Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations

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Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations Page 12

by Maryann Jordan

  “She’s a grown woman who has not been seen since that night your family’s businesses were raided. Have you got any idea where she is?”

  “No. I haven’t seen or heard from her.”

  “That seems kind of odd. I mean, wouldn’t a devoted daughter come visit? See you at the trial?”

  Chessa’s mouth worked more, as though a bitter taste had passed her lips.

  “We just visited with your sons—”

  “Bah, my sons are stupid,” she bit out. “They have no idea what women are capable of. We hold the family together. We make things happen. They think they rule us?”

  “So, you do think that Agnes is smart. Smart enough to get somewhere she can’t be found.”

  “The women in my family are smart, but as to where she is now? I have no idea.”

  “And Gavrill? Do you think he knows where she is?” Seeing her eyes widen, Nick pressed, “Does he have a reason to go after her? After all, she was the only one to come out of this unscathed.”

  Chessa sat quietly for a minute, her eyes focused on her hands, now clenched on the table in front of her. Lifting her gaze, she finally said, “I have no idea where my daughter might be. But, I’m not stupid. If she turned on us, then my cousin is welcome to her.”

  Nathan blinked, fury pouring through him at her words. Before he had a chance to speak, she stood and called for the guard.

  Just before walking through the door, she looked back over her shoulder, and added, “Maybe she is smart. Smarter than all of us.”

  Agatha picked up the phone, seeing Ann’s number on caller ID. “Good morning.”

  “He…hello,” Ann croaked.

  “Oh, you sound horrible!”

  “Laryngitis,” Ann whispered. “No fever, but my throat is raw.”

  “I’ve got everything under control here, so stay home and rest.”

  Continuing to whisper, Ann said, “Magazine reporter is coming today. Article.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Do you want me to cancel until you’re feeling better?”

  “No, please, no. We need the exposure for more donations. Please, can you do it?”

  “Me? But, Ann, you’re the director,” she protested. “You should be the one to do it. What if I say something wrong?”

  “Agatha, please, don’t be silly,” Ann continued to croak. “I really need you to do this and you know the center as well as I do. They won’t be asking for any financial information…just about the center…who we serve, what we do. But remember, don’t let them get any pictures of the women’s faces. We must protect their identities.”

  “Absolutely,” she agreed. Heaving a sigh, she said, “I’ll take care of it. You just stay home and get well.” Disconnecting, she leaned back in her chair, blowing out a long breath. God, I hope I don’t mess this up. Ann’s really counting on the exposure in order to get more money for the center. She jerked, suddenly realizing she would be the one talking to the reporter and looked down at her clothes. Wearing an old shirt because it was cleaning day, she jumped up and hurried down the hall to her room, needing to change and fix her hair.

  Tina walked around the corner and yelled, “Where you going so fast?”

  Skidding to a stop, she turned and said, “Ann’s sick today and we have a reporter coming to find out more about the center. Remind the others that’ll be happening in about an hour. And they’re not to worry…no one will be taking their pictures. I’m going to get presentable!”

  “You’re beautiful just as you are, but don’t worry. You get prettied-up and I’ll let the others know.”

  Waving her thanks, she hurried into her room.

  “Ms. Christel, thank you so much for all of the wonderful information you’ve given us. We’re sorry that Ms. Cosner is ill today, but you have certainly given us an excellent tour and interview of the Safe Haven Center.”

  Smiling, Agatha relaxed, glad to have the interview over. “We appreciate anything you can do to get our center more donations. Obviously, monetary assistance is always welcome and we are a non-profit center, so donations are tax deductible.”

  “Are there any specific requests that you would like to mention?”

  Looking around for a few seconds as she thought, she said, “We can always take toiletries, paper products, non-perishable food donations, and since some of the women who seek our shelter have children with them, diapers and baby wipes are also needed at all times.”

  “Our readers will be particularly glad to see the classrooms and computer lab that you have for the women.”

