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The Bewitched Box Set

Page 77

by W. J. May

  “You look like you’ve lost your best friend.” He bent closer to peer into her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She gave him a reassuring smile, at least she thought it was. “I’m just sad.”

  “That’s understandable. You’ve made some friends here. We appreciate all you’ve done. We might even be able to have you come over as a consultant on some projects.”

  “Really?” She brightened. “I figured I’d never be welcomed back – considering I had a death sentence on my head at one time.”

  “A fond memory of your visit.” He snickered. “Even if they aren’t interested in having you consult, I’ll come visit you. I promise. There’s no way I’m giving up our friendship.”

  She closed her eyes briefly. Then said with a lilt in her voice, “Boy, am I glad to hear that. I guess I was feeling a little blue, thinking I’d never see you again.”

  “Not going to happen.” He stood up. “But I understand you need to go home. Did Paxton speak to you yet?”

  “He apologized and thanked me.” She smirked. “I think he’s still a little miffed at me over the stylus stuff.”

  Eric laughed. “I wouldn’t be surprised. He’s been bonded with his for over a century. It can’t be easy to be shown up by a young girl. Especially one not even from his world.”

  “I can understand that.”

  Eric pulled her upright and into his arms. He stared at her quietly for a long moment. His voice rumbled from his chest. “Thank you for coming back and helping us. I’m not sure we’d have survived without you.”

  “You would have, just in a different way.” Storey nestled closer. “I couldn’t see your world suffering when I’d figured out a way to help.”

  “And help you did. The Louers are gone forever and all because of you.”

  She lifted her head to caution him. “We don’t know they’re gone for good. It’s too early to say. Paxton still has some work to do there. He has to make sure the portals are permanently sealed. We also don’t know which dimension the Louers ended up in – for sure. We think we do, but...”

  “Paxton will sort it out. He’s nothing if not dedicated.” As if to calm her worries, Eric bent and kissed her gently, then with growing enthusiasm.


  They broke apart to find Paxton standing in the doorway. “I think it’s time. Everyone wants to say good-bye to Storey and watch her leave.”

  “Oh.” She brushed her shirt down and walked over to where her backpack sat on the floor waiting for her. “I hadn’t realized.”

  They walked back into Paxton’s lab to find a line had formed. Most of the Torans hugged her or shook her hand. By the time she’d reached the end of the line, she could barely hold back the tears.

  Paxton gave her a codex. “So you don’t have to travel by drawing portals everywhere. We all saw the result of that effort!” There was mixed laughter from the crowd, but it was the warm look on Paxton’s face that made her respond with a big grin.

  When the laughter died down, Paxton added, “This is a guest codex. It’s pre-coded for your home, my dear. Thank you for all you’ve done.”

  Tears collected in the corner of her eyes. Storey smiled mistily. She really was going to miss him. “You’re welcome.” Impulsively, she gave him a quick hug.

  Eric walked her over to the portal that his people used for travel and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll pop over tomorrow to see how you’re adjusting to being home again. Your mom has to be wondering where you’ve been all this time.”

  “True enough.” Thinking about her mother brought her father to mind. Oh boy. What waited at home for her? Not daring to speak in case she broke into tears, she managed a brave smile. He reached over and hit the button on her wrist unit. The familiar musical notes sounded.

  Storey straightened her back, determined to go out gracefully. Forced to sniffle back tears, she gave the crowd a quick wave good-bye. It had been a hell of a weekend. She’d miss these people. Definitely Eric and maybe even Paxton. With a final look around the room, she recognized Eric’s father, the hated Councilman, standing in the far back corner, a malicious grin on his face. What was he up to? He looked way too happy for her comfort.

  The black mist swirled up around her legs.

  The Councilman gave her a wiggling fat sausage finger wave good-bye and opened his other hand so she could see what he held. Nestled deep in the rolls was a long thin object.

  Her stylus.

  The black swirling mist rose to her chest.

  She gasped in shock.

  It was too late to stop the portal.

  His grin fattened.

  The room disappeared into darkness. Panic threatened. Oh God. Was she going to die now? Could the esteemed Councilman have actually won? She closed her eyes, hating him and what he’d done. How could she contact Eric to let him know? Without her stylus she had no way to communicate with anyone here.

  Just then the mists thinned and cleared.

  She turned around. An oily darkness greeted her. The rank smell of death rose, overwhelming her senses. She wrinkled up her nose and coughed, then coughed again. “Oh God. I know that smell!”

  Hearing something behind her, she spun around. A long meaty arm stretched through the darkness. White bony fingers reached for her.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading Dangerous Designs! If you enjoyed my book, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave a review.

