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The Bewitched Box Set

Page 102

by W. J. May

  Her breathing deepened, and her eyes lined with tears. “There are over eighty portals in Shamike,” she whispered hoarsely. If every portal had soldiers, it would mean many people were in harm’s way.

  Brady took her hand and squeezed, letting her know it was okay. “What about here?”

  Coron gave a half shrug and a grin that held secrets. “We have around that many also.”

  Brady set his cup on the table. “Around that many? Coron, if we are to help you, you need to be honest.”

  “Fine. We have seventy-two portals in and out of Perditus. Only thirty-eight are known of outside my bloodline.”

  “Darvin is the gate-keeper, does he station men at all of the portals?”

  Karis looked at Brady, amused. She didn’t realize he was so intelligent when it came to war, then again, he was a fighter. Maybe she took his muscles for granted. He had so much hidden under his surface. She blushed when he caught her staring and looked away.

  “Darvin has security at the main portals.” Coron let out a breath. “But I believe I will have him man each one until the crisis is over, that way we’re not left undefended or blind.”

  Coron stood. “Brady, it is time I introduced you to my commander in charge. He will fit you for armor and give you a quick training rundown.”

  Brady nearly choked on his drink. “Armor?”

  Coron nodded. “Yes, it is special and can withstand a kinetic energy pulse.”

  “There’s that word again,” Brady said under his breath, but both Karis and Coron heard him, and Karis gave him a knowing smile.

  “It’ll be okay.” She glanced at Coron. “What about me? I will fight too.”

  “No.” Both men raised their voices at the same time.

  “I am the Princess of Shamike. I can and will fight if I choose. If Brady fights, I fight. I won’t stand in the shadows like some pampered doll. I have almost a hundred years of frustration built up; trust me, you won’t want to mess with me.”

  “Karis, my dear, you still have yet to learn your full potential. Right now is not a good time to fight in a battle. You could hurt someone that you’d regret later.”

  Brady raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean she could hurt someone?”

  “With her powers still undefined, she doesn’t have control over them. In the intense moments of a fight, she could release a power that could have drastic consequences. For example, she didn’t know that she had power bestowal until she tried to heal you. What if she bestows a certain power to the enemy that gives them an energy to control us?”

  Karis looked up, intrigued. “Power bestowal? What is that, and how do you know I have it? I haven’t heard of that before.”

  “You have the ability to hand out certain powers. I know that because he has powers. They were dormant in his blood, but you awakened them.”

  Brady’s eyes were wide. “Whoa, me? I don’t have magic. I can’t even do card tricks.”

  Coron looked Brady directly in the eye. “You do have powers. It will take time to tune into them and connect with them, but rest assured that you do have power. You were just a new infant when your parents left for Earth. They decided to suppress most of your memories until they found a way for you to return for Karis, not knowing about her future banishment, of course. With their deaths, they were unable to lift the veil for memories and your powers remained dormant.”

  Brady glanced down at Karis with his mouth hung open. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t know.”

  “So now I’m a freak?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “A freak. An odd thing that is unusual. Not normal. Understand now?”

  A tear slid down her face. Was that what he thought she was? A freak? She couldn’t sit with them anymore and took off out of the hall.

  She didn’t reach the front doors before they swung open for her. She ran outside and didn’t stop until she hit the wall surrounding the fortress. She leaned her arms up against the stones and buried her face in them.

  A freak. She was nothing to him but a thing.

  “Karis,” Brady called out for her. She turned around to face him.

  “I didn’t mean... I don’t think of you as...” he stuttered, unable to finish.

  She held her hand up. “Just stop.”

  “Let me explain,” he pleaded.

  Coron stepped out behind Brady. “I would listen to her. Do you remember me telling you that she isn’t fully aware of her potential yet?”

  Karis looked up and saw the waters become dark and churn as if a tropical storm approached. Brady followed her stare and gawked at the sight. “So how does she stop?” he said as he took a step back.

  Coron walked toward her with his shoulders squared. “Karis, he didn’t mean anything by it. Learning he has inhuman abilities was just a shock to him, that’s all.”

  She was still breathing hard. “Everything is wrong. Because of me harm might come to your people, I have been banished from my home, and then there is Brady. I even changed him. What am I going to do? The whole universe feels like it’s on my shoulders.”

  “Then you share the weight.” Coron gestured to Brady and beckoned him to come closer. Brady looked up at the churning waters and hesitated, but then walked to Karis, taking her hand.

  “Karis, I am here for good. I’m not going anywhere. You can share with me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his middle and he pulled her in closer, embracing her. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered against his chest. “I’m not usually like this.”

  He chuckled. “I know you’re not. It’s just been a long couple days.”

  Coron snorted. “Well, now that I know you aren’t going to wreak havoc in my sea, I’ll wait for you inside.”

  “I still can’t believe I did that.” Karis paced the training room where they waited for Commander Jarion. It was a spacious room on the third level with weapons lining the far wall and no windows.

  “Did you see that school of fish? They won’t ever be the same,” Brady teased.

  She playfully punched his shoulder. “Hey, I didn’t mean to.”

