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Having the Billionaire's Baby

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by Tasha Blue

  Also by Tasha Blue

  Having The Billionaire's Baby




  A Billionaire BWWM Romance By..



  Deonna York is happy being the hard working secretary to billionaire CEO Warren Alexander. He is charming, sophisticated and very handsome but he is also married and Deonna knows not to go there.

  However, everything changes when Warren has an interesting proposal for her.

  Warren's wife is infertile and so they are in desperate need of a surrogate. Could Deonna possibly be the one to have the billionaire's baby?

  Copyright Notice

  Tasha Blue

  Having The Billionaire's Baby © 2014, Tasha Blue


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.












  Deonna paced the floor outside of Mr. Alexander’s office while she waited for him. Mr. Alexander, or Warren as he liked her to call him, had called her at midnight saying that he needed to talk to her first thing in the morning. She hadn’t slept at all last night after his phone call and now she couldn’t sit still. She sighed and looked at the clock on her desk. 7:45 am. The suspense was killing her. Deonna sat down at her desk, laid her head down on it and groaned loudly.

  Warren stepped off the elevator and looked over to Deonna’s desk. She had her head on her desk, was probably exhausted, but he had to call her as soon as he and his wife decided that she would be their surrogate mother. The poor girl must have stayed up all night worrying about her job. He wished he had been more considerate when he’d called her, but the past couldn’t be changed and today was a new day. He hated to wake her but prolonging this conversation would do nothing but make it harder.

  “Ms. York, Could I please see you in my office?” Warren said as he walked past her desk.

  Opening the doors to his office, he waited for her to walk in and take a seat before entering himself and closing the door. He gathered his thoughts as he walked to his desk.

  “Ms. York, I know you’re probably wondering what I called you here for this morning. I would like to say first and foremost that you are not losing your job. You are an irreplaceable part of my daily life and it would take months to teach someone to fill your position. As you well know, my wife and I have been having problems conceiving children. We have recently found out that Jackie is infertile. Last night my wife and I decided that we would like to use a surrogate to carry our child.” Pausing to take a breath and allow Deonna to digest this information, Warren sat in his chair and opened his brief case.

  “We have been over all the risks with our doctor as well as our lawyer and planned on offering the woman we had first chosen to carry our child a half million dollars; however at the last minute she decided that she would not like to be a surrogate for us. So last night Jackie and I chose someone else to fill her place that we both felt met all of our requirements. We also decided that $500,000 was not enough compensation for this person because she would have the tasks of not only carrying and giving birth to child, but also she would have to deal with our demands. I am telling you all of this because last night my wife and I chose you to be our surrogate mother.”

  Warren worried that Deonna would pass out from shock. She hadn’t said anything since he announced that Jackie and he had decided to use her as their surrogate. Warren watched the emotions play across her face. Fear was quickly replaced by shock, followed by confusion, then back to fear.

  Ms. York, please say something.” Warren whispered when she still hadn’t responded with words.

  “Mr. Alexander, I don’t know how to respond to this. Could I please have a couple of minutes to digest all this information?” Deonna whispered as she got up and made her way to the door.

  Without looking back, she calmly opened the door and walked to her desk and sat down. Deonna was officially in shock; Warren Alexander was her boss of two and a half years. During that time she had developed a huge crush on him and now he wanted her to have his baby. This was just too much for her to handle; she needed advice and she needed it now.

  She emailed her best friend and lawyer, Kathryn.

  Hi Kathy,

  Umm, are you free for lunch because I think I’m having one of those nervous breakdowns you’re always telling me about?



  No sooner did she hit the send button did she get a reply.

  Hey Dee,

  Do you need me as a lawyer or as a best friend, because if it can’t wait then I think you might need to stop by my office like now?



  Deonna looked at her watch and then at Warren’s door. She hit the button on the intercom.

  “Yes, Ms. York?” Warren’s smooth deep voice whispered back.

  “Would it be OK if I took an early lunch?” Deonna squeaked back at him.

  “Why don’t you take the day off and think about what we talked about in my office this morning,” Warren replied.

  Deonna grabbed her keys and purse and left the office. The three-minute ride down to the lobby of the building seemed to take forever. The plus side was that Kathy’s office was right across the courtyard from her building.

  Deonna went into the building and walked the two flights of steps to Kathy’s floor. The long hallway gave her plenty of time to think over how she would tell Kathy about Warren and Jackie’s plan. She was just three doors away when her phone went off in her purse.

  She looked at the phone and saw that she had received a text from her boss.

  “Could you please stop by my home once you have made a decision? Thank you.”

  Deonna slid the phone back into her purse and continued walking to Kathy’s office. Once she walked through the double doors of the Waller and Waller law firm, she was greeted by Stephanie, Kathy’s assistant.

