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Police, Pooch, and Smooch: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 25)

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  They come out at the same time, and load the trunk. They’re amateurs. They’re not staggering their runs. As they go inside I run in behind them and duck behind the bushes.

  I listen to their footfalls on the wooden floor and count in my head. They’re still searching for items. The sound of their footfalls changes. They’ve got something heavy.

  I crouch lower and listen as the steps creak.

  “Come on, Skeeter! We don’t got all day. After this we finish them off.”

  They come into my line of sight and I can see they’ve each got one side of a big flat screen TV. As much as I want to drop both of them with a shot to each of their legs, I can’t. But there is solution that’s a whole lot better.

  I reach for my belt and remove just what I’ll need. I come up out of my crouch and sprint straight towards them.

  One has his back to me and the other is looking down, making sure not to trip as he backpedals towards the van.

  I aim my X3-20 Taser and pull.

  Snap! The man backpedaling goes down instantly, the TV falling right on top of him.

  The man with his back hears the crack of the Taser and turns to me, pulling a pistol from his belt as he does.

  I point the Taser right at him.

  Crack! The gun falls from his hand while he joins his buddy Skeeter on the dewy morning grass.

  I slide in quickly and affix the plastic handcuffs, making sure to put my knee extra hard into their backs when I do.

  Just then the squad car rolls up, followed by another, as they jump out with their weapons pulled.

  “How many?”

  “I think two,” I say. “Two hostages downstairs. One hostage upstairs. Female.”

  One officer watches the suspects while the other uniformed officers run inside to clear the house. I’m right behind them.

  Together the three of us clear the house room by room.

  Two uniformed officers go to the living room to look at Steven and Diane.

  I go back to Sadie’s room, knowing she’s under the bed.

  “I’m here. You’re safe.”

  I hear movement under the bed and seconds later I see her head pop up from behind the other side.

  “James!” she says, she takes a step up onto the bed and then another before jumping straight into my arms.

  I’ve got her, and I’m not about to ever let her go.



  “No more interruptions,” she says.

  “No more interruptions,” I say, pouring her another glass of wine.

  We needed a minute to escape the summer heat, and all the crazy things that had happened. Booking a cabin in the mountains had been the perfect getaway.

  We’d spent the day hiking, swimming in an incredibly clear lake, and relaxing in the hot tub on the deck of our cabin.

  There wasn’t another house on the entire mountain range. We were literally alone. We had everything to ourselves, and most importantly we had each other.

  She raises her glass and I bring mine to hers. “To just enjoying each other,” she says.


  We pull our glasses back from our toast and take a sip.

  “And why wait another second?” I say as I place my glass down and stand up out of my seat.

  I come around to her side of the table and place my hands on those delicate shoulders of hers, massaging them and then her neck.

  “I can feel the stress melting away,” she says. She tips back her glass, taking a final small drink, before standing.

  “I’d love to continue this massage, but in a different location.”

  “I know just where.” I say, as I scoop her up out of her chair.

  I carry her into the bedroom, which is completely as you would expect in a cabin except for an Italian painting over the bed.

  “The man’s got the woman in his arms, just like me.”

  “I love that one,” she says.

  “You know it?”

  “It’s the Birth of Venus, detail five, by Sandro Botticelli.”

  “He’s good.”

  “Not as good as you,” she says.

  “And not nearly as good as you,” I say, gently setting her down on the bed.

  I pull my blue V-neck T-shirt up and over my head. It’s become a sort of uniform for me. I wear one of these shirts every day, and at the moment she’s wearing one too, but not for much longer. She had borrowed one of my shirts for dinner, but there was no use for it anymore and she lifts it up over her head.

  “As much as I wanted to do that myself, I’m glad I didn’t have to wait.”

  “I thought you were all about the anticipation?”

  “I am, but we’ve had enough anticipation. It’s time for my present.”

  “And mine,” she says as we both remove our shorts and underwear.

  There she is, laid out in front of me. The cool evening air coming through the open windows, just enough moonlight to illuminate the things we need to see, and nothing more. No more distractions. Just her and I, here for each other.

  I get on the bed and she rolls from her sideways position onto her back, grabbing the headboard as she scoots back against the pillows.

  I take her breast in my hand and cup it, bringing my mouth down hard on her nipple. I suck it, and release, hearing a popping sound. My head moves up and our faces meet.

  Our bodies are moving together in a romantic way, yet with a controlled quickness. It’s not all out lust where we ravish each other, but it’s not the most intimate of romance either. In a word…it’s perfect.

