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Merlin's Kiss

Page 11

by Stephanie Burke

  Kerian turned to Brieana, mouth open to remind her of the darkness approaching, but stopped as he took a good look at her. Her usually bright green eyes were a bit dull with fatigue and her skin had lost some of its luminescence. Too many shocks in such a short time, he supposed. Her clothes were travel-stained and she moved stiffly as if she were in some discomfort. She deserved one night of rest, he decided, before he took her off to the wilds of the Forbidden Forest.

  "We will stay the night and continue on our quest tomorrow," Kerian said and tried to hide the flash of warmth in his chest as her eyes lit up with pleasure.

  Gently, he caressed her cheek with his big, rough hand, and smiled as she nestled closer to him.

  "Excellent. Then I shall give the orders to prepare an early supper so you all can rest. Brieana, child. If you follow me, I shall help you bathe."

  Shala's voice contained a bit of sharpness that Kerian ignored, but Brieana quickly picked up on. Stepping away from her Warlord, she turned to face Shala.

  "That is not necessary. I can bathe myself," she said as she tried to figure out if the strange note in Shala's voice was anger or…jealousy?

  "Nonsense, child. Let me help you. After all, you must be exhausted after your journey." Then quickly motioning to one of the waiting servants, "A bath and drink in Lady Brieana's sleeping chambers, please."

  The serving woman looked more shocked at the please added to the order than the reappearance of the drack. "Milady." She nodded before taking off towards the back stairs.

  "Now, Kerian," she added. "You go off and make your plans for your, ah, quest, and I will take care of Brieana."

  Nodding, Kerian looked towards Sato, who was approaching him from a side entrance, and moved to intercept his best soldier, his thoughts focused on the preparations for the journey ahead.

  "Now come with me, Brieana," Shala said as she took her by the elbow. "Off to your rooms."

  Come, I shall, too! Zorn's voice echoed in her head as they started up the stairs. Trust her, I do not!

  With that pronouncement, the drack disappeared up the rear stairs. Shaking her head, Brieana turned to listen to what Shala was saying.

  "And I have a special wine that will help you relax until mealtime," she said as she bustled Brieana down the hall. "Your bath should be ready soon."

  As she flung open the door, Shala clucked her tongue in disapproval as she saw Zorn lying contentedly at the foot of Brieana's round bed.

  "I thought that creature was enjoying a repast below," she stated as she glared at Zorn.

  "He is a little over-protective of me, Lady," Brieana explained, ignoring the youthling's snort in her head.

  "Well, as long as he stays out of the way. The castle is no place for pets."

  Pet her, I will! Zorn's annoyed voice rang in her head, although the drack never changed positions and looked to be lying sleepily on the floor.

  "Come, Brieana. Time to prepare you for your bath."

  Brieana fought to hold in a giggle as Shala ushered her across the room and into a padded bench.

  "First, I will check and see if you picked up anything in you hair while you were…journeying about."

  With her hair, I will start, also, Zorn stated as he lazily stretched and yawned, showing off his razor-sharp claws and long dangerous teeth. Pluck it out, strand by white strand, I will!

  Brieana again stifled a laugh as Shala looked at her oddly. Then shrugging her shoulders, Shala produced a hairbrush and began to quickly pull it through Brieana's tangled curls.

  "It must feel safe to be back with normal people again, and away from those large beasts. They can be so…frightening when seen up close."

  As is, her face, Zorn drolly replied as he opened one eye to glare at Shala.

  This time, Brieana burst out into giggles.

  "What is that vile creature saying about me?" Shala finally demanded, throwing down the brush in a huff. "You might as well tell me, because I know that it is insulting me!"

  Insults, you have not seen yet! Zorn replied and Brieana again burst out into helpless laughter.

  "Brieana?" Shala demanded, tapping her foot in impatience, her face almost as red as her gown.

  "He… Well, I… You see…"

  But then the door burst open and servants bearing a large wooden tub and buckets of steaming water entered the chamber. Following behind them, a servant came bearing a small tray.

  "The wine!" Shala said as she rushed forward to take the tray from the servant. "You will drink while your bath is being prepared."