  Stephanie escorted Deonna into Kathy’s office and closed the door as she left.

  “He wants me to be a surrogate mother for him and his wife,” Deonna blurted out as soon as the door closed.

  “Who wants you to be a surrogate?” Kathy asked while staring at Deonna. “Better yet, why don’t you start at the beginning so I can catch up to you on this one.”

  Deonna flopped down into the chair and proceeded to relay all the information that she had been given to her best friend. When she was finished a half hour later, she looked at Kathy, who was now looking out the window, and asked for help.

  “As your lawyer, I can tell you that you need to think about this very hard and that before you sign anything, you need to make sure I go over it with you. As your best friend, I can say you have all the luck.”

  Deonna burst out laughing. Kathy was right. She needed to think about this and what better way to do that than with drinks at Julio’s. She gathered her things and waited for Kathy to get the hint.

  “Right, Julio’s it is. So we can talk this out over drinks and laughter,” Kathy said with an odd gleam in her eyes.

  Twenty minutes later they were seated at a table sip
ping on margaritas and laughing at all the impossible situations they had gotten out of.

  Deonna looked at Kathy and said in her most serious voice, “I can’t do this; I’m his secretary for God sakes. What if something is wrong with the baby because it has my genes in it too? He’ll blame me and I’ll get fired, that’s what will happen.”

  “So, when are you going to tell him and do you need me to come with you for support or legal advice?” Kathy asked without meeting Deonna’s eyes.

  “I’m going to tell him tonight when he gets home. I’ll tell him and his wife that I can’t do this and I hope that he doesn’t fire me.” Deonna said.

  “Speaking as your lawyer, I think you should call and ask him how long until he gets home. Let him know that you’ve made a decision. It’s better to get this part over and done with so that you can truly prepare for what’s to come.” Kathy said in her most sage-like voice, “Either way I’m behind you no matter what you decide to do or not do.”

  Deonna nodded her head and pulled her phone out of her purse. She dialed Warren’s number and waited till he answered.

  “Mr. Alexander, I’ve made my decision. When would be the best time for me to stop by and tell you and your wife?” Deonna said calmly.

  Warren paced in his home office while waiting for Deonna to get to his house. When she hadn’t responded to his text message, he had left and gone home to wait with his wife. The waiting had nearly driven him mad. When she said that she would be there within the hour he almost fainted. She was his last hope at becoming a father. Jackie had gone shopping while he waited. She seemed to not care that Deonna could say no. Whenever he said anything about it, she would get mad and tell him that girls like Deonna always went where the money was. He was beginning to think that she thought women who had to work for a living were beneath her.

  “Darling, you should see the things I got for the nursery. There are so many things that we needed for the baby that I just had to go and get them. I kept everything as neutral as possible but there weren’t a lot of colors to choose from so I bought one of everything in every color,” Jackie said as she breezed into the room. “And I’ve made appointments with nannies to see which one we will leave our child in the care of.”

  “Damn it Jackie, we don’t even know if she’s going to say yes, and you’re out buying everything you can get your hands on,” Warren growled, “And we have already discussed this, we are not getting a nanny. You will be the perfect stay-at-home mother for our baby. I don’t want my child raised by total strangers.”

  Their argument was cut short by the doorbell ringing.

  “I told you she wouldn’t be able to say no,” Jackie said as she walked out of the study and into the sitting room.

  Warren growled at his wife’s retreating back. This argument was far from over - he was sure of that. Jackie patted the seat next to her when he entered the sitting room. As soon as he sat down, she grabbed his hands and waited for Olivia to show their guest into the sitting room. They didn’t have to wait long for their maid to show the girl in.

  “Hello, you must be Donna. I’ve heard so much about you,” Jackie said as she walked over and shook Deonna’s hand.

  “It’s Deonna, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Deonna said.

  Warren stood and took Deonna’s hand in his. “Thank you for coming, can I get you anything?”

  “Warren, please, we have the help to take care of that. I’m sure she knows her way around a kitchen if she needs anything,” Jackie said with a chuckle.

  “It’s alright, I don’t need anything. I wanted to let you both know that I made my decision,” Deonna said as she took a seat.

  “Well, what is it? Please don’t keep us waiting.” Jackie sat down on the love seat

  “Yes, please tell us what you have decided,” Warren said as he took a seat next to his wife.

  Deonna glanced down and whispered, “I’m sorry, but I can’t be your surrogate mother.”

  Jackie’s face fell.

  Warren was taken aback and sat down in the chair next to Deonna. She had been his last hope and she had turned them down. His emotions ranged from betrayal to anger and all the while he stared at his beautiful wife, knowing that she was going through the worst of it.

  “Is there anything we can do to change your mind? Please don’t do this to us,” Jackie wailed as she looked into Deonna’s eyes.

