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The Right Kind of Wrong: A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 12

by Fabiola Francisco

  “The oars!” Allyson calls out. “Crap.” The small boat rocks as she leans over to grab one of the oars that fell into the lake.

  “Careful,” I warn, trying to keep us from tipping over.

  “Got it,” she cheers, holding one of them and placing it again through the loop on the side of the boat.

  “The other one?” I ask, looking around until I spot it floating a few feet away from us. “Damn,” I mumble.

  “Can you row with just one?” Allyson’s nose scrunches up.

  “We’re about to find out.” I do my best to get us to the oar, carefully reaching for it. Allyson claps when I grab it, and pride swells in my chest. If I could make her this happy everyday…

  “We should probably behave before they kick us out. Truce?” She holds her hand out.

  “Truce, Kiwi.” I clutch her hand, holding on longer than necessary as I stare into her eyes. Allyson’s lips part as she inhales, and she’s the first to blink and look away, placing her hand under her thighs as she sits quietly.

  “Are you cold?” I ask when I see her shiver.

  “Just a little. I’ll warm up soon.”

  “Here.” I hand her the oars, and she lifts a brow.

  “You want me to row so that I’ll warm up?”

  “Just hold on to them a second.” I roll my eyes playfully as I smile, taking off my jacket and handing it to her. “Put this on. I don’t want you to get sick.”

  Her face relaxes as she looks at me with soft eyes. “Thank you,” she whispers, slipping her arms into the sleeves of my jacket and wrapping her body in it.

  By the time we’re done with our boat ride, I’m drunk on Allyson’s energy. This feeling is foreign to me. I’ve always been up for a good time—having fun, telling jokes, using my charms—but what I’m feeling now is different. It’s a combination of pride, protectiveness, and fear.

  My life is changing in a huge way, and I hope I’m ready for all it entails. Playing Dad and buying the baby its first outfit is very different than being a dad, and I’m not sure I’ve got what it takes to be the best dad in the world. I sure as hell want to try, though.

  “Where to now?” I ask her as I swing my arm over her shoulder and walk out of the park.

  “I could so go for some coffee,” she smiles up at me.

  “Decaf.” I lift a finger in warning.

  “Yes, sir.” Her teasing smile tells me she’s joking, but the idea of her surrendering to me is anything but a laughing matter. I wouldn’t mind hearing her use those words in the bedroom.

  I promised I’d wait until we found out the gender of the baby to win our little wager, but she’s making it damn hard to keep my hands and lips to myself.

  By the time we finish our coffees, Allyson suggests lunch. We spend the day together, walking the streets of Madrid, her wearing my jacket and my arms holding her. Anyone who sees us would think we’re a couple. As for me, I have no fucking clue what we are.

  The only thing I’m certain of is that eventually, my time here will be up, and I’ll have to head back home to Richmond. I can’t live in a foreign bubble with her forever. We’ll have to figure out a real plan so I can see the baby once the time comes. That is if her job doesn’t make her move back to Richmond like Allyson worries they might. Selfishly, that would be the best solution, but I don’t want her to give all this up if it’s what she truly wants.

  We make it to her apartment building, and I walk her up to her place. Allyson turns with a smile when we reach her door.

  “Thank you for today. It was exactly what I needed. Easton will come around. I’ll make sure of it.” A sad smile lifts the corners of her lips.

  “He will,” I agree, even if I don’t fully believe it myself. I don’t want to disappoint her.

  “I’ll talk to him,” she nods.

  “Give him some time to process,” I suggest. “He may just need a day or two to fully understand.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Lord knows his lawyer’s mind is working overtime.” Allyson means this as a joke, but my heart stops.

  I take a step toward her, closing the gap between us and reaching for her hands. “We can work out a plan without having to get into all that. We don’t need a lawyer, which is probably a good thing since we share the same one,” I throw in to lighten the mood, but I don’t want her to think we’ll have to get legal advice.

  “I want this to work, and I’ll do anything you ask. Just let me be a father to this child.”

