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Two-Faced (Masks #2)

Page 21

by Melissa Pearl

  “So, tell me what you’re into and I’ll join you.”

  The professor eyed me carefully. He was nearly within reach, but the gun was still angled my way.

  Flashes of him grabbing me and shooting at point-blank range nearly made me crumple. It was impossible to hide the electric nerves streaking through me.

  “I’ll do anything you want.” My voice trembled.

  I saw a spark of suspicion and had to act fast.

  Moving into his space, I gently laid my fingers over the hand holding the gun and smiled. “I don’t mind playing guinea pig, if that’s what you guys need.”

  A groan rose from the floor as Eric slowly came to. He couldn’t wake up now. I was only just starting to get things to calm down. If he saw Hoffman’s gun, he’d lunge and then he’d be dead.

  Sucking in a breath, I moved past the professor and drove a punch straight into Eric face, knocking him out again. Pain shot through my knuckles and I flexed my fingers, biting back my whimper.

  Red knuckle marks appeared on his flesh and I hated myself.

  The professor, on the other hand, began to chuckle.

  “Maybe she will be useful after all.” He snatched my arm and yanked me up.

  “Go and get a fresh batch, Cam. Let’s see if we can get this princess high.”

  Cameron stood frozen, staring at me with a tortured look on his face.

  He didn’t want to hurt me. I peeled back a layer and saw it. Genuine concern. Genuine affection for me. Yeah, he’d been lusting after me, but he also thought I was sweet. He wanted me for his own and hated that the professor was once again taking charge.

  “Go.” Hoffman raised his eyebrows and Cameron left with a huff.

  “What about him?” I pointed to Eric.

  It was time to end this, before Hoffman actually did get me high.

  I was raging that Kaplan still hadn’t come in and saved my ass, especially after my gun comment. I needed to give her something more.

  “Are you gonna kill him?”

  Hoffman ran his fingers along the black metal. “Do you want me to?”

  I shrugged. “Only if he’s gonna be a threat to your plans.”

  An arrogant smirk formed on Hoffman’s lips. “Honey, nothing could ever be a threat to my plans. I’ve been doing this for years. Going from college to college and setting up my little business.”

  “I didn’t think you sold drugs yet. Cameron said he’s still working on the formula.” I made my gaze wide and enchanted, hoping to come across as impressed.

  “I don’t sell drugs. I sell bets.”

  I went for confused as if I was trying to figure out what he was telling me.

  He grinned. “Do you have any idea how much money you can make when you control the outcome of a game?” He sniggered. “I have a few pretty girls working for me, you know? You’ll be the perfect addition to my team.”

  “Your team?”

  “Yeah, I call them my Bookie Beauties. They bring in the bets, I secure the right results, and the cash just keeps rolling in.” His eyebrows wiggled.

  “But what if you get caught?”

  “How? No one knows I’m connected and everyone who works for me is smart enough not to squeal. Because they know their life won’t be worth it if they do.” He ran the butt of the gun along the edge of my shirt, pressing the cold metal just below my necklace. “You understand what I’m saying, don’t you, Caitlyn?”

  No amount of control could hide my fear. I was sure I showed him everything as that gun caressed my skin.

  My heart was ready to explode. But it didn’t have a chance, because the front door smashed open and armed agents swarmed into the room.

  “FBI! Drop your weapon!”

  Hoffman froze, his bright blue eyes wide with horror.

  “Drop the weapon!”

  The gun remained on me as he took in the agents ready to shoot him down in an instant.

  “Sir, drop the weapon!”

  He flinched away from me, stumbling backward, unable to comprehend what was happening.

  I took my chance and fell to my knees as the agents continued yelling, scrambling past Hoffman’s feet to get to Eric. Running my hands through his hair, I kissed his cheek, his forehead, his chin. Tears spilled from my eyes as I silently begged my boyfriend to wake up.

