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The Bewitched Box Set

Page 108

by W. J. May

  Brady took her hand and the wall began to move. He watched as she concentrated on moving it. “Is there nothing you can’t do?”

  She smiled. “I can’t bait a hook.”

  He raised a brow. “Huh?”

  “That’s why I fished with a basket. I can’t bait a hook.”

  He chuckled. “You know, I did wonder about that.”

  The wall moved enough for both of them to crawl through. On the other side it was open and maintained. Wide, willow-type tree branches danced in the slight breeze. Orange and yellow flowers that looked like twinkling stars followed a well-preserved path.

  “The garden?”

  She nodded and looked around carefully. “Yes, Azul should be here somewhere.”

  “Princess, I’m so glad you came.” The voice was one Karis knew. She couldn’t see who spoke, but it didn’t matter because it didn’t change who was there.

  She froze in her tracks, afraid to turn around. Her hold on Brady’s hand alerted him to danger. She whispered Tharious’s name into Brady’s mind.

  He tensed up and nervously glanced around.

  “Are you looking for someone?” Tharious asked as he walked around from behind one of the trees. He wore a long dark overcoat and black pants. His shirt underneath was a dark red, and he let his disheveled, light-brown hair fall in a sweep across his eyes. It wasn’t much longer than his brow line, giving him a young, boyish appearance.

  Brady stepped forward and held his arm out in front of Karis.

  Tharious snapped his fingers and three guards came out from hiding, but it was who they carried that caught Karis’s attention.

  “When he was caught sneaking into the garden every night after you were banished, I had him watched. Then for the first time in almost a hundred years, he didn’t come last night.” Tharious stopped and bent over to smell a rose. “Then I thought, why would he all of a sudden stop coming to the one place that made him think of you? He was so loyal to you.” He looked at Brady then back at Karis. “I guess you haven’t been as faithful though, have you. Does he know? Did you already break his heart?”

  “Let him go, Tharious.” Karis fought the urge to run over and grab Azul, but she knew she was no match for their strength.

  Tharious held his hand up. “Oh no, I’m not finished. You see, when he didn’t show last night I knew that the only reason he’d not come, was to be with you. He found out that you were alive, well, and close to Shamike. I knew if he came back, then it would mean you would be coming as well.” He chuckled. “I didn’t have to go anywhere to kill you. You came all by yourself.”

  “Why, Tharious?”

  “You know why. I never stood a chance to ascend the throne with your father and you in the way. I worked hard for your father to recognize me, but he turned me away.”

  An odd vibration from her pendant hummed against Karis’s skin. Tarine. Marin must have Tarine. She reached up to touch it as it burned her throat.

  “Aw, is that the famous necklace that has Tarine trapped with evil spirits?”

  She moved her hand back down. “Leave him alone, he didn’t do anything to you.”

  Tharious ripped the necklace off her neck. He moved so quickly that she never even saw a blur. Only one other person she knew had that same power. Brady might have a chance if something happened to her.

  In a flash, Brady tackled Tharious to the ground. Speed for speed, power for power, they struggled. Tharious was never known for having extraordinary powers like the rest of the royals. Just one more reason he was treated differently, but now Karis was grateful.

  She took the moment to help Azul. His head hung low, and his body drooped as if he was unconscious. The three guards looked at each other, then to her. One guard dropped Azul’s legs and ran away.

  “You know, one of the things I learned since leaving is that I can bestow or take powers away from individuals.” She wasn’t sure she could take them away, but it was worth it to say if they believed her.

  One guard lifted his hand and a kinetic pulse reverberated out from him and threw her back. She quickly jumped back to her feet even though her whole body ached and felt like she was on fire from the initial slam of his power. She threw up a protection field and hoped she was strong enough to keep herself safe from another kinetic pulse.

  She raised her hand at them. A slight tingle started in her palm and ran up her arm. One guard dropped to the ground holding his stomach. The other dropped Azul and backed up. “I mean no harm.”

