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The Chosen Race (Space Empires Book 2)

Page 30

by Caleb Selby

  Fedrin thought for a moment and then smiled. “I just love you.”

  “I love you too,” she replied, and then leaned her head on his shoulder.

  Fedrin turned once more and looked out the window as thoughts raced through his mind. Everything from ideas for new propulsion systems, power generation reactors and economic theories ran through his mind in a mad torrent that he could hardly contain. Since partaking of the Grimsin fruit, Fedrin’s brain and body had seemed to be working faster and faster. He couldn’t wait to get somewhere and get all of his ideas out of his head so they could be implemented, and so he could make room for the new ones. The repository of knowledge now unlocked in Fedrin’s mind brought with it many advantages and yet an awesome responsibility to utilize them wisely and correctly.

  The shuttle with her fighters in close formation finally cleared the clouds allowing Fedrin to leave the thoughts of science, economics and foreign policy swirling around in his mind and take in the view of Larep, his home. Many buildings were gone, and many more would need to be taken down to allow repairs and rebuilding, but the familiar sites, such as they were, told of home and he was glad for that. Fedrin loved the Iovara as much as any commander could love a ship, but even on her best day, the Iovara couldn’t compare to the beauty of Namuh Prime, sandy and arid as she may be. Indeed, there was something special, something comforting about being home that no ship, no matter how grand, could replace.

  Large plumes of smoke still rose from large sections of the city. The transportation station looked as if it had suffered extensive damage and almost on accident, several new ideas based on technology not yet in existence, came to Fedrin’s mind for a new transportation system. He forcefully had to brush the ideas out of his mind.

  As the shuttle descended still further, Fedrin could see the scores of bodies, Krohn, Namuh and Branci that littered the streets. Wrecked and abandoned Krohn military equipment was everywhere.

  The shuttle came in lower and lower until it skimmed the surface of the city. The carnage got worse the nearer the shuttle came. Fedrin stopped looking when he saw the body of a young child. Etana noticed Fedrin’s uneasiness and held his hand all the tighter.

  The convoy approached the capital building and slowed until it came almost to a hover. The shuttle then stopped above the main walkway to the capital building and then began a slow descent. The fighters promptly broke formation and headed back up to the sky to rejoin their carriers.

  Fedrin stood and picked up his dress coat. Etana gently took it from him and helped him put it on.

  “Are you ready?” she asked as she brushed some wrinkles out of Fedrin’s sleeve.

  “I guess I have to be,” Fedrin said as he straightened his hair in a small mirror fixed near the doorway.

  Etana took a cloth and quickly polished the insignia studs on his jacket. She finished and stepped back to make sure that everything was as perfect as possible. After all, it wasn’t everyday that her husband saved the galaxy and then gave a speech to the entire planet. She noticed a little piece of lint on his collar and moved in to take it off.

  “I think I’m all set,” Fedrin said as he took her hand and kissed it.

  “No you’re not,” she answered with a gentle laugh and took her hand out of his. “See here,” she picked off the lint and held it up. “What would the world think about me if I let you walk out there with this on you?”

  Fedrin smiled and pulled her toward him. They embraced each other without saying a word for several minutes.

  “I think we’re all set,” Tarkin said, walking back to the passenger area. “Oh, pardon me,” he exclaimed, seeing Fedrin and Etana holding each other.

  Etana smiled. “Not a problem Tarkin. Come on back.”

  Tarkin looked momentarily embarrassed as he stepped further into the passenger area. “Just wanted to let you know that you’re good to go, Admiral.”

  “Thank you, Commander Tarkin,” Fedrin said with a smile and nod of earned respect.

  “Commander?” Tarkin exclaimed, wondering if he had heard correctly.

  Fedrin nodded. “You have been a tremendous asset to this campaign Tarkin. We truly could not have done what we have, without you. And with the strong commendation letter provided by Commodore Kesler, you have been, effective immediately, promoted to the rank of Commander.”

  “I’m speechless, Admiral,” Tarkin said. “Truly speechless.”

  Fedrin nodded. “Well, I trust you’ll find your tongue by the time you take command of the Defiant. She was once the prized position of my dear friend and I want her to be taken care of. Can you manage that?”

  Tears formed in Tarkin’s eyes. “ will be my greatest honor,” he answered sincerely and then walked back to the cockpit to regain his composure.

  “I need to go,” Fedrin said a moment later and pulled away from Etana.

  “Ok,” Etana said as she swallowed hard to keep herself from tearing up.

