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Chasing Harmony (The Others Book 1)

Page 7

by Sabrina Rue

  Ryker nodded. “Your father asked that Hope live in Texas and I agreed. I don’t understand what he means by true Mate.”

  “There’s a male in Montana Pack who’s chased Hope half our lives. She once said that she knew he wasn’t her true Mate but she wished he was because he loved her so much.”

  Both men’s eyes widened.

  “He loved her…she didn’t love him. My sister felt obligated to be kind to him because she’s gentle and sweet. He told her stories of incorrect matches and always reminded her that there are Wolves who go their entire life without finding their Mate.”

  Harmony shrugged and tried to calm the pounding in her temples. “She’d laugh and change the subject. Then we found out he went to Dad about a Mating contract. Our father was livid that he’d suggest such a thing with a female who was clearly not his Mate.”

  Jax murmured, “Alpha Kassis wanted to stop anyone from forcing Hope into a false Mating.”

  “Yes. I-I think there’s more but…I can’t think clearly.” Her body felt too warm, her eyes wouldn’t focus, and it felt as if she was vibrating on the inside. A horrific thought flickered through her mind and she growled, “It’s too early! It can’t be.”

  Suddenly, white heat slammed into her midsection and doubled her over. She bit down on her lip to stop herself from screaming. Both men crouched at her sides instantly.

  “Fuck. Oh no, not now. I need to get out of the open.” She stared at her Mate and said urgently, “Ryker, get me out of here and into seclusion. Hurry.”


  Harmony was in Ryker’s arms instantly as he strode rapidly for the door. Two men in the corner issued low growls as they passed.

  The moment he cleared the door of the restaurant, he jogged for the SUV but a male stepped between them and where they needed to be.

  “What do you have there? A treat? Did you bring enough for everyone?” Over Ryker’s shoulder, Harmony watched the two men from inside join them on the sidewalk.

  At his ear, she whispered, “Put me down. It’s okay. I need freedom of movement and there’s only one thing Unmated males understand in Heat Fever.”

  He put her gently on her feet but kept his hand on her waist, pulled close to his body.

  “Ryker. If you defend me, you’ll have to kill them. This isn’t your territory. Call females for backup.”

  She watched as he ground his back teeth. His eyes were brilliant and color slashed his cheeks.

  Glancing at Jax, he showed the same signs.

  “Both of you listen, focus on my voice. Call females to help me. Tell Unmated Pack males to stay at least a hundred yards away. I’ll need another vehicle. Do you understand?”

  In a daze, the Second lifted his phone to his ear and did as she asked. She watched as they slowly backed away from her.

  Ignoring the pain that would grow steadily for several hours before hitting the next phase that was far more dangerous, she turned to the man who blocked the vehicle.

  “I’m the Mated female to the Alpha of Texas Pack. Get out of my way.”

  “I can smell that innocent cherry…”

  Faster than a human eye could have seen, she punched him twice in the face and broke his nose. “I won’t tolerate disrespect. Try smelling anything now, bitch.”

  Adding a deep kick to his balls, she watched him crumple to the ground in agony. “Don’t ever cross my path again or I’ll tear out your throat with my teeth and drink your blood.”

  A final kick to his temple dropped him like a stone.

  Stepping around Ryker, she told the other males, “Would you like to be the next examples I set? I’ll make certain you’re unable to use your cocks until the next moon.”

  She assumed a fighting stance and waited. The first man lunged and she allowed her body to flow around him in the way her father had trained her.

  Within seconds, she had him on the ground and delivered a stomp to his groin that snapped him out of Heat Fever.

  His friend was slower to engage. He pondered his chances. Instincts were powerful things and, in the end, the man’s Wolf attempted to claim her.

  Beside her, Eiran appeared and Harmony flinched. “Allow me to assist, Alpha. Not that you need it.” He grinned.

  “We can’t kill them. They’re drunk with Fever.” One roundhouse kick stunned her next attacker. She quickly reversed and landed a duplicate blow to the other side of his head. “Sleep it off. Just sleep it off.”