  A gun thumped to the floor beside me and shortly after, Professor Hoffman’s body followed. I kept my eyes away from him. His gaze would no doubt be black with rage and I didn’t want to see it.

  The FBI moved through the house efficiently, clearing each room. Cameron was brought through, kicking and yelling that none of it was his fault.

  “The professor made me do it!”

  When they got to the living room, he caught my eye and went silent. He took in my tear-streaked face and the way I was hovering over Eric, and he knew I’d lied to him. Hurt was pushed aside by an acidic anger I couldn’t face. I didn’t bother putting his mask on, I just buried my head into the crook of Eric’s neck so I didn’t have to see anymore.

  I ran my hand over Eric’s chest and up to his face, squeezing him to me.

  He moaned softly.

  I jerked up and peered at him as his eyes fluttered open.

  Sucking in a relieved breath, a sob tore from my chest. I laid my forehead on his shoulder and wept.

  His hand came up to stroke the back of my head, feather-light and beautiful.

  “Is it over?” he mumbled.

  I nodded. “Yes, it’s over.”

  “And you’re okay?”

  Sniffing against his neck, I kissed his smooth skin and whispered, “I am now.”



  “Ouch.” I hissed as the paramedic dabbed something on the back of my head. My brain was thumping, a tight ache stretching across my temples. I rubbed my fingers gently across my forehead and winced.

  Caity stood beside me, her hand on my leg. Softly running the back of her fingers over my cheek, she grimaced. “I’m sorry I punched you.”

  I sniffed out a chuckle. “You were trying to save my life.”

  “I got no pleasure in it, I promise.” She gave me a cheeky grin, which just made me laugh.

  “You should have.” Covering her hand with my own, I laced my fingers through hers. “I’ve been such an asshole over this whole thing.”

  “Hey, it’s done. We’ve had that conversation.”

  “I thought we were going to break up for a minute there,” I whispered, unsure why I was telling her.

  Her expression fell, her lips parting.

  I swallowed, deciding to go for the entire truth. “I thought you were going to dump me, so I tried to make myself believe that living without you would be easier...that being your boyfriend was too hard. Always having to look out for be your Hercules.” I sighed.

  Caity shook her head, tears lining her lashes. “You don’t have to be. I get it. I’d probably walk away, too.”

  “I’m not walking anywhere.” I reached for her chin, tipping it up so she would look at me. “You got it?”

  “Yeah,” she murmured, pushing a smile over her lips. “Thank you for coming to get me. You know, by ignoring Kaplan’s orders, you probably gave her exactly what she wanted.” Caity chuckled, but the sweet sound was cut short by the one and only Kaplan.

  “You idiot!” She pointed at me as she stormed toward the ambulance. “I told you to stay in the van, but your dumb ass had to run off and then my guys couldn’t grab you because you bumped into Hoffman and nearly blew the whole operation!”

  “But he didn’t.” Caity stood tall beside me. “He saved the day.”

  “My ass.” Kaplan threw us one more scornful look before muttering a string of curses and walking away.

  I would have felt bad if it hadn’t been for Caity’s grin.

  “What?” I nudged her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry about it. She got her man and would rather die than admit to anyone that you just saved the day.” She kissed my
cheek with a laugh and rested her head against my shoulder.

  “He wasn’t the only one, you know.” A deep voice approached us.

  Caity’s head popped off my shoulder, and we turned to see Detective Sullivan coming around the edge of the ambulance.

  His face was brimming with pride as he looked at us. “You two were amazing in there.” Sullivan nodded.

  Caity shook her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t think he was going to give us anything.”

  Sullivan scratched the back of his head with a dry laugh. “Yeah, I was getting pretty steamed, yelling at Kaplan to move, especially when you told us he had a gun aimed at you. But she wouldn’t give the order.” His eyes rose from the ground and he gazed at Caity with a look of awe. “Kaplan knew you could do it. She’s right about you. Your eyesight is something special.”

  Caity shook her head with a blush.