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  Dale Mayer

  This is book 1 of the Family Blood Ties Saga

  Fifteen year old Tessa is a genetic anomaly, part human part vampire. Teen years are difficult for anyone, but not fitting into either world, makes it that much harder.

  Shunning vampire lifestyle, Tessa has focused her attention to fitting into the human world and attracting one particular male, Jared. But her dream date turns into a nightmare as vampires attack the movie theatre and kidnap him. Feeling responsible, Tessa is forced to confront her vampire heritage, accept what needs to be done, and then revels in her new strengths as she leads a group of friends and family to rescue Jared.

  In the process, Tessa learns to understand the different aspects of her mixed heritage, grows into the vamp she has always wished to be and finds out vampire males are intriguing and deadly attractive – especially Cody, her brother’s best friend.

  And the eternal triangle continues.

  Family Blood Ties Series

  Dani's been through a year of hell...

  Just as it’s getting better, she’s tossed forward through time with her orange Persian cat, Charmin Marvin, clutched in her arms. They’re dropped into a few centuries into the future. There’s nothing she can do to stop it, and it’s impossible to go back.

  And then it gets worse...

  A year of government regulation is easing, and Levi Blackburn is feeling back in control. If he can keep his reckless brother in check, everything will be perfect. But while he’s been protecting Milo from the government, Milo’s been busy working on a present for him...

  The present is Dani, only she comes with a snarky cat who suddenly starts talking...and doesn’t know when to shut up.

  In an age where breaking protocols have severe consequences, things go wrong, putting them all in danger...


  A juvie kid trying to stay on the right path stumbles into trouble...

  Gemma takes her camera everywhere. From juvie hall to a halfway home, the new hobby gives her a focus she’d never had before and... hope in a future. Until she takes pictures of something that could get her killed.

  And not just her...after she and another juvie girl are chased by a stranger to the halfway home that same night, the other girl goes missing and Gemma knows she n
eeds help. But who can she trust?

  Not the authorities that’s for sure. Trusting them is impossible for a girl with her damaged history, and besides, who cares about a troubled kid...especially when trouble just naturally seems to find her.


  Faith and loyalty are tested as a young girl learns what it is to believe – in herself, in her friends, and in life after death.

  Cassie’s best friend, bad boy Todd, is gone. Gone as in dead. Gone as in he’s now a ghost.

  But she doesn’t realize that when he wakes her in her bedroom and begs her not to believe what they say about him. It’s not until the next day when her parents tell her about the accident that she learns the truth...

  The police believe Todd was living up to the family name, drinking and driving and coming to a predictable end. It’s up to her to find out the truth and clear his name.

  Todd is shocked at his sudden change in circumstances...and angry. He struggles with his new ghostly reality, realizing all he’s lost as he watches his brother build a relationship with Cassie as the two pair up to find out what really happened to him.

  The truth isn’t always pretty, and Cassie has to be stronger than ever before. Especially when the whole world seems to be against her.


  About the Author

  Dale Mayer is a prolific multi-published writer. She’s best known for her Psychic Visions series. Besides her romantic suspense/thrillers, Dale also writes paranormal romance and crossover young adult books in several different genres.

  To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system.

  She has recently published her Career Essentials Series. All her books are available in digital and print formats.

  Connect with Dale Mayer Online

  Dale’s Website –

  Twitter – @DaleMayer

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  Story 10 – Blood & Wings by J &L Wells

  This story is written in British English and the grammar and spelling are British style.


  Blood and Wings

  J &L Wells

  Blood and wings

  Book One

  Copyright © 2015 by J & L Wells

  Cover design by J.m rising horse creations

  Formatting and interior design by JT Formatting (

  Proofreading and editing by Sarah Cheeseman

  PA – Lady Amber (


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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book is written by British authors, and all spellings are British English.

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  Chapter One


  The year 2013

  I uncross my legs and push myself up to my feet. I stand for a moment or two and fully embrace the comfort of darkness as it throws its shadowy cape around the trees. Darkness is my friend, giving me permission to wander the forest in safety. I look around and inhale the cold night air.

  My eyes shoot towards scampering rabbits as they disappear into their burrows. I squint, imagining the amber glow of my eyes to be cat-like; they allow me to see so much that the human eye misses. Hearing a rustling of leaves, my senses are awakened. I embrace the cry of screech-owls and the howl of the wind. I cock my head slightly to the left and take in their serenades.

  I throw my head back towards the ink-stained sky. How I miss the sun, the way her rays beat down upon my face. I can still recall that memory of those balmy summers I used to spend meandering along endless beaches, the turquoise waters of the sea, the waves crashing as they washed onto the shore. Loose hair falls onto my brow as I shake my head. God, what I would give to feel the warm grains of sand pressing between my toes. A reminder of life, places I have been, yet even that small memory holds a warmth inside me, one I can only dream of today.