  Allyson’s chest rises with a deep breath, and her eyes mist over. “This is all new to me, but I’ve known you long enough to know you won’t take this child away from me.” My eyes follow her hand that falls to her stomach.

  “I promise,” I whisper.

  Allyson nods silently, and my lips touch her forehead, lingering longer than necessary. When I stare down into her eyes, I see an array of emotions swimming in those big, green eyes. I take a step back to give us both some space to think clearly.

  “Here you go.” She shrugs out of my jacket and hands it over.

  “It looked good on you,” I wink, which causes her to shake her head while she bites down her smile. I reach for her trapped lip and tug it away from her teeth with my thumb.

  “We’ll talk later. Get some rest. I know you’re dying for a nap.”

  Allyson chuckles and nods. “I’m so tired.”

  I nod and rub her belly. “Bye, baby boy.” I speak to her stomach before looking back at her. “Bye, Kiwi.” I kiss her cheek and walk to the elevator, putting my jacket on. Her sweet scent immediately envelops me, as if she were still walking beside me.

  I have no idea how I’m going to leave her when the time comes to fly back home, and I don’t see any option that will allow me to stay here throughout the entire pregnancy since I’m not a Spanish resident or citizen. Ninety days isn’t nearly enough, though.

  chapter 18


  Today has been surreal. Nothing could’ve prepared me for Camden and his presence in my life. I grab the onesie from the bag and shake it open. A smile takes over my face as my eyes mist over. I was surprised when he pulled me into the store, and my heart stopped when he said he was buying this for the baby. I had never experienced overwhelming emotion than I did at that moment, and I did my best to swallow it down and not cry like a baby in the middle of the shop.

  I hold the onesie to my chest. My life right now is tilted, everything in an unfamiliar perspective. I’m not sure if I’m standing upright or lying down. It’s scary to feel as if you’re not in control of your own feet, as if you can’t stand firm. However, today everything seems all right. The choking panic subsided as I walked with Camden, teasing him, being around him.

  I see him in a different light, and it’s scary because eventually he’ll leave, and I’ll stay. And while we’ll have a child that bonds us, that’s not the sole reason to be with someone. So much more goes into a relationship, and two people shouldn’t jump into one just because they’re having a child together.

  But maybe that child could be the reason that brings them together to form a deeper relationship.

  I shake my head and walk into my room, folding the onesie and placing it in the empty drawer in my dresser. I started reorganizing and clearing out things I no longer wear so that I can have room for this baby. It may not be the ideal home, but we’ll make do with the space we have.

  I don’t expect Camden to get down on one knee and ask me to marry him because I got pregnant, but I always imagined this part of my life to be full of crazy, can’t-live-without-you love, and a home shared with someone. I never imagined I’d be a single mom, and while Camden is here, at the end of the day, I’ll be alone.

  I bite down my lip and blink away the tears starting to cloud my vision. Lying down on my bed, I grab one of the extra pillows and clutch it to my chest. The reality of this pregnancy hits me in spurts, taking me down a whirlwind of emotions where I can’t figure out what’s up and what’s down.

/>   As much as I try to distract myself and pretend I’m okay, the deep-seated fear of what’s going to become of my life is ever-present. I’ve worked so hard to get to this point in my life and career, and the sudden possibility that I could lose it all makes my heart accelerate faster than a race car flying down the track in Daytona.

  That’s not to mention Easton’s reaction to the news. I’ve never seen him grow so serious so quickly in my life. My brother is my rock, he’s always been there for me, and the idea of not having his support on this kills me. I need him in my life.

  I bury my head into my pillow, my anxiety spiking as different scenarios cross my mind. I take a deep breath, attempting to control my emotions, but the pounding in my chest only intensifies.

  From somewhere in my room, my phone buzzes, but I choose to ignore it. I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone, especially if it involves questioning my pregnancy, my relationship with Camden, and how I’m feeling. It’s not easy being away from home and my loved ones, but I do love what I’m doing. However, now that I know a baby is on the way, I’m questioning everything. How will I balance working and taking care of the baby? I don’t have many people here that I can count on, much less to take care of a baby.

