Two-Faced (Masks #2)
Page 18
“I know I can probably go and buy some No Doz or something, but you seem really smart and I just...” I bit my lip. “I don’t know. Can you help me?”
My comments about him being smart were on target; his face brimmed with pride. He liked to be made to feel important and I needed to play on that.
He rubbed his lower lip and smirked at me. “I don’t really do that for people.”
“I understand... I guess.” I shrugged, struggling to know where to go from there. “Well, I thought you’d be my best bet, you know?”
The word bet made him flinch. My body pinged tight in response to his unmasked reaction.
“You okay?” His suspicions returned, making stress spike through my body. I tried to hide it as I flipped his mask back on and spotted an amiable expression. He was putting on a show, which made me even more nervous.
I struggled to pull my face together. I hoped the smile I was forcing cut it, because I felt like he was looking straight through me.
“Look, if you can’t help me, that’s fine. I just thought I’d ask.” I jerked out of my seat, needing to get away from him.
He must have construed my actions as anger because his face lit with a sick kind of pleasure. He grabbed my wrist and held tight so I couldn’t walk away.
“I didn’t say no, Caity.” He slowly stood, towering over me and running his bony index finger down my face. “You’re not just anyone. I’m sure we could work something out.”
“Thank you.” I breathed, shakily.
“Let me think about it. I want to make sure I design something just right for you.”
“Okay.” I bit my lip. “Thank you.” My smile was wonky; I could feel it.
He gave me a wink then grinned. “Are you coming to study group tomorrow?” His hand was feather-light as it ran down my arm.
I let out a wobbly titter. “Of course.”
His dark eyebrow arched as he leaned toward me. I put my hand on his chest, my subconscious resistance to any kind of kiss from him. He collected up my fingers and raised them to his lips. “I look forward to seeing you then.”
The way his eyes drilled into me, I felt like I was being cut in half. His predatory smile made me think of the lion and the lamb. I forced another smile, hearing a bleet run through my head as I did. Carefully detaching myself from him, I willed myself to stay put as he sauntered away. He turned once to check that I was watching him. He really liked that I was. The smug pride on his face made me grimace. Thankfully, he turned away just before I let the expression surface.
My shoulders slumped. That was hardly a successful meeting. He promised me something, but nothing. And I hated the fact that I’d have to spend even more time with him to find out what we needed.
A shiver raced down my spine and my shoulders twitched.
Grabbing my bag, I headed back to my dorm and nearly had a heart attack when Piper popped out from behind a nearby tree. “How’d it go?”
I pressed my hand into my heart and gasped.
“Sorry,” she mumbled and patted my back a couple of times. “So, how’d it go?”
“Okay, I guess. I didn’t get anything from him.”
“Really? Nothing?” Piper’s critical tone was hardly encouraging.
I threw out my arms with an exasperated sigh. “I’m not like you. I can’t just put on a show. I’m pathetic. I have to get over my nerves or I’m going to give away everything!” Seeing Cameron’s unmasked reactions made me act like a moron. I so wasn’t cut out for this.
“Did you do the stuff I said?” Piper crossed her arms.
“Yeah,” I sighed. “Not very well though.”
“You put your flirt on, right?”
“Kind of, yes. I guess. He said he’d think about it.”
“Well, I suppose that’s something.” Piper shrugged.
“I’ll try for some more at study group tomorrow.” I bit my lip, hating the idea.
“You’re gonna need some alone time with him if you really want the goods,” said a strong, female voice from behind us.
We both spun to see who it was. I looked at Piper with a frown, not recognizing the tall femme fatale. She was dressed in a power suit, her short, blonde hair making her sharp features even more severe. She actually had a prettiness to her, but she was doing everything in her power to hide that.
She strode the last few steps toward us and pulled something from her jacket pocket.
“Agent Kaplan,” she murmured, flashing her FBI badge at us. “This is now my investigation.”
“Excuse me?” Piper’s eyebrow rose. “What investigation?”
“Oh please, don’t waste your breath. I’ve already spoken to Sullivan. He knows I’m in on this and he’s already told me what he told you guys not to do.”
“So, are you here to stop us?” Piper and I looked at each other.
“No, I actually think you four are in a really good position to get us what we need...if you do a better job.” She gave me a pointed look that made me want to shrivel. “This study group tomorrow, I don’t want you to leave that place until you’ve secured a date with this Cameron kid. We need to know more about what he meant by design.”
“I don’t...”
Kaplan’s phone rang and she raised her finger at me. “Kaplan... Well, fix it then.” Her snappy voice made the tendons in my neck ping tight. Each syllable was harsh and intimidating. Piper crossed her arms as Kaplan paced in front of us, barking orders to the poor person on the other end of the phone. My roommate did not look impressed as Kaplan hung up with a curse and shoved her phone back into her pocket.
Pointing her finger straight at me, Kaplan’s eyes bore into me. “Don’t screw this up. I need the goods on Cameron. He’s our easiest in....and for some reason, Sullivan thinks you’re our best bet. I can see the idea has some merit, but I’m still trying to decide why.”
