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Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations

Page 4

by Maryann Jordan


  Nathan looked nervously around the table at the other Saints wondering, now that things had settled down, what they thought of his decision to join them, but only found accepting grins shot his way. Breathing a sigh of relief, he offered, “I know the basics of security. I know search and rescue, and I’ve done my share of search and recovery.” Pausing, he sucked in a fortifying breath, “But, I’m willing to learn whatever it takes.”

  “That’s all any of us have done,” Chad replied. “None of us came into this knowing much about how to fulfill Jack’s vision. We’ve all learned and are still learning. It’s good to have you with us.”

  The nods all around had him relaxing in his seat and, like the rest of them, turning his eyes to Jack, ready to find out what they needed to do to take care of Agnes.

  Jack nodded toward Luke and Charlie, indicating for them to take over. Luke began, “Without having any of Harlan’s data, I’ve still been able to pick up his basic computer searches, emails, etc. So far, nothing. Whoever he contacted to assist him with Agnes’ disappearance and probable new identity, must have been top notch and erased any traces from his personal computer. There also has been no email contact that Charlie and I can discern between Harlan and Agnes. But, then again, whoever assisted him really knew their software to erase traces. That’s the bad news. The good news is that means the Russians, if they have his computer, also can’t find anything.”

  “So, they’ve got nothing and we’ve got nothing,” Jude complained, leaning back heavily in his seat.

  “Well, we’ve still got more than they have simply because we already know of some private organizations that are experts in changing identities. Plus, Charlie is scanning other databases to see if we can find anything…and Charlie’s much better than what the mafia has.”

  Chuckles met this statement as they turned to her. Charlie shot her husband a grin and said, “I’ve been running the records of plastic surgeons who may have given facial changes to any females that were twenty-six-years old in the six months after Agnes disappeared. Of course, there are a lot, but not as many as you might think. Most are boob jobs, so I didn’t have to worry about those. I mean, she might have had a boob job,” she added, her nose scrunching in thought, but I’m more interested in her face.” Giving her head a slight shake, she continued, “Now, we have to throw out her birthdate, since her new identity would have reassigned that, but she would have been somewhat accurate in her age with the doctor.”

  “What if it was a doctor off the grid?” Patrick asked. “Someone not associated with a clinic.”

  “I don’t think that Harlan would have her use someone not board certified or reputable.”

  “What about going to Canada or Mexico, or somewhere else? With a false passport?”

  Nodding, Luke said, “We thought about that. But we ran her facial recognition through all the flights leaving the country during that time and did not come up with a hit.”

  Nathan shook his head, awed at the resources available to Jack’s Saints. As Charlie sent a picture of Agnes up to the screen on the wall, his breath hitched, seeing her again after two years. Dark hair, bangs swept to the side, dark eyes, pale skin, a Roman nose with a slight bump on the ridge. Her smile was not wide, but still showcased her perfectly straight teeth. The moonlight, while bright that night, had cast shadows on her face, keeping her true beauty from his eyes.

  “How hard is it to give someone a whole new identity?” he ventured to ask.

  “To do it seamlessly and with no way to trace? Not real easy,” Luke admitted. “Charlie and I could have accomplished it if Harlan had come to us, but then, that’s not something we’ve done in the past so it’s not surprising he didn’t think of us.” Shooting a grin at Charlie, he amended, “Well, I haven’t. My dearest wife eluded me for a little while as she tried out different identities.”

  She returned his grin and said, “I didn’t completely bury myself, but I did do a pretty good job of going to ground.” Looking at Nathan, she explained, “I had some guys after me for a while. I managed to shake them with multiple identities, but they weren’t exactly sophisticated in their methods so it wasn’t too hard. I expect the mafia would be much more thorough.”

  “Do we have any idea who might have helped Harlan?” Blaise asked.

  Jack rubbed his chin and answered, “I’ve got some contacts that I’m going to have Luke and Charlie check on. We may have already hit on someone’s radar just by what we’ve already been looking into. I feel like Harlan would have gone to someone reputable so I’ll start reaching out to some of them to see if they would agree to work with us.”

  Charlie explained, “There are security businesses that, like Jack, don’t exactly advertise on Google, but then there are those that go so deep underground—figuratively, not literally—that you have to know how to find them. I’ll start reaching out to those that Jack knows and see it we can get a hit.”

  “Until then,” Jack said, “you’ve got your security assignments on your tablets. Nathan, go with Chad and get equipment and then Charlie will set you up on your tablet. I’ll have you work with Bart on learning more about Gavrill’s operation, now that Yurgi is in the picture to supposedly take over the legitimate side of the Volkov businesses. Then, I’ll have you work with Cam and Marc on setting up security for some of our clients. You can learn that aspect until we have something more concrete to go on.”

  The table soon cleared as the Saints moved to their next activities. Nathan walked toward Chad but was waylaid by Jack’s hand on his shoulder.

  “Just wanted to say that I’m glad you decided to join us. I think you’ll be a real asset.”

  Pinching his lips, he said, “I don’t know how much I can help you, but I don’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore.”

