Dethroning the King
Page 44
on A-B board
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
on The Fourth
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
on staggered board
Forese, James A.
Forster, Julie
Four Seasons restaurant (New York City)
Fourth, The. See Busch, August A. IV “The Fourth”
Fowler, Wren
Frank, Joele
Freddie Mac
Frederick, Michele
Frederick the Great
“Frogs” advertising campaign
Fuld, Richard
Garza, Antonio “Tony” Jr.
Garza, María Asunción “Mariasun,”
Gates, Bill
General American Life Insurance
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors
Gephardt, Dick
Gephardt Group
Gerstner, Louis, Jr.
Gillette, Susan
Ginnaire Rental
Girls Incorporated
Glaxo Holdings
Golden, Robert
Goldman Sachs:
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
Bevcon sale
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Golub, Steven
Grant’s Farm
Great Depression
Greenberg, Tom
Greening, John
Greenspan, Alan
Gross, Peter:
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Grupo Damm
Grupo Empresarial Bavaria
Grupo Modelo
A-B pulls back from merger discussions
A-B stake in
acquisition threat by A-B
controlling families
culture clashes with A-B
InBev/A-B merger
J.P. Morgan and
market share
merger discussions with A-B
merger discussions with InBev
response to InBev/A-B takeover threat to A-B
threatens lawsuit in InBev/A-B merger discussions
Gussie. See Busch, August Anheuser Busch Jr. “Gussie/Junior”
Hanley Worldwide
Hansen Natural Corp.
Harbin Brewery
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Hensley and Co.
Herbert, Dave
Herlihy, Ed
Hill, Rick
Hirschfeld, Al
Home Depot
Hope, Bob
Hotel Amigo (Brussels)
House of Windsor
Hull, Brett
Hurricane Katrina
Iacocca, Lee
Icahn, Carl
IKON Office Solutions
Immelt, Jeff
AmBev-Interbrew merger
consolidation plays
corporate culture
early years
merger discussions with A-B
merger discussions with SABMiller
merger with A-B
North American headquarters
office space in New York City
origins of company
partnership with A-B
renamed Anheuser-Busch InBev
response to MillerCoors
takeover threat to A-B (see InBev/A-B takeover threat)
wealth of key shareholders
InBev/A-B takeover threat:
A-B board response to
A-B cost-cutting program
A-B decision to fight
A-B merger discussions with Modelo
A-B request for higher price
announcement of proposal
attempt to eject A-B board
“bear hug” strategy
board meeting in China
early analysis of
financing issues
Grupo Modelo response to
inside knowledge of Anheuser-Busch
lawsuit to overturn A-B board of directors
loose merger plan with A-B
merger discussions with A-B
merger discussions with Grupo Modelo
Modelo acquisition threat by A-B
offer of higher price
opposition in the U.S.
rejection by A-B board of directors
rumors of
timing of
visit to Washington, D.C.
youthful history of The Fourth and
Ingrassia, Timothy:
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Interbrew, merger with AmBev
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Jonathan
Jackson, Yusef
Jacob, John
Jewish dentist defense
Johnnie Walker
Johnson, Lyndon
Jones, James R.:
on A-B board
on The Fourth
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
on staggered board
on succession plans
on The Third
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company
J.P. Morgan Chase
J.P. Morgan & Co.
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Junior. See Busch, August Anheuser Busch Jr. “Gussie/Junior”
Kalvaria, Leon:
at A-B Cancun, Mexico conference (2007)
A-B vulnerability to takeover
InBev/A-B takeover rumors
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Katz, Francine
Kekst and Company:
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
preparation for takeover threat
Khermouch, Gerry
Kindler, Robert:
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Kissinger, Henry
“Know When to Say When” moderation campaign
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Kopcha, Steve
Kraemer, Gerhardt
Krey Distributing
Laboy, Carlos
Lachky, Robert:
advertising and
on executive dining room
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
InBev takeover rumors
on The Third
Lake of the Ozarks
Lake of the Ozarks compound
Lama, Tony
Lampert, Eddie
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
League tables
Lehman Brothers
Lemann, Jorge Paulo:
A-B vulnerability to takeover
at Brahma
founding of InBev
on Gillette board
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
wealth of
y, John
Linville, Sage
Lipin, Steven
Lipton, Martin
Lockhart, Joe
Lodge, John
Long, Dennis
Long, Tom
Lott, Trent
Loucks, Vernon R., Jr.
Louie the Lizard campaign
Mackay, Graham
Magus Corporation
Major League Baseball
Mandela, Nelson
Manning, Peyton
Mariasun. See Aramburuzabala Larregui de Garza, María Asunción “Mariasun”
Mario, Ernest
Martinez, Vilma S.
Martino, Joseph
Masters Golf Tournament
Maxwell House
McCain, Cindy
McCain, John
McCaskill, Claire
McCurry, Michael
McKinnell, Henry “Hank,”
Melzer, William
Mercado, David:
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Mercury Public Affairs
Merrill Lynch
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Meyer, Richard
Miller beer
Miller Lite
Miller Brewing Company
beer wars with A-B
Miller Lite
Modelo. See Grupo Modelo
Moelis, Kenneth
Morgan Stanley
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Muhleman, Douglas
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, John
National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA)
National Football League
National Urban League
Natural Light
Newman, Paul
News Corp.