  My hand leaves her breast and travels down her side, my grip firm, yet loose enough to trace her curves. My other hand moves through her silky smooth hair. She’s the complete opposite of my calloused fingertips, and the scars and scrapes I’ve accumulated over the years.

  Everything about her is smooth, soft, feminine and somehow even better than I could have imagined.

  My hand continues down her sides and moves in behind her butt, squeezing it hard before lifting her up off the sheet.

  “Ahhh,” she moans, shocked at how easily I can move her with a single hand.

  “How did you do that…so easily?”

  “Easy. You’re light as a feather.”

  I feel her hands grab my face hard and she lunges her face toward mine, kissing me harder than she ever has before.

  Her primal desires are coming out and they’re calling mine right along with it.

  I’m doing everything I can not to slide inside her right now. I want her bad, but our first time needs to be right. We can save the hot stuff for later. We’re alone all weekend.

  “I don’t want to wait,” she says.

  I feel my cock pressing against her stomach and I slide my hips back and then forward readjusting myself. My knee moves and I feel a wet spot on the sheets. She’s just as ready as I am.

  “I can’t wait. I have to have you now.”

  “Take me,” she says, and it’s like a flip switches inside me and I turn into an absolute crazed maniac. She’s the controller of that switch, and I’m not sure she realizes just how much control she has over me.

  I line the head of my cock up to her opening and wait for her eyes to open. The moment they do she reads just how locked in I am. I can see her face as her expressions reveal the sight of her taking in my want and my need.

  “I want to feel you,” she says.

  I lean in and kiss her on the lips gently. I pull back just slightly, our lips still touching by the smallest of measures and I guide my hips forward, staring into her eyes as she stares into mine as I fill her completely.

  My eyes close and I take a deep breath in through my nose. I can’t help it. I feel so alive.

  “Ohhhh,” she moans, and I take another breath in, but this time to calm down.

  I can’t finish too soon. It’s not fair to either of us.

  I feel her move her hips and realize I’ve frozen in the moment. Now that we’ve started she’s de
sperate to keep our bodies moving together as one.

  “I’ve got this,” I say, grabbing her hips in both hands and moving mine forward and back spreading her open and then pulling out as her walls grip my foreskin.

  “You feel so good,” I say.

  “You feel amazing.”

  “What’s going to feel amazing is when I cum inside you.”


  “You want me to cum inside you?”

  “Uh-huh,” she musters.

  Hearing her say it send me over the edge. I go from long, slow strokes to deep, fast ones. The headboard hits the wall in unison with her moans.

  “I’m cumming,” she says, as her eyes shoot open and display an intensity I’ve never seen before.

  “Uhhh,” I say, thrusting twice…pausing…and then once more deeper than all the others and holding it, as I unload deep inside her.

  “Aaaaaaaah! Ahhhhhhhhh!” she moans as I continue filling her like a creek bed that went dry long ago only to welcome an unexpected torrential downpour.

  But she’s not the only one who never expected this. I couldn’t have in a million years, and that’s probably why we’re so perfect. No expectations, just the enjoyment, respect, and appreciation of each other.

  My hands release her hips as my head leans back, my arms shaking as the last of my aftershocks fills her.

  And then I fall to the side, just next to her, my cock still inside her.

  “That was unreal,” she says.

  “Then we’ll have to try again just to make sure it was real,” I say, in-between heavy breaths.

  It takes her a minute to process my words in the afterglow of the moment. Suddenly she bursts out laughing.

  “I’m definitely up for that if you are.”

  “Oh, I’m up alright. Just give me five minutes.”

  “Perfect, because that’s how long it will take me to take a quick shower while you can prepare for that fantasy of mine we talked about.”

  “That fantasy of ours.”

  “It will be soon,” she says.

  “In five minutes.”



  I barely feel the cool water wash over my body. I’m still on cloud nine, and for all it matters the knob could have been as far to the left or right as possible and it wouldn’t matter. I don’t feel anything now, just bliss.

  Feeling James take me like he did was everything I thought it would be, and somehow still more. But what we’ve got planned next is just as much mental as it is physical. And it’s something that I didn’t even know I had inside me, until him. Until I pictured him going about his business, and the power and authority of it turned me on more than I could have imagined.

  I towel off and take a deep breath. Here goes…

  I step into the doorway of the bedroom and there he is, head to toe in his full police uniform.

  “Excuse me, ma’am. You can’t be out here like this. Public nudity is a crime. It’s indecent.”

