COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1)

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COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1) Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

  Keith could feel her maniacal fervor. Her gasps and cries were growing in volume, and every time she threw back her head he thought she would explode. There was an unexplainable urgency to their coupling, as though they were on a runaway train with no control, and when she balled her fingers into fists and released a piercing wail he knew she had surrendered to her climax. Staying buried inside her, he paused, and closing his eyes he felt her walls pulse around him. His cock began to respond, and though completely still it fired, erupting in a powerful ejaculation that left him breathless. A moment later his flaccid member slipped away, and as he opened his eyes, Carly shuffled around to fall against his chest.

  "I've never had sex like we're having," she panted. "With you everything's so different."

  "Yeah, I know what you mean."

  "For you too?"

  "Yeah, babe, for me too. Are you feelin' okay?"

  "You don't need to keep asking me that. I feel great. I swear."

  "I can't help it," he said, pulling back and smiling down at her. "There's a bathroom through that door. I'll let you go first. I'm sure Andy's wonderin' where you are."

  "I doubt it," she said with a wink as she pulled up her jeans. "I won't be long."

  Not sure what to do with himself and feeling a tad awkward, he quickly zipped himself up. When she left he'd go to his bedroom, have a quick wash, and maybe change out his jeans for a pair of comfortable slacks. Meandering across to the window he gazed down at the workers. The carport had been pulled down and Salvo was helping to load the damaged pieces into a truck. Another group were gathering up the many branches scattered across the ground. Most of the laborers were from south of the border, but he saw a man who appeared to be completely out of place. His hair was light and looked much older than the rest of the crew. Keith's radar beeped.

  "It's all yours."

  Turning around he watched Carly walk toward him. Her face was pink, her eyes were twinkling, and she looked very happy.

  "I need to go to the barn and clean some tack."

  "You'd better. I hear the owner of this place is a real task master and he spanks lazy girls."

  "No! He does?"

  "He does, and disrespectful disobedient ones as well."

  "I hear he takes a strap to their ass. Damn that must hurt."

  "I reckon it does," he grinned, "but it's supposed to."

  "Am I forgiven?" she purred, wrapping her arms around his neck and softly kissing him.

  "You're forgiven, and have you learned your lesson?"

  "Both of them, and what I wanted to tell you before…"


  "I love, uh, consequences."

  "That's good, cos you can count on them. Now go play with the tack."

  She hugged him goodbye, and as he watched her leave a dark resentment filled his heart. Moving back to the window he stared down at the sandy-haired worker.

  "Dammit, I'm tired of not bein' able to do what I want and lookin' over my shoulder. I'm done with this shit. I'm close enough to roll the damn dice. It's time."

  Grabbing his phone he opened his app, and using an identifiable number he called his father.

  "Harlan Boyd."

  "Hey, dad."

  "How many phones do you own?"

  "A few. It's all about women."

  "Hah, good for you," his father chuckled. "What's up son?"

  "Will you be in town this weekend?"

  "Sure will, why?"

  "I'm comin' in."

  "Say, what? That's great. Nothing's wrong, is there?"

  "No, I just need to sit down and have a talk."

  "Sounds good. What time will you get here?"

  "Not sure. I haven't booked a flight yet, but probably late mornin'. I'll see if there's a red-eye.

  "I'll see you then. Looking forward to it."

  Ending the call, Keith let out a breath. It was nerve-wracking, but he was already beginning to feel the suggestion of the heavy weight lifting from his shoulders, then he remembered the incongruous sandy-haired man. Texting Salvo he asked him to come to the office. He could have simply called him, but he liked being around Salvo's energy, especially when it was just the two of them. It would take Salvo a couple of minutes to walk to the house, so picking up his mug and empty plate he carried them back to the kitchen.

  "Thanks, Elsie, that hit the spot. Whatta you makin'?"

  "My slow cooked steak stew."

  "My favorite."


  "Listen, Elsie, I'm goin' to Houston tomorrow. I'll be leavin' early."