  From down the block, two women approached at a run.

  Fisting their hands over their hearts, the taller one was Eiran’s Mate. She said, “I’m Rhonda, Alpha Harmony. We need to get you off the street.”

  Ryker grabbed her from behind and tried to pull her toward the SUV. She shook her head at the others and went limp. He caught her before she hit the ground.

  As he bent to lift her, she whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  Then she catapulted her body around his torso to his back, wrapped her arm around his neck, and locked the position with her other arm.

  It took him a long time to lose consciousness and she held his weight when he passed out.

  Eiran helped her get him to the ground gently. She kissed his lips and jumped to her feet.

  Two Mated males fought to hold Jax back and she approached him cautiously.

  “Jax.” He stilled with inhuman effort. “You aren’t in control of your Wolf right now. I’m going with Eiran and the females. When the fog lifts,” she took his phone from his pocket and he vibrated with tension, “call your phone.”

  On tiptoe, she nuzzled his face with hers. He licked her cheek with a low growl.

  * * *

  Harmony took off running in the direction the females came from and they fell into step beside her.

  Eiran guarded their retreat.

  Pointing to the parking lot of a large grocery store, Rhonda called, “This way, Alpha. Not much further.”

  Thirty seconds later, they were inside another SUV and speeding down the interstate.

  Exhausted, she murmured, “I forgot my bag.”

  Rhonda smiled. “You won’t need it. We’ll get you anything you need until we can get you in seclusion. I’ve never seen Heat strike so fast. This morning, your scent made me think it was a couple of weeks away at least.”

  Harmony shook her head. “It’s never hit me so quickly. I don’t know what happened.”

  “Arman filled us in on your condition. Your body is healing rapidly now,” Eiran said. “Had you been in good health, it likely would have arrived weeks ago.” He turned in the front seat to ask, “Have you been getting them more frequently?”

  She nodded. “Especially over this past year. This will make my third Heat.”

  “I’d die. I can barely handle one a year.” The other female gave her wet wipes. “You have cuts on your knuckles, Alpha.” She was younger and smaller than Rhonda. “I’m Angela. We’re going to drive hard and fast for the compound and get you underground. Do you need anything?”

  “No. Thank you for getting me out of there. I’ve never gone through Heat with help before.”

  Angela’s eyes went wide. “I’m sorry…you endured Heat alone?” Harmony nodded. The young woman stared at her in silence. Then she muttered, “You’re a badass motherfucker.”

  Rhonda hissed from the driver’s seat. “Excuse my cousin, Alpha. She’s in some sort of Samuel L. Jackson phase. Language, Angela!”

  The younger woman blushed but Harmony laughed. “I don’t mind. I hope I can maintain the reputation.”

  Looking out the window at the passing scenery, she worried about Ryker. She’d made her Alpha Mate submit by force.

  As if she summoned him, the phone in her hand rang.

  “Harmony. Fuck. Forgive me.”

  Inhaling carefully, she asked, “Are you alright?”

  “Of course. You didn’t leave a scratch on me.” He cleared his throat. “They’ll drive you straight to the Texas Pack compound. I’m always able to control it. Thi
ngs are different now, with you.”

  “I guess it’s worse for Mates. The timing couldn’t be worse but it won’t take us off guard again.”

  “Call me when you arrive, Harmony.”

  “I will.”

  There was a long pause and then, “Harmony, you’re fucking stunning in fight mode.”

  She couldn’t stop her smile. “Most people on the receiving end don’t think so.”

  “You continue to impress me, Mate.”

  The words affected her deeply. “Thank you, Ryker.”

  “Eat and drink as much as you can but keep moving. We haven’t caught your hunters.”

  “There’s safety in numbers. I have Rhonda, Angela, and Eiran. I doubt hunters will try to tangle with me now since they couldn’t best me alone.”

  “Agreed.” There was a rumbling growl on the other end of the line. “I miss the way you smell.”