  To speak the truth, these last two hundred years have been no existence. I know that my family will try to stop me and force me back into our underground castle. However, this I shall not allow. My search for love was over long ago; she died, leaving me empty, without happiness or dreams.

  My shoulders drop. Maybe, just maybe, in death I will find an inner peace, an absolution. I have no regrets, and my mind is set. I will face the dawn with her imminent sunrise and end this living hell.

  I look around. The trees are crouched, scarred by time like wrinkled old men. I pass under the bow of a nearby Ash and pat a low branch in the same way I would pat Edmond on the shoulder, for these old boys are good friends of mine. Their knotted branches resemble elongated arms that hold me and keep me safe. One by one I have watched these old men felled by human hand year after year; the forest has been reduced by half. I flick my head one way, then the other. I walk on, stamping on and flattening the prickly green encasement of a conker. I hate the twenty-first century and this new world, with its strange people and vast changes.

  I look down at the floor and back up again, catching sight of my black pantalets and thick nineteenth-century coat, which I wear purely out of habit. A vampire with a coat! I laugh out loud, for we are unable to feel warmth. My clothing doesn’t keep out the cold, this being a state I endure permanently, but it does keep out the twenty-first century. Whatever my thoughts, change is silent and creeps amongst us. How can I expect my family to live in the past? We visit the surrounding areas and study the people with their peculiarities, and slowly their ways are rubbing off on us. So we stand here in the twenty-first century, no more than mongrels; even our dialect lacks any consistency, and I hate it.

  I hear Edmond calling me.

  “Damn it,” I curse.

  I asked my family for space, yet it seems they cannot allow me a moment to myself. I am disturbed by the sound of downtrodden branches that crack and splinter as footsteps approach.

  “Lucian!” Edmond and my family call out.

  They are now only steps behind me. Still they call out my name, which I hear with such clarity. I turn on my heels and run; my feet are fast. My shoes crunch on small stones that ricochet like bullets off the ground. With each step I place my foot down with more intent. The cold autumn wind beats stray wisps of hair against my face; I flick my head and discard them from my eyes. My gaze wanders up between the trees and their criss-crossing branches.

  I can’t help but smile at the brilliance of the moon as she sits up high, peering down on me. The beauty she holds is unique; though bright, she gives off no warmth, and warmth is a sense I miss and have craved for so long.

>   My legs grow heavy; I imagine them to be weighed down by thoughts of my ominous past. Depression has no release, and I am compressed within its hold. I have suffered in silence for as long as I can remember.

  I can’t raise any enthusiasm to join in the hunt; tonight even the rabbits didn’t tempt my palate. Then I ask myself, what does it matter? I am unable to die from starvation, but merely grow weaker. Maybe it’s that feeling of weakness that grabs at me, the vulnerability as a mortal I once knew. It’s times like this when I get that familiar sensation, and although it only lasts momentarily, it allows me the gift of feeling human once again.

  I spin round, and the forest, with all its eerie cries and commotion, falls into silence. I stop dead and listen, but the voices of my family that were close only moments ago have left my ears. I feel a smile lift the corner of my lips.

  I lean against the trunk of an old oak, allowing my eyes to close and my head to fall back. Briefly distracted from my self-loathing and self-pity, I lift my head and sniff; my hunting instincts have emerged. A kill is close. My nostrils flare and burn with excitement. Saliva trickles down from the roof of my mouth and my teeth lengthen from hunger. I’m unable to resist the scent I have picked up, and the temptation to feed is far too strong to ignore.

  I laugh. “How fickle a nature I have.”

  I stop to ask myself how I can possibly turn down an evening meal that is so close. Surely I can’t reprimand myself for desiring one final supper. When the deed is done and I have drained my victim, discarding its lifeless carcass, I can once again wallow in self-pity. When dawn shows her glorious face I will throw myself to the mercy of the sunrise.

  My eyes widen. It is not a beast that stirs from deep in the undergrowth, its vibrant scent dancing like a halo before me. My cunning eyes narrow at a passing vision and I am greeted by a virginal white gown, its sheer material billowing like the graceful wings of a dove. It is a lady, sprightly on her feet. Trapped within my gaze she runs, but from what or whom I do not know. She is so close, yet through the concealment of darkness I am able to go unnoticed as her steps slip by. Momentarily I allow my stare to hold her in slow motion as I take in her pixie-like features. Her youth shows itself, and I decide she must be in her late teens.


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