  He held his arms up and laughed at her.

  “Surrendering to the female, you definitely know how to choose your fights well.” A tall man with the same blue-and-red-scaled patches and tattoo as Coron and Darvin walked in the room. “I am Commander Jarion.” One of the first things Karis noticed was that he didn’t have the same accent as Darvin or Coron, his was more warm and inviting.

  Karis relaxed. There was something about the way he presented himself that made her feel at ease. She glanced at Brady and noticed that he too was no longer tense, and he even had a small smile that played at the corner of his mouth.

  “I’m Brady, and this is Karis.”

  Jarion squinted and folded his arms. “I know who are. I even knew your parents before they left Aridam.”

  And just like that, all the ease left the room and Brady stiffened.

  “Relax, we were friends. Your dad was a good man and did well to protect his family.”

  “I have a hard time thinking my parents came from somewhere other than Earth.”

  “I can imagine. Things will never be the same now that you know. You have family who will be anxious to meet you since you were away in a different world for so long.”

  Brady’s muscles flinched, and Karis knew he was uncomfortable. “So this armor you’re going to fit him with, does it really block certain kinetic pulses?”

  Jarion smirked but took the hint and dropped the family talk. “Yes. It can help so no one can instantly stop a heartbeat or take over one’s spirit or body.”

  “People can do that?” Brady looked at Karis. “Can you do that?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Not many can do it, but we must be prepared for whatever we may encounter.”

  Brady nodded. “Fair enough.”

  “What about me?” Karis held her hands together b
ehind her back.

  “You? Coron didn’t say to fit you with anything.”

  “Well, I will be fighting, so I either fight with or without armor.” She never even blinked, but stared at the commander directly in the eyes.

  “I guess we’ll get you fitted too then.”

  A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. It was a small victory on her part, but she remained calm so he wouldn’t change his mind. She noticed Brady frown, though he never spoke up.

  Jarion tossed them each a sheer silver-lined vest. “Put these on.”

  Karis and Brady did as Jarion told them. Immediately the vests changed, shrinking and lengthening to fit their torsos. “Whoa.” Brady ran his hands down the silky fabric that fit him snugly. He twisted and bent over. The fabric moved with him, not restrictive at all. Looking at Karis, he whistled. “Dang girl, I thought that little nighty was hot.”

  She shot him a stern look to shut up. “Shush.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I just call it like I see it.”

  Jarion cleared his throat, reminding them that they weren’t alone. “You only have to wear these when in battle. Don’t leave the fortress without them. They are now fitted to your body and are ready to use.”

  Brady grinned. “Tight.”

  Jarion cocked his head. “No, it should fit close to your body, but not so tight that you can’t move.”

  Karis couldn’t help but laugh. “Brady has a different dialect. I think he meant it in a good way.”

  “Ah, I see. Well then, in that case, I assume you approve.”

  Brady straightened his shoulders. “I’m ready, bring it on.”

  Jarion clapped his hands together and a loud echo filled the training room. “We’ve been training for a little more than a week, it’s time to dig in even more.”

  Brady grumbled. Karis placed a hand over her mouth to help stifle a laugh. He shot her a playful glare and stood up from his sitting position on the marbled floor. “Oh, grand master, what do we get to learn today?”

  Jarion didn’t look amused by Brady’s sarcasm. “Shields.”

  Karis thought back to when she was younger with her father. He was trying to teach her how to do that and a vague yet familiar strength pulled from her core, provoking that inner power.

  She let the feeling intensify and build until her insides felt like they would burst. A shudder coursed through her body. Euphoric colors radiated out from her torso in a transparent bubble. The colorful rays bounced off her like a prism from a diamond and as far as she pushed out with her energy, the prism would go the same distance.

  “Karis?” Brady approached her slowly. “Are you okay?”

  “You can’t see it?” She twirled in the same spot where she stood.

  Jarion folded his arms and gave a knowing smile. “She remembered how to make a shield. Impressive.”

  Brady quickened his pace but was forced back once he rushed into her shield. “What the hell?”

  Karis pushed out further, wanting to see how far she could go. She watched as the wall of her shield reached Jarion. He took a step back, then another. He raised a brow at her. “What are you doing?”

  She gave one more shove and Jarion flew backwards, landing on his side. He was up with his sword drawn in one swift motion. Karis could feel herself getting weak but didn’t back down. He swung and sliced into her shield, causing her to release her hold on it. She watched as it fell around her like a million tiny diamonds crashing to the floor.

  Jarion slid his sword back in place. “That was well done. Now,” he turned to Brady, “it’s your turn.”

  Brady tilted his head back and groaned. “Seriously? Isn’t there a boot camp or something first?”

  Jarion gave a hearty laugh. “I’m not sure I understand what boot camp is, but I can assure you that you’ll learn without new boots.”

  Brady dropped his shoulders. “Never mind. Let’s just do it.”

  “How can you expect to guard yourself against an attack if you don’t even try?” Karis slumped down to the floor of the training room.

  “If you would quit teasing me, I might think clearer.” Brady flashed his white teeth at her in a playful smile.

  She picked up her water and chucked it at him. He ducked, missing the water completely. “I do not tease!”

