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The Right Kind of Wrong: A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 16

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Tick, tock.” Camden taps my forehead. “What’s on your mind?”

  I turn my head to look at him as the steady subway takes us to our destination. He looks handsome in dark jeans, a baby blue button-down shirt, and a gray coat. His eyes are bright, and the perfect amount of scruff frames his face.

  I smile and shake my head. “Nothing.” I lean my head on his shoulder, comforted by his warmth as he holds me to him. His fingers rub circles on my arm over the coat, and yet his touch causes chills through a wool barrier.

  “Are you excited to see your family when we fly home for Christmas?” His deep voice washes over me like refreshing summer rain.

  I sit up to look at him. “I can’t wait. I think my mom is going to flip when she sees my stomach,” I laugh.

  “She’s going to be so happy. She misses you, but she’s so damn proud of you.”

  I nod as tears fill my eyes. Blinking them away, I smile and kiss Camden’s cheek. My mom has been my rock during this pregnancy. She’s always sharing her wisdom with me and reassuring me everything has a divine plan, even if I can’t see it.

  I’ve flown home for Christmas the past two years I’ve been living here, but this Christmas will be special. I place my hand on my belly, and Camden’s warm touch lands over my hand.

  I’m a ball of emotions bouncing all over the place today. I’ve been thinking about my dad, especially after finding out we’re having a boy.

  I gasp and snap my head to Camden. “Did you feel that?”

  His eyes are wide. “Was that…” His question trails off as I nod.

  Both of his hands land on my stomach and his mouth splits into the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. His eyes mist over. “Come on, boy, do that again.” We both look down at my stomach, waiting for him to move again.

  I’ve never felt something quite like that. Everyone always says that being pregnant is magical, and I’ve never really put much thought into it, but I now understand why they say it. I feel him move again and smile. My eyes water, and as much as I try to hold them in since we’re riding the subway with strangers, a few tears roll down my cheeks.

  Camden tilts his head with a smile before grabbing my face and kissing me, no care in the world that we have an audience. “That was amazing,” he says against my lips.

  “I know,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. I catch the eyes of a mom sitting near us with her young child, and she smiles knowingly.

  Soon after, We get off the subway and walk the short distance to the restaurant Camden chose. When I see the stationed railroad car, I look over at Camden with furrowed eyebrows.

  “I was told it’s a hidden gem.” He squeezes my hand and walks us toward the railcar, guiding me up the few steps.

  When I walk in, my eyes widen. Square tables are set where the seats would be, all covered in white table cloths that remind me of old, high-class trains I’ve seen in historical films. Light pink roses in a short vase sit on the center of each table. The lighting is dim and romantic.

  “This is beautiful,” I smile over at Camden.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Once we’re seated with menus and sparkling water, Camden raises his glass. “To our healthy baby boy and to the gorgeous woman keeping him safe.” The corners of his eyes crinkle with his smile; that one dimple making an appearance.

  Before he can tap my glass with his, I add, “And to the selfless man who takes care of us both.”

  The way he looks at me gives me chills. It’s as if Camden were staring into my soul, communicating something so deep, it surpasses the human brain and goes straight to the heart. His free hand reaches for mine, linking our fingers as he taps our glasses together and takes a sip of water.

  “Thank you,” he whispers.

  “I mean it. You’ve been…” I shake my head. “No adjective I use will be enough to express what I’m trying to say, but know that I’m not blind to the sacrifice you’re making by being here as much as you can.”

  “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” His fingers tighten around mine, and I shiver.

  Sitting across from him in a romantic restaurant, staring into his chocolate eyes, I hope that if Camden and I are on this path together, it’s because we can make it work. After getting to know him on a more intimate level, I don’t think I can go back to just being his best friend’s sister.

  chapter 23


  I drive through Everton, Ally’s hometown, in the rental we picked up when we landed here. The whole town is white, piles of snow covering everything. It’s a beautiful sight. We’re spending Christmas here with Easton, Faith, and her family. Charlene flew over as soon as the semester ended at the university, and I know she’s anxious to see Allyson.

