Mercure de France, Le, 154, 162
meridians, 224
meter, as standard of length, 224
Michelangelo, 87
Ministry of Culture, French, 292
Mirely, or the Little Hole That Doesn’t Cost Much (Apollinaire), 267
Mistral, Frédéric, 19, 78, 81, 82, 94
Mockel, Albert, 117, 122
modernity, 29, 70
molecular biology, 27
Moltke, Helmuth von, 81, 223
Mondor, Henri, 292–93
Monet, Claude, 116, 125
Montesquiou, Robert de, 121, 130, 211, 239–40
Moore, George, 16, 148
Moréas, Jean, 211
Morel, Françoise, 291
Morice, Charles, 161
Morisot, Berthe, 20, 105, 121–22, 125
Morris, William, 76, 91
Morton, Jelly Roll, 275
Moulin Rouge, 154
movies, 225, 238, 239,
Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management, 98–99
Mrs Dalloway (Woolf), 283
Müller, Max, 131, 252
Munich, University of, 70
musical scores, 22, 26, 273–74, 274
musique aléatoire, 26
Nadar, Félix, 18, 82, 127
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 14, 34, 87, 127–28
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 14, 36–37, 44, 64, 109, 126
apology from Kaiser Wilhelm demanded by, 81
capture of, 79–80
censorship under, 43, 65, 73
Offenbach’s friendship with, 110
and urban renewal of Paris, 86
Natanson, Thadée, 16, 20, 289, 290
National, Le, 91
National Convention, 34
National Guard, 84, 85, 88
National Observer, 154
Neil, R. A., 146
Nelson, Ted, 286
Neoplatonism, 226
Neuilly, 65, 240
New Men (Les Hommes nouveaux), 271
Newton, Sir Isaac, 278, 283
Niederhäusen, Auguste de, 20
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 29, 70
Nordau, Max, 123, 300n–301n
Norman Conquest, 253
Normant, Mme Henri, 21
North Star, 246, 253
Nostradamus, 132
Notre-Dame Cathedral, 76
nouns, 222–23
Novel of a Night, The (Mendès), 65
nuclear fission, 26
Nude Descending a Staircase (Duchamp), 271–72
Occitan language and literature, 78
oceans, in “The Cloud,” 41
Odysseus, 283
Odyssey (Homer), 22
Offenbach, Jacques, 109–10
Office of Scientific Research and Development, U.S., 286
Ollivier, Père, 239
Olympia Academy, 279
Olympic Games of 1896, 252
“On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light” (Einstein), 305n–6n
“One Toss of the Dice” (“Un Coup de Dés Jamais N’Abolira le Hasard”; Mallarmé)
advertisements in, 288
Afternoon of a Faun as prefiguring, 62
alliteration in, 256–58
attack on verse in, 147–48, 212, 241
and Bazar de la Charité fire, 241
blank spaces in, 22, 136–37, 138, 163, 213, 237, 288
The Book as foundation of, 71–72, 74
Broodthaers’s graphic edition of, 213
complete English version of, 167–87
complete French version of, 189–209
constellations in, 23, 28, 51, 104, 187
corrected proofs for, 293
Cosmopolis edition of, 163–65, 212, 235–38
effect of Regnault’s death on, 89
ellipses as used in, 219
as existential crossword puzzle, 27
as feat of graphic design, 212
as first poem of literary relativity, 284
influence of poster art on, 22, 139
influence of “There Once Was a Little Boat” on, 51
and invention of cinema, 159, 162
Montesquiou on, 240
Morel’s edition of, 291
musical score in, 164, 218
as not intended to be read aloud, 212
phonology in, 260
as poetic Rorschach test, 28
as precursor of “medium is message,” 244
preface to 1897 Cosmopolis edition of, 163–65
proposed luxury edition of, 237–38
repeated consonant sounds in, 255–59
second edition planned for, 241–45
shipwrecks and sailing as themes of, 22, 24, 33, 38, 51, 57, 169, 172, 214, 215, 229, 242, 246, 257, 258, 259
