Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations

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Searching Love_Saints Protection & Investigations Page 14

by Maryann Jordan

  “I didn’t think you’d fit,” she confessed in a whisper.

  “Oh, babe. I fit like we were made for each other.”

  She squirmed in need, and, taking the hint, he began to move. Thrusting slowly, he allowed her juices to ease the movement, and soon he was plunging deeply, hard and fast.

  Deep inside, Nathan’s cock felt like it had slid into a perfect glove, one made just for him. He was truthful when he told her he was not a man who sought out a lot of sex, but he had enough experience to know what was happening was far beyond the physical, far beyond his expectations of what it would feel like to be with someone you truly cared about. The realization that he had wasted time chasing after a dream woman, almost casting this woman away, had him clenching his teeth. Agatha was everything…her body, lush and ready, accepted his like they were made to be together, matching his movements perfectly. Wanting her to come again, he forced his plunges to slow, dragging along the inside of her slick core, building friction.

  Agatha’s hands clutched his shoulders as she brought her feet up to press against his hard ass, urging him on. The ride was taking her places she never knew existed. Mountaintop high…soaring with the birds…heading to the sun. Her eyes closed, the light bright behind her lids as she felt her body tighten inside. How would she ever survive this? It was too good.

  Exploding again, she jerked upward as her nails dug into his skin, her core firing in all directions. Every nerve of her body tingled and, for a second, she wondered if this were normal or if she were dying from sexual pleasure overload. Before she had a chance to ponder that idea any longer, she felt his muscles stiffen against her fingers.

  Nathan roared as his head jerked upward, the veins in his neck standing in stark relief to the thick muscles, tight with strength, as his orgasm blasted from him. No thoughts came to him, his mind engulfed in the pleasure of claiming her body. He continued to thrust slowly until every drop had been expelled from his body, finally falling to the side, making sure to take her with him.

  They lay, bodies entangled together, heat pouring off each other, as their racing heartbeats began to slow. He held her close, her head tucked under his chin and wanted to pound his chest in a primal show of pride. He was beginning to understand she had a past that scarred her, one that she had only begun to divulge, but still, he wanted all of her…her past, secrets, dreams, desires, and her future.

  The night sky outside the window was cloudless, the stars shining bright. Facing the window, tucked against his chest, Agatha loved how she could see above the tree line into the sky.

  “The stars are so bright tonight,” she said, barely whispering, not wanting to break the spell weaving between them.

  He nodded, his chin against her hair. “I love laying here, staring at them in the night. I once told someone that they are brighter here, where we are far away from the city lights. It allows the stars to illuminate more.”

  Her hand that had been traveling along his arm jerked to a halt for a second, before continuing its path. “Was she someone important?”

  Chuckling, he asked, “Who said I was talking to a woman?”

  “I hardly think you’d be talking about the stars to a man,” she said, her calm façade firmly in place.

  “Yeah, she was special. We weren’t involved…not like you’re thinking. But someone who I met in tragic circumstances and spent a little time with.”

  They continued to stroke each other and she hoped if he noticed her heart racing, he’d just attribute it to the sex.

  “Did you care for her?”

  Wondering why she was asking, Nathan inwardly cursed bringing up the subject, thinking she was probably self-conscious.

  “Yes and no,” he replied honestly. “She was very special and I admired her. I confess that for a long time, I thought of her and wished that we could see each other again. But, that was not to be. She left and I have no idea where she is. But, that was all it was ever meant to be. I only spent an hour with her, just talking. She wasn’t...real…for me, not like you are. You, sweet Aggie,” he said, rolling her over so that her face was illuminated by the moonlight and he could peer into her eyes, “are here, in my arms, in my bed, in my life. Just where I want you to be. There has never been anyone in my heart the way you are.”

  A tear slid from her eye, dropping to the bed below, and he leaned over, kissing its wet trail.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Oh, babe, you don’t have to thank me. You’ve given me the gift of you and I’m humbled to receive it.”