  Turning her back to the busy workers and Brieana, she began to prepare the wine.

  Chuckling to herself, she wrapped both hands around the goblet and began to mutter the ancient words. There was a small popping, which she covered by calling out, "Here we are, Brieana. From my personal stock!"

  Trust her, I don't! Zorn cried out as Shala approached with the silver goblet. Drink it not!

  "Zorn," Brieana sighed, shaking her head at the drack. "Just because she doesn't like you," she whispered, "does not mean that she will try to harm me!"

  Lady, no! Zorn called out as he leaped from his reclining position and crouched down between Shala and Brieana, with exposed teeth and a low growl.

  "Zorn, No!" Brieana shouted as she stood and glared at the little purple youthling. "That is enough!"

  "Schlock!" Shala cried out as she took a step back. That vile creature suspected too much. She began to shake with her rage, barely managing to control it. He would have to go if she was to put her plan in action.

  "As I have said, Lady, Zorn is a little over-protective of me." She soothed the shaking Shala.

  "I mean you no harm, Brieana, and if it will make the difference, I will sip from the cup myself."

  So saying, she lifted the goblet to her lips and proceeded to quaff a goodly portion of the wine. "See, no ill effects, Zorn. I will not try to poison your mistress."

  "Now, please go and find Kerian, Zorn." Brieana was now just a little exasperated with her bodyguard and wanted nothing more than a few hours of rest before they had to start another arduous trip. She may be a bit uncomfortable with Shala, but the woman was offering to help ease her tired body, and that was good enough for her.

  But, Lady…? Zorn whined as he cocked his head to the side and glared at her.

  "Go, Zorn. I am tired and in need of a bath. Nothing will harm me here."

  Shoulders slumped in defeat, Zorn quietly exited the room and went in search of Kerian.

  "About that wine?" Shala asked as she approached Brieana. She was truly thankful that the one lesson Dagon had given her still held true. Dark magic could not harm the one who controlled it.

  "Yes, thank you Lady Shala. I could use it about now."

  Noting that the servants had all left the room to continue with their other duties, Shala smiled at her unknowing victim as she closed the door to the chamber. Walking over to Brieana with a smile, she handed her the goblet.

  "To your health, child."

  Smiling at the toast, Brieana lifted the cup to her lips and drained it in a few swallows.

  "Now, to the tub with you," Shala motioned to her as she walked over to help her disrobe.

  Once naked, Brieana headed straight for the high wooden tub and gracefully sank down into its warm depths. She sighed as the water, treated with essential oils and a wildflower fragrance, seemed to caress her whole body. Every inch of her skin was suddenly drenched in perfumed bliss and she laid her head against the back of the tub and sank down until its murky depths came up to her shoulders.

  "Comfortable, dear?" Shala asked as she handed her a sponge.

  "I have never felt so good in my life! Thank you, Lady Shala." She closed her eyes and relaxed as the steam wafting up from the water caressed her face and made her quite sleepy.

  "Shall we have a bit of conversation, dear? Would that be agreeable?"

  "Yes, Lady Shala." Her words came out almost as if she was in a trance.

a was so tired that she barely registered answering any questions from Shala. Her thoughts seemed to jumble and all she could concentrate on was the warm feelings coursing through her body.

  "Well, child, what did that creature, Gren, tell you?"

  "I am the Woman of Legend." The words seem to slip out from her tongue, and it bothered her a bit, but the tub was so relaxing and wonderful…

  "What makes you so special, child? There have been many great female leaders." Her question came out clipped with her rising anger. How dare they name this little brat the Woman of Legend when the title should belong to a more powerful individual? Someone like herself!

  "Excalibur, Lady."

  "What?" That startled Shala right out of her anger. "Ex…Calibur?"

  "My ancient sword, Lady."

  "And where exactly is this sword?" she asked, impatiently. This might be the key she needed to bring both Dagon and Kerian to heel!

  "With the Lady of the Lake, Lady Shala. That is where Kerian and I travel in the morn. We will fetch the sword and bring it back here so that I…"

  "Very good, child." Shala interrupted as she rose to her feet. "Don't fall asleep in the tub and drown yourself. Wouldn't want anything to happen to you, at least before you complete your quest."