  “Good a reason as any,” Jack acknowledged and, with a nod, turned toward the computers where Luke and Charlie sat.

  “Come on, Nathan,” Chad said, “I’ll show you around. Rooms down here are full of equipment needed for our security business. We all live nearby, although we don’t meet at the compound daily. We generally hold meetings here twice a week, unless an active case requires us to gather more often. Although lately, as busy as we are, we’re meeting more frequently.”

  He followed the large, dark-haired, former ATF explosives expert into one of the many rooms off the conference room.

  “Here’s the weapons room. We’re all licensed as private investigators now, something Jack’ll go over with you. We carry weapons when needed.”

  Nathan’s eyes were wide as he viewed the fully stocked room that not only included firearms, but Kevlar jackets, as well as other military grade equipment.

  “Here’s the weight-lifting room,” Chad said, throwing open another door. “It’s a place to keep in shape, considering most of us don’t have time to join a gym.” Moving to another door, he stepped inside.

  Nathan followed and saw bunk beds and a separate shower facility. “You have to stay here much?”

  “Not often, but occasionally when something is going on in the field, we don’t like to be too far away, so a few of us’ll bunk down and that keeps us close if necessary.”

  At the end of the hall, Chad pointed to another door and said, “This leads to a second set of stairs that takes you to the upstairs garage. We’ve got several SUVs with bullet-proof windows and frames. We also have ATVs and snow mobiles. Jack’s got about thirty acres here and his property goes up the mountainside. Plus, with Bethany’s acres on the other side with her cabins, there’s a lot of terrain. We practice, and,” he grinned, “we have fun.”

  Bart came up behind them and said, “Glad to have you with us, man.”

  “Thanks,” Nathan said, looking at the muscular, Nordic man before his eyes slid to Jude, similar in size and mannerism.

  “It won’t be hard for you to assimilate,” Patrick threw out, walking up from behind, clapping him on the back. “I came from California and joined them kind of
late. But, you already know everyone, so it’ll be easy.”

  He appreciated the words, easing the slight tension he still had about making such a change to his life. Agnes’ face slid through his mind and the knowledge of all she gave up to do the right thing furthered his resolve.

  As soon as he was set up with everything he needed, he moved back to the conference table with Bart, near where Luke and Charlie were working.

  “You ready?” Luke asked. Seeing his nod, Luke said, “All right. Then let’s see what Agnes is facing with the Volkovs.”

  Agatha slathered mayonnaise on the bread before adding the turkey and ham. Glad to have lettuce and tomato today, she piled them on before placing the sandwiches on the tray. She looked at the woman next to her, filling the glasses with iced tea, and observed the fading bruises on her face.

  Smiling, she said, “Did you sleep well last night?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Delores answered, her voice hesitant.

  Agatha turned and placed her hand on her arm. “Please, just call me Agatha. And, if you didn’t sleep well, it’s okay to say so. I know how hard it can be to try to sleep your first night in a new place.”

  Delores blushed, saying, “It’s not that I’m not grateful to be here, ‘cause I am. I guess, I just kept thinking that I was still hiding from Lester.”

  “Is that your boyfriend?”

  “Ex-boyfriend,” Delores bit out, then immediately apologized. “I’m sorry…that sounded rude.”

  “No…no it didn’t. It sounded firm. And that’s a good thing.”

  Tears filled Delores’ eyes as she blinked rapidly. “He never liked that. Me being firm…about anything. Said it was sassy and he wasn’t going to put up with any sass.” She hung her head, sucking in a deep breath. “My mama would be so ashamed.”

  Giving her a moment, she wondered if Delores’ mother had been abused, before finally asking, “What would your mama be ashamed for? The sass, as you call it?”

  “Oh, no ma’am—I mean Agatha. My mama was a sweet lady but my daddy always said when she got worked up, she could shake some sass.” She sighed heavily, and added, “Daddy always laughed when Mama did, then he’d give her a hug and say she was the best, and Mama always said that made life all better.”

  She stared at the young woman in the throes of a lovely memory, seeing the smile begin to curve her lips. A sliver of a memory began to worm its way into her mind…one of her father patting her mother’s arm affectionately. Swallowing hard, she closed her eyes tightly, pushing the thought away. Smiling, she gazed at Delores and said, “Well, it sounds like your parents had a good relationship. And, thankfully, you got out of one that was not good.”

  A wider smile spread across Delores’ face and she nodded toward the food on the counter, saying, “Let’s get this out to the table.”

  As they walked into the dining room, trays in their hands, others quickly came to assist. After a few minutes, when everyone was settled, Agatha looked around the table at the variety of women and small children taking temporary refuge in the center. Talking. Laughing. A few nervous glances. A few with fading bruises. They came from all walks of life…all circumstances. A few were escaping abusive relationships and some were escaping prostitution, hiding from the men who had ruled their world. All needed a safe place to land until they could figure out the next step in their lives.

  Safe Harbor Center. She smiled, thinking the name was appropriate. Over a year ago, Harlan had asked her what she wanted to do with her life now that she was free. Her cosmetic surgeries were over, her new identity was established and, for all intents and purposes, Agnes Gruzinsky was dead. And, Agatha Christel had risen from her ashes.

