Still The Baddest Bitch
Page 10
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“So, wait, you came up with nothing on Maya?”
“Nada. She’s as clean as a whistle. You were wrong. Are you going to be able to get those words out of your mouth?”
“Amir, don’t make me toss this drink in your face.”
“Don’t get mad at me because you let your paranoia get the best of you. Maybe now you’ll give your Aunt Maya a chance.”
“I haven’t had enough drinks to entertain your jokes.”
“I wasn’t joking. Your mother seems to be getting close to Maya. It might be time for you to accept it.”
“I would have to see Maya walk on water before I accepted anything positive about her. Maybe I was wrong…”
“Say that again,” Amir mocked.
“Maybe I was wrong about Maya having something to do with the bullshit going on with our family, but that doesn’t mean she still isn’t diabolical. Enough about Maya though, we’ve hit yet another dead-end. We’re no closer to finding my mother’s shooter than when it first happened.”
“When you least expect it, we’ll find out the truth.”
“I need that truth to be revealed ASAP or I’m about to start killing people, just because.”
“What happened to you?”
“Excuse me…what type of question is that?”
“You were always spoiled and self-centered, but now you’re cold. You weren’t like that before, or maybe it’s your new boyfriend, Dale’s fault. He’s turned you into some drug queen pin, with no heart.”
“How ‘bout we make a deal. I won’t talk about that crazy, tragic girlfriend of yours, Latreese, and you keep Dale’s name out of your mouth.”
“Oh, you can dish shit, but you can’t take it.”
“Can’t take what?”
“The truth about how fucked up you’ve become.”
“I’m fucked up? Go, take a look in the mirror. You runnin’ ‘round here wit’ a wannabe bougie broad that’s so far up yo’ ass, she can’t even find her own identity. But I forget, that’s how you like your women. You want them to play games and pretend they’re good girls and will speak only when spoken to. ‘Cause you can’t handle my mouth, motherfucker.”
“Aaliyah, fuck you.”
“That’s all you got for a rebuttal. Not surprised, you’re so transparent,” I said, gulping down the last of my drink. “I’ve lost my appetite. When my food comes, you can take it to go, ‘cause I’m done here.”
I left the restaurant steaming. The nerve of Amir, bashing my man and me when he was carrying around that tacky luggage named Latreese. One thing he would get no argument from me about was that I had changed. I was framed for a murder I didn’t commit, spent months in jail, and felt that my loved ones had turned their backs on me, when I was locked up. If that doesn’t bring about change, I don’t know what the fuck would.
So, no, I wasn’t the teenage girl with my head in the clouds that Amir adored. I was a grown woman that had experienced some real life bullshit, who no longer believed in fairytales, Santa Clause, and the motherfuckin’ tooth fairy. If Amir wanted to hold on to virginal Aaliyah, then so be it, he could eat dust.
Two Months Later…
“I can’t believe this day is finally here. I’m getting married to the love of my life,” I said, staring at myself in the full-length mirror. I felt like a real life princess in my Monique Lhuillier dress. The floating corded leaf with embroidered circular lace gave the romantic strapless mermaid gown an ethereal touch, but my favorite part was the organza and lace details, accented by crystal and embroidery at the hip.
“You really do look gorgeous, mom.”
“Thank you. Now, I need the final touch,” I said, picking up the diamond tiara that was a wedding gift from Nico. Now, I really did look like a princess. In the reflection from the mirror, I caught Aaliyah wiping her eyes.
“Why are you crying?” I asked turning around to face her.
“I’m not crying. I was just getting something out of my eye.”
“Aaliyah, tell me the truth,” I said taking her hand.
“These last several months have been crazy. It’s like I lost my mother, now I have you back, but it’s a new you. I guess I’m crying because I still haven’t gotten over losing the old you. I miss her, so much.”
“I know, baby, and I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Like you said, you’re marrying the love of your life. Which is also crazy to me, because growing up, you always said daddy was the love of your life.”
I put my head down thinking about what Aaliyah said. After all this time, I had no recollection of the great love I shared with Supreme. It was almost bizarre to me that I felt like I was getting married for the very first time, even after looking at the ton of pictures from me and Supreme’s wedding. Now, I was about to walk down the aisle with Nico, the only man I remember being in love with.
“I understand this is hard on you, your brother, and even Supreme, but I’m here, I’m alive, and I feel so blessed to have a second chance to be with my family, and marry the man that I love. I know it’s not the man that everybody thinks I’m supposed to be with, but he’s the only man my heart knows.”
“I get that.”
“I know you miss the old me, but we’re building new memories together. I may not remember our previous life, but I do know I love you and your brother more than anything. I’m so proud to be your mother. I love you, Aaliyah.”
“I love you too,” she said, as we shared a long embrace. “Now, we have to stop crying. We’re ruining our makeup.” We both laughed, before hugging again.
“Are you two ready?” Quentin said, coming into the room.
“Yes, grandfather, I believe my mother is ready.” Aaliyah gave me a certain smile, as if letting me know she was finally okay with this wedding taking place.
