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Police, Pooch, and Smooch: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 25)

Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  And he also mentioned that since he adopted Max today, he’s technically his responsibility all day. And being his responsibility he wanted to chip in for the cushions. It was such a sweet gesture, and even though I tried my hardest to resist, he really wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “You’ve got a clean slate, buddy,” he said when he picked up Max in one hand and Smooch in the other as he walked out my door. Watching him walk away like that in the orange light of the late afternoon was about as heartwarming as it gets for me.

  “What happened to the couch?”

  I turn around and see my dad. He’s come in from the garage out back. He missed James by no more than five minutes. I look at the clock…make that an hour. Had I been on the couch that long…just thinking about him?

  “Max got ahold of it.”

  “He’s got to go.”

  “Someone just came by and adopted him, dad. It was a perfect fit.”

  “Really? That’s good news.”

  “I do miss that little bugger though.”

  “He’ll be someone else’s problem from now on.”

  “Steven!” my mom says.

  “It’s true. He was tearing his way through the house like a tornado.”

  “Well, I’m glad he found a good home,” my mom says.

  I don’t say anything.

  “Do you know the new owners?” my mom says.

  “Yeah. They’re going to take good care of him.”

  “Oh. So all those flyers around the neighborhood I saw convinced the right person. Who was it?”

  For some reason I don’t want to say. I have no idea why, but my mouth just doesn’t open. I know what most of the town thinks of him, but I know the real side of him. I saw it today.


  “Yes, mom.”

  “Who adopted Max?”


  “James who?”


  “James Smith,” she says softly as she thinks. “You mean our neighbor?”

  “Yeah. He came over with his son not too long ago.”

  “James Smith came over here and took that dog?” my dad asks.

  “Yeah. He was really nice.”

  “Nice? He’s a loose cannon. He’s a wreck. Built that fence to block off the rest of the world. Why would he want a dog?”

  “He was nice dad. He even offered to pay for Max’s food and shots…the money we spent so far.”

  “He did?”

  “Yeah. I couldn’t tell him no. I mean I tried, but he just wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “Hmm,” my dad says, before walking off towards the kitchen.

  “How’s his son doing?” my mom asks.

  “Good. He seemed happy. He and Max really got along.”

  “What’s his name? Simon?”

  “Yeah, Simon, but everyone calls him Smooch.”

  “What a cute name for a kid, but I wonder who everyone refers to. No one’s really seen him out and about since the accident.”

  “Yeah, he’s kind of a mystery these days.”

  “He sure is.”

  My mom walks off to join my dad. I stare back up at the ceiling.

  He sure is a mystery. A big, handsome, muscular mystery with the cutest little boy I’ve ever seen. And he’s a mystery I’m interested in solving, but first I’ll need some clues.



  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Smooch so happy.

  I put a light cover over him and step back from his bed, just looking at him. He’s flat on his back, deep in sleep. His arm is extended to his side and it’s resting over that little ball of fur that is his new best friend. I don’t know the rules about kids and dogs and sleeping together and whether there’s supposedly any danger to my boy, but they sure do look like a pretty good team to me. I haven’t been able to separate them since they first met, and I’m not about to try now.

  I go to leave his room and take one last look in. It looks like a Norman Rockwell painting.

  I step across the hall and into my own bedroom. I slide out of my clothes and stretch out on my bed. Unlike Smooch and Max, I don’t fall straight to sleep.

  I stare at the ceiling.

  It’s been a whole year already. I’ve barely talked to anyone other than the other officers at the station. I’ve locked myself in, and as much as that was the right thing to do at the time, I’m not so sure anymore.

  I felt something today. Something I haven’t felt in a long, long time. Sadie was so kind, patient, and such a good listener. She’s wise beyond her years. I can sense it.

  The guys at the station are always complaining about the women at the bar who just want to score a cop notch in their bed. That or just how crazy the dating scene is in general these days. Tinder and all those apps where you can just meet up for sex. What’s that? What ever happened to meeting someone face-to-face and actually getting to know them before anything progresses? What happened to those days? I guess I’m just an old, lost soul.

  But I didn’t feel that way earlier today, and it could only be because of her. She mixed her youthful beauty, and optimism, with that certain elegant way in which she carried and presented herself. It’s like she’s an old soul too. She’s what…maybe twenty-two? Twenty-two going on forty-two, which is pretty ironic considering that’s exactly how old I am.