  Wrapping their arms around each other, their lips met, once more consuming them in flames.


  An hour later, they climbed from bed at Nathan’s insistence. “Aggie, I still haven’t fed you. I know you have to be famished.”

  She slid into her panties and jeans, but before she could reach for her shirt, he stopped her with his hand on her hip.

  Looking up, he handed her one of his t-shirts. She stared at it for a second, then her gaze darted to him.

  “I’ve never had another woman wear my shirt. I’d like to see it on you.” She grinned, silently taking it and pulling the soft material over her head, letting it settle over her hips.

  He pulled on his boxers and jeans, leaving the top button undone. Seeing her stare, he tilted his head in question.

  “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” she confessed.

  His features softened and he opened his arms, gently ordering, “Here, babe.”

  She willingly went into his arms, loving the feel of being held tightly against his body. Closing her eyes, she felt washed clean, as though his care had erased her past. Breathing deeply, she squeezed his middle. “If you keep being this sweet to me, you’ll spoil me.”

  Nathan wondered about her comment and leaned back to peer into her face. “Aggie, being sweet doesn’t spoil. But, if it does, then you can expect to be spoiled.” Giving her a nudge, he said, “Let’s go heat some Chinese.”

  They walked into the kitchen, placed the containers into the microwave, and re-heated the food before they sat at the table to finish their meal. Scarlett lifted her head from the sofa and stared at them for a moment before going back to sleep.

  “She probably wishes we’d take the food over to the sofa where she is,” he laughed.

  “Do you always eat at the table when it’s just you?”

  Chewing and swallowing first, he said, “Yeah. My mom always said that meals should be eaten at the table. We never sat in front of the TV when eating. She was a real stickler for that.”

  “Were you happy growing up on the farm?”

  Nodding, he replied, “Of course, I didn’t know any different. All kids just know whatever environment they’re brought up in. It’s not until we get older that we analyze our upbringing.” Looking back down at his food, he missed her blink, long and slow, before she schooled her face again.

  “But, yeah, I liked it. Hard work built these muscles. My dad knows about weather, crops, animals, trees, soil…he’s smarter than a lot of other people I’ve met in my life who have fancy degrees. Mom, she’s the salt of the earth. Hardworking, knows how to pinch a penny, but will give to anyone in need.”

  No longer eating, Agatha stared at the open admiration he had for his parents, so plain on his face. “I think that sounds wonderful,” she said. “Truly wonderful.”

  Her voice sounded wistful, which reminded Nathan that Charlie’s search had discovered her parents were deceased. He wanted to know more but did not want to ask unless she felt like sharing. Immediately contrite, he now hated that he had searched into her background. “You finished?” he asked, observing her empty plate.

  “Yes, I’m stuffed.” Standing, she began to clear the table, rinsing the dishes as he placed the leftovers into the refrigerator.

  Closing the door, he turned to her, his brow lowered. “I know you’re a grown woman without a curfew, but is it okay for you to be away from the center at night? I want you
here, all night with me, but don’t want your job to be in jeopardy.”

  She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “You’re sweet, Nathan, but I’m fine. Ann’s been trying to get me to go out more anyway.” Blushing, she added, “And, when she found out you were picking me up today after having been gone for several days, her exact words were, ‘don’t come back tonight!’.”

  Relaxing, he smiled wide. “Well, all right, then. You want a beer or some wine? I thought we could pile up with Scarlett and see what’s on TV.”

  “Wine would be great,” she replied as she moved into the living room, kneeling to scratch Scarlett behind the ears.

  The large dog groaned and he laughed. “You keep doing that and you’ll have a friend for life.”

  Grinning back at him, she asked, “And what about you? What do I have to do to keep you a friend for life.”

  He walked into the room with a beer and her wine in his hands, setting them down on the coffee table. “Oh, sweet Aggie. You keep doing just what you’re doing to me and you’ve got me, babe.” He bent to kiss her lips, the taste of Chinese spices on her tongue exploding against his. Pulling back, he adjusted his cock, knowing she might be sore and needing a break from sex.

