COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1)

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COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1) Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  "I know, dammit, and I went through all that in my head, but I feel…"

  "You feel like you can't be yourself in case you do or say something that will make her leave, and if she leaves it won't just hurt you, it will hurt the ranch, it will hurt all of us."

  "Exactly. It's makin' me feel like I'm losin' control."

  "Let's look at this from her perspective. Why did she decide to apply to be an exercise rider at a small barn in the middle of nowhere?"

  "She said she was tired of bein' in the craziness of the city and the show barns there."

  "Right. How hard do you think it would be to find another situation like this?"

  "Uh, pretty damn hard."

  "And now she's not just riding nice horses, she's going to be showing them to potential clients. That's a really big deal for her. On top of that she's crazy about you. If anyone's worried about keeping things sweet, it's her. From her point of view she has more to lose than you do."

  "Elsie, I swear, if you weren't my aunt I'd marry you," he exclaimed, putting down his mug and hugging her. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome, hon. Why don't you go into that office of yours and get to work? I'll make you some fresh coffee and bring it in."

  "Again, if you weren't my aunt…"

  "Go on, out of my kitchen," she grinned. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

  Letting out a grateful sigh, Keith left the kitchen and headed down the hallway. Elsie was right about everything. Carly would become an invaluable member of the team, and it was more important than ever to solidify their roles and keep her head on straight.


  Settling behind his desk, Keith powered up his computer and switched to the live feed from the arena. Carly was on Preston, and though she looked good, she didn't appear to be as relaxed as she had on Domino. He watched for a couple of minutes, his concern growing, and when the horse tossed its head Carly brought him to a stop and climbed off. Andy entered the ring, then the two of them led Preston out. Anxious to know the problem Keith grabbed his phone.

  "Hey, Keith. I take it you're watchin'."

  "Yeah, of course. What happened?"

  "Carly thinks Preston has a problem with his mouth and wants to ride him in a rope halter."

  "What? Are you gonna let her?"

  "I am. I think she might be right. The same thought crossed my mind the other day. Gotta go. I'll call you back when we're done. Keep watchin'."

  Keith waited impatiently. It seemed to be taking forever, and just as he saw Carly enter the ring, Elsie arrived with his coffee and a muffin.

  "Here you go," she said cheerily, placing the mug and plate on his desk.

  "Perfect timin'. Carly's about to ride Preston in a halter."

  "Is that a good idea?"

  "We're about to find out. It was her suggestion and Andy's goin' along with it," he said, turning the computer around so they could sit side-by-side and watch from the chairs in front of the desk.

  "Isn't Preston the nervous horse?"

  "Yep, and I guess Carly thinks the problem is his mouth."

  "His mouth?"

  "Maybe his teeth. Andy didn't give me any details."

  Carly began by backing the horse up, turning it in a tight circle, backing up again, then walking off. A minute ticked by and she sent him into the slow jog. Keith could see the horse's demeanor had changed. His head was lower and he was clearly more relaxed.

  "Would you look at that?" Keith muttered. "She was right."

  "I'm no expert, but it sure looks good to me."

  "He's an impressive horse, but I've never seen him move like that. He's floatin'."

  Carly moved the horse through its paces, then brought him to a halt and jumped off. Andy returned to the ring, they talked for a few minutes, then headed out.

  "I'd say Andy was right," Elsie grinned, getting to her feet. "You've hired yourself a million-dollar rider. I'll make us a special dinner tonight to celebrate."

  "How the hell am I gonna be able to concentrate on Boyd business with this happenin'?"

  "Just remember…the money your earning is helping you reach your goal and pretty soon this will all be yours. Mabel would've been real proud. It's just too bad she couldn't stash away enough for you to buy something outright."

  "I have no complaints, Elsie. I could've gone for something smaller but I knew this was the right place even if it did mean borrowin'. There were too many coincidences that brought me here."

  "Dream Horse Ranch," she sighed. "Named for the ranch you always dreamed of and Mabel made possible."

