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Having the Billionaire's Baby

Page 6

by Tasha Blue

  Jackie laughed and told him that she was busy and that she wouldn’t be able to make it. Warren knew she wouldn’t come and he didn’t bother to argue with her, he just hung up. This was the last time he would ask her to do anything concerning this child.

  Warren drove like a demon until he reached the apartment. He barely remembered parking the car or running up the three flights of steps. When he burst into her apartment, she was sitting on the couch crying. Warren waited for her to notice that she was no longer alone. When she saw him, she cried. She wasn’t ready for so much pain. Warren called 911 and waited for an ambulance to show up. She hurt so much and he knew she was going to scream. Warren watched as she went through labor, something he had never seen or experienced. There was so much he hadn’t thought about, so much he needed to tell her. Just as he was getting ready to tell her what he was feeling Jackie burst in the door.

  “Deonna, darling, how far apart are your contractions?” Jackie asked as she came through the door.

  Warren was speechless and realized that this beautiful spiteful woman was trying to harm the woman he had fallen in love with. Deonna smiled, and then screamed again.

  “Five minutes and twenty-three seconds. Here comes another one,” she screamed.

  They were coming faster than he would have liked. He was worried then and he still couldn’t hear the sirens of the ambulance. Jackie heard the sirens before he did. Warren opened the door as the ambulance workers knocked. They were fast and efficient keeping her calm and making sure her child was okay. Jackie held her hand all the way to the ambulance. When they finally loaded her into the vehicle, Jackie let her hand go, promising to meet her at the hospital. This was it! He was going to have exactly what he wanted and nothing would make this any better.

  Jackie turned away from ambulance and walked over to Warren, looking like she was shaken. She grabbed his hand and walked to his car. She let him drive to the hospital. She didn’t say a word, just let him take her to where her child would be born. Warren drove to the hospital deep in his own thoughts.

  When they finally got there, Jackie spoke first. “Warren, I need to tell you something.”

  Warren sighed and looked at her, waiting to hear what she had to say.

  “Whatever happens in here, you should know that if you dare leave me for this fluff piece you have been screwing, I will destroy her. I will take that child and I will make her life a living hell. If I were you, I would treat her like she means nothing to me. If I so much as think you are trying to leave me, I will stop at nothing to make her miserable. Trust me, sweetie, you know I can do it in my sleep if I wanted to. I have destroyed more people since we got together then I did before you and I ever met. This is the price you will pay to keep that child or I will give it to the first sick bastard I see. Do you understand what I am saying, dear?” Jackie said with a sick twinkle in her eyes.

  Warren was speechless. This woman he had once loved was willing to destroy someone else’s life just to get what she wanted. He couldn’t let anything happen to this sweet loving woman. His voice had left him so he sat there staring at her mutely, waiting for her to finish her tirade.

  “Also, you are not to touch her, see her or have any contact whatsoever with that woman after our child is born. You are to call your lawyer and tell him whatever you have to in order to break that contract. I want that child without its mother and I want it now. If you think I’m bluffing, just look at your cell phone records. You will find that I have guaranteed that she will never get custody of that child, ever. So, darling, what will it be? Will you leave your pretty little whore alone or will I have to start destroying that bitch’s life? It’s your call. But you had better make it within the next few hours because this deal is moving quickly. You wouldn’t want to have to explain to your girlfriend why she can’t be left alone with her precious child, now would you?” Jackie said this with venom dripping from her words.

  Warren looked at her and said, “You can’t do that. You would be destroying someone important to our child. I don’t know what’s wrong with you.”

  “Oh I can and I will, darling, don’t underestimate me. You won’t like me when I get angry,” Jackie said.

  “I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t hurt her,” Warren said.


  Warren paced around the waiting room, waiting for some word of what was happening in the operating room. He didn’t trust Jackie with Deonna, she was the most dangerous when she wasn’t being watched. Warren hoped she didn’t hurt Deonna while the doctors and nurses were busy with the baby.

  Jackie came out of the delivery room twice to tell him that everything was going well and that this was normal or so the doctor kept saying. Jackie was getting frustrated with how long this was taking. She was tired and ready to go to some party or other. This was beginning to be a bit much. Warren didn’t want there to be anything wrong but every second that they didn’t say she had finally given birth, drove him more and more insane.

  Warren finally couldn’t take standing in the waiting room so he walked down to the cafeteria. He got coffee and a sandwich and then returned upstairs in the off chance that they came out and told him that she had the baby. Warren was waiting for Jackie to come out again when he heard a code being called for the room Deonna and Jackie were in. Something was wrong and he knew it. He began to worry worse than he had before.