  “Find something on TV, babe. I forgot I’ve got a couple of Angel’s cupcakes for dessert.”

  “Oh, God, I thought I was full, but the thought of one of her cupcakes… I’ll make room for that!”

  She looked at the sofa but the large dog was taking up all of the space so she perched on the edge of the coffee table, with the remote in her hand.

  As he returned with the two cupcakes on saucers her eyes grew large. “I can’t eat all of that. Can we share one and save one?”

  “Sure,” he replied, noticing Scarlett, lounging on the sofa. With a whistle, her head shot up and she climbed down from the furniture, settling on the rug. Giving a hand to Agatha, they sat next to each other, the plate of dessert held in his hand as he fed her bites of the delightful confection. Watching as her lips closed around the fork, he felt his dick stir again.

  “Fuck, girl. Watching you eat is sexy. I might have to turn away or I’m liable to carry you back to my room for more than sleep.”

  Laughing, she licked the frosting off her lips before sticking her finger into more from the plate and smearing it on his lips and kissing it off. The movement took him by surprise and he tossed the empty saucer to the coffee table with a clatter. Flipping her underneath him, he latched onto her lips, taking over the kiss. Wet and with full tongue, he tasted wine and confection, intoxicated with her essence.

  Finally breaking apart, his cock aching as it pressed against his jeans, he panted. “Damn,” he breathed, staring into her face. Shoving his arms into the sofa, he lifted his body off hers and stood. Scrubbing his hand over his face, he grinned. “I’m gonna go out and let the other dogs in for a while while you find something on TV. I’m determined to do this right and not make tonight all about sex. Although, fuck girl, this is a test to see if I can control my urges.”

  She giggled, sitting up and straightening her shirt. “Yes, you go get the dogs and I’ll find something non-sexy on TV.”

  Kissing the top of her head, he jogged out to the kennel, Scarlett on his heels. Not wanting to keep her waiting, he hustled letting the others out of their runs. “All right, you all. You’re my chaperones for a while, but just don’t completely cock-block me.”

  Slapping his leg as he whistled, he opened the kennel door, all four dogs jumping happily around his legs.

  Inside, Agatha flipped the channels, not finding anything interesting to watch. No chick-flick. No action film. No stupid TV sitcom. Blowing out a deep breath, she continued to channel surf. Finally, an old movie popped up on the screen.

  A noise at the door sounded and she stood, observing Nathan and the four dogs trotting in, excited to be part of the date. They bounded into the room, immediately sniffing her. She laughed as she petted each one and nodded toward the TV. “Look what I found! Scarlett’s namesake.”

  Walking into the kitchen, Nathan looked over to see Gone with the Wind’s Scarlett O’Hara filling the screen. His gaze shifted to Agatha’s smiling face, focused on rubbing the dogs in front of her. His feet slowed as he watched her carefully.

  “Your grandmother would be so proud of you, watching this movie on your date,” she said, rising to her feet with the dogs circling her, her smile now beaming at him.

  Heart pounding as the blood rushed through his ears, he turned, taking a step forward, his hands landing on the counter, needing the support to hold up his legs. “What did you say?” he asked, his voice like gravel.

  Agatha tilted her head slightly, staring at Nathan as the smile slowly slid from her face. Confused at his tone for a second, it finally dawned on her that she had just carelessly given herself away. The air in the room suddenly felt thin, and she gasped, trying to breathe. Panicked, she scanned the room for an exit. With the dogs creating a barrier between she and the kitchen, Nathan wouldn’t be able to follow her too quickly, which gave her a head start. In a flash, she dashed toward the still-open door, flying down the steps and running toward the woods. She had no clue where she was going, but Harlan’s words were screaming through her mind, “don’t ever tell anyone who you really are”, “be safe at all costs.” She had to get away, as fast as she could. Away from him. Away from her past. Away from the woman he now saw in front of him, the old her, blocking out who she was now.