  “But I won’t be far...ever again,” Fedrin added as he walked to the back of the shuttle and pulled a lever opening the doors and lowering a ramp.

  Fedrin stepped out onto the ramp and into the view of hundreds of thousands in Larep and around the world. Banners and makeshift ribbons were strung around the large statues that lined the walkway. A crudely mounted viewing screen was anchored onto the wall of a nearby building.

  Cheers went up as soon as Fedrin was in view and several fireworks were shot off high into the air. Two detachments of Marines, one detachment of Raiders and fifty Branci Protectors led by Captain Carter and Chief Protector Ganon, stood at attention to Fedrin’s immediate right. They saluted in unison as Fedrin passed before them.

  To Fedrin’s left were the surviving commanders of the Sixth and Northern Fleets. Kesler’s face beamed with pride as he made eye contact with Fedrin and saluted.

  “Don’t look so excited,” Commander Kendrick said, giving Kesler a playful elbow.

  “Can’t help it,” Kesler said. “We’re heroes, Kendrick! This is what little boys playing army in their backyard dream about!”

  Kendrick laughed.

  All officers in attendance were in full dress uniform, their medals and buttons shimmering in the sunlight.

  “Admiral,” General Darion said with a salute as he met Fedrin at the base of the platform.

  “General,” Fedrin said as he saluted back.

  The two men looked at each other for a moment, before Darion shook his head, smiled and offered a hug to Fedrin. Fedrin reciprocated. The two men then walked to a small podium across the landing pad at the foot of the staircase that lead to the capital building.

  “Who’s that?” Fedrin asked as he noticed Darion smile at an attractive woman sitting in the front row with a Namuh and Branci child on either side of her.

  “I think she’s going to be my wife,” Darion said and then laughed. Fedrin chuckled and then stepped up to the podium to be met with thunderous cheering and applause.

  He was surprised to look up and see a huge image of his face on the large screen across the street. It embarrassed him slightly and he turned away from it.

  The cheering was a wonderful and joyous sound. Fedrin had dreamed of the day when his people would be free from war and free from fear and today was the day. After listening to it for a little while, Fedrin raised his hands for silence. It took sometime for the crowd to settle down. When the crowd was finally quiet, Fedrin spoke.

  “My good people of Larep,” Fedrin began. “We have been through the fires of death and have come out on the other side!”

  The people cheered again, this time even louder. Fedrin raised his hands again for silence.

  “Approximately two hours ago, I received a transmission from the Krohn high council informing me that they have ratified a full military surrender and are anxious for our terms for reconciliation measures.”

her deafening cheer went up.

  “We now stand on the brink of a great task,” Fedrin began again as the crowd quieted down. “To rebuild what has been ensure that such things never happen again to any race anywhere...and above all, to be true to each other and to the one who created us! We have been deceived about a great many things for many years and it has cost us dearly. Let us therefore, be vigilant and guard against such hateful and evil deceptions in the future so that our children, and our children’s children, may have the peace and joy that we experience even today!”

  Another cheer went up. Fedrin then noticed the huge screen change from a view of himself to some words going across the screen. “Thank you Admiral Fedrin!!!” Fedrin read to himself and then immediately raised his hands for quiet. The crowd hushed.

  “Do you see that sign up there?” he said pointing to the words. “That is wrong! I am owed no thanks! The ones that deserve your thanks are the ones that are now floating amongst the debris of the Second Fleet in the Kumper Star System! They are the ones that died in the Third Fleet massacre in Zelin! They are the ones that died aboard the NPF Defiant! They are the ones that died when the Sixth Fleet liberated Sibid! They are the ones that are rotting down there in the corridors and tunnels of the bunkers! They are the ones that, even now, stain our very streets red with their blood. If anyone deserves thanks, it is them not me!”

  The crowd was deathly silent and the text on the screen was promptly removed.

  “Now, let us go!” Fedrin called out. “Let us go and rebuild our cities and rebuild our lives! As your new leader elect, I will do what I can to help; but ultimately, your destiny is in your own hands. Remember, you are all members of the Chosen Race...including the Branci! Yova has chosen us all and we must chose him back!”

  And with that, Fedrin saluted the crowd, shook Darion’s hand firmly and then turned to face the rows of Marines, Raiders, and his trusted Commanders and officers.

  “Thank you,” he said and then bowed his head to them. He then stood up and saluted one last time before walking toward the capital steps. His wife, beautiful as ever, stood at the base of the steps waiting. She reached out her hand to him, which he grasped firmly and together they walked up the stairs to embrace their new roles as members of the Chosen Race.




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