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Chasing Harmony (The Others Book 1)

Page 15

by Sabrina Rue

  “Yes, yes…”

  “Then you’re going to integrate with your Pack, Mate. Every Pack member must follow the hierarchy put in place by Natural Law or there’s total chaos.”

  She released a low growl.

  “I realize you’re a better fighter, Harmony. I know you could kill me at any time, you could even kill Jax…eventually.” He nipped her ear. “Might is not the only thing that holds a Pack together, Mate. Strength and fighting ability only take you so far. After that, you require different skills and sweetheart, it’s those skills you need to learn now.”

  She tried to break from between them but they held her with their full strength. She grunted in frustration.

  “It’s a little harder to run when you’re filled with cock, Harmony. Feel how we slide in and out of your body, filling you completely, raking so much of your inner flesh with ours.”

  His palms moved around and cupped her breasts. “Tight little nipples, slick pussy, tight ass. So many toys to play with and the one I want to learn more than all of those is your brilliant mind. I want you to show us how you think and why.”

  A long moan escaped as an orgasm took her ability to speak.

  “While you show us what you know, we can show you what it means to be part of a Pack from the oldest Were to the tiniest newborn. How to help them, protect them, and love them, Harmony. No one can continue to win without something real to fight for. Give them yourself, show them your heart, and they would lay down their lives for you. As Jax and I would.”

  She dug her claws into Jax’s shoulder and he grunted but didn’t slow, didn’t stop.

  “I love you, Harmony. Jax loves you. You love us but you’re shutting us out. Keeping us confined to your bed. My pretty Mate, that’s never going to work for two grown-ass full Were males. You’re not a bitch in heat and we’re not your studs.

  “Give me…”

  “Your Wolf can wait. Right now, Harmony Kassis is the person I’m nailing. The woman whose ass I’m fucking as hard as I fuck her pussy. I can’t wait to knot both your holes while you scream your pleasure.”

  Four hands gripped her shoulders and hips. Their cocks moved faster, harder while she trembled and whispered incoherently between them.

  They had to break down all the mental walls she’d erected between the three of them. Something she’d likely done subconsciously to protect herself. Harmony was no longer alone.

  She couldn’t be allowed to exist outside Pack.

  Harmony needed them and they needed her. Giving only parts of herself would never work.

  Ryker lost count of how many times she came but they didn’t stop, didn’t let her rest. They emptied her out as an individual and filled her back up as part of a trio, part of Texas Pack.

  Gripping her hair, he turned her head to look at him. “You belong to the men in this room, Harmony. Two powerful Weres who will have the pleasure of being buried in your perfect pussy or your hot little ass for the rest of our lives.”

  Ryker drove into her with wild hunger.

  Jax howled a moment before he pushed as deep as he could get in her body. He knotted their Mate, hard and heavy in her pussy as the heat of his come made Harmony gasp.

  Hurled into another climax, they braced her as Ryker drove to the root of his cock and stilled.

  Throwing his head back, he released a long howl that ricocheted off the walls as his cock swelled in her tight hole.

  Harmony shook violently beneath the onslaught, Ryker’s knot settled just above his Second’s, the thin wall that separated them not enough to mute the sensations for all of them.

  “Take every fucking drop, Harmony. You’re marked inside and out with our come and our teeth. Feel our presence on you, in you. Our Wolves have claimed you and the men we are will never let you go. Now,” his voice dropped to Alpha range, “who the fuck do you belong to, Harmony?”

  “You and Jax. My Mates.”

  “Yes, Mate. Yes.”

  It took an hour for them to pull apart but Harmony slept soundly between them while the pleasure crashed over her in waves.

  Ryker looked at Jax and said, “We’ll probably have to do this every few days. No way she keeps submitting.”

  Mimicking their Mate’s deadpan humor, Jax told him, “Oh, the horror. We’ll be forced to fuck her complacent constantly. Whatever shall we do?”

  The best friends laughed as they held their Mate between them. A unique and powerful female who would never respect males she viewed as weaker.

  They’d have to remind her regularly of their strengths and teach her all the reasons why she needed them, why she needed Pack.

  The lessons would be no hardship to deliver.


  In the middle of the night, Ryker felt Harmony climb from between them and slip from their bed. Silently, he watched her walk to the large window that faced the woods.

  He sat up carefully and reached over to tap Jax. His best friend’s eyes opened but he didn’t make a sound as he sat up to see what Harmony was doing.

  Their Mate’s green eyes glowed in the reflection of the glass. She was growling almost inaudibly.

