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COWBOY: His ranch. His rules. His secrets. (Taking Charge Book 1)

Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Mitzi? Lovely girl. Lovely. Yeah, you find Mitzi. Tell her to tell Anton I want something creamy for dinner. NO. Something fishy. The hell with it. Something that tastes good, that's it, something that tastes good."

  Deeply concerned Heath rose to his feet to leave, but Mitzi suddenly burst into the room looking as anxious as he felt.

  "Heath, you have a phone call from someone named Michael Kincaid. He says it's urgent."

  "Kincaid? Carly! That must be her father."

  "You can take it over there," she said, pointing to a phone on Harlan's desk.

  "Thanks. Listen, Mitzi, you need to call Doctor Hendricks and get him over here. Something's wrong with dad."

  "See? I told you. I'll call him right away."

  As she walked quickly from the room, Heath rushed across to the desk and picked up the house phone.

  "This is Heath Boyd."

  "Hello, Heath. I'm Carly's father, and I'm sorry for this urgent call but she's in trouble. Is there someone you can call at the ranch to check on the main house?"

  "Of course, but what kind of trouble?"

  "I don't know. I just received a call from her mother," Michael said hastily. "When Carly was dating she and Erin had a safety code. If Carly called and said, I'm having lunch with Roger tomorrow, it meant, I'm in a life-threatening situation, call the police. Erin was supposed to ask where, and Carly would give her a clue as to her location. Erin just called her and Carly said, I'm having lunch with Roger tomorrow. That means she's in real danger. She managed to indicate that she was in the main house, but Erin couldn't call the police because she doesn't know where your ranch is and neither do I."

  "Oh, my God! I see your number. I'll call my manager and call you back."

  Without waiting for a reply Heath hung up the receiver, and grabbing his cellphone he hit Andy's name, but the call went to voicemail.

  "Dammit, Andy, Carly's in trouble up in the house. I don't know what kind of trouble so be careful, but get up there now. I'm calling Salvo."

  Panic was starting to move through his body, and trying to stay calm he called Salvo. To his great relief he answered.

  "Salvo, Carly's in trouble."

  "Where? What's happened?"

  "In the house. There must be an intruder or something. All I know is she's in danger. I tried to reach Andy but his phone went to voicemail."

  "He's still working on the tractor. He probably didn't hear it ring."

  "Call the police, then get Andy and go up there, but be careful. Don't go bursting inside. Try to find out what's going on, and let me know the minute you find out."

  "On my way."

  As Heath ended the call and was about to get back to Carly's father, Mitzi appeared and raced over to him.

  "Heath, I reached Doctor Hendricks. He'll be here in about thirty minutes."

  "That's great. Talk to dad while we're waitin'. See if you can find out if he's taken anything. It's almost as if he's drugged."

  "I found some pills in one of his pockets about a month ago."

  "Pills? What kind of pills?"

  "I don't know. They were in a small plastic bag. When I asked him what they were he said they made him think clearly and gave him energy."

  "Dammit. Go and stay with him," Heath said, picking up the house phone and calling Carly's father. "I'll be with you as soon as I can."

  Michael Kincaid answered the call before the phone had even rung. Heath could barely imagine how frantic he was. His little girl, his only child, was facing an unknown danger and he was helpless.

  "Heath? What's going on?"

  "My guys are callin' the police and goin' up to the house. They're both real smart and can handle themselves. Whatever is goin' on they won't do anything stupid. I just find it hard to believe there's an intruder. We have surveillance cameras everywhere, and you can't get on the property without goin' through the front gates, and you can't climb over them."

  "She wouldn't have used that code without cause."

  "No, of course she wouldn't. I'll stay in touch. I'm sure I'll hear something soon."

  "If there's someone in the house who the hell could it be?" he muttered, hanging up the phone, then idly glancing up at the family pictures hanging on the wall behind his father's desk, his eyes fell on an old portrait of Elsie and her former husband. His radar beeped, and marching across he stared their faces.