  “It’s very important that we help them get back on their feet. Most of the women have been systematically cut off from others. It’s what many abusers do to control them. So, we want to make sure they have the skills to get back into the workforce.”

  The reporter smiled as she stood. “I know that we have to protect the women’s privacy, but can we take a few photographs that will not include their faces?”

  Glad that they understood the parameters, she nodded. “We can walk back to the classroom if you like.”

  Walking down the hall, they entered the computer lab. As the reporter stood in the back, Agatha moved to the front to speak to the teacher and women.

  “Ladies, just keep facing the front while we have someone taking a few pictures from the back to get a feel for our center and what we can offer.” She moved to the side and observed as the reporter took several shots.

  “And how about the dining facility?” the reporter asked.

  “Sure.” Leading her back down the hall, she walked into the kitchen and saw a few women preparing lunch. Telling them to look down, with their backs to the camera for a moment, she smiled as the reporter called out that she was finished.

  At the front door, she held out her hand to say goodbye, when she was pulled into a hug.

  “I’m sorry to be so emotional. I know that it’s not professional, but I just have to say that I fought to get this assignment from my boss. If my mom had had a place like this, well, her life…and the lives of me and my brother, would have been so much better.” Holding Agatha’s gaze, she said, “Don’t ever think that what you’re doing here isn’t important. You’re saving and changing lives…every day.”

  Stunned, she watched as the perfectly coiffed woman walked out of the center, seeming to all as a woman in complete control. Blowing out a huge breath, she turned and saw the volunteer sitting at the reception desk.

  “She’s right, you know,” Betty said. “I watch you with the women. They like you, but more than that, you seem to get them. Get the fact that for so long they felt like they had no choice in how life treated them. Or that they had no worth. And nothing beats down someone’s feeling of worth like having a loved one treat them as valueless.”

  She stood, rooted in place, her breath ragged as a tear slid down her cheek.

  Betty walked around her desk and said, “I’ve watched you. There’s something in you that also holds you back. Something, I’ll bet, from your past, which makes you think that you don’t deserve happiness. But, Ms. Christel, no matter what happened way back when, you’re doing wonders here.” Leaning forward, until her face was directly in Agatha’s, she drove her point home. “You are worthy and deserve to be happy.” Reaching down to squeeze her hand, she smiled and walked back to her desk, as Agatha walked on unsteady legs back into the center.

  Grateful for the empty halls, she hurried to her room and shut the door. With her arms wrapped tightly about her middle, she stood at the small window that overlooked the alley in the back, but still allowed sunlight to come through. Closing her eyes, she repeated, I’m worthy and deserve to be happy. Wondering if she really could, she thought of Nathan. He had not called but was due back town tonight. Letting out a shuddering breath, she felt the sliver of sunlight on her face. Please, let him think I’m worthy too.

  “See you tomorrow,” Nathan called out as Nick dropped him off at his cabin. They had already taken Bart home and, while he’d been happy to
see Faith, and their son and daughter, come out to greet Bart, his heart had panged with longing. An unexpected sensation, he had pushed it aside as they walked over to greet him as well.

  Faith had moved toward him, her mouth open as if to speak, but she snapped it closed again before anything could come out. He had cocked his head but she had merely smiled and said, “Glad you’re all home safe.”

  “I understand you had the horrible experience of meeting Gavrill several years ago. Bart’ll fill you in, but I can assure you, he’s just as rotten as Bart described.”

  A visible shiver ran over her and she grimaced. Opening her mouth again, she closed it once more, her eyes boring into his. In a move uncharacteristic of her, she placed her hand lightly over his heart. “Please be careful,” she whispered, before turning around quickly and walking back to Bart, who was tossing their son into the air.

  Now, back home, he greeted Scarlett and headed straight to the kennel. Grace had come over to care for the dogs and he knew the place was fine, but even so, he could not wait to see his animals. The baying ensued as he opened the door and grew louder as he walked in, calling out his greetings.

  Taking them for a run, he let them into the house afterward and watched as they immediately piled onto the rug in the living room. Grinning, he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and followed the dogs, plopping down onto the sofa.