  "My gosh. Keith! You've hit the wall, I can see it."

  "Hittin' the wall is a good way to put it. I can't do this anymore. I wanna be down at the barn, I wanna meet the clients and hang out with the horses. I'm tired of runnin' in here like some jackass every time someone pulls into the driveway. This is no way to live."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "I'm close enough financially to weather the storm if dad cuts me off."

  "That's quite a risk."

  "I know you think he's a really bad guy, and in some ways he is. He's ruthless in business, but I'm sorry, I don't believe he screwed you and Gary. I just don't."

  "That's another discussion. If you feel it's time to talk with Harlan and tell him about the ranch then that's what you must do. He'll have a meltdown, you know that, but maybe when he comes out the other side he'll surprise us both."

  "I'm not countin' on anything except his foot on my backside as I walk out the front door."

  "I'm proud of you. Whatever happens we'll work it out, and speaking of front doors, are you expecting someone? I'm sure I just heard ours open and close."

  "It's Salvo. I wanna ask him about a worker that looks outta place."

  "Probably nothing," she said reassuringly. "Before you go, a package has arrived for Andy. It's a bit heavy. Would you mind taking it to his room?"

  "No problem, and thanks for the support, Elsie," he said, giving her a hug. "I couldn't have done any of this without you."

  "Of course you could, and you saved me, remember? Estranged from Harlan, my man in prison for something he didn't do! You gave me a new home. God knows where I'd be if it hadn't been for you."

  "And if you hadn't joined me I'd be livin' on frozen dinners," he grinned. "We needed each other. We still do."

  "You'll be having a frozen dinner tonight if I don't get back to my stew," she quipped, smiling back at him. "Go on, don't keep Salvo waiting."

  As he left the kitchen and started towards the foyer to collect the package, he spotted Salvo waiting outside his door.

  "I'll be right there, go on in."

  Salvo turned and waved, and as Keith picked up the large parcel he smiled. Gem Enterprises. It was a good day all around, and picking it up he carried it down the hall and into his office.

  "Hey, Salvo. Thanks for comin' up so quick," he said, depositing the box near the couch. "Looks like you're makin' good progress."

  "I'm thinking we should use stronger joists on the carport roof. I know that wind was a one-off, but it could happen again."

  "I agree. Go into town and get whatever you need."

  "I will, after the workers leave."

  "Salvo, I wanted to talk to you because I noticed a guy down there with blondish hair. He didn't look like a laborer. Do you think there's anything to it?"

  "I was worried when I saw him too," Salvo said, leaning forward in his chair. "I've never seen him before. I spoke to the head of the crew and he said the guy showed up about a year ago. He comes and goes."

  "Huh. What's your feelin'?"

  "He seems okay, doesn't talk much, just goes about his job."

  "Has he asked any questions?"

  "Nope. Not one."

  Sitting back in his chair Keith considered telling Salvo and Andy about his plans to talk to his father, but decided against it. Andy needed to focus on the sale of the horses, and Salvo didn't need the worry.

  "I'm leavin' for Houston early in the mor
nin' so keep your eyes peeled. I'll mention it to Andy as well. It's probably nothin' but we can't be too careful."

  "Any idea how soon you'll be able to put shit like this behind you?"

  "Not long, Salvo. Not long at all. While you're here, is there anything you need to talk with me about?"

  "Uh, no, except, I really like Carly. You two are a nice pair. Sorry, was that crossin' a line?"

  "Hell, no, and thanks. I was about to tell you myself but I guess Andy filled you in."

  "He did. Anyway, I'd better get back. I don't like leaving them unsupervised."

  "That's why you're the best."

  "Good luck with your trip."

  "I'll take it, and I'll be lookin' forward to comin' back to a new carport. A strong one."

  Salvo broke into a smile, then turned and strode away, and as the door closed behind him, Keith picked up his phone and called Elsie.

  "You need something, Keith?"

  "I've decided not to mention my plans to Andy and Salvo yet, so keep it quiet for now."