  He raised a brow. “Oh really? For the last couple weeks on the island and now here in this underwater world, you’ve done nothing but tease me.”

  She stood up to face him straight on. “I have not.”

  “What about the other day when you kissed me? What was that?”

  She blushed. “I didn’t kiss you, it was the other way around.”

  “I suppose you think it was me who’s been wearing those short little things to bed too?”

  She clenched her fists. “Brady, you are exasperating. I don’t ask you to come to bed with me.”

  He moved in closer to her, clearly enjoying her anger as he baited her. “You don’t kick me out either.” He was close enough for his breath to tickle the side of her face. She could smell the mint from the leaves he chewed on earlier.

  He raised his hand to stroke her cheek. “Will you kick me out tonight?”


  They both turned to catch a glimpse of Coron standing barely a couple feet away. His long ponytail hung over his shoulder. “I thought you two wanted to keep things low. A public display isn’t exactly keeping it discrete.”

  Karis blushed deeper and backed up away from Brady. “Sorry. We were just...”

  Coron waved his hand and smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He looked almost sad as he glanced at Karis. “It’s all right. Love finds you, not the other way around.”

  “But we aren’t in love, it was just...” Karis stuttered. What could she say? She didn’t love him. Did she? He surely didn’t love her.

  “Training. That’s all we were doing.” Brady interceded. Karis gave him a grateful look and mouthed a thank you.

  Coron drew out his sword that rested at his hip. It was silver with swirls intricately engraved into the handle and blade – the same swirls that matched his tattoo. “I think it’s time to boost your training.” He took a step back with one foot and raised his weapon. His skin glistened as he moved. The ruby patches in his skin grew deeper in color.

  Brady held his arms up. “Whoa. I don’t do swords. Fists, yes. Guns, maybe. Definitely no swords.”

  “Here, the swords have more than just a sharp edge. They hold the wielder’s power.”

  Karis stepped back even more, not taking her eyes from Coron. “Brady, now would be a good time to take it seriously and practice your defense.”

  He frowned at her but stopped when he noticed her wide eyes. He snapped his head back to Coron. The sword began to glow with a blue light, and the designs looked as if they bled a deep crimson.

  “Yeah, definitely not swords,” he repeated under his breath.

  His muscles tensed as Coron swung his sword, letting a streak of blue energy flow from it. The flow of energy hit Brady in the chest. He concentrated on keeping a mental shield around his body as the energy pounded his torso.

  “Coron, stop. He’s not ready,” Karis begged and ran to Brady. She reached out to touch his arm, but the current of power zapped her fingers before she could make contact.

  Brady clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tightly. A small groan sounded from his throat as the energy wore down his defense.

  Karis ran to Coron. “Please stop.”

  Coron lowered his sword.

  Karis pushed past to Brady. “Are you okay?” She ran her hands over his arms.

  He nodded but winced at the same time. “Yeah. That was intense. I could feel the strangest things, like thousands of ants running across my skin. It hurt, but I knew it could be worse. I pictured a shield like Jarion told us to do.”

  “You did good.” Coron stepped forward. “Not many can do as well as you for their first time.”

  Karis dropped he
r hands to her side. “I was so worried.”

  Brady gave her a devilish grin. “You were worried about me?”

  “Don’t read into it.” She rolled her eyes. “I just didn't want you to get hurt before the war actually started.”


  “Okay, you two.” Coron sheathed his sword.

  Karis looked away. A small blushed crept up her cheeks.

  Coron nodded toward her. “Alright, Princess, it’s your turn.”

  Karis choked on air; her eyes widened. “Me?”

  Brady folded his arms across his chest with a smug look covering his face. “I don’t think he means me, Princess.”

  Karis shot him a look that told him to shut up, squaring her shoulders and holding her head high. She flung her braid over her shoulder to keep her hair out of the way. “Fine, Coron, I’m ready.”

  Both men raised their brows at her acceptance. Brady stepped forward. “It’s not easy and even though it didn’t get through, it hurt like hell. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “She wants to fight, so she will have to train. She’s been away from her people and our kind for so long that her senses and powers are under-used, almost dormant. We need to awaken them in her as well as in you.”

  Karis swallowed and held her breath. Brady turned to her. “You can do it, just focus on the shield.” She nodded, but her eyes never left Coron.

  Coron pulled out his sword. The same azure hues radiated from it just like before with Brady. All of her muscles tensed up as she pictured a shield that emanated from her core. Brady stepped back out of the way, but he was ready to step in front of Karis and take the impact from the energy if she could no longer withstand it.

  Coron was faster this time, not giving Karis a moment to plan her defense. The blue streak of energy sliced through the air, cutting a path directly to her. The impact was harsh, making her stumble backwards.

  Brady reached out to catch her, but she found her footing. Karis pushed back against the energy, determined to overcome the attack. She moved slowly at first, every movement causing agonizing pain that she had to push through. Lifting her hands with her palms out, a green force field appeared around her. Coron’s power recoiled, sending it straight back to him. It happened so fast and unexpectedly that he didn’t have time to block it, and it sent him spiraling backward.


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