  He’s tapping his nightstick in his hand, while the toe of one of his black shoes taps the wooden floor sending chills up my spine. He’s got on the policeman’s hat, Ray-Ban Aviators, and that dark blue uniform. I have no idea how he can see through those glasses, but he seems to be making due.

  And that belt of his. It’s so thick, and accentuates his body, separating the two halves of him. His powerful core and top and his foundation of muscular and thick legs.

  His body twists ever so slightly and the moonlight catches the metal of his handcuffs, drawing my eye to them.

  But the part of his body that looks the most incredible is his shoulders. I didn’t know uniforms still came with epaulettes. They’re so authoritative, and accentuate the width of his upper body that much more. That upper body which I can grab ahold of and hold on for the ride.

  I look him up and down from head to toe again, tracing his body like that line that runs up the outside of each of his pant legs.

  “You mean…I’ve done something wrong?” I say, almost forgetting to recite my line.

  “Ma’am, you’re guilty of indecent exposure. You’ll have to come with me,” he says, taking a step forward. “I’m taking you in.”

  He grabs me by the wrist, and just like that he’s got me spun around and cuffed. I should be terrified, but I’m beyond thrilled, but only because it’s him. I’m claustrophobic, but I trust him, and I’m completely relaxed…under his control.

  “Isn’t there someway we can take care of this right now,” I ask, as I feel him guide me forward, his midsection pressing into my back. I guess he was right about only needing five minutes. I can feel his cock, and it’s just as hard as it was before he filled me not ten minutes ago.

  “Ma’am, are you trying to bribe me?” he says, stopping and pulling the cuffs back. He’s forceful, but gentle…just how I asked.

  “No, no, no. I’m a good citizen, officer. I was just hoping, well…maybe I could make a donation to the police fund and I could be on my way.”

  I feel the brim of his cap brush the side of my face. I can smell the fabric in his uniform just before I feel the heat of his face not inches from mine.

  “I can’t accept a donation,” he whispers into my ear. “But I can give you one.”

  “But what do you possibly have to give?” I ask. It’s the line that signals I’m ready.

  “This!” he says, and I hear the sound of his zipper drop in one quick stroke, quickly followed by his belt unclasping and the pop of the waistband of his underwear being pulled out and then down.

  I feel his cock, press against my opening. I’m dripping already and it has nothing to do with the shower.

  “I’ll pay the fine,” I say, my voice raspy and hungry.

  “It’s a big fine. I’m not sure you’ll be able to handle it,” he says, rubbing the head of his cock up and down my folds.

  “I can handle it. All of it,” I say.

  “Once I begin issuing the fine, I can’t stop it. This is your last chance.”

  “Fine me,” I say, and I feel his hand come down hard on my ass. Somehow I hadn’t noticed he was wearing gloves. The feel of the gloves on my bare ass just adds to the excitement.

  “I need to search you first. It’s for your own safety ma'am. Bend over and spread 'em.”

  I want him so bad, but he’s making me wait. I feel his nightstick glide up my thigh before disappearing and then reappearing with a tap on the inside of my other thigh. I step my feet apart, causing my legs to spread and I suddenly feel his glove move from my ass to my pussy lips, running from front to back.

  I hear him inhale deeply and I turn just in time to see him insert the glove into his mouth.

  “Face forward!” he says, and the nightstick comes down gently across my ass.

  I hear him breath in again and I know he’s taking in the scent of me. My juices have surely stained his pristine white glove.

  “I’ve found one weapon,” he says.

  “But I’m naked. How could I be in possession of —”

  “I’ll do the talking here. Do…you…understand?”

  “Yes, officer.”

  He pauses, the air completely silent. I hear his perfectly shined shoes creak, followed by a plank on the floor, followed by the feel of his nightstick come off my ass and then down again, firmly but gently.

  “You’re in possession of the world’s most perfect pussy. A pussy so powerful it can destroy a man, even a man like me. But that can’t happen, so I’m going to do the only thing that can keep us both safe. I took an oath to protect and serve, and that’s what I’m bound to do. And do you know what I’m going to do with that perfect pussy that’s so dangerous it can bring me to my knees?”

  “No, sir,” I mumble sensing something big is about to happen. I’m trying to get the words out, but all I can think about is getting him in…inside me.

  “I’m going to take it!” he says, and I feel his cock slide inside me in one thrust.

  My mouth opens wide and my
back straightens up as I moan. “Aaaah.” Thank god he warmed me up first. It allows me to take everything, and by everything I mean all of it, just like he said.


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