  "SHIT. Brice. Brice Connor. It was you at the ranch yesterday. You might have bleached your hair but that was you! Why? What the hell is goin' on?"


  Walking down the long hall towards the bedroom Carly could feel Elsie's terror. Brice was pure evil. His threats weren't bluff and bluster. Help would arrive, of that Carly was certain, but when? How much time did she have? She needed to take matters into her own hands, but what could she do? The monster walking behind them had a gun.

  Entering the bedroom she frantically searched for some kind of weapon or a way to distract him. Her eyes fell on the closet door and she remembered glimpsing something when she'd pushed the backpack behind the hanging clothes.

  Her heart began to race.

  Her plan was risky at best.

  She had to try.

  They were almost at the bed.

  She needed something to distract him.

  She needed another miracle.

  The large photograph of the barn and paddocks suddenly dropped off its hook. As it hit the floor with a tremendous crash spraying fragments of glass across the room, Elsie screamed, Brice spun around, and Carly sprinted into the closet.

  Racing to the far corner she pulled out the backpack. She'd been right. Hastily pulling out the bolt-action rifle she checked the chamber. It was loaded. Hurrying back to the door she stood against the wall. She was shaking, and sucking in a long deep breath she told herself not to give into her fear.

  The door slowly opened.

  "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Come on, kitty, time to say you're sorry."

  He was holding the gun with his arm extended. She could bash the barrel of the rifle down on his hand, or wait until he was far enough inside the closet to aim and shoot. She didn't want to wait, and slammed the steel barrel against the side of his wrist. With a howl of pain he dropped his pistol, and staggering sideways his eyes darted across to her.

  "Back up," she barked, aiming the rifle directly at his head. "I know how to use this, now back the fuck up."

  "Stupid cow," he snarled, moving towards her. "Go ahead, shoot me. Go ahead. You don't have the guts."

  "You don't know me asshole."

  He paused. It was all she needed, and snapping up her foot she landed the toe of her boot between his legs.

  Grabbing his crotch and yowling in pain he fell on the floor, and kicking his pistol out the door she scooted around him and hurried to the backpack. She'd spotted a pair of handcuffs when she'd peeked inside that morning, but as she pulled them out she realized getting them on his wrists would be impossible. Glancing back at him she noticed he was wearing sneakers. His scrawny legs were visible below his jeans, and being curled up in a fetal position his feet were together. Laying down the rifle, holding her breath, she crawled forward and snapped the cuffs around his ankles.

  "FUCK YOU!" he wailed, abruptly jerking his legs and pulling his hands from his crotch to flail them at her.

  "Shut up and keep still," she shouted, snatching up the rifle, "or I swear to God I'll shoot you in the leg, and believe me that I can do."

  "Try it bitch, try it!"

  She needed to get past him and out the door, but with his long arms it was too risky. He'd lunge at her, and if they ended up wrestling for the gun she'd either lose or end up shooting him. Searching frantically for some way to get the upper hand, she spied a folded up winter bedspread on a shelf above some folded sweaters. Leaning her weapon against the cabinet, she pulled it out, flapped it open, and threw it over him. He began violently squirming, but it would work. Grabbing the rifle she scooted past him and dashed out th
e door, slamming it shut behind her. Elsie was on her stomach on the bed, her hands tied behind her with a belt.

  "Carly, thank God," she whimpered. "What happened in there. Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, and he's not going anywhere. What about you?"

  "All right. Just my wrists."

  "Don't worry, I'll get you free," Carly promised, and sliding the rifle under the bed, she pulled some tissues from the box on the beside table.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Fingerprints. My dad's a criminal defense lawyer, remember? I don't want to contaminate the evidence."

  Carefully untying the belt, she laid it out, and helped Elsie off the bed.

  "Let's sit you on the chair by the fireplace."

  "What about Brice? Are you sure he can't get out of there?"