“Yes, I am.”
“Good, because so am I. I feel honored to walk my daughter down the aisle. This is truly one of the happiest days of my life.”
“Let’s get out of here, before you get all choked up,” I laughed, grabbing my bouquet.
“Daddy, what are you doing here?” I heard Aaliyah say.
“Nico, get out! You know it’s bad luck to see the bride before she’s about to walk down the aisle,” I screamed out, keeping my back turned.
“Mom, it’s not Nico.”
I turned around and saw Supreme standing in the doorway. For some strange reason, I felt butterflies in my stomach. In my mind, I reasoned it had to be the excitement of getting married.
“I apologize for interrupting, but I was hoping I could get a few moments alone with the bride,” Supreme said. Aaliyah and Quentin looked at each other and then at me, waiting for my response.
“Sure, that’s fine.”
“We’ll be right outside, Precious,” Quentin said, heading out with Aaliyah. She stopped and gave Supreme a kiss on the cheek, before leaving.”
“You look absolutely beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the day we got married,” Supreme smiled. “I’m kidding, you look just as beautiful.”
“Would you stop, you’re making me blush.”
“That’s not my intention. I came because although you don’t need it, I wanted to give you my blessing.”
“Yes. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. If marrying Nico makes you happy, then I wish you nothing but the best.”
“Supreme, I don’t know what to say. From everything I heard, at one time, we shared this incredible life together. You were my one great love and I can only imagine how it must make you feel that I don’t remember any of it. For you to come and give me your blessing lets me know what an amazing man you must be. Whoever you do end up with, she’s going to
be one lucky lady.”
“But she won’t be you. There will always be only one Precious Cummings.” I felt my eyes watering up, after Supreme said that, and all I could think was not this again. The last thing I wanted to do was cry. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life, but a cloud of sadness kept hovering over me. I didn’t know what to say. As if reading my mind, Supreme walked over to me and put his finger over my lips. “You don’t have to say a word.” Supreme kissed me softly on my cheek, before saying, “Goodbye, Precious.”
As I watched Supreme walking away, for the first time I felt some sort of real emotional connection to him. It was so weird. It didn’t feel like love, but it was something. I decided to brush it off. I had a wedding to attend. I was a bride and my groom was waiting.
I stood in the garden at the palatial estate that the wedding was being held. What originally was supposed to be small and intimate had turned into a lavish affair. My mother might have lost her memory, but pink was still her favorite color and it showed with the décor. The soft pink color palette was even the tint of my Vera Wang gown. There were over 10,000 flowers, a mix of white roses, pink peonies, and hydrangeas. It was opulent and girlie, exactly the way my mother wanted it.
In the midst of my thoughts, I heard the music begin to play and knew that was my cue to begin my stroll down the aisle. I smiled at the many faces staring back at me. The loosely hanging pink flowers accenting the chairs seemed to guide me towards my final destination. Once I reached it, there was Nico. Throughout all the years, this was truly the happiest I had ever seen my dad.
When the music began playing for the bride’s arrival, every eye was on my mother. It was as if time stopped. She looked stunning holding her bouquet of flowers, with a sparkly diamond wrap, as the long train on her dress floated behind her. She glided down the aisle that was highlighted with a striking petal design. The petals led to the altar, which was adorned with pink and white roses, cascading crystals, and an antique chandelier. She stepped through the ivory drapery, on the pillars that overlooked the lake, to exchange vows with my dad.
Once my grandfather gave my mother’s hand to Nico, a single tear fell down his face. My mother wiped it away and whispered something to him. I had never seen my father cry before. It was like he had dreamed of this moment for so long and felt blessed that he would finally be able to call my mother his wife. There wasn’t a single dry eye as the two of them recited their own vows of love and devotion. Once they were pronounced man and wife, the guests erupted with cheers. As much as I wanted my mom and Supreme to get back together and live happily ever after, even I had to admit that this felt meant to be.
* * *
“I’m so happy for both of you. It was such a beautiful wedding and reception.”
“I have to agree with Aaliyah. I’ve been to a few weddings and this has to be the best one yet,” Genesis said, walking up to us. “I wouldn’t expect anything other than the best from the two of you. I know I’ve said it a few times already, but congratulations. True love prevailed.”
“Yes, it did,” Nico said, kissing my mother. “We’ve been given a second chance at having a life together and this time we’re going to get it right. Nothing will come between us. This will be our happily ever after.”
“Cheers to that,” my mom beamed, lifting up her champagne glass. As my mom, dad, and Genesis laughed and talked it up, I didn’t notice Amir coming towards us, until he grabbed my arm, pulling me off to the side.
“Is this really necessary?” I snapped, yanking my arm out of his grasp.
“I need to talk to you.”
“Obviously, but you don’t need to strong arm me to get your words out. Just speak.”
“Yeah, I can speak, but it don’t mean shit if you’re not listening, which it seems you never are.”