  “If it wasn’t for you, none of us would be here right now, and those assholes in there would still be doing their thing. I don’t know what you saw, Caitlyn, but keep doing what you’re doing. You redefined a whole bunch of futures today, and you should be proud of that.”

  I squeezed Caity’s hand, relishing the praise she deserved.

  “The police force could use a girl like you. You’d kick ass in interrogation.”

  Caity giggled. “I’m not that good.”

  “Yet,” Sullivan said. “You’re not that good yet. But you could be.”

  Caity swallowed back her laughter.

  “Don’t lose my card, okay?”

  Sullivan grinned at Caity’s shaky head bob. I ran my hand over the back of her shoulders and pulled her against me.

  The paramedic patted me on the back. “You’re good to go. No stitches required. It’s all clean. Just take it easy for a couple of days, and if the headache persists or you start feeling dizzy, head to the doctor immediately. Got it?”

  “Yeah. Thanks,” I murmured, jumping down and keeping my arm securely around my girl. We slowly shuffled away from the mayhem and paused to let a car drive past. It didn’t. It braked in front of us and a friendly face appeared out the door.

  “Thought you guys could use a ride.”

  We both grinned at Scott, and Caity’s eyes filled with tears as Piper jumped from the car and said, “Get your asses in here. We’re taking you out for a drink.”

  “A drink?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “How else am I supposed to say thank you?” She threw her hands in the air, but the heartfelt smile she shone Caity said it all. Caity nodded back, her lips trembling as she fought her tears. Soon both girls were gazing at each other across the roof of the car, tears tumbling down their cheeks in unison.

  I pressed my hand into her lower back and ushered her toward the backseat. As soon as we were buckled in, Piper spun to face us, wiping her tears with swift fingers before peppering us with questions. Caity took the lead as I gently rested my head back against the seat. She snuggled against me as she talked and I closed my eyes and relished the feel of her. I was never letting her go again.



  I had no idea where we were going. Eric was being ridiculously secretive, which I both loved and hated. I did like surprises, especially for my birthday. They were fun. But he was taking way too much pleasure in keeping me in the dark over this one.

  It’d been a month since he nearly lost his life to Hoffman’s gun. Since then, the FBI had cleared out Cameron’s place, and Coach Bleekman and the Bruin’s team doctor had been fired. Tiffany had been questioned and remained tight-lipped until she found out she wasn’t the only Bookie Beauty Professor Hoffman was sleeping with. Apparently she was so livid, she gave up everything after that.

  Professor Hoffman and Cameron Darby were being charged with a myriad of offenses. I wanted to keep my nose right out of it. We’d spent enough hours being interviewed and questioned; the four of us were thoroughly over it and decided that anytime one of us brought it up, we had to put five bucks into the “no-go” jar.

  “Where are we going?” I asked again.

  “You know it’s a surprise.” Eric winked.

  We’d been driving for all day. I was guessing Eric had found an amazing hike or something. I had assumed we were heading home for the Christmas break, but Piper had accidentally let it slip as we waved goodbye to them that morning, earning herself an exasperated look from Eric. All I knew was that I was supposed to enjoy my time away. She said that with wiggling eyebrows, which made me a little nervous.

  When Eric turned away from Pacific Palisades and started driving north up the coast, I knew he had something special planned. When I questioned him, he just shrugged and whispered, “For your birthday.”

  There was no camping gear in the back, which meant Eric must have booked us into some kind of hotel. My insides skittered with excitement. Was this our weekend? The uninterrupted one we’d been waiting for?

  A smile crested over my lips as I gazed out the window and drank in the stunning ocean view. We needed some time away. Thanksgiving had been taken up with police stuff and then of course my family, who found out about this huge mess, freaked out and pestered me for details, questioning how on earth I got involved in the first place. Telling them without giving away my secret and the fact I purposefully planted myself in the middle of it all was exhausting. Thank God Eric had been there to help me. We’d fudged out a believable truth that skimmed over the details and made it seem far less dramatic than it actually was.

