Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations

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Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations Page 11

by Maryann Jordan

  Yurgi grimaced, but said nothing.

  “Your brother has managed to keep that part of his business safe from the prying eyes of the authorities, but those days have come to an end,” Nathan added. “What we want to make sure of, is that the threat he has made against his cousin’s daughter goes unheeded.”

  Nick finished, “You know Gavrill is keeping an eye on his business and he knows the business is struggling. If you pursue his quest to go after Agnes Gruzinsky, we’ll make sure this business fails while you are at the helm.”

  “I do not take to threats,” Yurgi said, his voice like gravel as his eyes bore straight into them.

  “Not a threat,” Nathan assured him. “Just a promise. Keep to the legitimate business.” Walking out, he prayed Agnes…wherever she was…would remain safely in hiding.


  Pushing his plate back, Nathan could not help but think of the previous night when he had been with Agatha at a restaurant.

  “Jesus, skipping lunch gave me a headache,” Bart complain. “Or maybe it was the asinine conversations we had with the Gruzinsky males. Fuckin’ assholes.”

  Nodding, he agreed. “Of the three, Milos is the one who is the most sure his daughter had nothing to do with their downfall. He doesn’t suspect at all that Agnes was on the inside, helping the FBI. How the fuck they managed to keep that from them, I can’t imagine.”

  “Harlan would have instigated that and, as lead agent, he had the authority to make that call. Agnes got damn lucky there were no witnesses left, harsh as that sounds. The agents flooded the hotel, found the women chained to beds and it was their testimonies that sent them all to prison. The doctor who was in on it with Agnes turned evidence for immunity, but for some reason he kept quiet about her involvement.”

  “How the fuck Harlan pulled it off…” he started, his words trailing in awe.

  “And now, he’s dead,” Bart stated, scrubbing his hand over his face.

  “Her family?”

  Nick shook his head. “If any of those three had knowledge, they would’ve given something away. They’re just not that smart. Plus, I don’t think they have the clout they think they have.”

  He did not like the implication. Making eye contact with his companions, he stated, “Gavrill.”

  “My money’s on him,” Nick agreed.

  “We’ll get our chance at him tomorrow.”

  “And then mama,” Nick added.

  “You really think we’ll get something from Chessa?” he asked.

  Nick pinned him with a hard stare. “Don’t count her out. Remember, she was part of Gavrill’s family before she married Milos.”

  “But she’s a—”

  “Woman?” Nick interjected. “Don’t let that fool you into thinking she’s soft.”

  He shook his head. “No, I was going to say she’s a mother.”

  Nick was quiet for a moment before looking at both he and Bart. “I was an FBI agent for a lot of years. Believe me, I wish being a mother kept women from being evil, but it doesn’t. If someone’s evil, nothing’ll get in their way. Not even their child.”

  Nathan laid in the hotel bed, his muscles more tired from the tension of the day than after a long run with his dogs. Blowing out his breath, he thought of Agatha. He had told her he would call, but his mind was so full…he hated to call when he could not talk about the events of the day.

  Climbing from the bed, he walked to the sliding glass door leading to a small balcony overlooking the Norfolk harbor. Stepping out, he walked to the rail, leaning his forearms on the cold metal. He could see the lights reflecting like diamonds on the inky water as it slapped against the boardwalk. Looking up, the stars were shining in the cloudless night sky.

  He wondered for the millionth time if Agnes, wherever she was, looked to the night sky to see the stars. And, if she does, does she remember me?

  Straightening, he stalked back inside, angry with himself. Why the fuck can’t I get her out of my mind? I was supposed to have put this behind me. I thought I had.

  Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he picked up his phone but, instead of dialing, just sat with it in his hand. I’m so fucked.

  He liked Agatha and hoped they were at the beginning of something special, but it seemed wrong to lead her on if his head was still entangled in the myth of a woman who barely knew him and he would never see again. Do others do this? Be interested in two women at the same time?