  Hurriedly, she quit the room, leaving a totally relaxed Brieana to drift in her tub, her conversation with Shala evaporating like the heat of the water in which she dozed.

  * * * * *

  "She will bring it to me, and then I will rule!" Shala mumbled to herself as she raced to her chambers. "I will take that sword, Excalibur, and I will rule all of this isle!"

  She slammed the door open and quickly made her way to a hidden alcove in the back of the room, her workshop. There she pulled out a sealed box, and caressed the ornate wooden lid. Inside were the old cast-off spells that Dagon had given her after their first joining years ago. Her foolish teacher had overlooked one thing, though. Contained in the old spells was a spell to awaken the legendary Man-Demon with the lost name. Once she possessed the sword, she could easily do away with Brieana and Kerian, but it would take a bit more to rid herself of Dagon. This spell would do it!

  She returned the box to its hidden cache in the wall and giggled to herself. "What delicious irony, little one!" She recently had taken up the habit of talking to her unborn babe. She found it oddly comforting. "Your father has given me the means to destroy him, and he doesn't even know it! He thought that these old spells could do nothing to the great and powerful Dagon! But we will show him! We will show him and he will die screaming!"

  Her laughter echoed the hallways outside her chambers and a servant passing by shuddered and made a sign to ward off evil.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Are you sure you wouldn't rather walk?" Sato looked up at the Warlord with something akin to anguish on his face.

  "No. And I will require two of them." Kerian looked down as his most feared soldier, besides himself of course, paled beneath his golden skin.

  "You do not ask much, Kerian." Even Sato seemed a little surprised at the sarcasm that came from his mouth. Hoping that the Warlord was too worried about the coming journey to notice his little slip, he quickly continued.

  "Why not let the drack fly you there?"

  Me? The word echoed in Kerian's head, and being caught off guard, as he was, he flinched before he could recover his equilibrium.

  Turning to face the drack in question, he sighed angrily at the purple lizard.

  "Must you shout, Zorn?" His words were controlled and cold, as if to make up for his momentary lapse.

  Realizing that he had approached Kerian without his usual human shield, Brieana, Zorn slunk forward, frightened but determined.

  With you, I must speak, Lord.

  Respect was the last thing he expected out of Zorn. The youthling had a way of raising his ire then hiding behind Brieana, but the way he approached told him that this was a serious matter they would be discussing.

  "Two unicorns, by tomorrow, Sato!" Kerian demanded of his still reluctant soldier.

  "Aye, my Lord!" Sato rapped out. When the Warlord used that tone, people jumped to obey. Why me, he thought as he gathered his strength for the battle that awaited him. He turned to leave just as Zorn stopped in front of Kerian.

  "You wished a word, youthling?"

  Yes, Lord. Worry, I do, about the Lady Brieana.

  "Why would you worry, Zorn? She is safe in her chambers in Mirage. My own stepmother is tending her as we speak." He ran a tired hand through his sweat-dampened hair. Once out of the cool air of the mountains, it always took his body a few hours to adjust to the warmer climate on Mirage.

  The reason, that is, for my worry! I trust her not!

  "Youthling, has she given you any cause to believe that she would do Brieana harm? I know that she is not the most likable person on the Light Isles, but that is no reason for her to wish to harm Brieana!"

  The torc, Lord, he answered as he raised his head and looked Kerian dead in the eyes. Reacts it does, to evil.

  His words sent a shiver down Kerian's spine before he controlled the instinctive reaction. He looked deep into Zorn's purple eyes and saw only earnest concern there.

  "What could she do here, under my roof?" Kerian asked, his mind striving for an explanation. Shala had always been different, but he never thought her cold enough to harm Brieana. She had no reason to! Unless she noticed his attraction for the dark-haired former queen. Was she still angry about his rejection all those years ago? Was jealousy a strong enough emotion to cause her to wish to do another harm?

  Poison! Zorn said the one word with malice and Kerian immediately turned and headed for the back stairs. For Zorn to be so concerned there must be a reason.

  * * * * *

  "Lady? Are you within?"