  “Ryker, we need to hang up. The symptoms are progressing too fast for me to navigate. I need to focus and…you distract me in so many ways.”

  “Understood. I’ll wait for your call.”

  * * *

  The drive should have taken more than ten hours but her guardians made it in just under seven.

  Her one attempt to leave the truck at a rest stop for a necessary bathroom break resulted in an Unmated male from Oklahoma Pack approaching her.

  She ended up having to knock him unconscious as she had the others and told Rhonda that she’d rather piss her pants than deal with one more idiot male.

  It was nearing midnight when they made the turn onto the drive of the Texas Pack compound outside Crockett, Texas. The road was canopied with thick trees that would offer shade during the hot days.

  The town was near a national forest and situated in the center of the three major Texas cities – Dallas, Austin, and Houston.

  The location suited both sides of their natures.

  A sprawling plantation house with several matching outbuildings could be seen in the lights of the compound that was spread over several thousand acres of ranch and heavy forestation.

  They were definitely expected.

  As she stepped from the vehicle, several women approached with big smiles. Her Wolf inhaled and scented only positive vibes from them, relaxing instantly.

  An older woman with stunning black hair and turquoise eyes held out both hands.

  “I’m Redbird Blackwell, Ryker’s mother. We’ve anticipated your arrival these many years, Harmony. I’m so glad to meet you, welcome you, at long last.” A broad smile spread over her face. “Ryker said he found you wounded and exhausted. You look much recovered.”

  “I feel better than I have in a long time. I didn’t think I’d arrive here alone. M-my Heat appeared out of nowhere.”

  “Considering what you’ve been through, I’m just glad you’re with us now.” Gathering her to her side, she chuckled. “We shooed all the males off. Even those who are Mated. They can meet you officially when Ryker and Jax return. I think that’s the safest bet with my son’s Wolf acting out.”

  “Thank you. Things are stressful for him right now.” Looking into the woman’s stunning blue eyes, she murmured, “I apologize in advance for any trouble I cause. I gave my own mother fits.”

  “You’re going to fit in beautifully, Harmony. We need to be shaken up a bit. We’ll talk more once you’ve had time to rest.”

  Turning her toward the house, she announced happily, “Let me introduce you to the true backbone of Texas Pack. The women, of course.”


  The gathering of women started to chatter at once and Harmony felt laughter bubble up from deep inside herself.

  It had been a long time since she’d been around so many women who were clearly happy.

  Some of them were soldiers, some worked in or around the house, while others ran Pack interests in nearby towns.

  One of them skipped happily around her.

  “I’m Desiree. Ryker’s little sister and the only female born from my mother. You cannot know my struggle with five brothers. We’ve been desperate for more estrogen around here.”

  She was a mirror image of Redbird. Absolutely beautiful and she radiated goodness from every pore.

  “I can’t promise to deliver much of that. I’m not very girly.”

  “Your mother had mostly girls, didn’t she?”

  Clearing her throat, Harmony answered, “Th-there were three of us and one son. My sister is more feminine than I am.”

  “You’re a twin. There are only three female twin sets in the world.”

  Harmony shrugged. “I’m pretty much an oddity all around.”

  “There are plenty of male twins though. Ugh. Weres rarely have so many girls. I hope you have tons.”


  “No pressure!” Desiree laughed loudly and hugged her.

  There was no way for the girl to hide the way she stiffened the instant their cheeks touched. Still hugging her, she leaned her head back and stared into Harmony’s eyes.

  “I didn’t m-mean to read you, to invade your privacy, I’m so sorry.” She started to cry and Redbird wrapped her arms around them. “You’ve been through such awful things, Harmony. So many awful things.”

  Eyes wide, Harmony didn’t know what to say.

  The girl’s mother smoothed her hair. “Desiree is a powerful empath. She forgets to block her ability when she’s happy or excited. I’m sorry, darling.”