  Her legs quivered, but she stood her ground. She let her hand fall to her side, but the guard still clenched over in pain. She wasn’t sure what happened since she had directed her energy more toward the other guard.

  Spinning around, she saw Magnus with his hand out. She ran to him. “You came.”

  “I had to. There’s an army coming. I couldn’t let my nephew and his princess die.”

  She tipped her head to the side. She wasn’t sure why he was so certain he could stop their deaths, but was grateful all the same.

  Brady, she twirled around. He was still in a scuffle on the ground with Tharious. He rolled over, sat on top of Tharious and threw punches. Each one made Karis cringe. They were full of force, but she knew he was trained to make each hit count.

  In a flash of movement, Tharious scooted out from under Brady and ran off. Karis frowned. Why would he leave? She ran over to Brady, who looked just as confused about his departure.

  He stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Blood smeared on his skin. Karis was relieved it was only a small cut. “It’ll heal soon.” She placed her hand over the wound and felt the heat of her healing power.

  “You know, the last time you healed me you dang near knocked down a whole island,” Brady teased.

  “I had no idea I would awaken powers inside someone who I didn’t know was from Aridam.”

  He reached his hand up and covered hers. “Thank you.”

  “It’s just a cut.”

  “Alright, lovebirds. We need to know why he left like that and where he went.” Magnus let out an aggravated breath.

  He grasped Magnus’s forearm in a greeting. “Uncle, I’m glad you’re here.”

  “You are my family and I don’t want to lose you again. I couldn’t sit around and not do anything.”

  “Alexis kicked you out, huh.” Karis could imagine the other woman was probably irritated with Magnus pacing the house and told him to leave.

  “Yeah.” He laughed.

  A low moan averted their attention. “Oh, I forgot, Azul.” Karis’s mouth fell open, and she darted over to where he lay.

  “Karis,” he slurred.

  “I’m right here.” She ran her hand over his head and searched his body for wounds. Her hand warmed and tingled in several spots so she hovered over them until he was healed enough to move, but he would need more help to recover fully. The guards used some darker energy on him that was for sure. Only certain powers could cause this much damage.

  Slowly, he sat up with Brady’s help. “We need to leave. I must warn my men.”

  Karis narrowed her eyes. “Warn them about what?”

  “Coron, he’s coming, but I don’t know when. He’s behind it all,” Azul panted, still in pain.

  Karis shot Brady a hard questioning look.

  Brady shrugged. “I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine. I mean, we knew that he had something to do with it.”

  “Well, let’s get him out of here before Tharious comes back, or worse—Coron.” Magnus lifted on one side of Azul’s body, and Brady grabbed the other. He could stand, but needed help to stay on his feet.

  Karis reached up and took his face in her palm. “Azul, can you make it out of here? I can help you later, but we must hide.”

  He winced. “Yes, you remember where the old theatre is?”

  Karis thought for a moment. “Yes, over by Corina’s house.”

  “There’s a secret passage underground through there. Anyone who is part of the
uprising can enter.” He grimaced again. “If something happens, go there.”

  Karis nodded as tears filled her eyes. It was no time to cry. She needed to be strong, but the reality of her world came crashing down, and she could only see the darkness and evil that used to be her home.

  She turned on her heel and walked back to the open part in the wall.

  “This? This is a theatre? It looks more like a hotel than a place to watch movies.” Brady huffed as he looked around.

  “We don’t watch movies here. But we do enjoy good plays.” Karis fumbled around with the door and let out an aggravated sigh. “It won’t open.”

  “Use your power, Karis.” Azul sounded more alert than before.

  “Of course.” She rolled her eyes, frustrated at her own foolishness. “I’m just used to opening doors without that part.” She waved her hand and let her energy flow. The door unlocked and she pushed it open.