  Jackie came out of the room an hour later. She looked at Warren and said the word he didn’t want to hear. They want to do an emergency C-section. Jackie was so scared that she wouldn’t get to be a mother that she no longer thought about what he would say. Warren looked at Jackie and although he was disgusted with her, he had to make her feel like she was the most important thing in the world to him. He couldn’t risk her harming their child or Deonna.

  Neither of them was allowed into the room. They both knew that this could only mean that something was going to happen to their baby. Warren was so stunned and shocked that they could possibly lose their child that he buried his face in his hand and wept. This was too much for him; no father should have to go through something like this. Jackie placed her hand on his shoulder when the doctor came out.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, I’m Dr. Madison. I’m so sorry it took so long for us to let you know how everything is going in there. I’m afraid that Ms. York had to have an emergency C-section due to the fact that she wasn’t dilating the way we needed her to. She’s going to be fine. We will have to keep her for a few days. Your son is healthy. We would like to keep him for a few days for observation. He is considered a premature baby because he was born four weeks before his due date. You will get to see him and stay with him while he is here. Ms. York and your son will be in a room in the next few hours. You will be able to see them once they are settled,” the doctor said.

  Warren hugged his wife and said, “Don’t worry, they are fine.”

  They waited in the waiting room patiently. They were relieved that the baby was okay and Warren was relieved that Deonna was okay. They saw them wheeling Deonna out of the room and onto an elevator. A couple of hours later, they were escorted up to the room where the baby and Deonna were located. When they walked into the room, they both noticed the beautiful baby wrapped in blue. He was so cute but he was in a clean bubble. Warren asked the nurse on duty about the bubble that the baby was laying in.

  When she finally stopped what she was doing with Deonna, she answered. “Because this little guy is a premature birth, we will keep him in an incubator for a couple of days. Its hospital policy.”

  Warren and Jackie walked over to the baby and just smiled down at him.

  “Hi little guy, I’m your mommy. My name is Jackie; you’re so cute and so lovable and sweet. I can’t wait to get you home and spoil you and treat you like my real son,” Jackie said as she looked at him. She was filled with so much love towards this little creature and she knew he was hers for all time.

  Warren watched Jackie with their son. Soon they would be a
ble to take him home. His thoughts turned to Deonna. He would miss her, but this would be for the best. She needed to know that everything would be alright. Warren hated to do this but he would have to break her heart in order to save her from his wife.

  Jackie watched him as he looked at this little baby and realized that this creature was a part of her husband. The best parts of him in one small child and she would be able to make this child love her for all her life. Nothing he could say or do could make her give him up. She would not let this usurper take her child from them.

  Deonna woke up to see them staring at their child. She felt like an outsider looking in. This was wrong, but she knew this was how it had to be. She felt like she was losing her best friend. Deonna didn’t say anything to them as they watched their child. She felt it would be wrong to interrupt them.

  Warren left Jackie with the baby after he realized Deonna was awake. Just knowing what he had to do in two days was enough to make him sick. This was the hardest thing he would ever do.

  Jackie talked to Deonna about the baby and seemed to be generally worried about normal mother things. The whole time she talked about him, she never said what they would call him. Deonna figured it was because she was just too wrapped up in the joy of finally meeting the little guy.

  “When will they let you guys take him home?” Deonna asked.

  “He will get to come home with us the day after tomorrow or sooner. I know we have everything ready but I’m still a little nervous about holding him the first time,” Jackie said.

  Deonna spent most of the night comforting Jackie even though she was really mad because Warren hadn’t said anything to her about how proud and happy he was with his son. Deonna’s heart was slowly breaking. Everything in her was saying that Warren was getting ready to get rid of her and live happily ever after with his wife.

  Jackie left first thing in the morning to get everything ready for the baby to go home. Jackie was so excited and ready for this baby to come that she forgot to tell Deonna that Warren was coming to see the baby and her.

  When Warren walked into the hospital room a little at twelve, he didn’t know if Deonna was really ready to hear what he had to say. He had to let her know what he was thinking. Warren reached into the little bubble and touched his son’s hand. He grabbed Warren’s hand with his little fingers. This was the most joyous moment in his life and it was also the hardest moment in his life.

  Warren walked over to Deonna’s bed and said, “I want you to know that we are indebted to you; however, we feel that we should cut ties with you for a little while to give us a chance to bond with our new child. It’s not that we don’t want you to be a part of our family; it’s just we want time with him alone.”