  "His ankles are in handcuffs. I just realized, I have no idea where the key is."

  "How did you manage that?"

  "It doesn't matter. There, sit down. I'm going to call Andy then the Sheriff."

  Hurrying to the bedside table she grabbed the receiver, paused as she tried to remember his number, then punched it in.

  "Yeah?" Andy said anxiously.

  "Andy, it's me, Carly. Where are you?"

  "Half-way down the hall. Where are you? Are you okay?"

  "Thank goodness. I'm fine, I'm in Keith's, sorry, Heath's bedroom with Elsie. Get in here and hurry."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  While Carly had been saving the day at Dream Horse Ranch, Heath had been pacing around the den as his father's long-time physician finished his examination. The doctor had already told him Harlan appeared to be on opiates. Heath was beside himself with worry and deeply conflicted. As much as he wanted to take care of his father, he was desperately wishing he was back at his ranch. When his cell phone rang and he saw it was Carly's phone his heart stopped, and when he answered the call and heard her voice he felt himself melt.

  "Please tell me you're not hurt. Please tell me Elsie's okay."

  "We're both fine. It's so good to hear your voice. I wish you were here. I need you."

  "I wish I was there too. Was there an intruder? What about Andy? Who's there with you?"

  "Andy and Salvo are both here and the Sheriff has just arrived. I'll tell you all the details later, but it was Elsie's ex-husband. He's been searching for Elsie for ages."

  "I can't believe what I'm hearin'. It's been years."

  "I know, and I also know you're Heath Boyd and why you had to be so secretive. I completely understand and I love you, and I don't give a shit who your father is."

  "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you."

  "Honestly, it's okay, but I have to tell you something else. It was Brice who set up Gary Campbell, and he said he was ruining your father's life too, but he didn't say how. Is your dad okay?"

  "Damn. I know exactly what he meant," Keith said grimly. "Our doctor is here. Dad's on opiates. Brice must have managed to get him hooked somehow. It's why he's been so crazy."


  "He'll be goin' into a private facility."

  "I'm so sorry."

  "Hey, he's alive, but he was really out of it when I got here. He was talkin' gibberish."

  "When are you coming home?"

  "It'll be a few days. I need to get him checked in and meet with some people at the company."

  "Of course you do. I understand."

  "Hey, why don't you come and join me. You could visit your dad."

  "That's a great idea. Yes, I'd love it. And Elsie too. I think she could use a few days away."

  "Definitely, but what's Andy gonna do about showin' the horses today? The buyers are supposed to be there..when? In an hour? Two hours? I've completely lost track of time."

  "It's still a couple of hours before they get here, and I told him I'm okay and would still love to ride, so he said we should go forward. The sheriff and his deputies will be long gone.

  "Are you sure you're up to it?"

  "Absolutely. It's just a shame you won't be here."

  "But I'll be watchin'."


  "We have cameras, remember? Make sure you text me when the clients arrive. All I have to do is open up my laptop."

  "That's fantastic, of course, I totally forgot."

  "And you're sure you're okay?"

  "My pulse is still racing a bit, but I'm going to hang out with Winston. There's nothing that calms me more than being with my horse, except maybe…you know," she said softly.

  "Damn I miss you. I'm going to send the company jet."

  "Me? On a private jet? You're kidding?"

  "It's the fastest way I know to get you here. I'm dyin' to know what happened there, but I've got a very strong feelin' it was you who saved the day."

  "I'm pretty sure your mother helped."


  "I'll explain later. I need to go. A detective just walked in and wants to talk to me."

  "Carly, I love you," he said softly, fighting the wave of emotion threatening to sweep him away. "I've been so damn worried."

  "I love you too, Heath, so much."

  "It feels good to hear you say my real name."

  "It's weird, but I'll get used to it, and it suits you better."

  "It does?"

  "Totally. Now I really do need to go. He's frowning."

  "I'll call you with the flight details soon."

  "Fantastic. I can't wait to be with you."

