn't just about Domino and Connie Masters. If Carly had the talent and skill he believed she did, she would have a significant impact on the barn's success.

  The dust flew, Domino slid to a stop, paused for a fleeting moment, then flawlessly pivoted and calmly cantered in the direction from which he'd come.

  "I knew it," Andy exclaimed, slapping his leg and jumping from his seat. "WHOO HOO!"

  "I didn't even seen her lift a fuckin' rein," Keith mumbled. "How the hell…?"

  "I love this horse!" Carly called as she cantered towards them. "He's awesome."

  "He loves you," Andy yelled down at her, "and so do we. Take him on in," then turning to Keith he stared at him intently, "Do you know what you've done?"

  "Me? What the hell have I done?"

  "You've hired us a million-dollar rider. That girl could ride a frickin' donkey and make it look good. She's gonna take this barn up a one heck of a notch."

  "I, uh, I'm kinda speechless right now…"

  "I'm goin' down to see how she's feelin'. If she's up to it I want her to get on Preston. If I can talk to the clients while she rides we'll be unstoppable."

  "Only if she's up to it," Keith said quickly. "Make sure."

  "You wanna come down?"

  "No, I need to sit here a spell. I trust you to make sure she doesn't overdo it."

  As Andy hurried away, Keith pulled the key from under his T-shirt and gently held it as he stared down at the arena. Andy was right. Carly was a million dollar rider. It was fantastic, but it made things even more complicated.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  When Andy walked into the barn aisle he found Sandy hugging Carly and telling her how brilliant she was, and he could see Carly's hesitant response. She genuinely didn't know what all the fuss was about.

  "It's not me, it's this horse," Carly exclaimed. "He's like Winston. Easy as pie."

  "Best get on with Jezebel," Andy said, wanting Sandy to be finished by the time Preston was tacked up and ready to go. "Like I said, Sandy, just an easy hack."

  "Yep, sure boss," Sandy replied, "and Carly, it's not the horses, it's you."

  "Carly, that was a real good ride," Andy said warmly as Sandy led Jezebel to the ring. "I'd like you to get on him for the buyers tomorrow. How would you feel about that? You'll get paid extra of course."

  "That would terrific. I'd love to, and thank you."

  "How are you feelin'? Are you up gettin' on another one? Tell me the truth. I need you to be one-hundred percent tomorrow."

  "I feel exhilarated, and yes, I can definitely ride another one. I can ride another three or four."

  "One will be enough. I don't want Elsie yellin' at me."

  "Who did you have in mind?"

  "How would you feel about jumpin' on Preston?"

  "The black beauty? I'd love to."

  "He's got a different mind set. Preston needs to know you're up there. He needs more support."

  "He sounds like a horse I used to ride called Kahlua."

  "You rode Kahlua? The three times world champion Kahlua?"

  "Just at the barn. I wasn't allowed to show him, but he was the same. He was insecure, but once he had confidence in the person on his back he was unreal."

  "That's kinda how Preston is. He can get a bit jittery."

  "I know exactly how to make him feel safe. Let's get him tacked up."

  Keith had left the viewing area, and walking down the aisle he'd caught the tail end of the conversation. Andy was about to put Carly on the most difficult horse in the barn. He couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

  "Hey, Carly," he called, walking towards them. "That was beautiful. Domino looked amazin'."

  "I'm so excited. Andy just asked me if I'd ride him for the buyers tomorrow. Can you believe it?"

  "I sure can, but I'm goin' up to the

  "You don't want to watch me on Preston?"

  "The laborers will be arrivin' any time now, but I'll watch on the monitor in my office."

  "It's so cool you can keep your eye on the barn whenever you want. I keep forgetting to ask for the login info so I can watch Winston."

  "I'll give it to you when you come back up. Andy, are you and Sandy comin' for lunch?"

  "Sandy won't be stayin'. You can tell Elsie it'll just be the three of us."

  "Will do. Again, great job, Carly. I'll see you in a bit."

  As Carly watched him leave she sensed things weren't quite right, but she had no time to dwell on it. Andy was asking her to get Preston from his stall.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Elsie was in the laundry room when she heard the front door. Quickly dropping the clothes into the machine and adding the soap, she walked into the kitchen and found Keith pouring himself a mug of coffee. She knew immediately something was on his mind.

  "You want to talk about it?"

  "I sure do," he said solemnly. "Carly is, and I'm quotin' Andy, a million-dollar rider. He says she could ride a donkey and make it look good, and, drum roll—he's havin' her ride Domino for Connie Masters tomorrow."

  "She's that good?"

  "He's puttin' her on Preston as we speak, so yeah, she's that good. She's better than that good. She's the rider we've always wanted, but…"

  "You don't have to say anything else. I know why you're worried, and you're overthinking this. You get that from your mother."

  "You've told me that before."

  "Because you need to be reminded. Keith, if you let Carly's importance to the business influence how you behave around her, you're doomed."


  "A bit dramatic but it got your attention."

  "It sure as hell did."

  "Carly likes you for a thousand different reasons, and each one of them is important. If you suddenly change because you think you have to tiptoe around her, you'll lose her both personally and professionally."


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