and SM’s nonfiction, 131
SM’s otherworldly experience and, 71–72
syntax of, 23, 214–23, 222–23, 228, 243, 271, 275
A Tomb for Anatole as precursor to, 135
typefaces as used in, 164
wing imagery in, 242–43, 248–49
“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” (Einstein), 281
Opera Ballet, 109
Opera Bouffe, 112
operas, 101, 154
see also specific operas
Orpheus, 255
O’Shaughnessy, Arthur, 111
Otto I, King of Greece, 64
Our Meetings (Nos Rencontres; Régnier), 118
Palace of Industry, 239
Palissy, Bernard, 93
Pall Mall Gazette, 150
Panama Canal Company, 155–56
Parade (Satie), 275
paradoxes, 231, 232
capture of (1814), 236
department stores in, 103
and Franco-Prussian War, 82, 108
urban renewal of, 86
Valvins compared to, 113
Paris Observatory, 223, 224
Paris Opera House, 109
Paris Time, 223
parlottes (political clubs), 87
Parnassians, 62, 63, 95, 97
Parville, Henri de, 161
Pater, Walter, 146
Pathelin (character in play), 76
Patriote, La, 143
Patton, George, 13
Payne, John, 60, 94, 131
Pelléas et Mélisande (Maeterlinck), 154
Pennsylvania, University of, 127
Père-Lachaise Cemetery, 17, 44, 88
Perse, Saint-John, 280
petroleuses, 88
philosophy, German, 70
phonograph, 23
Picasso, Pablo, 23, 25, 270
Picquart, Georges, 263
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 119
Pirou-Normandin, 161
Plato, 226, 227, 231, 232, 246–47, 251, 303n
Plotinus, 285
Plume, La, 17–18
pneumatique, 211
Pocket Theatre Relay Team, 276
Poe, Edgar Allan, 89, 90, 146, 255, 276
SM’s poem on, 111
SM’s translations of, 154
Poincaré, Henri, 155, 278–79
Poincaré, Raymond, 155
Polaris, 245
Pont de Valvins, 13
Popelin, Claudius, 98
Poste, La, 160
poster art, 22, 39
Pound, Ezra, 148
Powell, Frederick York, 145
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 91, 94, 111, 124
prime meridian, 224, 225
Principles of Mathematics, The (Russell), 233
printing industry, 73
Prix de Rome, 67
“Prose of the Trans-Siberian, The” (Cendrars and Delaunay), 271
Proust, Antonin, 119, 125
Proust, Marcel, 26, 97, 121, 220–21, 233, 240, 283
Provençal language and literature, 78
Prunaire, Alfred, 112
psychology, 27
Ptolemy, 245
puerperal fever, 99
punch cards, 23–24
punctuation, 210–11
quantum physics, 278–80
Queen, The: The Lady’s Newspaper, 82, 98–99
Radical, Le, 160
Raffaëlli, Jean-François, 241
Redon, Odilon, 15, 237, 265
Regnault, Henri, 49–50, 67, 83–84, 85
Regnault, Victor, 67, 84
Régnier, Henri de, 38, 114, 144, 247–48, 289
in duel with de Montesquiou, 121, 240
Régnier, Pierre de, 114
Reign of Terror, 34, 35
Reinach, Baron Jacques, 156
Reinach, Joseph, 156
relativity, theory of, 27, 280–84
in Apollinaire’s poetry, 270
decline of, 112, 124
Mauclair’s comparison of poetry to, 123
Satie and, 272
SM and, 41, 137
SM’s salon likened to, 122–23
Religion de Mallarmé, La (Marchal), 301n
Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 220–21, 240
Renard, Jules, 212
Renoir, Auguste, 20, 67, 105, 116, 125, 127, 289–90,
as co-guardian of Julie Manet, 20, 106
portrait of Misia Sert by, 17
Valedon as model for, 276
Republic, RMS, 225
Restoration (1815–1848), 73
Revolution of 1789, 33, 63, 74, 124, 141, 142, 210
Revue blanche, La, 16, 20, 154
Revue fantaisiste, Le, 64
Revue indépendante, 117
Revue nouvelle, La, 60, 61
Revue wagnérienne, 110, 117
Ridiculous Martyrs, The (Cladel), 63
Rienzi (Wagner), 108
Rimbaud, Arthur, 18, 95–96, 148
Rimbaud, Isabelle, 152
Ring cycle (Wagner), 21, 154