  "I was going to suggest you do. Andy has those clients coming in, he can't be distracted, and Salvo will just worry."

  "My thoughts exactly. Salvo said that worker has only been around about a year and he comes and goes. I'm not feelin' good about this but I don't know why."

  "Because you've learned to be suspicious, and in your position it's understandable."

  "Just make sure you keep the door locked and be extra-cautious while I'm gone."

  "I will. Thanks for the heads-up."

  Dropping his phone on his desk Keith walked back to the window, and as he stared down at the tall lanky worker, a shiver shuddered through him.

  "Dammit. Am I bein' ridiculous and paranoid? Why am I gettin' a bad vibe about that dude? Maybe Elsie's right. I've been so careful for so long I'm suspicious of everyone. In a couple of days this will be over. Even if that joker does work for dad or is nosey reporter, by this time tomorrow it won't matter."

  Sitting back down he turned to his computer and clicked on the camera in the barn. Carly and Andy were cleaning the saddles. He was almost tempted to throw caution to the wind and join them, but deciding not to tempt fate he just sat and watched. It would have to do for the moment.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The sandy-haired man could feel eyes on him. Salvo had been covertly watching him since he'd arrived, but he knew he stuck out like the proverbial sore toe.

  It had been by sheer accident that he'd seen Harlan Boyd's son at an airport. When he was able to get a seat on the same plane he'd snapped it up. The kid could have been going anywhere, but the sandy-haired man had a hunch, and his hunches always paid off. Unfortunately it was the dead of night when the plane landed in Seattle, and though he'd been able to follow the black truck for some time, he'd lost it down some twisting-turning backroads. Had the young Boyd sensed the tail?

  The man came away convinced the tycoon's son had a home away from home somewhere in the area and it made sense. There were nothing but ranches. His mother had been a horse nut, and her son had inherited the gene. The determined man had begun his research, eliminating one property after another, and when he'd come across Dream Horse Ranch the paperwork was interesting. It was owned by a company, and further investigation showed only one name. Andrew Chapman.

  He'd decided it was worth a drive by, and when he'd spied the high unclimbable gates and the surveillance cameras his radar had beeped. Such tight security wasn't normal for a ranch. He'd hung around the small town and discovered very few people knew much about the place, except that it was a horse ranch, and the rumor was it was high-end. That sounded right. Deciding he needed to get on the property and check it out first hand, he'd joined a crew of local migrant workers hoping he'd end up on a job there, but after a month he'd run out of patience. Having no desire to hang around he came and went, continuing to check out other properties and hoping one day he'd get lucky.

  Finally his persistence was paying off. A terrible windstorm had created havoc, and as soon as he'd heard the news he'd hurried back to the small town. Now he was on the grounds of Dream Horse Ranch. It was an impressive place, but he'd only seen two men, neither of whom was Boyd's son, and an attractive young woman, but there had to be more staff. The home was large and rambling. Surely there was a housekeeper. There was only one way to find out and garner more information. Get inside. But how?

  Looking up at the house a half-smile curled the edges of his lips. He'd find a way. He always did.


  When the sun began to set and the casual laborers were packing up to leave, Keith retrieved his binoculars in hopes of seeing more of the suspicious stranger. So far he'd only seen the man's blondish head and back, but as the workers collected their tools Keith finally got lucky. The stranger's hair was long and scraggly and he had several days of beard, but what stood out was the man's skinny physique and lack of skin color. He didn't look like a man who worked outside, but an office worker down on his luck, and there was something about him that was familiar. Grabbing his phone he called Andy and described him.

  "I'll go over and check him out. I can talk to Salvo about the carport. If I recognize him what should I do?"

  "Call me and we'll take it from there, but hurry, they're gettin' ready to leave."