“Amir, we’re at my parent’s wedding. This is supposed to be a celebration. I’m not about to be arguing with you today. If you want to fight, call me tomorrow. I might be up for it then.”
“Listen, I don’t want to fight with you.”
“Then what do you want?”
“Remember, you had thought Maya was up to something? So, I had my men watch her moves and record her phone conversations.”
“Yeah, you came up with nothing and dismissed me as being paranoid.”
“Your paranoia might have some validity to it.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I just got a call. Maya has been very clever about it, but she’s been in touch with a man by the name of Arnez.”
“Who is Arnez? Should I be familiar with that name?”
“A couple days ago, one of my workers told me the name, I didn’t recognize it either, but I had him do a little digging, because it seemed Maya was heavily intertwined with this mystery man.”
“What did he find out?”
“Arnez is not only extremely dangerous, but he’s also supposed to be dead.”
“Dead. What dealings would Maya have going on with him?”
“Whatever it is, it can’t be good.”
My face frowned, thinking about what Maya could be scheming on. I wanted to be wrong, but it seemed she was up to the same bullshit, per usual. Whatever it was, we needed to get to the bottom of it fast.
“Your worker couldn’t get any other specifics?”
“Not yet, but he’s still on it. I have a really bad feeling about this, though. We’ve crossed the brothers off the list of suspects for ordering the hit at the warehouse. So, it has to be someone that had just enough access to get the necessary information about the location and who would be there.”
“How would Maya get that, though? None of us fuck with her. At least, my mom wasn’t back then.” Right after I said that, Amir and I both turned in the same direction. “Grandfather. And Maya is over there right now, all in his face with her fake smile, playing up to him.”
“Yep. Maya got the info from Quentin, without him even realizing she was playing him.”
“I’m going over there right now to put Maya’s trifling ass on blast, before I drag her out of this reception.”
“Not yet.” Amir said, pulling my arm. “Let’s see if the worker can find out some more dirt, first. If we bring it to the table now, Maya will talk her way out the bullshit once again.”
“True, because grandfather always wants to give that psycho daughter of his the benefit of the doubt. With my mother losing her memory, even she has put her guard down, with that snake sister of hers.”
“That’s why we have to come fully equipped, with all our ammunition. If we can prove that Maya was working with Arnez, and they’re responsible for what happened at the warehouse, not even Quentin will be able to save his daughter’s life this time.”
“Let’s continue discussing these new developments after we leave, because my mom and dad are coming this way.”
“Hey, we’re about to head out,” my mother said, giving me a hug.
“What do you mean already? We’ve been partying for hours. We need to catch our flight.”
“You’re taking a private jet. That flight isn’t going anywhere.”
“No doubt, but your mother and I are ready to start our honeymoon,” my dad said, wrapping his arms around my mother’s tiny waist. They were acting like two high school lovebirds. It was actually really cute. For a brief moment, I thought about how I used to feel that way about Amir, but quickly brushed it off.
“Well, I’m not going to try and stop you lovebirds from your honeymoon. I’m going to miss you both while you’re gone, but I want you to have an amazing time.”
“We plan on it,” my mom blushed. As Genesis and my grandfather saw them about to leave, everybody started walking towards the entrance, to send them off. I had to muster up all my strength not to slap the shit out of Maya, when
she came trailing along behind the crowd with her bullshit hugs and kisses. Guests were getting their cars from the valet and we all made small talk, while waiting for the driver to bring my parent’s ride to the front.
When we noticed the car pulling up, my dad lifted my mother off the ground and started swinging her around. She was giggling non-stop like a little girl.
“Don’t drop her,” Genesis joked. Everybody laughed. I felt like in some way, all of us were relishing in their happiness, it seemed contagious. So contagious, that instead of paying attention to our surroundings, all eyes were focused on the newlyweds. To the point that no one noticed the tinted minivan driving by, until the M16’s started blasting out the windows.
“Everybody get down!” Genesis barked, as everyone ran for cover. The bullets rang out for a few seconds and then we heard tires screeching off. “Nobody move!” Genesis yelled out again, I figured he wanted to make sure the shooters were gone before standing up and getting caught in the line of fire. After a couple minutes of only hearing people breath hard, we all began rising up believing we were in the clear.
“Is everybody okay?” grandfather asked, looking around. I immediately ran over to my mother, who was lying on the ground next to my father.
“Are you guys alright!?” I screamed, turning my mother’s body over, thinking I was going to see her lying in a pool of blood.
“We’re fine,” my dad stuttered, helping my mother up. “When I heard the bullets, I rushed to get your mother down to the ground, so I could cover her and we tripped over the step. We fell on this damn concrete,” Nico explained, rubbing his forehead.
“Precious, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“No, I’m good. Just have a little headache, but I’m fine. Really, I am,” my mother insisted, as everybody was surrounding her, making sure she wasn’t hurt.
“What the hell is going on?” Genesis said, shaking his head. “Nobody was supposed to get past the gates to this estate, without an invite.”