  His mind would not settle, filled with a swirl of thoughts, all calling to him. The prisons…Agnes’ family…Gavrill…wondering where she was…Agatha…knowing she was waiting on him to call.

  The desire to be with Agatha pulled at him. His heart beat stronger when he was with her. Beautiful, kind, caring. She looks at me as though I hung the stars in the sky. Stars…fuck.

  That brought Agnes back to mind. Her haunted face. Her possibly being danger. The way his heart still warmed when he thought of her.

  Dammit, I thought I was moving on. I’ve never been the kind of man to lead a woman on. Hell, my daddy’d whoop up on me if he thought that was the man he raised.

  Not one to date often, it had never been an issue before, but the indecision he was now facing made him angry with himself.

  Standing, he called the dogs and put Persi, Beau, and Red into their kennels for the night. Stalking back inside, he picked up his phone and sent a text.

  Know it’s late. I’m back. Can I see you tomorrow?

  A few minutes later, his phone vibrated an incoming message.

  Of course! Is everything alright?

  It’s fine – just wiped.

  Ok – talk to you tomorrow.

  Tossing his phone back to the counter, he stomped into the bedroom, Scarlett trotting at his side. She jumped up on his bed, but instead of closing her eyes, she stared at him with a soulful gaze.

  He looked at her and dropped his chin to his chest, standing in the middle of the room, his hands on his hips. “I know, girl. I’m fucked. No matter what I do, I’m fucked.”

  Finally drifting off, dreams overtook his fitful sleep.

  He stood in the dark, Scarlett at his side, watching Agnes approach the SUV. This time, though, she turned and looked at him, a smile on her face, and said, “Be happy.” As the SUV pulled away, Agnes looked at him through the window, her black hair framing her pale face, and lifted her hand, waving goodbye. He waved in return, watching her fade into the night. Looking down, his hand moved to Scarlett’s head to scratch her ears before he turned toward the woods again. The sun was rising, sending sunbeams through the trees, illuminating the forest. A noise caught his attention and he looked up, seeing Agatha walking toward him, a beautiful smile on her face as she waved in greeting. The sunlight glistened on her blonde hair, creating a halo about her face. His heart leaped at seeing her, warmth flowing through his entire body. She was here. Now. Real. Just as she reached him, arms outstretched, he awoke.

  Blinking in the morning light, he jumped from bed, rousing Scarlett. Grinning widely, he said, “Come on, Scarlett. Let’s get going. We’ve got chores to do, reports to give to Jack, and I’ve got a girl to get to.”


  Parking outside the center the next day, Nathan watched as Agatha walked toward him, a rare, wide smile on her face as she approached. Her jeans fit her hips and her sky-blue t-shirt was modest, but it could not hide her perfect curves. His heart zinged as he hustled to greet her, thrilled when she walked straight into his arms.

  Wrapping her tightly to him, he caught a whiff of her floral shampoo and buried his face in her hair.

  “Are you sniffing me,” she asked, merriment in her voice.

  “Guilty,” he confessed, leaning back to peer into her face. All night, he had wondered what to do and by morning’s light, he knew. Agnes was a case. A woman from the past that he had connected with, but that was merely a blip on the timeline of his life. Agatha was a woman that was real, here and now, giving herself to him. And I’d be a damned fool if I let her go just to waste my life thinking about someone I’ll never have, and who I didn’t really know in the first place.

  “So…uh…how was your trip?” she asked, her eyes not meeting his.

  He lifted her chin with his finger and said, “The last thing I want to talk about is interviewing the worst of society with a beautiful woman in my arms.” He felt her knees buckle and tightened his arms around her, as all the blood drained from her face.

  “Aggie…you okay?”

  Agatha gasped as she jerked to a stand, forcing her knees to lock in place. “Sorry…yes. Uh…just…uh…”

  “Let’s get you fed, okay. If I know you, you probably skipped lunch again.”