  Cursing himself for not calling Andy sooner, he picked up the field glasses to watch. Striding from the barn Andy waved to Salvo then jogged over to him, but when he'd left so had Carly. Moving the glasses in her direction he could see her walking up towards the house. Swinging the binoculars back towards the stranger, Keith found he was watching her too, but Keith was able to see him more clearly and he was strikingly familiar, but why? Lowering them so he could observe the entire scene, he saw Carly turn her head in the stranger's direction. Had she felt his eyes on her? She lingered her gaze for a minute, then quickened her pace. His phone rang, and glancing down at the screen he saw it was Andy calling.

  "So?" Keith asked urgently.

  "Never seen him before, but you're right, he does look outta place."

  "Okay, thanks, Andy. See you shortly."

  The trucks were driving away, and leaving his binoculars on his desk he turned his attention to something much more appealing; the box of wicked toys. He'd spent an enjoyable hour going through the contents selecting those for later that night, but he was faced with a problem. Where could he hide them? The last thing he wanted was Elsie finding them, and if he secreted them in the barn he ran the risk of Salvo or Andy running across them. Carly was using the guest room as her closet and dressing room. Elsie would be sensitive about touching her things. That might be the place, but if Elsie did find them she'd think they were Carly's and that wouldn't be good either.

  Then it hit him.

  His truck!

  He was the only one who drove it.

  He could transfer the salacious items into a bag and lock it in the hidden compartment behind the seat. Picking up the box he carried into his bedroom and through to his walk-in his closet. Setting it on the floor he dug out his backpack, and putting aside the items he intended to use that night, he transferred everything else. He'd take it with him when he left in the early hours the following morning.

  "Keith? Are you in here?"

  It was Carly, and he hurriedly began stuffing the salacious items he'd set aside into the bottom drawer of his dresser.

  "I'm in my closet. I'll be right out."

  "I'm jumping in the shower. Care to join me?"

  "I'm tempted, but I'm saving my energy for later."

  "That sounds intriguing."

  Her voice came from directly behind him, and startled, he jumped to his feet.

  "You shouldn't sneak up on a fella like that. Damn near gave me a heart attack."

  "What were you doing on the floor?"

  "Normally I'd say none of your beeswax, but…"


  "I was hidin' a surprise."

  "You were? What kind of surpr

  "You'll find out. How's your gorgeous ass?"


  "It's a simple question," he murmured, taking her into his arms. "How's your gorgeous ass?"

  "Tender, thank you very much."

  "You should thank me very much."

  "For what?"

  "For spankin' you and keepin' you straight, and for not spankin' you harder."

  "Thank you and thank you," she said softly. "Are you sure you don't want to join me?"

  "I definitely want to join you, but like I said, I'm savin' my strength."

  "Keith, before I go, and it's probably nothing, but there was a creepy blonde guy among the workers today. I'm only mentioning it because I know how security conscious you are and he seemed out of place."

  "I'm glad you did, and yeah, Salvo was keepin' his eye on him and Andy checked him out too. It's probably nothin'. He stayed where he was supposed to be and went about his work."

  "He sure gave me the once over."

  "Can't blame him for that," Keith grinned, "but if he comes back you might wanna keep outta sight or stay close to Andy."

  "Or stay close to you," she said kissing him softly, "but you're leaving so how am I supposed to do that?"

  "You can't, but you can concentrate on showin' the horses, and I won't be around to distract you."

  "I'll miss you."

  "I'll miss you too, babe, a whole lot, but I'll be back real quick."

  "Is it okay for me to sleep in your bed while you're gone?"

  "Hell, yeah. Carly, I'm not real good at the soppy stuff, but that's our bed now, and I'm gonna enjoy thinkin' about you between my sheets while I'm gone."

  "For a cowboy who's not good at the soppy stuff that wasn't half bad," she said with a sassy grin, "and you just made this cowgirl very happy."

  "But you'd better keep your promise not to snoop. You'll be in big trouble if you do."

  "I won't. I know you'll tell me your secrets when you're ready. I'm okay with it now, honestly."

  "Good to hear. You'd best get in that shower. Elsie will be callin' us into dinner pretty soon."


  "Yeah, babe?"

  "I'm really happy. Thank you for everything. I love being here with you."


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