  "I told Carly it was because we sell people the horse of their dreams, and I guess that's true as well."

  "I like that," Elsie smiled, "and I'll bet Mabel would have too. I'm off. See you at lunch."

  As she left, he moved his computer around and sat behind his desk. It had been a remarkable set of circumstances that had led him to the rundown ranch, and as he thought about Carly's miraculous escape from death a shudder moved through his body.

  "Am I crazy thinkin' you're behind all this?" he mumbled, reaching under his shirt to touch the key. "I do feel like you're always around me."

  The ringing of his phone snapped him from the solemn moment. It was Andy.

  "Tell me," Keith said urgently. "Obviously she was right but I want the details."

  "She's convinced Preston has been nervous because he has a bad tooth, and you saw the difference. I would never have put that horse in a halter like that, but dammit if she wasn't right."

  "Are you callin' the doc?"

  "Nope. She's recommended a horse dentist, a guy by the name of Steve Sampson. I've heard of him, but I've only ever used a vet for teeth, and you're not gonna believe what she said to me."

  "Do I want to hear this?"

  "Yep. She said, Andy, if you have a toothache do you go to your doctor or your dentist?"


  "I didn't have an answer for that one, and when you think about it, it makes sense."

  "How do we reach him?"

  "She's puttin' a call into him right now. He travels all over."

  "And tomorrow?"

  "I'll walk Preston out so the buyers can see him close up, but I'm not lettin' anyone on his back until this is taken care of."

  "It's been quite the mornin'. Is Carly still feelin' okay?"

  "Seems to be. She's gettin' Winston out right now."

  "To ride?"

  "Nope, to take down to his paddock. We're finished here. Sandy's about to leave and Carly and I are gonna start turnin' the rest of the horses out."

  "I'll see you at lunch then."

  "The workers are at the gate. Gotta go."

  The call ended, and rising from his chair Keith stood at the window and stared down at the barn. Two trucks were rolling down the driveway, and Salvo was by the crumpled carport waiting to greet them. A flash of white caught his attention. It was Carly appearing from the barn with Winston beside her. As she started the short walk towards the paddocks, he noticed Sandy climbing into her car. The only character missing was Andy, but Keith knew Andy would be in the barn fussing over Preston.

  "Dammit, I wanna be down there. I wanna talk to the workers, I wanna be with Andy lookin' over Preston, I wanna be leadin' those horses out myself. This is my life. Why am I hidin' out like some kinda criminal?"

  Turning around he stared at his desk. The thought of opening up spreadsheets and dealing with the business of Boyd Holdings was as appealing as jumping in a freezing pond in the middle of winter.

  "I can't keep doin' this. I've gotta bring things to a head. It's time I started living my life, my real life. I'm a cowboy, dammit, not some pencil pushin', deal-makin' oil tycoon."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Elsie had suggested inviting Salvo to join them for lunch, something she did if there was reason to celebrate. Keith had agreed, but Salvo wanted to stay with the workers and have his lunch break with them. It had surprised Carly, but Elsie and Andy had expected it.r />
  "Salvo is a loyal guy with a heart as big as the mountains, but he's not big on hangin' out in social situations," Keith said as they sat down at the table. "Sunday dinners are different. We talk about the barn so he sees it as part of his job."

  "Can I ask where he came from?" Carly asked cautiously.

  "Uh, I guess there's no harm in it. I was in a downtown district walkin' to my car late one night and two guys jumped me. Salvo was sleepin' in a nearby alley and he threw himself into the fight. He was just a kid, but boy was he tough. You see how he's built?"

  "He's as big as a football player," Carly replied, "as if he lifts weights every day."

  "He does, it's his passion, but even back then he was muscled up. I swear that kid saved my bacon. When I found out he was on the street I started takin' care of him. I never asked how he got there. I figured if he wanted to tell me he would, and he has offered bits and pieces but I still don't know his story. When I got this place I asked him if he'd like to work for me and he couldn't get here quick enough. He was livin' here before I was. He renovated those cabins."