  Ally and I have been stateside for a few days. First, we drove to Virginia Beach to see my parents and sister. Although I live in Richmond after going to college at the University of Virginia, my family remains in our hometown.

  I smile to myself as I remember my mom and sister’s reaction when they saw Ally. No matter the pictures or videos we had sent them, they got emotional seeing her pregnant belly in person.

  “What are you thinking about?” Allyson’s sweet voice breaks through my thoughts.

  “How beautiful you are,” I wink.

  She rolls her eyes playfully.

  “I was thinking back to when we visited my parents.”

  “They should’ve come with us,” Ally comments.

  I squeeze her hand before lifting it to my lips. “Yeah, but Mom always hosts Christmas dinner for the entire family, and with Grandma being so old, they like to spend as many Christmases as they can with her.” My grandma has been saying it’s her last holiday season for the past four years, and she’s still kicking it, but we all worry it might be her last after a pneumonia scare earlier this year.

  “You didn’t want to stay with them? We could’ve.” She looks over at me with furrowed eyebrows and pinched lips.

  I love that she makes us an us.

  “You tell me now? When we’re on the way to face your brother, who thinks I’m no good for you?” I tease. Easton and I have spoken a few times through text messages, but our friendship isn’t where it used to be.

  “He’s coming around.” Ally leans back on her seat, rubbing her stomach.

  Watching her evolve throughout this pregnancy has been a beautiful experience. I never imagined what it’d feel like to watch her body change and transform.

  “Yeah, I know he is, but we’re definitely not the friends we were before this happened.” My lips press into a straight line as I take the road that leads to The Farm House, the bed and breakfast we stayed at for Easton’s wedding.

  “I can’t believe we’re back here,” Ally says with a shake of her head.

  “And this time, you won’t be running out of my room, Kiwi.” I chuckle lowly when she glares at me.

  “Can you blame me? I woke up and was like, what the fuck?” She talks with her hands, and the pitch in her voice rises as she finishes off her sentence.

  “I know, babe.” I kiss the inside of her wrist. “But this time, you’re staying in my bed and in my space.”

  “Yeah,” she sighs and leans in to kiss my cheek as I put the car in Park. I grip her hip and turn my head to catch her lips in mine.

  “Let’s go.” I give her a final kiss.

  “Yeah, before we get caught making out in the car and rumors start to run. I’m pretty sure as soon as they see me pregnant, other types of rumors will be whispered in grocery lines and church pews.”

  I chuckle and hop out of the truck. By the time I make it to Allyson’s side of the vehicle, she’s already stepping out.

  “It’s freezing.” She rubs her hands together and blows into them. “Start heading in. I’ll grab our bags.”

  “I can help,” she argues.

  “I got it.” I peck her lips and open the back seat, grabbing our two carry-ons. I watch Allyson take careful steps
up to the bed and breakfast.

  As I walk into the house, I hear a squeal. “When Faith told me you were pregnant, I couldn’t believe it.” Averly, the owner of The Farm House and one of Faith’s best friends, holds Allyson’s hands wide and smiles at her.

  “I should add a slogan to this place. The Farm House: Where the magic happens.” Her hands spread in front of her as she laughs.

  “Yeah, definitely magical,” Ally chuckles.

  “If that’s sarcasm I hear in your voice, I’ll have to remind you how magical this place really is.” I lift my eyebrows and stare into her eyes, placing the bags on the floor next to my feet.

  Averly laughs while shaking her head and walks behind the counter to look at our reservation. “Camden, you’d fit right in if you lived here,” she says. “Poppy is also pregnant. I’m not sure if Faith had told you. She’s having a girl in March.”

  “No way! That’s awesome,” Ally’s face lights up with a smile. Poppy is another friend of Faith’s. It seems like everyone in this town is connected in some way, but they’re all great people and Easton’s friends.