  He tossed the phone to the mattress beside him and leaned forward. With his elbows on his knees, he pressed his face into his palms, grinding at his eyes, trying to force the image of Agnes as she slowly disappeared from his view, staring out of the huge SUV at him, looking small and afraid, from his mind. And sad. She also looked sad.

  He turned his phone to silent before slipping back underneath the covers. He knew it was not fair to Agatha to call her when his mind was on another woman. Grimacing, he rolled over, wishing sleep would come…knowing it would not.

  Agatha paced the halls of the center, sleep not coming. Nathan said he would call but he had not. Probably just busy. Her feet stumbled as she walked…or he interviewed my criminal family and now knows just how truly horrible I am.

  Clenching her fists at her side, she raged against the battle inside. He doesn’t know who I am. I’m Agatha…not Agnes. Agatha…not a member of a crime family. Leaning her back against the wall, her head slumped forward as Harlan’s words came back to her.

  “You’re not your family. You’re not what their crimes are. You’re a survivor, just like the other women. The women you saved.”

  A noise behind her caused her to jump, whirling around. “Oh, Gail, it’s you.”

  “Can’t sleep either, Agatha?”

  “No. I thought about making a cup of herbal tea, but have just been wandering instead.”

  “I’ll have a cup if you will,” Gail offered.

  Smiling, she said, “Okay, I’ll take you up on that.” They walked into the kitchen and she put on the kettle to boil while Gail took two mugs from the cabinet. Within a few minutes they were sitting at the table, steam rising from their tea, with the quiet of the night soothing over them.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Gail said, her voice hesitant.

  “Of course.”

  “I was just wondering why you live here and not in your own place. Do you have to?”

  Shaking her head, she replied “No. I mean, it’s not part of my contract with Ann. It’s just, I was new to the area when I took the job and she offered to let me have the attic bedroom in the other house until I found a place. But, then, I liked being there and it was nice to have an employee here, so Ann said I could stay as long as I liked.”

  “But here…you don’t have much privacy. I mean, you’ve got a room on the other end of the hall from the rest of us, but don’t you find that…uh…”

  Laughing, she said, “Limiting?”

  “Yeah. I mean I’ve seen you getting picked up by that nice man…Nathan…the one who found me the night I ran into the woods. He’s fine looking and I figured if you and he were getting serious, then you’d be looking for someplace more private.”

  Unable to keep the smile from her face, she lifted her shoulders. “I take your point…but, who knows what’ll happen.” Her smile slipped with the thought that he had promised to call and then did not.

  Gail observed her for a moment before saying, “Relationships are hard. Lord knows, I found that out in a bad way.”

  Lifting her eyes, she stayed silent while Gail continued.

  “My daddy always told me to wait for a prince. Thought I had. Things were so good at first. I’ve spent the past several days with the counselor who comes here, trying to figure out where things went wrong.

  “Thomas was nice at first. Treated me real good. He didn’t drink, hang out with the boys too much, make too many demands. But as time went on, things started to change. I got a few promotions, little steps up, one at a time…hell, it was only at the local grocery
store but I went from register clerk, to being back in the bakery, to being the bakery manager. Got a raise by the time I reached manager, thought things were good.”

  “So, what happened?” she asked softly.

  Gail sipped her tea before replying, “It’s like, for every good thing that happened, he got angrier instead of happier. I got a raise and he wanted to know why dinner wasn’t on the table when he got home. I made employee of the month and got my picture on the wall of the store and he got pissed, saying I was flaunting myself to other men.” She shook her head and said, “I worked so hard to make him see that he was the center of my world, but nothing I did made a difference.”

  Gail’s gaze settled on her mug as she continued, “First, it was yelling. Then he’d grab my arm and jerk me around. And then, he slapped me. Every time, saying how sorry he was when it happened. Then, one night he punched me. Pushed me down the stairs. My friend kept telling me to leave but I was scared. Scared to stay and scared to leave.” Sighing, she said, “What a fucked-up way to live.”