Rishis (Hindu sages), 246
Rite of Spring (Stravinsky), 25–26
Rodenbach, Georges, 91, 229
Rodin, Auguste, 15, 20, 265–66, 289, 290
Rollinat, Maurice, 110
Romance of the Rose (Jean de Meun) 75
Roman d’Alexandre, 147
Romantic poets, Romanticism, 44, 62, 72, 75, 97, 161
Rome (Zola), 16
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 60
Röntgen, Anna Bertha, 160
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 160
Roquette, La (prison), 88
Rosati, Félix, 120
Rosicrucians, 272
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 91
Rothschild, Baron Alphonse de, 240
Rothschild Bank, 64
Rougon-Macquart, The (Zola), 264
Roujon, Henry, 117–18, 152, 289–90
Roumanille, Joseph, 78
Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 224
Russell, Bertrand, 233
sail, as metaphor, 19, 104, 242, 243, 247
sailing, 17, 19, 22, 247–48, 248
see also shipwrecks and sailing, as themes of “One Toss of the Dice”
Saint-René-Taillander, 89
Saint-Saëns, Camille, 66–67, 84, 88
Salle Lamoureux, 113
Salomé, 21, 62
Salon Indien du Grand Café, 159
Salons (art exhibitions), 125, 149
Sanskrit, 246, 251, 253
satanic cultism, 43
Satie, Erik, SM’s influence on, 26, 272–76
Saussaye, Herminie du, 37
Schoenberg, Arnold, 23
Schola Cantorum, 273
School for Scandal, The (Sheridan), 60
Schwartzkoppen, Maximilien von, 263
Science of Language (Müller), 252
Séailles, Gabriel, 21
Séailles, Mme Gabriel, 21
Second Empire, 73, 81
see also Napoleon III, Emperor of the French
Second Republic, 37
Sedan, Battle of (1870), 79–80, 95, 126, 223
Seignobos, Charles, 60, 111
Seine, 82, 248
Semitic languages, 252
Senate, French, 63
Septentrion (North Star), 246, 253
Sert, José Maria, 17
Sert, Misia, 16, 17, 20, 289
set-theory paradoxes, 232
Seurat, Georges, 120
sewing machine, 159
Shakespeare, William, 60
Shattuck, Roger, 235
sheet music, 22, 26, 273–74, 274
Sherard, Robert, 211
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 60
shipwrecks and sailing, as themes of “One Toss of the Dice,” 22, 24, 33, 38, 51, 57, 169, 172, 214, 215, 229, 242, 246, 257, 258, 259
“Shut Up in Paris” (Yapp) 82–83
Siege of Paris, 1870–71, The (Meissonier), 85
Simon, Jules, 94
simultaneity. see time simultaneity
“Sleeper in the Valley, The” (Rimbaud), 95
smoking, 97, 122
Société des Gens de Lettres, 265
Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, 265
software for printing, 244
Soir, Le, 151
Solovine, Maurice, 279
Sotheby’s Paris, 292
Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner), 283
Sousa, John Philip, 275
Spanish Revolution of 1868, 81
speed of light, 282–83
Sports et Divertissements (Satie), 273–74
Stéphane Mallarmé: A Hero (Mockel), 117
Stein, Gertrude, 26
stovepipe hat, 210
Stravinsky, Igor, 23, 25–26
stream of consciousness, 26
Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte (Seurat), 120
Sun of the Dead, The (Les Soleil des morts; Mauclair), 117–18
Superstar, 287
surgical field hospitals, 126
Swann in Love (Proust), 121
Symbolists, 97, 123, 144, 151
see also specific poets
syntax, 221–22, 267, 276
Tailhade, Laurent, 151
Tales and Legends of Ancient India (Contes et légendes de l’Inde ancienne; Foucoux), SM’s revision of, 154
Tannhäuser (Wagner), 109–10
Taylorian Association, 145
telegraph, 268
textile looms, 22
Théâtre de Châtelet, 275
Théâtre du Vieux Colombier, 212
Théâtre Mondain, 18
“There Once Was a Little Boat That Never on the Sea Had Sailed” (song), 50–51