  “Don’t apologize.” Putting her hands on Desiree’s shoulders, Harmony smiled gently. “I wish you hadn’t seen any of it. I wish there was a way I could take it back.”

  Inhaling carefully, she whispered, “Life can be hard and painful but…I have so many good memories I can share with you. Most of them are from years ago with my family but they kept me going when things got bad. And all of it, even the horrible parts, made me strong.”

  Sniffing, Desiree cupped Harmony’s cheeks. “Think about one of them.” Her mouth lifted. “Running through a cave with your sister?” Her smile got bigger. “The day you found out about Ryker and your father showed you his picture.” Lowering her hands, she nodded. “Thank you, Harmony.”

  “For every bad moment, there are good ones to counter it. I try never to forget.”

  “That’s why you made it here to us. That’s why my brother is going to have decades of happiness with you, Harmony. I think you’re the strongest person I know.”

  “I try to be.”

  Redbird rubbed Harmony’s back. “Come, darling.”

  The women turned and led Harmony through the house, pointing out things they thought she might be interested in as they escorted her to the basement isolation cells.

  All but Ryker’s sister and mother said goodbye at the top of the stairs to the lower floor.

  Redbird looked concerned. “I’m unsure about using our usual cells. You’ve been running so long and there hasn’t been time for you to bond with Pack. I don’t want you to be afraid or feel trapped for a single moment.”

  “I’ll be fine. I know the drill. It will be wonderful to endure it in safety for once.”

  With a small nod, Ryker’s mother led the way into the underground rooms set up for women who lived in the compound to pass their Heat without incident if they weren’t yet Mated and didn’t choose to copulate casually.

  It was unusual for a Mated female to require the use of such accommodations. Harmony’s situation was unique.

  The isolation rooms for Texas Pack went above and beyond what she was used to in Montana. They were decorated like small hotel rooms with private bathrooms, televisions, computers, and exercise equipment.

  The front was constructed of bulletproof glass and once inside, the space was hermetically sealed to prevent scents from entering or leaving the space.

  The feature enabled females in management positions to continue to receive visitors in an emergency.

  The average Heat visited an of-age female once or twice a year and could last for as littl
e as a few days or as long as two weeks.

  It was a harrowing aspect of being part Wolf and Harmony had never met a female of their kind who didn’t compare it to being in hell.

  Desiree skipped in ahead of her. “I bought tons of stuff to keep you occupied and got you clothes in the same soft materials Mom got me when I had my first Heat this year.”

  The younger woman turned on the light in the bathroom. “She found the most amazing bath salts that help with the pain and muscle spasms. This is the compound directory. You can call if you need us. Oh!”

  Ryker’s sister took a new cell phone from the pocket of her sundress. “Jax asked us to get you a phone. The charger is on the desk and I programmed in the numbers of people I know you’ve already met plus me because I’m awesome.”

  “You really are. Thank you for all of this. You didn’t have to go to such trouble.”

  Redbird arched her brow. “We once had a visiting female from European Parliament who required a bushel of fresh lemons every day and refused to consume any meat other than calf brains. Trust me, you are no trouble.”

  Harmony blinked. “O-kay then. I guarantee I won’t make a single request for…calf brains. Good gods.”

  The older woman shivered. “It’s some sort of delicacy in Belgium. Ugh.” She pressed her cheek to Harmony’s. “Don’t hesitate to call for any little thing. I’ll send one of the girls down with a tray and then we’re going to let you rest until your body lets you get back to your life.”

  Stroking over her hair, she added, “It’s so good to have you here and I’m sorry Heat is ruining your first impression. I’d hoped to be able to show you around.”

  “You’ve made it better.”

  “We’ll check on you tomorrow but in case you’re out of it, we’ll pick back up in a few days.”

  “Thank you for everything.”

  A few minutes later, mother and daughter said goodnight and Harmony found herself completely safe during her Heat.

  The moment they were out of sight, she stumbled against the computer desk. The pain had been steadily worsening for hours but she’d done her best to conceal it.


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