  She thought back to the conversation she had had with Harlan, the FBI agent who had become a surrogate father to her, about moving forward.

  * * *

  Snorting, I quipped, “Taking down a human trafficking ring and putting my family behind bars is hardly the sort of thing I can put on a resume.”

  Harlan glared, fondly, but glared nonetheless. Knowing he could be relentless, I shrugged, looking down at my clenched hands. “Help. Help women get out of whatever is trapping them.”

  Harlan was quiet for a moment, before patting my shoulder. “I know of a women’s shelter. They always need help. I’m sure the pay isn’t good, but I know that won’t matter.”

  I looked up into his face and said, “What about questions?”

  “You know your new background. If there’s something else we need to add, I’ll get it taken care of.”

  Snorting again, I grinned. “You mean you and the mystery men that are giving me a new life?”

  He pretend-glared again, but the corners of his lips twitched. “They’re good at what they do. And, if something ever happens to me, they’ll take care of you.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I asked, “How?”

  “They’ll let you know. But then again, hell, I’m too stubborn to die.”

  “You’d better be,” I rushed. Pondering for a moment, I nodded slowly. “But, in answer to your first question, I think I would like to work at the shelter. Who knows? I might have found my calling.”

  * * *

  Brushing off her reverie, she looked up as the Director walked in, a smile on her face as she greeted everyone. Coming to her, Ann smiled.

  “Hey, Agatha. Can we meet after lunch is over?”

  Nodding, she agreed. Her eyes followed Ann as she continued down the hall to her office. The center was located in a large, old house but they were bursting at the seams and Ann was working tirelessly to get their new facility ready for move-in.

  She had taken Agatha last week to visit the new center. Located in a former store that had gone out of business years before, the owner was glad to have someone take it over. Ann Cosner, a social worker with a double degree in business, had worked to create Safe Harbor Center as a safe, halfway house for women in need of a helping hand to get back on their feet. While they were only a temporary place for the women to recuperate, learn employable skills, and find jobs and new housing, they were constantly at full capacity.

  She knew Ann had dedicated herself to tirelessly fundraising in order to get the store turned into offices, dorm rooms, a dining room, kitchen, and classrooms. If anyone could have gotten the job done, it was Ann.

  As soon as lunch was over and the women assigned clean-up duty had the place sparkling, she walked to Ann’s office. Knocking, she entered, smiling her greeting to her boss.

  “Come on in,” Ann said, returning her smile. “Have a seat. We’ve got lots to talk about.”

  As always when someone focused on her, she felt her stomach drop and her palms begin to sweat. It was as though she constantly had the fear of someone looking her in the eye and saying, “I know who you are.”

  Sitting in the chair, she forced her smile to remain, but it was only as Ann pulled out the files in front of her and began discussing the center’s business, that she finally relaxed. Will I always be looking over my shoulder? She tried not to think of the answer to that question, afraid pondering too long on the past would choke off all her happiness.

  “So, with the added donation from an anonymous source, we will be able to move into our new facility soon,” Ann pronounced. “I can’t believe that we got the exact amount that was needed to get the place ready for us to occupy. It’s like a guardian angel is tied right into us!”

  Matching her smile, she said, “You’ve done so much. You must be proud.”

  Ann’s sharp eyes pierced into her as she replied, “Don’t sell yourself short. I may be the public face of Safe Harbor, but I could not have done what I have this past year without you. Before you came along, I had a series of well-intentioned assistants, but each found the work too taxing and the pay too little. You, my dear, have been a godsend.”

  Shrugging off the compliment, she said, “I like the work. I feel like I’m helping.”

  “Oh, Lordy, Agatha, you’re doing more than helping. You�
��re changing lives. With every woman here that you sit with, talk to, work with…you are changing their life.” Closing her file, she said, “I need to let you know that we will be adding a security system to the new building, something we don’t have here. We’ve been lucky so far, but I don’t trust our luck to hold forever. The threat of someone coming after one of the women is always present, so security is vital. I’ve contracted with someone and they’ll send men to install the security next week. I have to be here, so I’ll send you to the facility to let them inside.”

  Her heart lighter, she nodded, stood and moved out of the office and down the hall to the computer lab. Stopping in the hall, she pulled out her burner phone, sending a quick text. Transfer of money successful. Thx. With a secret smile curling her lips, she continued on.


  Nathan observed Bart’s expression, often jovial, now somber.

  “I first came to know about Gavrill Volkov several years ago. In fact, it was on the case where I met Faith. She was working the case with me in an unofficial capacity. She has a special gift for…well, some would call her a seer, but she’s just really in-tune to people. She accompanied me as we interviewed potential child kidnappers.”

  Luke flashed a photograph of Gavrill, a man in his forties, black hair with splashes of grey throughout, onto the screen as Bart continued. Though he appeared to be short and heavy, almost squatty in stature, he was nonetheless menacing. It was in his eyes. Dark, intense, focused. Fuckin’ dangerous.


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