  Then school started back and it was all about studying for exams. By the time Christmas break finally arrived, I was exhausted. Starting the holiday with some alone time with Eric was perfect. I really had to stop fretting over his plans and just enjoy it.

  The last hour flew by as I hummed along to the stereo and relished the sun on my face.

  As the jeep began to slow, I popped my head off the seat and looked around me. My lips parted, a gasp escaping me as I read the sign at the end of the driveway—Post Ranch Inn.

  Eric grinned as he slowly drove up to the luxury bed and breakfast.

  “This is...” I was lost for words. The place was amazing, set on the edge of a cliff, surrounded by glorious mountains and looking out over the Pacific Ocean. I could barely breathe as Eric pulled into a parking space and switched off the engine.

  “Why?” It was all I could say.

  “Because you deserve a little luxury in your life.” He leaned over and kissed me, chuckling at the awestruck expression on my face. “Happy Birthday, Caity.”

  “Uh-huh.” I nodded stupidly while Eric laughed and pushed open his door. We headed into reception and I felt so out of my league it wasn’t even funny. The place was lush, like seriously expensive. I wanted to ask how Eric could afford it, but didn’t want to embarrass him in front of the posh but friendly receptionist. She checked us in, then handed us over to a porter, who collected our luggage and led us to our individual cabin that housed a king-sized bed, a fire place and the most stunning view I’d ever encountered. I plopped myself down in the window seat, marveling out our room, nestled within the rugged beauty.

  “You like it?” Eric turned to me after tipping the porter.

  “Uh...yeah!” I practically yelled.

  He chuckled, catching me in his arms as I launched myself toward him.

  “Eric, this is...too much.” I kissed his neck then pulled back.

  He lowered me to the ground and gathered my hands in his. “No, it’s not. Your start to UCLA was a really tough one, and I know we’ve been struggling to...” He blushed and grinned. “Well, you know.”

  My gaze fluttered to the floor. Dropping one of my hands, he pressed his fingers under my chin and made me look at him.

  “I love you, more than I ever thought possible. I want you, all of you, but you deserve to be treated like a queen and with all the respect I can possibly give you.”

  His eyes glassed with tears, making my brow furrow. I reached up and touched his face

  “Caity, I want you to read me.”

  I swallowed. “You mean, like, now?”

  “I mean, like always.” He pulled in a breath. “I don’t want to hide from you anymore. I want to give you everything.”

  My lips trembled with a smile, my eyes shining as I pulled his mask away. His face was practically glowing, shining with this overpowering love...for me. The sight snatched my breath as I caught the vulnerability lying beneath the surface...and then that spark of determination.

  “No more doubts about us.” I smiled.

  “Not one.” He shook his head.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  “I always will, Caity.”

  Rising to my tiptoes, I crushed my lips to his, pressing my body against him so I could feel every part of him. His hands ran up my back, gently squeezing me before skimming down my sides. With one swift move, he tucked his fingers under my sweater and pulled it over my head, followed by my shirt. As I lowered my arms, I caught his gaze on me. Mask-less, Eric’s adoration of my skinny form was nearly overwhelming. He thought I was the most beautiful creature on this planet and as I basked in his love, my nerves skittered away into hiding. With playful chuckles and passionate kisses, we slowly undressed each other, relishing every touch, every sense and finally...finally finding our way home in each other’s arms.

  Stars were starting to glimmer in the night sky. We’d left the curtains up on the window, not wanting to miss a second of the glorious view. We’d spent all afternoon in bed...and then the shower...and then bed again. Eric had gotten up once to light the fire and we’d decided to skip dinner at the restaurant, surviving on the snack food Eric had packed instead. We’d surface in the morning for breakfast...maybe.

  I grinned. I couldn’t ever imagine wanting to leave this bed...this adorable, wood-clad room.

  Our final steps together had been mind-blowing. Having tried so many times to make love before and never quite getting there, it’d been a sweet release to finally make it.


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