  He settled her into the cab of his truck, but noticed her complexion was still pale. “I had an idea, but now, I’m not sure if it’s a good one.”

  She turned toward him, waiting.

  “I was going to grab some Chinese on the way out of town and take you back to my place for dinner. I hate being away from the dogs, since Persi’s expecting, but—”

  “No, no, that’s perfect,” she rushed to say. “Please, let’s do that. I’d much rather have something at your place than in a restaurant right now.”

  He leaned across the console toward her upturned face and halted a breath away. “I really want to kiss you right now, sweet Aggie.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and said, “I’d like that too.”

  His lips devoured hers, firm against petal soft, and she moaned into his mouth, unable to harness the delight his touch sent through her whole body.

  Pulling back, he looked at her hooded eyelids and kiss-swollen lips with longing. “I gotta stop for now. ‘Cause when I take your lips again, I want to give them the time and attention they deserve.”

  A shiver ran over her body as she stared into his face. Nodding, she settled back into her seat as he drove to the nearest Chinese restaurant and ran inside to get their food.

  As she sat in the truck waiting for him, she sucked in a huge cleansing breath before letting it out slowly. I’m not Agnes…not related to the monsters he just met. I’m Agatha…and I’m worthy to be loved. Repeating that a few more times, she breathed easier as she watched him jog to the truck, his arms full of bags. Lord, what that man can do to a pair of jeans. His biceps flexed with the bags on his arms and she wondered how the t-shirt could contain the muscles. Before she knew it, he opened the door and set the bags behind his seat.

  “What all did you buy?”

  “Cashew chicken, sweet and sour pork, beef and broccoli, egg rolls, wonton soup, and crab rangoons.”

  “Holy moly, Nathan!”

  He grinned widely, his eyes twinkling. “I like to eat…and after you nearly passed out on me a few minutes ago, I want to make sure you eat as well.”

  Not wanting to pursue that line of conversation, she nodded and said, “Then you’d better get me home and feed me!”

  Twenty minutes later they turned onto a gravel drive taking them deep into the woods. She stared, wide eyed, at the beautiful forest surroundi
ng them. “This is lovely,” she exclaimed. “I haven’t been out in woods since…a long time ago.”

  He smiled and said, “You can hear our welcoming committee.”

  She cocked her head as he turned off the engine and the sound of baying hounds could be heard easily. Clapping her hands, she said, “Oh, can I see them?”

  “Absolutely,” he agreed, climbing down from the truck. Leaving the bags for a moment, he took her hand and led her to his kennel.

  Once inside, she squealed in delight. “Oh, my God. They’re beautiful.”

  He let go of her hand and moved to the food counter. Fixing their bowls while she wandered to the dogs, she knelt and let them lick her hands.

  “You must be Persi,” she said, staring at the obviously pregnant dog. “When is she due?”

  “In another couple of weeks,” he replied, bringing over the food for Persi and setting it in her cage.

  Moving to the next ones, he introduced, “This is Beau and this is Red.” Placing their food in as well, he went back to the table and picked up the last bowl.

  “Hey, Scarlett,” Agatha said, kneeling at the last run, scratching the ears of the beautiful hound.

  Nathan turned around and looked at her in surprise. “How’d you know her name?”

  Without skipping a beat, she continued to pet the dog and said, “You told me, silly.”

  Shrugging, he walked over and set Scarlett’s bowl down, watching in satisfaction as the dogs gobbled their food.

  Taking her hand, he gently pulled her to a stand, and said, “Now, I need to feed you.”

  Smiling, she walked to the truck and waited as he retrieved the bags, the steam still rising from the contents.

  “Oh, that smells so good,” she moaned.

  He looked at her, the moan reaching straight to his cock. The thought passed his mind to swoop in and kiss her like he had promised. Damn, man. Get her fed first and stop thinking like a caveman.

  Entering his cabin, he was hit with nerves, wondering what she would think of his small house. It suited him, but he had never brought a woman here before. Suddenly unsure, he placed the bags on the table and said, “I guess my place seems kind of simple—”


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