  It was dark inside, but the morning sun streaked through the dirty windows. Small particles of dust floated in the light rays.


  Karis turned. Corina came running through the theatre doors and barreled into her, embracing her tightly. Karis laughed. It felt so good to be welcomed back by her friend.

  “I can’t believe it’s you. They said you were probably dead by now,” Corina said as she continued to hug her.

  “It would take more than a tropical island to kill me.”

  “I’m so glad you’re back.” Corina finally pulled away. “You look the same.”

  Karis laughed. “So do you.”

  Her friend’s shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes were the same as in her memories. She wore a blue dress that reached her ankles.

  Corina did a double take at Brady. “And who is this?”

  Karis felt a jealous urge to grab his hand and show Corina he was with her, but she forced herself to stay where she was. “This is Brady. Brady, this is Corina.”

  “Well hello, Brady.” Corina dipped a small curtsy and smiled with a hint of flirting in her eyes.

  Brady nodded with a tight-lipped grin, slid over to Karis, and wrapped his arm around her middle. “Nice to meet you.”

  Karis could have kissed him at that moment.

  Magnus cleared his throat. “I hate to break this up, but we really need to get going.”

  “Yes, we do.” Karis looked around for the secret opening.

  “It’s over here.” Corina darted off to the back of the theatre, toward the stage.

  “You know where it’s at?” Karis asked.

  “Of course I do. My best friend was banished because of Tharious. I want more than anything to help you restore your crown. We talked of that day when we were small. Remember? I would sit with you and be the Queen’s best royal advisor.” Corina glanced down. “Unless...”

  Karis wouldn’t let her finish her sentence. “Corina, we’ve always been friends, we always will be. Just get us through that door and down to whoever is down there. Coron is coming, and it’s not good.” She glanced over her shoulder but didn’t see anyone yet.

  Corina’s face brightened. “Coron?”

  Karis hesitated. “Yes, why?”

  “Nothing, I’m just surprised is all.”

  Karis wasn’t sure why, but she knew her friend was withholding something. They stopped at the stage. “It’s right here.” Corina pushed the small opening under the stage open.

  Azul winced as he walked forward. “Before we all go in, I need to talk with Karis.”

  He took Karis by the elbow and hobbled out of the way so the others couldn’t overhear. He spoke in hushed whispers close to her ear, “I don’t trust her. Something about the way she acted when you mentioned Coron’s name didn’t strike me right so I poked around a little.”

  Karis let her shoulders fall. She forgot Azul had the power to mind read, but only did it when appropriate. “She’s my friend.”

  “Karis what I saw in her mind is not a friend. She and Coron were together, if you understand what I am saying.”

  A foul taste formed in her mouth. “Ugh, Azul that is wrong.”

  “I know, but I had to tell you. I think there is more so I will be quiet for a bit while I read her. Cover for me if anyone gets suspicious.”

  She let out a long breath and backed up to face him better. “Okay.”

  It was hard to picture Corina sleeping with Coron, not that she thought too hard about it.

  Brady gave her a quizzical stare and she knew that she must have projected those thoughts to him. She wanted to laugh over the horrified look he had. So far it was a blessing that he was the only one who received her thoughts. She could just imagine what Magnus might say or do if he’d seen that image flash through his mind. She bit her tongue to keep from laughing at the mental image.

  “Alright, we better get going.” Karis motioned for everyone to enter the door.

  Corina went first, then Azul. He didn’t stray too far from Corina while he probed her mind. Magnus followed close behind them.

  Brady stood there with his arms crossed. “You have some gross thoughts, woman.”

  She let out a stifled giggle. “Azul can read minds, he read Corina’s after the way she acted when I said Coron’s name. He saw that image of her and Coron while probing. It’s definitely disturbing.”

  “Disturbing doesn’t begin to cover it, but I don’t trust her either, something I agree with pirate boy about.”

  Karis frowned. “I’m not sure I do either.”