Piper huffed and raised her eyebrows at the tall blonde. “Does the word bitch resonate with you at all?” My eyes bulged at my roommate’s pointed question. I held my breath as I looked between the scowling nineteen-year-old and the deadpan detective. “I was just wondering, because you seem to have the role pretty much nailed.” Piper did that little head wobble she does when she’s really going for it with someone.
I usually hated it when she got all sassy, but right that second, it was pure magic. I bit my lips together, trying not to choke on my laughter.
Kaplan fired another dry look at my ballsy roommate before turning back to me. “Get yourself a date at study group tomorrow. You’re not going to find out anything useful unless you’re alone with the guy. I expect you at the station tomorrow afternoon so we can debrief with your two little boyfriends. Four o’clock sharp. Don’t even think about being late.”
With a sharp sniff, she turned on her heel and strode away with speed and purpose. I doubted she knew how to do anything slowly.
“O-kay, great, so now we’re working for Agent Nasty.” Piper made a face and I couldn’t help the giggle exploding from my lips.
“I can’t believe you called her a bitch.”
“Well, she was acting like one!”
“Piper.” I nudged her with my elbow. “You can’t say that to people.”
“I just did.” She shrugged and then shot me a cheeky wink. It was like a revelation. I could suddenly see why Scott was so in love with her.
Linking my arm through hers, I turned us toward our dorm. “You know, I’m actually kind of glad you’re my roommate. I didn’t like it at first, but you’re growing on me.” I winked and gave her a cheeky smile.
Her expression was serious as she looked across at me, and for a second I thought I’d offended her. I whipped off her mask to check, but her eyes were glistening, the words meaning more to her than she’d ever let on.
“Me too,” she chirped and turned away before I could see more.
A smile played on my lips. If we could get through this, then maybe the rest of the year wouldn’t be so bad.
I couldn’t stop pacing. I felt like I’d been walking in circles since the girls came back yesterday and told us about Agent Kaplan. She sounded like a royal bitch, and I couldn’t believe she told Caity to get herself a date. My skin crawled with the very idea of Caity spending any more ‘alone time’ with that creep.
What was that agent even doing on campus anyway?
Had she been spying on Caity?
I couldn’t wait to ask a few questions of my own when I saw her that afternoon.
“There are going to be permanent ridges in the floor if you don’t stop pacing.” Scott lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.
“How can you be so calm right now? Piper’s off flirting with Tyson as we speak. I can’t believe you didn’t go with her, man.”
“I would have just gotten in the way. You know that.”
“You could have been in the wings to save her.”
“I highly doubt Tyson is the kind of guy to hurt her. He’s like a scared, little kid.”
“I don’t know how you stand it. I hate the idea of Caity pretending to like other guys.”
Scott’s foot twitched and he cleared his throat, his jaw working. “Of course I hate it, but it’s for a good reason and I just have to trust that this will all work out...that my prayers will be answered.”
I flicked him a look, knowing how serious he was. I respected the guy’s faith. He was open about it, but not in a pushy way, and he seemed to really believe what he said. I’d never met such a normal, religious person before. Gramps was a believer, but he was older and had been raised in that kind of home. Scott was my age, and guys my age just didn’t seem to talk about their faith without coming across as zealous freaks.
I glanced at my watch. Both the girls were due back soon.
When Caity walked through the door, I was going to...
The door flew open and I turned to catch my girl against me. Squeezing her into my chest, I kissed the side of her face and wouldn’t let her go until she basically had to wiggle free.
“Are you okay?” She placed her hands on my sides and looked up at me.
“Just hating this.” I shrugged. “How was it?”
Caity’s eyes bulged as she walked past me and perched on the edge of the bed. Piper was already sitting next to Scott. His arm was wrapped around her and he was whispering something in her ear, making her expression melt with a heartfelt smile.
I glanced back to Caity.
“There was a lot of angst in that room today.” She stole a look at Piper before catching my eye and mouthing, “I saw it all.”
I nodded, giving her a sympathetic look as she sat down on my bed.
“How was the professor?”
“He was quiet, really quiet.” She shook her head. “Probably because he was so annoyed.” She shrugged. “I mean, I’m guessing, of course.” Her eyes flicked to Scott and Piper.
We had actually told them about Caity’s power once, but it was a long time ago, when she never thought she’d see them again. Both of them seemed to have forgotten her ability, and I was happy to keep it that way for now. There was no way Piper would want to room with Caity if she remembered. That girl was all about putting on brave faces.
I squeezed my girl’s shoulder. “This fire must have them really rattled.”
“Not rattled enough, though.” Piper shook her head.
“You think they’ve already started re-assembling?” I asked.
“I managed to get Tyson talking and he’s got a delivery already set for next week.”
“Which is probably why Tiffany was happy for you to bet on the Sacramento game.” Caity tapped my thigh.
I nodded. “So how does it work? What did he tell you?” I sat forward, my attention on the petite brunette.