Thiers, Adolphe, 84, 85–86
Third Army, U.S., 13
Third Republic, 114, 131, 227
Thomas Evans Museum and Dental Institute, 127
Thomson, J. J., 26–27
Three Pieces in the Shape of a Pear (Satie), 273
time, universal, 27, 223–25
time simultaneity:
in Apollinaire’s “Zone,” 268, 270–71
Augustine on, 228–29
in cinema, 159, 225
Einstein and, 27, 279, 283, 285
in modern art and literature, 220–21, 270–71, 274, 276–78, 283
in “One Toss of the Dice,” 27, 219–20, 221–22, 223, 225, 285
and spatial meridians, 224–25
and wireless transmission, 225
Times of London, 144–45
Titanic, RMS, 225
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius (Borges), 132
Tolstoy, Leo, 127–28, 232
tombeaux (literary homages), 111
Tomorrow’s Eve (L’Ève future; Villiers de l’Isle-Adam), 157
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 17, 20, 276
train travel, clock coordination and, 223
Traité du verbe (Ghil), 123
Tree, Forest of Fontainebleau (Le Gray), 49
Triumphal Ode (Holmès), 142–43, 162
troubadours, 78
tuberculosis, 83
nbsp; Tuileries Palace, 88
Tunisia, 223
Twombly, Cy, 26
typography, 22, 164
Ulfilas, Bishop, 261
Ulysses (Joyce), 283
universal day, 224
Universal Exposition (1867), 126, 141
universal time, 27, 223–25
Ursa Major, 245, 246
Utrillo, Maurice, 276
Uzanne, Octave, 157
Valadon, Susanne, 276
Valéry, Paul, 114, 116, 124, 289,
and “One Toss of the Dice,” 247, 265
Valvins, SM’s country house at, 13–17, 19, 21, 51, 76, 106–7, 107, 112–13, 141, 247, 266
Vasselot, Marquet de, 265
Vathek (Beckford), 222
Vendôme Column, 87
Venetian mirror, 68–69, 69
Verdurin, Mme (char.), 121
Verlaine, Paul, 85, 96, 116, 146–47, 211
SM and, 17–18, 19, 35, 39–40, 42, 53, 72, 95, 102, 132, 136
Versailles, 84
vers libre (free verse), 148
“Vexation” (Satie), 276
Victoria, Queen of England, 263
Vielé-Griffin, Francis, 120–21
Vilains Bonhommes, 95
Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Auguste, 63–64, 66, 79, 83, 89, 110, 116, 140–41, 157, 219
Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Victor “Totor,” 140–41
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène, 76
Vollard, Ambroise, 237, 292
Vuillard, Édouard, 17, 20, 289, 290
Wagner, Cosima, 79
Wagner, Richard, 21, 64, 67, 79, 108–10, 113, 116, 154
Holmès’s Triumphal Ode influenced by, 66, 142
SM’s delight in, 114
Walküre, Die (Wagner), 154
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 127–28, 232
Warhol, Andy, 275
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 26, 276–77
in “One Toss of the Dice,” 22, 257
Satie and, 273–74, 274
SM’s association of poetry with, 19
“Water-chute, Le” (Satie), 273–74, 274
Watson, James, 27
Weber, Max, 70
Wendelen, Charles, 98
Wertheimer, Max, 280
Whibley, Charles, 145
Whistler, James McNeill, 16, 116, 119, 146, 266
in lawsuit over Lady Eden, 149–51
lithographic portrait of SM by, 154
sketch of Geneviève by, 15
Whistler, Trixie, 16
White Star Line, 225
Whitman, Walt, 148
Wikipedia, 287
Wilde, Oscar, 118–19, 211
Wilhelm I, Kaiser, 79, 81, 83
wing imagery, 40–42, 104, 242–43, 248–49
Woolf, Virginia, 26, 283
Word, the (God’s creation of the world), 227–28, 234, 303n
World Wide Web, 28, 285, 286, 287, 288
Worth, Charles, 102
X-rays, 160
Yapp, Ettie, 58, 82–83, 84
at Carrefour des Demoiselles, 49–50
death of, 91, 99
relationship with Cazalis, 51, 66, 91
Yapp, Isabelle, 82–83
at Carrefour des Demoiselles, 49, 82–83
“Shut Up in Paris,” 82–83
One Toss of the Dice Page 27