  How long would my maternity leave be since I’m in Spain? Do the same regulations apply here as they do in our Richmond office since it’s the same company? I would assume so. Would my baby be an American or Spanish citizen if I have the baby here?

  First, I need to talk to my boss, but I want to do the prenatal tests I have coming up to make sure everything is okay before I do so. That will put me into my second trimester, which would be a good time to start announcing it.

  The buzzing of my phone keeps going, competing with the incessant thoughts in my mind, both driving me crazy. I shift on the bed, holding the pillow tighter, and close my eyes, focusing on my breathing to see if that helps calm my nerves and the tears that don’t stop welling in my eyes.

  When my apartment buzzer shrills through my home, I curse. By the time I get up and make my way to the door, it rings again.

  “I’m coming!” I yell, even though the person can’t hear me.

  “Si?” I ask, speaking into the system.


  I close my eyes and expel a breath.

  “What happened, Camden?” I lean my head against the wall above the intercom.

  “Can you open up?” I buzz him in and open the door, waiting for him to make his way up to my floor.

  When he rounds the corner, he sighs. “I called you, and you wouldn’t answer. I got worried.”

  He stands before me, wrinkles around his eyes, and creases on his forehead.

  “I was trying to sleep,” I lie.

  “Were you crying?” Camden reaches up and swipes his thumb across my cheek. I guess my eyes missed the memo that they had to keep up with my lie.

  “No,” my voice cracks.

  “Come on.” He steps into my apartment, closing the door behind us, and pulls me into his arms. I breathe him in, all masculine and woodsy mixed with the smell of fall on his shirt.

  Silently, Camden guides us to my bedroom and motions for me to lie down.

  “I’ll make you a cup of tea. Relax.” I nod and get under the covers.

  He returns a few minutes later with a steaming mug and places it on the nightstand next to the bed. Then, he sits on the edge and removes his shoes before lying next to me. I eye him cautiously, my heart rate kicking up and body tensing.

  Camden is oblivious to my reaction as he begins to speak, his words hitting me in the center of my chest. “I know you’re scared. I am, too, but we’re going to be all right.” He brushes strands of hair from my face.

  “If I had to choose a mother for my unplanned child, I’d totally pick you. You’re strong, smart, beautiful, and kind. There’s no way this kid isn’t going to have the best life and qualities being yours.” My stomach contracts at the feel of his hand landing over it.

  “The uncertainty of everything is scary,” I confess. “No matter how okay I try to make myself feel.”

  “Ally, I think even people who have been waiting their whole lives to have kids get scared. Even couples who have prayed for a baby have their moments of weakness.” His thumb brushes back and forth over my belly.

  “It’s normal because we’re all human trying to do the best we can. And now being responsible for another, tiny human who depends on us adds to the importance of our role in this world. We have to keep that person alive, healthy, loved, and sometimes it’s difficult to do that for ourselves, let alone someone else,” Camden continues, a vulnerability I’ve never seen in him before shining through his features.

  He continues talking, though, not shying away. “But I’m here for you. You aren’t doing this alone. I’ll provide for you and this baby, even if I have to live thousands of miles away.” His hand moves over my waist to my back, pulling me to him.

  His body against mine causes me to tremble. The way he holds me, protective and possessive, it’s what I’ve always wanted to find in a man. Except, Camden isn’t really mine.

  “Thank you,” I gaze up at him.

  He moves his hand up my ribs toward my face to cup my cheek and runs his thumb across my lower lip. His caresses move tingles up and down my spine. “You don’t need to thank me. This is my responsibility, too. You weren’t some random one-night-stand, and even if you were, I’d stand up for that kid, but you’re…you’re my Kiwi.” A hint of a smile ghosts over his lips.

  Maybe for this moment in time, he can be mine.