  Deonna was taken aback. They didn’t want her to be there for his firsts. She smiled the best she could muster and said, “That would be fine, I just ask that you both record his firsts so that I can see them, so that I can get to know the person he becomes.”

  “We would also like to have him moved out of your room while he is here. This way we can start having our alone time with him. I know this doesn’t seem fair to you but we just want to have our child to ourselves to nurture and see and just get acquainted with,” Warren said. He still hadn’t met her eyes; he looked everywhere but at her. “They will be in here to move him within the next few hours. I’ll leave you alone with him to say goodbye.”

  Warren walked out of the room leaving Deonna and his son in the room while he went to work. He had a lot of explaining to do for leaving like he did yesterday. Warren tried to put her out of his mind. He just hoped she would eventually forgive him.


  Deonna had left the hospital three days ago. She had felt unloved and unappreciated. Sure, their new baby was home but she thought that one of them would have at least been there to help her get home when she got out of the hospital. After all, her car was still parked at her apartment - the apartment she was planning to move out of because it reminded her of him too much. She promised herself that she wouldn’t think about either of them or that impossibly cute baby. She was distracted and thinking about everything that had happened between her and Warren. She didn’t realize there was someone else in the room with her.

  She looked up from the floor that she had been staring at and saw Warren and the new baby sitting on her couch sleeping. She chose to act like his being here with the baby wasn’t what she really wanted.

  “What are you and the baby doing here?” she said as she put down her things.

  “I’ve left my wife, I couldn’t take it anymore. She was threatening to harm you and I only wanted to protect you. The only thing she wanted was for me to not see you anymore but I saw how it killed you to let me and the baby leave.” His eyes implored her.

  “I love you. I always have, and William and I just couldn’t live without you. We were both so miserable and I just didn’t know what to do. Jackie started complaining about William’s crying and his needing to be changed or fed. She really thought that she wouldn’t have to deal with any of these kinds of things. She got so bad, she was driving the staff insane. I really didn’t know what to do so I told her that I was leaving her for you. She was mad. I hired a private investigator. When I brought up the things the private investigator found on her, it all changed. She had been cheating on me since she found out that I wanted kids. Nothing she said made me want to forgive her. She killed the love I used to feel for her. She did that so long ago and I stayed because I felt like I loved her but I didn’t really love her. I just thought I loved her. You made me see you, your kind and sweet words, and your actions made me see the beautiful and amazing woman who was right under my nose,” Warren said as he took her hands into his.

  “Why should I believe you? You left me at the hospital without anyone and I really needed you! I fell in love with you and you broke my heart. What was I supposed to do? Wait around for you for years? I’ve decided to move on and nothing you could say or do will make me fall in love with you again. I can’t trust you with my heart like that. You listened to her and you didn’t have faith in me or in us. How would you feel if you were in my place?” Deonna said as she watched him.

  Warren observed Deonna as she sat down next to him and the baby. She was looking at little William with such longing that it broke his heart just to see that look in her eyes. Deonna looked at William and then at Warren, they looked so much alike. She reached out to her son and stroked his cheek. He was so precious, she wanted to hold him but that would mean talking to Warren and that wasn’t going to happen right now. She watched as he opened his eyes. This was a beautiful child. And he was hers and Warren’s son. Deonna wanted to believe Warren but was he really telling her the truth? Or was he just trying to hurt her more? She didn’t know what to believe and that made her want to cry.

  Warren held William out to her so that she could hold him. “I hope you don’t mind but I really want you to hold him. I know you’re probably not ready to and I can understand that. You don’t trust me but he needs a mom and Jackie isn’t mother material. So please just hold him in your arms for a little while and if you don’t feel comfortable holding him, he and I will leave,” Warren said as he placed him in her arms.

  Deonna held her son for the first time in her life and it felt so right. He was warm and just amazing. He looked at her and seemed to snuggle next to her, wanting to be the only thing she saw. She glanced up at Warren and knew in that moment that she loved him and that no matter what, she would always love him. She forgave him in that instant. This was what she had waited all her life for and this would be the one thing that Jackie would never be able to take from them. William was her son and Warren was the man she loved.

  “I forgive you,” Deonna said as she kissed her son for the first time. “But if you ever do this to me again, Warren Alexander, I’ll make you remember why you loved me as your secretary. I was cool and efficient and that’s what I will be when I erase you out of my life.”

nodded and looked at Deonna and said. “I love you. Don’t ever forget that because I really do mean those words.”

  The End

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  Also by Tasha Blue

  Having The Billionaire's Baby




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