  “Your room is ready, so you’re welcome to go up and get settled in. If you need anything, let me know. I assume I’ll see you guys at Clarke’s tonight?” Averly smiles.

  “We’ll be there,” I nod. Clarke’s is this town’s favorite watering hole. I went the first time I visited Everton with Easton and then again when I came for his wedding.

  “Awesome. I’m glad you guys are spending Christmas here.”

  “Thanks, Averly,” Allyson smiles and grabs the key from her.

  When we make it up to the room, Ally walks to the far wall and stares out the large windows that give us a clear view of the snowed mountains. I hug her from behind and drop a kiss on her neck.

  “Do you ever think about moving back here?” I whisper into her ear. She shivers at the contact.

  “What? No.” Allyson shakes her head and sighs. “I moved when I was a kid, and most of my life happened in Virginia.”

  “But?” I prompt because I can sense there’s something else she’s not saying.

  “It’s weird. I was thirteen when we moved, so I’ve lived more of my life away from this place than in it, but it will always be home. It’s where I was born. Where my family comes from. Now that I’ve visited more often since Easton moved, I feel like maybe I did miss something by leaving this town.”

  I tighten my arms around her and feel our boy kick. Ally giggles and I press my palms against her stomach to see if he’ll kick again. When he doesn’t, I turn Ally around and hold her face, kissing her.

  “If you ever want to move back here, we can talk about our options.” My thumbs rub her cheeks as she nods. I see no future that doesn’t include Allyson. If she eventually wants to move back to her hometown and raise our son here, then I’ll pack our bags and move us. All I know is that where she goes, I go. Nothing will stand in our way.

  “Maybe one day,” she shrugs. She may not be as connected to this place as Easton is, but I see it in her eyes when she talks about it or when she visits. She may not even be aware of it, but she misses this place.

  “You let me know.” I kiss her deeply and take a step back. “Your family is waiting for us.”

  “We could lie and say our flight was delayed, and we’ll be arriving at their house later.” She mischievously waggles her eyebrows.

  I chuckle and shake my head. “No can do, Kiwi. They’ve been following our flight.” I tap the tip of her nose. “We’ll spend time with them, and we’ll come back to rest before heading out to Clarke’s tonight.”

  “Okay.” She squeezes my cheeks with her hand until my lips pucker and drops a kiss. “You’re cute.” She winks and laughs, stepping around me to grab her gloves from her bag.

  I stare at her for a moment. I’m so in love with this woman, and she has no idea. Or maybe she does. That woman’s intuition could’ve kicked in.

  Allyson tilts her head in my direction as she bends over to look in her bag and smiles at me. Loose strands of hair from her messy ponytail fall across her face. The light in her eyes shines brighter than the sun reflecting off the snow. She’s stunning, and she’s all mine.

  I fish my phone out of my pocket and snap a picture of her before she could realize what I’m doing. I want to remember her like this.

  “Hey.” She stands tall and walks to me. “A little warning would’ve been nice.” She plucks my phone from her hand and inspects the photo. Her nose scrunches up as she looks at me. “Take another one.”

  I shake my head. “No can do, Kiwi. I wanted you in your natural state, not some fake pose. You’re beautiful, and I’m keeping this picture.” I shove my phone in my pocket and hug her to me. My hand sneaks over her stomach.

  Allyson shoves the strands of hair away from her face as we stare at each other. A moment of silence passes between us, and I brush my lips against hers. Those three little words are on the tip of my tongue, but I swallow them down.

  “Ready?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” Ally whispers with a nod. Her breath catches, and then she smiles. “Let’s go see if Easton is going to kick your ass or give you a hug.” Her laughter fills the room.

  “Not funny,” I grumble.

  “I’m only kidding.” She loops her arm in mine and opens the door, leading us down the stairs and out of the bed and breakfast.

  I’m not sure what to think when we walk into Easton’s house. Instead of knocking, Allyson just barges in. My sweaty palms are going to be sore from scrubbing them against my jean-clad thighs, but I’m nervous as ever. Sure, Easton has sent messages to me here and there, but we haven’t exactly had a real conversation since I saw him in Richmond, and he practically laughed in my face when I told him I was committed to Ally and the baby.