  Kerian slowly opened the door to Brieana's chamber and peeked inside. An agitated Zorn waited in the hall, his thick tail whipping furiously back and forth.

  There was the high-backed wooden tub that Shala herself preferred to use, but where was Brieana?

  Stepping into the room, he looked over to her bed and saw the covers still unrumpled, the bed perfectly made. There were no other alcoves in this chamber so that meant she could only be in one place. But why did she not answer when he called?

  "Brieana?" he called again, louder this time, and waited to hear her low voice commanding him to leave the chamber. When she did not respond, he broke out in a cold sweat.

  Slowly walking towards the tub and dreading the worst, he looked over the edge and saw her sitting there, staring off into space.

  "Brieana?" he again asked as he looked down upon her relaxed body.

  The oily water hid none of her body from his view. He stifled a groan and struggled to ignore the quick rush of blood to his cock, hardening it, making it throb against the tight leather of his leggings as he hungrily eyed her breasts, gently bobbing in the tub. The caress of her now cool bath water had hardened her nipples and made the rosy peaks stand out in stark relief. He looked down further and saw the curly thatch of her pubic hair and wondered what that secret alcove would look like, smell like, and taste like.

  Shaking himself free of his carnal lusts, he reached down and placed a hand on her damp shoulder.

  "Lady? Are you well?"

  "I am fine, Kerian," came her dazed voice.

  "What is wrong with you?" he asked, concerned about her lack of reaction to a man standing there watching her nude in her bath.

  "I know not, Kerian."

  "Brieana? Are you uncomfortable sitting in that water?"

  "Yes, Kerian. I am."

  "What is going on here?" Kerian demanded as Zorn slipped into the room.

  "You are asking me questions, Kerian. And I am answering them." Her voice came out in a monotone that cast a sharp edge of fear in Kerian.

  Did this, your stepmother! Zorn growled angrily as he paced back and forth in front of her bed! Drugged her, she did!

  "Brieana?" Kerian
tried again as he ran his hands through his hair again. "Do you not wish to leave the bathtub?"

  "Yes, Kerian," she answered, but remained frozen in place.

  Biting off a harsh curse, Kerian reached into the cool water and slid his hands beneath her, flinching at how cold her skin was.

  Brieana just sat there, looking straight ahead and making no move to assist him.

  "Why would she do this?" he demanded of no one in particular as he swiftly carried her across the room to the bench at the foot of her bed.

  "So that she could question me, Kerian."

  "What!" Kerian's voice echoed around the room while Zorn's shout echoed around his head. Brieana didn't even flinch.

  "So that she could question me," she repeated again.

  Muttering under his breath, Kerian commanded himself not to notice how silky her skin was as he grabbed a rough drying cloth and wrapped her securely within, having to lift each arm to accomplish his task.

  Taking another cloth, he began to chafe the warmth back into her skin.

  "What was so important that she had to drug you to get her answers instead of just asking me?"

  "Excalibur, Kerian," Brieana said in her deadpan voice. "She wanted to know about Excalibur."

  Designs, she has, on power! Zorn all but shouted as he rustled his wings in his growing anger. His lips parted to show his razor-sharp teeth as he growled his frustration. In that moment, Kerian caught a glimpse of the strong, terrifying drackoon the youthling would become after he reached his cocoon state.

  "I will question Shala on this matter!" Kerian lifted Brieana with one arm and flipped back the covers on her bed. Easing her between the clean silken sheets, Kerian again felt a burst of anger directed towards his stepmother. There had to be a reason behind her madness, and an antidote for what was causing Brieana to behave like an addled slave.

  "You stay here and let no one enter, unless it is me. Understand, Zorn?"

  Understand you, I do! the youthling declared as he took up a defensive position beside the bed. One would have to be crazy to try and get past an angry drack and his sharp teeth to harm Brieana.

  "Close your eyes, dear one," he gently commanded Brieana, a painful note in his chest when she obeyed. He was so used to her snappy comebacks that her instant compliance caused a sharp pain in his heart. "I will fix this, I swear it on my life!" He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and stormed from the room, his amber eyes almost glowing red with his anger.


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