  "My gosh. Poor Salvo, but lucky Salvo as well."

  "I've been workin' at barns my whole life," Andy said, "but I've never met a guy who works as hard as that kid. I'll tell him to take a break, he smiles and says thanks, then keeps on goin', but let's talk about tomorrow."

  The conversation turned to the business of the pending arrival of the wealthy clients, and though Carly was paying close attention and offered her own ideas, she thought Keith was unusually quiet. When the lunch came to an end and Elsie began clearing the table, she caught him looking at her with an odd expression on his face.

  "Let's go get that tack sparklin'," Andy said, getting to his feet.

  "Andy, do you mind if I have a few minutes with Carly first?"

  "Sure. Carly, if you hear from that horse dentist go ahead and make the appointment. Any time is fine, except tomorrow afternoon, of course."

  "Will do."

  "I won't keep her long," Keith promised. "Come on, Carly, let's go to my office."

  As Andy left, and Carly walked with Keith down the hall, she couldn't help but notice the serious expression on his face. A few butterflies fluttered to life, but when they entered the office and she saw him lock the door, the few suddenly gave birth to many.

  "Take a seat," he said formally, perching himself on the edge of the desk. "First, I wanna tell you how proud I am. You're not just a beautiful rider, you care in a way most people in this business don't. You didn't arbitrarily decide Preston was actin' up, you asked why. Your heart asked why. That's how I am. When a horse isn't behavin' right I ask why? Is the saddle hurtin', is he tired? Whatever. That's what you did today, and that blew me away more than anything else."

  "Keith…thank you. I don't know what to say, but you look so grim. I thought something was wrong."

  "The way things are going with you and Andy I couldn't be happier."

  "Then why…?"

  "Before we went down to the barn you said somethin' that upset me, and the problem is, you knew better. I've gotta ask myself, why?"

  "Wait, are you comparing me to a horse?"

  "Not exactly. A horse can't speak, he can only communicate through his actions. Humans can do both, like you did earlier."

  "What did I say?"

  "You can't think of anything? Are you sure about that?"

  Carly had flashed on the moment in the shed immediately, but she hadn't wanted to bring it up. Now she could feel her face flush deep red and she wished she had.

  "When I said, what's the big secret," she mumbled. "I'm sorry."

  "It wasn't just what you said, it was the way you said it. How do you think that's been sittin' with me?"

  "Uh, not good," she said softly, dropping her gaze and wishing her stomach would stop doing backflips.

  "Why did you say it? Do you know?"

  "It just sort of came out."

  "Not good enough."

  "I guess it pisses me off."

  "What does?"

  "That you won't tell me anything about yourself."

  "But you knew that from day one. I couldn't have made it any clearer. I spanked you right off the bat because of it. If I hadn't been straight with you, then sure, you'd have a reason to bitch about how things are, but I did. You came into this with your eyes wide open."

  "You're right, and I apologize."

  "Carly, things are gettin' a bit complicated."

  "I don't understand."

  "You're workin' for me and we're gettin' involved. We're gonna have some speed bumps, but whether I'm your boss or your boyfriend you've gotta remember this is my ranch with my rules, and Carly, they're my secrets. Mine to tell when I deem fit. Repeat that, please."

  "Your ranch, your rules, your secrets, yours to tell when you deem fit."

  "Have you got that through that stubborn head of yours now?"

  "Yes, Keith," she sighed as a fresh flush crossed her cheeks.

  "You were downright disrespectful. Do you remember what I said when I spanked you?"

  "You said if I broke the rules so badly again, if I you didn't fire me you'd take a strap to my backside."

  "I sure as heck am not gonna fire you. Do you wanna quit?"

  "NO!" she exclaimed, darting her head up. "Not in a million years!"

  "I told you what would happen, and I'm a man of my word. Is there anything you want to say?"

  "It's weird, but I knew it was wrong when I said it. No…I think I knew it before I said it. Keith, I'm almost afraid to say this, but maybe there was a part of me that was testing the waters."