  “You’re here!” Faith hops from her stool and rushes over with Charlene right behind her. Faith wraps her arms around Allyson before rubbing her belly. Charlene smiles at me warmly, hugging me, before focusing on her daughter. Easton stands a few feet away, hands in his pockets.

  “You’re gonna say hi to your sis or what?” Ally smiles at him. “You can’t be mad at me forever, or I’ll have to choose a different godfather for this kid.” Her smirk turns teasing as her hand lays on her stomach.

  “I’m not mad.” Easton walks over to her and hugs his sister, whispering something in her ear. Allyson nods at whatever he says before stepping back and looking at me.

  “Hey, man,” Easton extends his hand. I shake it and smile.

  “What’s up?” I nod.

  “How was your trip?” He turns to face us both.

  “It was good. Pretty smooth ride,” Allyson responds.

  “I can’t get over this belly,” Faith says. “Let’s take a seat.” She guides Allyson and Charlene to the living room.

  Before I can follow them, Easton stops me. “Do you want a beer?” He opens the fridge.

  “Yeah, sure.” I thank him when I take the bottle he offers and take a sip.

  “Things are good around here? Work?” I ask.

  “Yeah.” He nods, taking a pull from his beer.

  “Listen, I owe you an apology…” Easton starts. I furrow my eyebrows as I eye him. “I shouldn’t have doubted you. You’re my best friend, and I should’ve known you’d never do wrong by Ally.”

  My heart thumps in my chest, and I nod. “Thanks. What made you change your mind?”

  “I see the way you look at her. The way you looked at her when you made the video with the gender reveal.”

  I place the beer bottle on the counter and cross my arms. “And how’s that?”

  “Like you’re in love with her.” Easton calmly drinks his beer as if he didn’t just say I’m in love with his sister. “You should tell her.” He points his longneck toward me.

  I nod, grabbing my beer and taking a deep pull. Even though he’s right, I would’ve much rather told Allyson before her brother knew.

  He claps my back with a chuckle. “I
know you pretty damn well, but I’m sure I didn’t have to tell you that for you to be aware of your feelings.”

  “Nah, you’re right. I just didn’t think you’d know before her.” I chuckle.

  “Just keep her safe.” He reaches his hand out, and I nod, shaking it.

  “I plan on it.” I would hate for our friendship to get ruined because of something like this. I’m determined to do right by Ally and our son, and I’m glad that she’s on the same page as me.

  When I walk into the living room with Easton, Allyson looks my way with a bright smile. The orange hues of the fireplace make her shine like a guiding light. She’s my guiding light, showing me what I’ve been missing my entire life, and I wasn’t even looking for it.

  Now that I know life with her, I never want to know what it feels like to be without her.

  chapter 24


  I hadn’t realized how much I craved family time until I spent Christmas with them in Everton. Each time I visit my hometown since Easton moved, I feel more and more connected to it. I was caught by surprise when Camden asked me if I’d want to move back there. I had never put much thought into it until he asked. Now, the idea of raising my son where I grew up is becoming more appealing. Maybe one day.

  “Are you excited to see Noel and Berkeley tonight?” Camden squeezes my hand as he drives us to his apartment in Richmond. My mom doesn’t return from Everton until after the new year, so I had to say my goodbyes to her as well when I left Everton since Camden and I leave for Madrid tomorrow evening.

  “I am.” I smile over at him. “Although I video chat with them all the time, it’s so different hanging out in person. I’m long overdue for girl time.” I sink into the leather seat of his Audi and rub slow circles over my ever-growing belly. I can’t believe how big it’s gotten in just a few weeks. I swear, I’m growing by the day.

  “You definitely are, and once this baby comes, we’re going to be busy adjusting to life with a kid.” He lifts our tangled hands and brushes his lips against the top of mine. I shiver when his stubble tickles my skin.


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