  I drape my hand over his waist and scoot closer, burying my face into his neck as I allow his warmth to wrap me up in a blanket of safety.

  “Ally…” Camden’s strangled voice lands on my ears, his hand coming back around my waist and his fingers sneaking underneath my shirt. I shiver at the gentle caress of his featherlight touch against my skin.

  “How did we get here?” I look into his eyes as I crack myself open.

  “I’m not sure,” he whispers, his lips centimeters from mine as his fingers continue their trail around my lower back. “I don’t think I care how we got here…” His palm flattens on my back, pressing my body to his.

  I stiffen when I feel his erection against me, and my lips part.

  “All I care about is that we did. It may be unconventional, unexpected, and complicated, but what good thing isn’t? And I think we could be a good thing.”

  I hold my breath as Camden leans his head down, but instead of kissing me, he runs the tip of his nose across my cheek. These are words I’ve always wanted to hear; I just never thought they’d come from him. Yet here we are, lying on my bed, self-control barely holding on, vulnerable and honest.

  “You always smell so good,” his gruff voice adds to the tension building between us. “So sweet.”

  A surprised gasp escapes my lips when his teeth graze my ear lobe, and my body erupts into flames feeling his mouth anywhere on me, his lips skimming the skin below my ear.

  “Fuck, Ally,” he growls, lifting his head to stare into my eyes. “I said I’d wait until we knew the gender to take you out, a little wager more for my own self-control than anything else, but I don’t know if I can…” his words trail off as his eyes flicker back and forth between mine.

  I don’t wait. I don’t think. I just act—on impulse and lust.

  I tilt my chin up enough to catch his lips. Camden is right there with me, matching my desire, need-induced kisses claiming me as my heart slams against my ribs. I part my lips when his tongue traces the seam, and our tongues tangle, creating a dance that’s guided by the beat of our hearts.

  I breathe him in, weaving my legs through his, and groan when I feel his hardness so close to where I want him. My memory of our first time together may be clouded, but I’ll make sure to commit this one to memory.

  One of Camden’s hands grips the back of my head while the other sneaks further up my back. His touch sears my skin, and his posse
ssive kiss ignites a fire so hot that I feel like flames are licking my skin.

  I moan and arch into him, pressing my lower body against his. Damn it, the feel of him has me wild.

  “Need more,” I say between kisses, trailing my lips down his jaw to his neck, nipping his skin as his stubble scratches my face. He’s all man.

  A deep growl sounds from the back of his throat. Camden brings his hand from my back to my ass, squeezing and pulling me to him.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you. The way you felt against me, beneath me, all around me. I’m lost when it comes to you. So fucking lost, but I don’t want to be found.”

  “You need to stop talking to me like that.”

  Camden leans his body up, holding himself with his hands on either side of my body. “Why?” His eyebrows furrow in concern.

  “Because I like it way too much.” I shift so I’m underneath him and wrap my legs around his hips, tugging him down onto me. I catch him by surprise, and he lands on me harder than I planned.

  “Fuck, the baby,” his voice is laced with concern as he leans up a bit and places his hand on my stomach. “I didn’t crush him, right?”

  I giggle and shake my head. “No. He’s okay.” My hand lands on his. We stare at each other for a few beats until a cocky grin appears on his face.

  “You said he.” Camden nuzzles my neck .

  “You’re contagious,” I try to argue.

  When he lifts his face to look at me, his smile is less cocky and more…emotional. “I just want the baby to be healthy. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I smile and nod. His concern and attention get to me. Hell, it turns me on. Who am I kidding?

  “Before we go any further, I need to say this because I don’t want to leave any room for worry in your mind. I’m clean. I know I should’ve brought that up before I got you pregnant, but I don’t want that to worry you. I never would’ve slept with you if I wasn’t. Not the most romantic thing, but considering the situation…” He runs a hand through his mussed hair.

  “Thank you.”

  “I guess since I already got you pregnant, we can…” His eyebrows waggle.


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