  "Me too, babe, me too."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Three hours later, two black Cadillac SUV's rolled through the gates of Dream Horse Ranch, and Andy stepped up to meet the well-heeled clients as they rolled to a stop in front of the barn. Connie Masters, three trainers and several other buyers stepped from the gleaming vehicles and walked across to the paddocks to study the horses. Carly was waiting nearby, and when Andy gave her the signal she entered Domino's pasture. But there was no catching involved. The moment she entered his paddock the horse ambled across to her and dropped its head into her chest.

  Connie Masters was addicted to horses, and when she saw the relationship between the pretty dark-haired girl and the beautiful bay gelding she felt both joy and frustration. It was the kind of connection she'd yet to achieve, and one she craved.

  "Have you been handling this horse very long?" Connie asked as she watched Carly put him in the cross-ties. "You seem very attached."

  "No, I've only been here a short time and I rode him for the first time yesterday."

  "How is that possible? How can you get so close to a horse so quickly?"

  "Horses are all about energy," Carly said as she tickled his ears. "They pick up what you're feeling. Confidence and love, that's what I give them. When I'm riding, if they have an issue, I assume they're either confused, afraid, or in pain, and I do my best to find out which it is. Most of the time I'm just not explaining myself clearly."

  "She's right," Andy declared. "She figured out Preston has somethin' goin' on with his mouth. She rode him in a halter and he was a different horse."

  "Preston? The big black beauty?"


  "Can I see her ride him like that?"

  "Sure, but nothin' fancy. We don't know how much is mouth is botherin' him."

  "Thanks, Andy. Now let's get up to the viewing area," Connie said, still watching Carly groom Domino. "I'm dying to see this horse under saddle. What's your name?"

  "Carly Kincaid."

  "Nice to meet you Carly."

  As Connie walked away, Carly saw two of the trainers and a couple of other people she assumed were clients take Andy aside and speak with him before following Connie up the stairs. Walking back to the cross-ties to help her finish tacking up, he grinned and lowered his head.

  "No pressure, but if you do good there's gonna be a biddin' war."

  "For Domino?"

  "No, Carly, for you. They want to know how much you charge."

  "To do what?"

  "Train, ride, whatever."

  "Seriously? Huh. It doesn't matter, I'm not interested. This is my home now."

  "I was hopin' you'd say that," Andy replied, obviously relieved. "I had to tell you though. What you do with that God-given talent of yours is up to you."

  "Andy, thank you, and I don't know how talented I am, but I do know how much I love these amazing animals."

  As if understanding her, Domino gave her a gentle nudge.

  "I swear, you talk horse, girl. I'm goin' up to join them. I'd wish you luck but I know you don't need it."

  "I'll take it anyway," she grinned. "Any last suggestions?"

  "Smile. It looks good on you."

  "That's easy."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sitting on his bed in his room at the Boyd family home, Heath had his computer on his lap. He'd watched and listened to the conversations in the barn aisle, and when Carly had said, this is my home now, he'd wanted to climb through the computer screen and hug her. Now watching her put Domino through his paces he couldn't have been prouder. The horse was sheer perfection. About thirty minutes later his phone rang. It was Carly and he snatched it up.

  "Carly, there are no words. You were brilliant. I'm so proud of you."

  "All I did was ride."

  "No, you never just ride. You talk to a horse unlike anyone I've ever seen, and how you were able to do that after everything that happened is amazin'. You're amazin'."

  He waited for her to respond, but all he could hear was her breathing.


  "I'm sorry," she sniffled. "Just give me a minute."

  "What is it? Did I upset you?"

  "I didn't know I could feel like this," she said between sniffles. "I didn't know love could be this way. I didn't know…"

  "I don't understand."

  "Mom and dad, they're both wonderful people apart, but together all they do is fight. That's why I spent so much time at the barn growing up. I couldn't stand being home. Horses are safe. I love them and they love me back, and that's what's happening with you."


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