  Suddenly, she released a sharp snarl and turned to them. “Call Talon. She’s exiting the cave I told him about and she’s heavily armed. She’s got a package with her.”

  “Her child?” Jax asked.

  Canines fully extended, she shook her head slowly. “No. The child’s father. I need a chopper. We need to meet them on the boundary of Montana Pack land.”

  Ryker grabbed his phone and was dialing before his feet touched the floor. Barking orders, he quickly dressed.

  To Jax, she rumbled, “Tell Desiree to be ready to meet us when I know my sister is clear of Montana Pack territory. Rhonda and Eiran need to escort her. I won’t have her endangered.”

  He nodded and texted Ryker’s sister. Then he yanked on tactical gear, grabbed his go bag, and threw Ryker his.

  Harmony dressed in highly durable but flexible training pants and a t-shirt. Tying sneakers in place, she was binding her hair as she strode for the door.

  Snatching her backpack off the chair beside it, she didn’t look back to see if her Mates were following.

  She simply trusted that they were.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were in the air and she didn’t speak as they sped north. A small team of four men joined them but Ryker knew that no matter what faced them in Montana, Harmony wouldn’t need their help.

  One way or another, no matter how many she had to kill to make it possible, he had no doubt she’d have her sister back by the time the sun crested the horizon.

  Preparing for battle, her eyes glowed and her Wolf’s energy vibrated from her body. Her Mates sat at her sides, feeding her Pack energy to keep her from slipping into bloodlust.

  Landing hours later, she murmured, “Ryker.”

  “Yes, Mate?”

  The helicopter bumped the ground and she moved around him to slide back the door. She met his eyes and he found himself fascinated yet again by all the pieces of her.

  “You must allow Jax to protect you.”

  Ryker snapped his teeth. “I am the Alpha of Texas Pack, Harmony.”

  She lunged at him and growled in his face. “You will not leave our children without a father.” Everything in his mind stilled. “Jax is a better fighter. An Alpha knows when to bow to the greater experience.”

  Growling, he said, “Mate, you’re not leaving this chopper…”

  Her smile was slow. “Do you think anyone will hurt our babies while they grow strong in my body, Ryker? Do you think I’d hesitate to kill twenty full Weres to keep them from laying a hand on me?”


  “These children, our little girls, need their aunt. I’m Hope’s twin and the best fighter in our Pack.” Blowing a kiss at Jax, she added, “Most of the time.”

  “I cede the honor, Mate,” Jax said with a careful smile.

  Blinking rapidly, Ryker whimpered. “Harmony. Twins?” S
he nodded. “Don’t leave. Please don’t leave.”

  Holding his face in her hands, she kissed him deeply. Then she leaned back and said, “I have to but I’ll come back safe with your children and my sister. Trust me. You must trust me in this, Ryker. Please.”

  A painful rumble left his chest and he looked at Jax. “Watch her back. Every second.”

  “You have my word.”

  To Harmony, he said, “I’ll wait here. I don’t want Jax’s focus split between us. Take all the men.”

  Leaning around the pilot’s seat, she told the Were, “Keep your eyes open and shoot anyone who tries to get on this bird without your Alpha’s Second. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Alpha Harmony.”

  She kissed Ryker once more before she jumped from the helicopter to the grass and started running.

  Jax and the rest of the team were close on her heels.

  Ryker removed several weapons and lined them up on the seat. “Harmony, you’d better come back to me. My Wolf is ready to have another conversation about who’s in charge.”

  Standing outside the helicopter, he made several calls to coordinate everything he thought his Mate and her family might need when they made it back.

  Then he settled down to wait and consider the woman who was going to be the cause of the first Were heart attack.

  Fuck, how he loved her.


  The Others – Book Two

  Hope Kassis could smell her twin sister and didn’t understand what that meant.

  At first, she wondered if the Montana Wolves chasing them for fucking years had caught Harmony and were using her as bait to catch Hope.

  As the possibility entered her mind, she laughed. No Were would ever best Harmony. No fucking way.

  Then she received confirmation that her twin was safely with her Mates in Texas Pack.

  There was no time now to solve the mystery. There was a lot to do and very few hours to do it.

  At this moment, Ryan had to come first. She had to rescue him before he succumbed to his injuries.

  Everything depended on getting him to safety.

  When one of the human servants loyal to her parents got her a message that Ryan Sharpe was being held in the cells beneath her childhood home, Hope put together a plan.

  She had no choice but to return to Montana Pack despite her vow never to do so again when they were exiled.

  Stashing everything of value, she drove from Arizona to Montana with rage in her heart and vengeance on her mind.