  “I think it would be best if I took a couple of days off from work,” Warren said as he held his sobbing wife. “Please cancel my meetings. Thank you, Ms. York.”

  Deonna left them in the study and walked out the house to her car. She couldn’t get the look that was on Jackie’s face out of her mind. She’d had a whole hour to think about her decision and how it affected both them and her. As she pulled into her parking spot at home, she decided to put the whole situation out of her mind at least for the night.


  Deonna walked into the office prepared to give one of the ready-made excuses for Mr. Alexander canceling a meeting. She just stopped off the elevator when she noticed flowers on her desk. No one had ever sent her flowers, especially to her job. She set her purse in the bottom drawer of her desk and reached for the card that was sticking out of the side of the flower vase. .

  Ms. York,

  Please accept these as a token of our appreciation for giving us your decision in a timely manner.

  Thank you,

  Warren Alexander

  They had sent her flowers even though she had denied them the one thing they really wanted. She was beginning to feel like a mean-spirited person. Mr. Alexander had been nothing but nice to her and as soon as they needed something from her she turned them down without really thinking about it. Maybe she should think about it some more, really put some thought into her decision.

  Deonna was so deep in thought that she didn’t realize that Warren was standing in front of her desk asking questions about his schedule. By the time she realized it, Warren was snapping his fingers in her face and calling her name. When she finally responded, she sheepishly answered his questions without looking into his eyes.

  “Ms. York, I will be out of the office for the rest of the week, please take a couple of days off yourself. I will keep you updated on when I will be returning,” Warren said as he walked to the elevator.

  Deonna gathered her things while still deep in thought. Maybe she should do it, she thought. Mr. Alexander would make a great father. There were just so many “what ifs” that she didn’t have the answers to. Should she have said yes or maybe this is the best for all of them?

  Before she knew it, she was standing beside her car and still she couldn’t make up her mind. She climbed in her car and drove till she came to her favorite bar. Once inside, she sat at the bar and ordered her drink.

  She sat there for several hours nursing her drink and thinking. She was so deep in thought that she didn’t notice the sun going down or the moon coming up. Before she knew it the bartender was hollering out last call. Deonna put a ten on the bar and left. She drove the three miles to her apartment. She climbed into bed and waited for her mind to shut down and fall asleep. She glanced at the clock every half hour. At three she gave up on sleep and logged into her computer. She searched surrogacy laws and the effects of it on the child and adoptive family. While she didn’t understand most of it she did understand that she would have to ask to be a part of the child’s life and even then it would be at the discretion of the adopting mother and father. By the time she was finished it was almost noon. She crawled into bed and finally fell asleep.

  Deonna dreamed that she was giving birth to a beautiful baby girl that she had wanted to name Riana but every time she reached for the child it would appear to move further away. Twice she thought she was holding the baby, only to look down and find her arms empty. As the dream progressed, she saw Warren Alexander holding the child and offering it to her with a smile on his face. He never spoke, but he blew kisses at her and handed her beautiful gif
ts. Just before she woke up, Warren bent down and kissed her.

  Deonna sat up in the bed and tried to figure out the meaning of her dream. The dream weighed on her mind as she got up and got ready for her day. She glanced at the clock and noticed that it was almost 5:30 pm. She was glad she didn’t have to work today or tomorrow, she would have been seriously late. After fixing something to eat, she looked at her phone. There were three text messages and four missed calls. All three texts were from Kathy, the missed calls were from Warren and Jackie Alexander. They seemed to take turns calling her. Warren’s messages were about work and seeing her on Monday, Jackie’s messages were about having a girl’s day. The first call she made was to Kathy, letting her know that she was OK and that she would call her in the morning. She called Warren next. She wasn’t surprised that she got his voice-mail; she left him a message stating that she was just receiving his message and that she would be there at her regular time on Tuesday morning. She also reminded him of an important meeting that was unavoidable on Friday with one of the company’s biggest investors. Deonna had saved the call to Jackie for last. It wasn’t that she was avoiding her but that she didn’t want there to be any hard feelings between them.

  Jackie answered on the first ring. “I was beginning to think you were avoiding me,” Jackie said when she answered her phone.

  “I’m sorry. I just got your messages and was returning it.” Deonna said.

  “That’s alright, dear; I’m just a little impatient today. Is it possible that you and I meet for lunch tomorrow morning?” Jackie said.

  “Um, well I guess that would be OK,” Deonna replied

  “Good, that gives us time to get to know each other better and to see if maybe we can be friends. I wanted to tell you that there are no hard feelings between you and me. I completely understand your reasons for turning us down but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t try to change your mind at least once,” Jackie said with a small giggle. “I’m just giving you fair warning before we meet.”

  “I completely understand, but I should warn you I won’t be bullied and I can be stubborn and pigheaded or at least that’s how my dad would explain it,” Deonna said with a sigh.


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