New York Stock Exchange
Nixon, Richard M.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Northwest Airlines
Obama, Barack
O’Brien, Conan
Orloff, Michael
Pac-Man defense
Paris Review
Payne, William Porter “Billy,”
Peacock, David:
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Peltz, Nelson
Philip Morris
Pierre Hotel (New York City)
“Pitch In” litter pickup campaign
Plimpton, George
Poison pill defense
Ponturo, Anthony
Prindiville, Gary
Procter & Gamble
Project Montague
Public relations:
A-B response to InBev/A-B takeover threat
Grupo Modelo
InBev lobbying in Washington, D.C.
InBev takeover of A-B
Public Strategies Washington
Purcell, Philip
Purnell, John “Jack”:
advertising and
on global expansion opportunities
Grupo Modelo deal and
joins A-B
Quaker Oats
Rand, Lawrence
Reisinger, Walter C. “Buddy,”
Ritter, Jerry
Roarty, Lee
Roarty, Michael “Mike,”
Roché, Joyce M.
Rockefeller Center
Rohm and Haas
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rutledge, Gary
merger discussions with Grupo Modelo
merger discussions with InBev
MillerCoors and
as potential merger partner with A-B
Salinas, Carlos
Salomon Smith Barney
Sam Adams
Sampas, George
Santel, Thomas
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Santo Domingo, Julio Mario
Santo Domingo Group
Schackner, Jeffrey
Schlafly, Tom
Schlafly brewery
Schnell, Paul
Schuhmacher, Harry:
on A-B board
on The Fourth
on global expansion opportunities
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
on succession plans
on The Third
“Scorched Earth” campaign
Seagram Building (New York City)
Sea World
Sellinger, Fred
Shamu the killer whale
Shelton, Henry Hugh “The General”:
on A-B board
on The Fourth
on the Fourth
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
on succession plans
Sherman, William T.
Shin, Bong Yul
Sicupira, Carlos Alberto da Veiga
Siebel Institute of Technology
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
Sinatra, Frank
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom:
attorneys for independent board members
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Slim, Carlos
Slogans of A-B:
“Making Friends is our Business” slogan
“This Bud’s for You” slogan
Soares, Pedro
South Africa
South African Breweries
South Korea
Southwestern Bell
Spirit of St. Louis airport
St. John’s Mercy Medical Center
St. Louis Cardinals
St. Louis Soccer United
St. Louis University
Staggered board defense
“Standstill” clause
Steinhubl, Andrew
Steinman, Benj
Stella Artois
Stokes, Patrick T. “Pat”: on A-B board
advertising and
as chairman of the board
conflict of interest
as head of brewing division
InBev/A-B merger
joins A-B
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
as paid consultant
as president and CEO
Stroh Brewing
Sullivan & Cromwell
Super Bowl
Susman, Louis
Takeover defenses:
Jewish dentist defense
poison pill
“scorched earth” publicity campaigns
staggered board
standstill clause
white knight
Taylor, Andrew C.:
on A-B board
InBev/A-B merger
paranoia about lawsuits
wealth of
Taylor, Jack
Teamsters Union
Telles, Marcel Herrmann:
founding of InBev
on global expansion opportunities
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
wealth of
; Thatcher, Kathryn
Third. See Busch, August A. III “Augie/ The Third/The Chief”
Timmons & Co.
Tony Lama boots
Transou, Susie Busch
Tri-Eagle Sales
Trott, Byron
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
University of Arizona (Tucson)
USA Today Ad Meter polls
Versuchs und Lehranstalt fuer Brauerei
Vogel, Edward
Vogt, Terri
von Gontard, Adalbert “Adie,”
von Gontard, Beatrice Busch
W. R. Grace
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Wage and price controls
Waldmeister Farm
Walsh, Paul
Warner, Douglas A. “Sandy” III:
on A-B board
father-son dynamic on A-B board
on global expansion opportunities
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
on succession plans
Washington, George
Wasserstein, Bruce
“Wassup?!” ad campaign
Weinberg, Robert
Weiss, Antonio:
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B merger discussions
InBev/A-B takeover threat
Modelo/A-B merger discussions
Welch, Jack
Whitacre, Edward E., Jr. “Big Ed”:
on A-B board
on The Fourth
as head of AT&T
InBev/A-B merger
InBev/A-B takeover threat
retirement from AT&T
White knight defense
Winfrey, Oprah
Woods, Tiger
World Cup soccer
World Trade Center terrorist attacks
Wuhan International Brewery
Yale University
Gussie was a Dr. Doolittle of sorts—he owned a camel and an elephant and took particular pride in his trio of chimpanzees, which he often dressed as cowboys.
Source: Time & Life Pictures/ Getty Images
August Busch III, Marcel Telles, and Jorge Paulo Lemann during a fateful 1991 meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia, when Anheuser-Busch and Brazil’s Brahma were considering a tie-up and both brewers were No. 1 in their countries.
Source: Copyright ©
August Busch IV, chief executive of Anheuser-Busch at the time of the takeover, holding a Clydesdale’s reins in 1991 when he was a senior marketing executive.
Source: Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
August Busch III, Jorge Paulo Lemann, and Marcel Telles inspect the canning line at the Anheuser-Busch brewery in Williamsburg, Virginia.