  Karis walked through the door and down the stairs. All the happy faces that greeted her at the bottom surprised her. Brady came in behind her, but neither of them could move for all the bodies that surrounded her.

  “Princess, Princess... So glad you’re back... We missed you...” All voices, words, and greetings slurred together.

  She felt pressed in and reached out for Brady, clinging to his hand as if he was her lifeline. It was a large room, much bigger than she thought it would be. It had to go out even further than just under the theatre. Small rooms branched off the sides, and it looked like most of the theatre props and costumes lined the walls.

  Magnus pushed his way through the crowd. “This way.”

  Karis scrunched her brow. “I thought we were already here.”

  Brady shrugged. “I don’t know, but I don’t see Corina or Azul either.”

  She scooted inch by inch along the cement floor, forcing a smile at each face she passed. She would have to get used to being among crowds again, but today wasn’t that day. She loved her people and wanted to be with them, but she would rather do it in smaller increments for a while.

  Finally, they saw Azul perched on top of a table with a young woman who had short, spiked red hair and stood fussing over his injuries. They were out of the way of the crowd up on a platform of sorts. Karis let out the breath that she didn’t realize she held in the whole time. At least back where Azul was, there were no people to bombard her.

  Karis smiled at the lady as she approached. “I can help him.”

  The woman placed her hands on her hip. “I’m capable of helping him. Just who do you think you are?”

  Azul raised his hand and winced with the movement. “Syrena, this is Karis. I would show more respect for your future Queen if I were you.”

  Syrena gasped and placed her fingers over her mouth. Her eyes widened as she looked Karis up and down. She dropped her hand and smirked. “My apologies,” she bowed then added with a heavy accent, “My Queen.”

  Karis could tell it was fake, but she didn’t have time to argue about it. She brushed past Syrena and up the last step to Azul. Placing her hand on his bare shoulder, a strange tingling sensation ran up her spine and through the bonding mark on her arm. She turned and noticed Brady staring at her hand placement.

  She shook her head gently. Jealousy was a funny thing. Karis looked down into Azul’s eyes. “I’m not sure if this is an appropriate place.”

  “Oh for the Good One’s sake, of course
it is.” Syrena swatted Karis’s hand away from Azul. “If you make him wait anymore, the end of the worlds will come.”

  Karis bit the inside of her lip trying to restrain herself from letting the ill-mannered woman have an earful. “I’m well aware of the situation.” She brought her attention back down to Azul.

  He gave her one of his charming smiles. “Sorry, she’s a little impetuous at times.” He winced again and his breath hitched.

  “I’ll close the curtain.” Corina pulled a purple velvet curtain closed around the small group, creating a small private room.

  Karis forced a small grin. “Thank you.”

  “Karis,” Azul whispered and grabbed her hand with his. “I trust you.”

  “You’re in pain and would probably trust that witch over there to heal you.”

  Syrena gasped at Karis’s remark but remained silent.

  “Aw, you know me well, my Princess, even after all these years.”

  Karis’s chest tightened. Now was not the time for memories or trying to recover what they lost. Ugh, Brady had to have heard that. She chanced a quick glance in his direction. His arms were folded over his chest, and his eyes were so fiercely glaring at Azul that Karis was afraid he would start fires, or something equally as harmful.

  She let out a breath and looked away from everyone but Azul. “Well, I guess it’s time to make you feel better so we can defeat Coron and find out what happened to Tharious.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Oh hell no.” Brady threw his arms in the air. “Uh-uh, no way is that happening. She stays with me.”

  Azul straightened his shoulders. He wanted time alone with Karis so badly that he could taste it. “I think it would be good to let her go while you can. What will you do when she’s Queen? You're from Earth. You’ll want to go back I’m sure.”

  Brady narrowed his eyes. “I’ll go wherever she wants.”

  Azul let out a little tsk tsk. “Brady, Brady, she is to be my wife.”


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