  “And now?”

  A little smile slid across Gail’s face. “I think every person deserves to be loved. I know I have worth and value. I’m shy of ever trusting another man again, but I deserve a shot at true love and no way will I ever settle for less again.”

  Gail stood and rinsed her mug out before placing it in the dishwasher. Patting Agatha on the shoulder as she left the room, her words swirled in Agatha’s mind. “Every person deserves to be loved.” Flipping out the light, she walked out of the room. Yes…even me.

  Nathan instantly noticed the difference between what they were looking at now and the maximum security prison the Gruzinksy’s were in.

  “This is a fuckin’ joke,” he bit out, glaring around at the minimum security facility.

  “It’s low level,” Nick said calmly, although his jaw was tight as well. “Doesn’t matter that Gavrill’s the head of a violent crime family, he was only charged and convicted with tax evasion.”

  The three had moved through the gates and down a hall to a large conference room after showing their credentials. As they sat, he felt his heartrate increase, thinking of the man they were about to talk to. Drugs. Guns. Gambling. Prostitution. Slavery. Human trafficking. There was little this man did not do to rule his kingdom.

  Having seen his photograph, he was still unprepared for when Gavrill walked through the door. One look at the guard walking along with him and it was not hard to see that the man was on Gavrill’s pay. Nick looked at the guard as well and Nathan was sure he also saw the casual air with which the man held himself.

  “We’ll interview the prisoner by himself, and have permission to do so,” Nick stated, his voice firm.

  The guard looked at Gavrill, as though to ascertain what he should do.

  “You got a problem following orders, or maybe just who you take orders from?” Bart growled.

  The guard shot him a murderous glare but stepped out of the room nonetheless. The sound of clapping drew their attention to Gavrill’s grinning face.

  “Well played, former Agent Stone.” He shifted his attention to Bart. “And you, Mr. Taggart, we meet again.” Moving toward the chair, he said, “It’s your dime, so I suggest we get down to why you’re here.”

  “We want to know what you know about Agnes Gruzinsky.”

  Nathan studied Gavrill’s expression, but it never changed. No eye blink. No flinch. No twitch. No reaction at all. His heart pounded as he waited to see what he would say.

  “Agnes…my cousin’s daughter. The only one in that family that is not currently in prison.” His dark eyes bore into theirs one by one. “Anything else you want to know.”

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “If she’s smart, she’s a long way away from here.”

  “And is she smart?” Nick pressed.

  Nathan suddenly figured out what Gavrill resembled. Still. Poised to strike. Eyes pinned on his prey. A snake. A fucking snake. Holding his breath, he waited to see what was next. Seconds ticked by and for the first time, Gavrill’s jaw ticked ever so slightly. If he had blinked, he would have missed it, but there it was…a tiny reaction.

  “She’s a woman,” Gavrill stated, his shoulders lifting in a shrug.

  “That doesn’t answer the question,” Bart said, leaning forward slightly.

  Opening his hands, palms up, on the table, Gavrill said, “It does to me.”

  “So, Agnes, now disappeared, the only one in the family to not be rounded up, implicated, and currently serving a prison sentence…isn’t smart?” Nick asked.

  “Also, the only one who’s whereabouts are currently not known, isn’t smart?” Nathan pressed, unable to stay quiet in the presence of so vile a man. His fists itched to wipe the smug expression off Gavrill’s face.

  The silence in the room was deafening and he thought for a second Gavrill was going to call for the guard and refuse to answer any more questions.

  After a moment that stretched interminably, Gavrill’s eyes dropped to his hands resting on the table, saying, “She may be the smartest one of any of them.”

  “Any of them?”