  If she is twenty-two then I’m twenty years older than she is. That’s a big difference, but as big as it is, it’s just a number. What matters is how I feel, and I felt a connection with her today. I’m trying to tell myself it wasn’t a big deal, but I know it was. I haven’t felt that in what’s starting to seem like forever. Maybe even never.

  My first wife and I met at the station. We worked together and things grew over time, naturally, as they should. There was no initial spark, as crazy as that sounds.

  Today was different. It was like a punch in the gut the moment I saw her. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She must have thought I was a stalker or something the way I was just staring at her.

  I roll over on my side and bunch up the pillow under my head. I stare at the blank wall to clear my thoughts, but it’s not working. I can’t get her out of my mind. And the worst part is I’m not sure if it’s a bad thing or a good thing.



  I take a deep breath in and blow it out. “You can do this,” I say to myself. I press the tiny doorbell button he has mounted on the wooden fence. I’m not more than two feet from the sidewalk that runs up and down the street we share. He really did gate off his entire property.

  I hear the doorbell echo inside at his house. Seconds go by. He’s not home. I’m not going to ring twice. Maybe he’s sleeping. If it’s his day off, that’s entirely possible.

  I turn to go when suddenly the words “come on up” come from the small intercom box next to the doorbell.

  I hear a buzzing sound and the gate latch unhooks, as the door swings open slowly exposing his sealed off property to me. When was the last time he had a visitor?

  I turn and walk into his yard. I haven’t been here in years. I used to ride my bike across his yard, but he never yelled at me. I remember when I played with my Barbies under that old poplar tree over there in the corner. All by myself in the summer sun, and not a single soul bothered me.

  My eyes are scanning his yard, and then I look up at the front door. He’s standing there in athletic shorts…and that’s it.

  “Sorry it took me a second. I was doing my morning exercises.”

  “Um…it’s okay,” I say. And it really is okay. A lot more than okay actually. He looked incredible yesterday in that V-neck, but without it today he looks good enough to eat.

  Those incredibly broad shoulders are on full display, accentuated by the beads of sweat covering his body. The light catches him just right and it’s almost like he’s sparkling.

  His shoulders are incredibly defined. It’s like he has muscles within muscles.
Those big shoulders that look like boulders taper off as they come in and narrow at the point where they connect to his biceps, only for his muscles to bulge again. His biceps are big, and his triceps are even bigger.

  I continue following the line of the walkway up to his house, as my eyes follow the line of his arms down to his elbow and then to his bulging forearms. There’s nothing worse than thin forearms, and he’s got anything but. His forearms are thick and they lead to wrists, which are also thick and strong. He’s wearing a black watch, which really show off the shape of those wrists…the ones I can imagine pivoting to grab me and then lifting me up and setting me down right on his…oh my gosh, where is my mind going?

  I reach the base of the steps, about five feet below where he’s standing over me. His position is so dominant, and from this angle I try to count his abdominal muscles without being too obvious. I lose count at twelve, either because I don’t want to get caught, or because that barrel chest of his is pulling my eyes up even further.

  His muscles are like wet ropes, intertwined to form one huge man. As I begin climbing the stairs I’m face to face with his lower half. His legs are just as strong and as powerful as the rest of him. He’s like a python…all muscle, and I want nothing more than for him to wrap everything he’s got around me.

  “Can I offer you a coffee?” he asks as I reach the top.

  You can offer me a whole other kind of pick me up.

  “Yeah, sure. That would be great.”

  I step inside his house. There’s a lot of wood and brick, and it comes across as very masculine.

  “Sorry about the mess,” he says, as I notice there is absolutely no mess whatsoever. I’ve never seen a guy’s living space so clean.

  “I didn’t even notice.”

  “I’ve been building some new things for the house. I like to do some basic carpentry when I’m not at the station.”

  “Oh. Did you make this bannister?” I ask. What a dumb question I think to myself but it’s too late. There’s no way he could have —-

  “Yeah. A couple years ago. All the detailing was a lot of work, but really rewarding.”

  I am beyond impressed. Catch bad guys while on the clock, and home improvement on his days off. He’s a hero at home and for the people of the city.

  “Do you like milk in your coffee?”

  I think back to that joke about tall, gorgeous white guys being referred to as a tall glass of milk. Now I see why.

  “Yeah, a couple shots of milk would be good.”

  “Or I could whip up a cappuccino if you prefer.”

  “Yeah, I mean…that would be great if it’s not too much work.”

  “Not at all. I have one of those coffee machines that do everything for you. It’s a snap.”