“He was kind of vague. It was like pulling teeth trying to get him to talk, but he eventually murmured that he works for a company called Vita-Lite and they supply sports drinks to college teams up and down the coast. When I asked him if they tasted good, he got a little nervous and told me I wouldn’t like them.” Piper looked sad. “I think he really hates what he does.”
“Do you think he’s being black-mailed, too?”
“Yeah.” Piper nodded. “I do.”
“So, the professor has something on him and is forcing him to work.”
“He said he only got the job recently...and he was scared when he said that.” Piper hit us with a knowing look.
Caity gasped. “Are you saying he took Liam’s job?”
“I’m wondering.” Piper shrugged.
“Either the professor or Cameron must have drugged Liam and sent him out for a drive.” Scott scratched his curls. “There’s no way you could drive safely when you’re high like that.”
“But he wouldn’t have known he was drugged. So essentially, he was murdered. Is that what you’re saying?” My forehead wrinkled.
How could the professor be such an ass? I got that he was a manipulative jerk, but a murderer too? My gut swirled as I tried to fight off the disappointment and rage.
“Tyson’s probably afraid the same thing will happen to him.” Caity frowned.
“It will if he’s not careful.” Piper’s expression filled with sympathy...and worry.
I raised my chin to Scott. “Did you find out anything on the doctor?”
“Not much. Internet research only got me so far. He’s a real health nut, but he seems like a properly-registered physician.”
“I did see prescriptions for Adderall in Tyson’s bag, though.” Piper looked at Scott.
“You did?” His head snapped in her direction and she blushed. “What?”
“Well, he went to the bathroom and I rummaged through his bag. I found two prescriptions, one for Cameron and one for him.”
“But they don’t have ADHD, do they?” I shook my head.
“I’m guessing not.”
“Okay, so that’s how they’re getting that supply. All the other products they’re using to concoct that drug are probably easy enough to come by.” I nodded. “The operation seems to be running pretty smoothly.”
“Even after the cabin fire.” Caity bit her lip. “We obviously hurt their stock, but they must have something else set up somewhere. A back-up lab.”
“And that’s what we need to find,” I murmured.
“Well, hopefully Caity can learn more when she’s goes on her date with the mad scientist.” Piper’s eyebrows rose while my chest constricted into a tight knot.
I spun to face Caity. “Break it.”
“No way!” Piper sat forward. “She needs to keep it. If she plays the date right, he might even take her straight to the lab. Besides, that’s what Kaplan told her to do.”
“I don’t give a shit about Kaplan. What if he drugs her?” I crossed my arms and bore Piper with a look that would make most people shrink. But I was facing off with Piper Vaughan and it took a lot for someone like her to back down. Her steely gaze met mine head-on and I knew there was no arguing with her.
“Caity knows what he did to me, and she’s smart enough not to accept any kind of drink from him. She’s going in prepared, unlike I was. It’s gonna be fine. You have to trust her.”
“I don’t trust him.”
“You don’t have to. You have to trust her!” Piper pointed at my girlfriend.
My eyes traveled in her direction and I couldn’t hide my look of anguish.
Caity’s expression bunched tight. She looked to the floor and sighed. “We need to take what we’ve got to Detective Sullivan.”
I wanted to keep fighting, keep convincing everyone that Caity accepting a date with Cameron was the worst idea ever, but somehow I knew it was a losing battle. I slumped forward and rested my elbows on my knees. “Let’s get our stuff together and head to the station then.”
“I think you’re right about this second lab.” Detective Sullivan shuffled in his seat,
flicking through the notes we’d meticulously written the night before. Scott had added in the last-minute notes just before we’d left. We arrived at 3:59 p.m....and I had yet to spot Kaplan. It was making me nervous that she wasn’t around, but I hadn’t had a chance to ask Sullivan about it yet.
We were in the same interview room as last time. I wanted to be excited by what we’d achieve, but all I felt was dread. Sullivan peppered Eric with questions about his conversation with Tiffany, finding it interesting that bets were closed off early for the game. He spent some time going over Piper’s chat with Tyson and jotted down notes as they talked. He’d collected a little info of his own on the doctor and also updated us on what he found at the cabin.
His face was pinched as he recalled vague details and when I opened my mouth to tell him about my chat with Cameron, he shot me a look that told me to shut it.
I glanced at Eric, who seemed oblivious to the reluctant vibes floating off the detective.
Taking a minute, I stared at the man and put his mask back in place. He had a friendly smile plastered on and was bobbing his head.
“You’ve done a great job, you guys. We’re gonna take it from here.”
His mask slipped away to reveal his reluctance...and guilt?
I tipped my head with a frown. “What’s the matter? What are you frowning about?”
Eric flinched beside me and I knew I’d just gone and put my foot in it again.
Damn it!
Nothing looked the matter; it was only me who saw it.
The detective’s eyes tightened at the corners as he stared at me. I whipped off his mask and spotted a Bingo expression. I’d just given myself away. The revelation moment was followed by a look of dismay that confused me, until the door burst open and the tall, athletic woman I’d encountered the day before strode into the room. She was once again in a power suit, her expression only a mild indicator not to mess with her. The woman’s presence filled the room like a hurricane.