  “Fuck!” Nathan yelled, his feet tangling with the excited dogs, thinking the ensuing game was fun. After stumbling, he whistled and the dogs immediately obeyed, trotting beside him as they poured through the door.

  With bare feet, there was no way Agatha could get very far but, looking around, he spotted her flying down the driveway anyway. The dogs keeping pace, he ran as fast as he could after her.

  “Agnes! Stop!” he yelled, his commanding voice booming out.

  She obeyed, skidding to a stop, but stayed facing away. The dogs bounded to her but this time she did not bend to rub their ears. He whistled and they trotted away from her, coming to stop at his side. Her arms wrapped around her waist, holding on tight, as though she were afraid that, if she let go, her body would fly apart.

  He stood several feet behind her, his chest heaving not with exertion, but with incredulity. How can this be? The woman I’ve dreamed of, standing in front of me…the woman I let go of, because she wasn’t this woman…my match…the woman I just made love to. The woman I would protect with my life…the fuckin’ woman we’ve been looking for because she is in danger and I need to protect her. And she’s been right here all this time. Heat coursed through his blood, frustration turning into anger.

  “You got nothin’ to say to me…Agnes?” he bit out.

  Shaking her head, she turned in slow motion, eyes closed, silent tears sliding down her cheeks. “Don’t call me that,” she choked. “Agnes died that night. Agatha was born in her place.”

  Hands on his hips, he fisted them, the desire to grab her shoulders and shake her was overwhelming.

  “You lied to me,” he accused, ignoring the peevishness in his voice.

  Snorting, she dared to lift her gaze to him, wincing slightly as the anger in his face sliced into her. “You know why. You…of anyone…you, who has sat across from my family…you know why.” A sob broke free, but she swallowed it back, her chest heaving with the effort.

  “You knew who I was the first time you saw me…at the center?”

  She nodded.

  “And this?” he ground out, throwing his arms back toward the cabin. “What was this?”

  “You have to ask?” Agatha’s heart ached so much she feared it would burst, leaving her to lie in the gravel, decimated, cast off and alone.

  “Yeah, I have to ask, Agnes…Agatha…whoever the fuck you are.”

  Lifting a shaking hand, she pointed to her chest. “You know who I am. You called me your Aggie. No other names matter. N
o other name is really me.” Choking on a sob, she said, “I tried to stay away, but when you’ve thought of someone for two years…someone you barely know but you felt something with them and they saved your life, then finding that someone again…it makes you reckless. And then, then, getting to know you and realizing you were so much more than that whisper of a dream, that you were real, and here, and mine… Being here with you might have been a mistake but only because it was reckless…not because it wasn’t right.”

  He dragged his hand through his hair, frustration pouring from every fiber in his body. Turning from her, he sucked in a ragged breath, before facing her again.

  Without breaking eye contact, he pulled his phone from his pocket. Pressing buttons without looked down, he lifted it to his ear. “Gotta meet. Now. Can’t wait till morning. Need everyone. Keep Bethany away.” Silence as he listened. “Right. Thirty minutes.”

  He disconnected and she stared, horrified at him. “You…you’re turning me in.” Chest heaving, she backed up a step.

  “You got nowhere to go. You run, I’ll be on you instantly. Let’s go.”

  She stood, under the stars that were no longer brilliant in the sky, and didn’t move.

  “You’re safe. I promise,” he vowed.

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Her voice, a raspy whisper, cut through the night.

  Finally, on wooden legs that moved of their own volition because she was sure that she no longer had control over her body…or destiny…she walked unsteadily toward the cabin, passing him without giving him a second glance. Once inside, she headed to the bedroom, feeling his presence directly behind her.

  Bending, she picked up her shirt off the floor. Jerking his t-shirt over her head, she immediately pulled her shirt on. Walking past him again, she moved to the living room and sat on the sofa, putting her shoes on before picking up her purse.


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