  I look over to the counter and expect to see one of the machines you just pop the caps into and a couple minutes later the coffee comes out. Not a chance. He’s got one of those fancy Italian contraptions that makes your coffee, files your taxes, and schedules your trip to the salon all in one. Of course he does, I think to myself. He’s into craftsmanship. He’s hands on and wants the best. He’s not going to settle for anything in life, and in doing so he’s going to go out there and get just what he wants…with his own two hands.

  “What brings you by this morning?” he says, as he pulls some levers and turns some nobs on that shiny chrome machine.

  I’m watching him from behind. His back muscles flex as he operates the coffee machine. I never knew watching a cup of Joe being made could be so sexy. It’s usually my dad in his Old Navy boxers, which have some sort of small repeating image that looks like something you see under a microscope in sixth grade, paired with an oversized white T-shirt standing in the kitchen with bedhead and morning breath. Talk about a breath of fresh air.

  “I forgot to give you these,” I say, pulling two pieces of folded paper out of my pocket.

  He puts the coffee cups on saucers and comes over to me, setting them down at the bar in the kitchen. The aroma from the coffee smells incredible. I remind myself to quit drinking that instant stuff, and to start savoring the full experience of my caffeine addiction. He reaches for the papers. “What do we have here?”

  “It’s Max’s medical history.”

  “Is everything okay with him?”

  “Yeah, he’s perfect. Just his shot records.”

  “And there’s a second page here.”

  “Yeah, that’s just…”

  “He has certain foods he likes?”

  “Yeah. Strange isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I thought dogs just ate about anything you put in front of them.”

  “He does, but there are certain things he seems to enjoy more than others.”

  “Bacon and eggs with a T-bone stake? I think he has the same appetite as I do,” he says.

  A little laugh escapes, and I try and close my mouth up quickly.

  “Cheers,” James says, raising his coffee cup.

  “Cheers,” I say, clinking my cup against his. “I’m not sure I’ve ever toasted with a cup of coffee.”

  “First time for everything,” he says. He’s right. There is a first time for everything, and my time for that is now.

  “Also, I wanted to let you know that I’m taking Baby and Johnny to the dog park today. Retrievers are social, so it could be good for Max.”

  He quickly pulls his coffee cup from his lips, setting it in the saucer. “Dirty Dancing fan?”

  “Huge,” I say.

  “Great movie.”

  “The best,” I say.

  I’m kind of surprised he likes it, let alone that he’s seen it.

  “What time are you headed that way?” he asks, before I have time to ponder it any more.

  “Around two.”

  He’s doing that thing again. He’s staring at me like I’m the only person in the world, or at least the only one who matters.

  “You wanted to take Max with you?”

  “Yeah, I mean…I was thinking…”

  “I’m sure Smooch would love it there, and I’m happy to tag along if it’s okay with you.”

  “That would be great.”

  Does he know I came over here to ask him out and he’s just playing coy, or did I do a bad job of explaining my true motives here? Sure, Max needs socialization, but he’s not the only one. I think it could be good for James, and I know spending some time with him would be good for me. Very, very good.



  I can’t remember the last time I left the front gate open. It’s probably the first time since I had the perimeter fence put in. I don’t want her waiting out front when she comes, and to be honest I’m pacing in front of the window keeping my eyes open for when she arrives. I’m like a nervous little boy. I can’t remember the last time I felt this way.

  “Girl,” Smooch says from his spot on the floor.

  “That’s right, Smooch. She’s coming soon.”

  I look over and see him petting Max. He hasn’t quite got the whole petting thing down yet. It’s more of a very light slap and drag, but Max doesn’t seem to mind…as a matter of fact he can’t seem to stop licking him.

  “Easy, Smooch,” I say, as I walk over and show him again how to gently stroke an animal.

  Ding dong.

  I hear the bell ring and jump up. She’s here.

  I move quickly towards the intercom. “Hi Sadie. Come on up,” I say into it, as I open the front door. I recognized the bell as the one from the street and not the door. I wired them with different sounds. Even though I left the gate open just for her, she still rang the bell before coming into my domain. I like that she’s respectful, and that’s not the only thing I like as I catch the first glimpse of her coming my direction.

  She looks like a million bucks…an absolute knock out! She’s got on a light blue dress that’s moving slightly in the breeze. It’s just above her knee and I can see those legs of hers. They’re powerful and even though I don’t remember
hearing about her playing sports in high school, or reading about it in the newspaper, it’s apparent she could have. I like that she’s stacked from the waist down. I like to work out and push the limits and you definitely need a strong foundation to do that, and that’s exactly what she’s got.


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