  She didn’t try to shake her hunters. She killed the ones she could and outran the ones she couldn’t.

  New people chased her and she suspected Harmony had sent them but she couldn’t be sure. There was no way to tell whose side they were on. Just in case, she got gas in specific towns, sending a message to her sister.

  Otherwise, the risk was too great.

  Even if the information she received was part of an elaborate plan to get her here, she had to try.

  One thing at a time. Anything less than her total concentration would mean failure.

  The cave was high in the hills set back from a rocky ledge. The slim pack she carried held medical supplies for a wounded male. She had to keep him safe long enough to get him out of enemy territory.

  The temperature was steadily dropping at night. In her insulated climbing gear, she scaled the sheer wall and pounded in anchors every few feet. She’d need them on the return trip to rappel a wounded Ryan safely to the ground.

  The going was slow but she had the almost full moon to guide her. When she reached the narrow ledge in front of the hidden cave mouth, she hauled up her pack and all her ropes.

  Slipping sideways into the cave, she put down her gear and took the bitter deer urine spray hunters used and covered the ridge with it, spraying some over the side to coat the ground.

  It was already all over her boots and she’d done what she could to cover her tracks through the forest that lined the property she’d grown up on.

  All her precautions might be for nothing but she did her best.

  Dropping down the dark fur rolled above the entrance, she knew it would cover any light inside the cave or tunnels.

  She removed the medical kit and snapped together a lightweight titanium litter she’d designed in case things were worse than she realized.

  After eating jerky and dried fruit, she sucked down as much water as she could hold and curled up in her sleeping bag for a couple of hours. The climb had taken a lot out of her.

  Too long on the run without enough food and sleep had worn her down over the years and her body had been through a lot. She knew she had a low-grade fever and multiple infections.

  Going into Change would help her heal but the thought of shifting into her physical Wolf filled her with terror.

  Willing herself to get the first sleep she’d had in too many days, she didn’t hear the visitor who checked on her without a sound but left her in peace.

  Look for “Finding Hope” on Amazon!


  The Others – Book Three

  Desiree Blackwell’s first memory was of her mother Redbird. A woman so beautiful, so kind, that she infused her small child with feelings of light and peace with every touch.

  At three, her brother’s best friend grabbed her as she fell. Her screams startled Jax and everyone around them. She babbled about Daemons and death for hours until their doctor diagnosed her as one of Were kinds’ few empaths.

  From that moment, every touch she received was carefully orchestrated.

  Only her mother was capable of consistently blocking every negative emotion and memory without conscious thought. Everyone else had baggage she was not to be exposed to under any circumstances.

  It left her lonely, isolated, in ways that were difficult to explain. Her charmed life as a member of Were royalty, a rare female of full blood, meant little when she was alone with her thoughts at the end of each day that went on and on.

  Other than comforting the elderly and very small children, she had little purpose among her Pack.

  She endured her Heats alone to strengthen her body. Taking a casual lover to spend time with when she wasn’t in Heat was impossible.

  Were males couldn’t be trusted to guard their thoughts at their most vulnerable and Desiree couldn’t promise not to absorb every moment of their lives at her most vulnerable.

  So, she existed alone. Maintained strong relationships with her family and the members of Texas Pack but was unaccustomed to physical contact or affection.

  Without preparation, she could not be touched.

  After two decades of living in such a way, she began to wonder if anyone would ever touch her in moments of laughter, joy, love, or desire.

  Then she learned about her Mate.

  Look for “Keeping Desiree” on Amazon!


  A Paranormal Romance

  Delaney survived a nightmare as a child. Now a grown woman, she puts on a happy face for friends and family so they don’t worry. When her parents bring her a rescue dog named Kody, she clings to him to ease her loneliness and feelings of isolation.

  Kody was born a Shifter. The shape that always came easiest was a small dog he’d seen as a child. When he finds himself captured, locked in pet jail, and adopted by a nice older couple, he bides his time to make his escape. Then he meets Laney and understands she needs him more than he needs his freedom.

  You need this heartfelt love story from paranormal author, Sabrina Rue. It will keep you reading until the very last page.

  Read “A Devoted Companion” now.


  Sabrina Rue is a paranormal author who focuses on the human condition...with all the horror and beauty it entails.

  She’s been writing and publishing for several years under another author name and looks forward to sharing the fruits of her secretive labor. If you love the crazy, upside down spaces, you need more Sab
rina in your life (and your reading list).

  Writing as…

  Sabrina Rue – Amazon Author Home

  Writing as…

  Shayne McClendon – Amazon Author Home

  Writing as…

  Charlize Rojos – Amazon Author Home




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