  “My cousin’s husband and idiot sons.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  A sly grin spread across his face as he lifted his gaze. “My, my, you must think I am terribly stupid. I, of course, have no idea what unsavory business the Gruzinsky’s were involved in. But, according to the news, it seems they were very bad…and very stupid. But Agnes…it has been years since I saw her last, but she did not strike me as a very bright young woman. She knew her place and that was to be quiet and stay out of the way. So, I do not know where she is, but I applaud her that she managed to stay out of prison.”

  “So, you have no interest in finding her?”

  Gavrill hesitated for an instant. “Oh, I would always be interested in family.”

  “What about Harlan Masten?”

  “The intrepid FBI agent, Mr. Masten. Excuse me, former agent. Or should I say, recently deceased former agent?”

  “I see you stay well informed.”

  “I find it is in my best interest to stay informed.”

  “And Yurgi’s sudden decision to return to the US after his extended stay in Croatia?”

  “I see you stay informed as well.”

  As the parrying continued, Nathan felt like he was observing a tennis match, the lobs moving back and forth between Gavrill and Nick.

  “The agency will be watching him carefully. Very carefully.”

  “My brother is merely looking after the family’s business interests while I’m enjoying my vacation here. That’s all. And all you’ll ever find.”

  He called for the guard, who hustled in, shooting glares at Bart. The two men left the room, leaving the Saints wondering about Gavrill’s game.

  Not moving for a moment, Nathan admitted, “Got to tell you, I understand dogs a helluva lot better than people. I have no fuckin’ clue what to think about that piece of shit.”

  Bart looked over at Nick, saying, “You’re better at this than I am. When I talked to him with Faith along, she said it was like talking to pure evil.”

  Nodding, Nick said, “He wants to find Agnes. Lazlo’s told his suspicions to him. He’s smart. He knows Agnes has gone to ground, but he wants to find her.”

  “And Harlan?”

  “He called the hit…no doubt in my mind. But, he’s slick. Manages to get his family’s dirty work done without getting caught…so far.”

  “I want that bastard,” Nathan growled, the idea of Gavrill even looking at Agnes making his skin crawl.


  “God, I’m tired,” Bart complained from the backseat as they left the Norfolk area and drove to the women’s federal prison.

  “Come on, SEAL, stop complaining,” Nick joked.

  Nathan rode shotgun while Nick drove, and had to admit he was wiped as well. “How the fuck did you do this as a career for so long?” he asked Nick.

  “Being an agent wasn’t all about questioning assholes. Plus, as an agent, I had them over a barrel. Now, they don’t have to cooperate if they don’t want to. I knew going in that we’d get nothing from Gavrill, but I still wanted to get my eyes on him.”

  “And the Gruzinskys?”

  “They’re weaker…easier to read.”

  They left the subject and the conversation flowed to sports, the new training Jack had set up, and then his dogs. An hour later, they pulled up to a facility similar to what the men were in. After they checked in, they were led to an interview room, the pale blue walls the only difference from the men’s prison.

  Sitting at the table, Nathan looked up as Chessa Gruzinsky was escorted into the room. His breath caught in his throat as he stared into the dark eyed, slender faced, smooth skinned woman that was an older version of Agnes. Up close, he could see the age lines marring her perfect skin and that her black hair was streaked with a little grey, but other than that, the similarity with the face he’d looked into through the window in the SUV as it drove away was uncanny.

  She shot a glare at all three of them before sitting down at the table with the grace of a queen. Placing her hands in her lap, she turned her attention toward them. “I have no idea what purpose this interview has,” she began, her voice calm but full of venom. “I believe everything came out in the trial.”

  “But not your daughter,” Nick jumped in, refusing to give her a chance to ponder her answers. “She was not involved. Why was that?”

  Chessa’s eyes narrowed and he thought she was going to snarl. Her eyes jumped to his, briefly, before she relaxed. “My Agnes? What does she have to do with any of this?”

  Nodding, Nick said, “Your husband’s in prison. Your two sons are in prison. And here you sit. But Agnes…she’s off somewhere. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  She worked her mouth for a second before shrugging. “She had nothing to do with anything. She is a mere girl.”


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