  "Sounds like there was a lot goin' on when that question came outta your mouth."

  "I think maybe there was, and it won't happen again, I swear."

  "Go over to that cabinet and open the top drawer. You'll find a strap in there. Bring it to me."

  Carly walked across the room, and though she was filled with trepidation, a slick moisture was filling her sex. Picking up the black leather strap she paused for a moment. Her heart was pounding, and she couldn't deny she wanted to know how it felt. Wondering if there was something seriously wrong with her, she turned around and carried it back to him.

  "Can I tell you something?" she asked softly. "It's kind of weird."

  "Sure. You can tell me anything you want."

  "I, uh…maybe later."

  "That's fine too. Pull down your jeans and panties, leave them around your ankles, and place your hands on the desk."

  Nervously she did as directed, but as he gripped her hips and pulled her back, she closed her eyes and sank into the feel of his fingers against her skin. She wanted him. She wanted to feel his cock inside her. She wanted him to rip off her shirt and knead her breasts as he fucked her.

  Keith was about to land some hot slaps in preparation for the strap when he spied her glistening dew. She was wet. The entire episode was making her hot, confirming his suspicions. She harbored dark fantasies. Already semi-erect, the thought sent his cock surging to life. For a fleeting moment he was tempted to forego the discipline and fuck her senseless, but she needed and wanted to be punished. He wasn't about to let her down.


  Carly wriggled impatiently. The wait was driving her crazy, but was that the point? His hand was gliding over her backside and her carnal hunger was growing with every passing second, then suddenly he began delivering the stinging smacks.

  "You know why you're being punished but it bears repeatin'," he scolded, continuing to rain his flattened palm on her blushing cheeks. "You were rude. That's not tolerated at this ranch. You treat everyone with respect. You also crossed a line you were told not to. That's gross disobedience. Rules are rules and I expect them to be followed."

  Carly was clenching her teeth in an effort not to cry out. His hand was kissing her skin with fire, vanquishing any doubt about his resolve to punish her if he thought it necessary.

  "Do we understand each other?"

/>   "Yes, Sir."

  "Six with the strap. Three for each offense. You ready?

  "Yes, Sir."

  The first strike in the center of her backside elicited a yelp. The second fell just below the first and she yelped again. When the third hit she bent her knees and stared at him over her shoulder.

  "I've learned my lesson," she whimpered, "I swear. You're right, I was rude and it was very bad of me."

  "Good. Three more and you're done. Ready?"

  "Ooh, yes, Sir."

  He continued to land each blow beneath the one before it, and when he delivered the last against her sit spot she let out a yowl. It was an appropriate end to a short, sharp punishment.

  "Anything to say?"

  "I was disobedient. You did make it clear I wasn't to pry or ask questions. I'm sorry."

  "It won't happen again, right?"

  "No, Sir, it won't happen again."

  Her bottom was red, her pussy was soaked, and his cock was desperate for attention, and as he smoothed his hand across her hot skin to rub away the sting, he ached to slide into her luscious depths.


  Lifting his head, he found her eyes sparkling back at him.

  "Yeah, babe?"

  "Maybe I shouldn't ask you this, but please will you make love to me?"

  In an unexpected and swift move he grabbed a fistful of hair and leaned over her body, planting his lips on hers in an all consuming kiss.

  "I sure as hell will," he mumbled as he pulled back. "Don't move."

  Straightening up he hastily removed his belt, unzipped his jeans, and letting them fall around his legs he guided his member into her slick wetness. Her gasp made him pause momentarily, then clutching her hips he plunged inside her.

  "I'm gonna fuck you 'til you come," he growled, "and I won't be stoppin'."

  Whether it was his proclamation, his pelvis slapping against her stinging backside, or the urgency of his pummeling piston, Carly didn't know, but she was suddenly swept up in a carnal vortex. Every nerve was sparking, her orgasm was building into a giant bubble ready to burst, and her hot skin seemed to be heating her sex.


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