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Hot for Xmas

Page 6

by Trinity Blacio

  Baas dropped the dead vampire in his hands, but before he could do more, Mitchel was bounding through the window, Emily in his arms. Her throat was torn, but was slowly healing and Baas took her into his arms. “Emily, look at me baby.”

  Not paying attention to anyone else, he moved her out of the bedroom and into a spare room where there was no blood or dead vampires.

  “I hurt. Damn sucker got me good, didn’t he?” She smiled up at him. “It’s over?”

  He nodded and sat on the bed with her in his arms. Abe, Zack and Sam kneeled next to them all of them touching her to make sure she was all right.

  Jaeger stepped into the room with her mom. “I need to talk to you, Baas.” He nodded to Emily and she shook her head moaning.

  “No, you will tell me, too. I have the right to know what that ass did to me.” Emily pulled herself up and glared at his friend who smiled.

  “You were already changed over to what your mates are, but with his bite you will have some aspects of what we are. You won’t have to survive on blood, but every once in a while you will need a little.” He sighed and glanced at Cheyenne.

  “Tell them, they need to know.” Cheyenne’s worried gaze met his.

  “Baas, she’ll have our life span, not yours. If she bites you during well sex or mating you too will be infected. Your children will be also changed.”

  He lifted her up off his lap and stood. Their children wouldn’t be 100 percent wolf, all of their bloodlines would be diluted. Would he have to stand down as National Alpha? Baas ignored the calls to him as he ran down the stairs and out into cold air.

  His warriors all stood and stared at him; they all knew. Could he mate with her? Should he wait and see if the fates would bring someone else to them? Bones popped and he shifted, jumping into the air, away from her. He needed to think, but he wasn’t alone. Sam, Abe and Zack ran beside him, all of them confused and hurt.

  * * *

  She stood at the window and watched her men race away. “Jaeger, could you have some men come up and clean up the master bedroom please? I don’t think I can go in there right now.” Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she didn’t care, her men had left her.

  Her mom hugged her from the back. “They’ll be back.”

  “But will they want me? Baas is the National Alpha, can he risk being exposed? I have a feeling his blood line will mean more to them than I will.” She turned and laid her head on her mom’s shoulder.

  Jaeger stepped into the room and lifted her chin. “If I know one thing, I know Baas is not going to let you go. It’s going to be tough, but he’ll work it out. Look at it this way; if he allows it and he changes with you, he’ll be able to hold his own for a very long time. He’ll be stronger and have a greater pull among his kind. Your children will be, well, a new beginning.”

  “Excuse me, but we found the children.” One of Baas men came into the room. “They are bringing them in now.”

  She snapped her head up. “Close that door to the master bedroom, don’t let the children see it. Have their belongings been brought over?” She hurried down the stairs behind the man.

  “Baas had their stuff already put in the two bedrooms at the other end of the hall. There wasn’t much there that wasn’t ruined.”

  Emily pushed her problems behind her and rushed to meet her new children. From now on these three little ones would be hers. No one would hurt them again if she had any say in it.

  The little boy, Tucker ran to her as soon as he saw her and threw his arms around her. “They killed mommy,” he screamed and held onto her neck as she stood holding him in her arms.

  “I know Tucker, I’m so sorry. You’ll stay here now with me, is that okay?” She glanced down at him as he looked up at her.

  “You’d let us stay with you? You’d be our new Mommy?” he asked as Travis came to her side carrying the little girl Betsy.

  “I’m sorry Travis, if I wouldn’t have stopped at your house none of this would have happened.” She brushed his hair away from his bruised face.

  “You were only trying to help. Do you really mean what you said though? Are we going to live here with you?” His sad face looked up at her with such hope.

  “Yes, I’m not leaving you three. If you’ll have me I would be proud to have you as my children.” She guided them into the house when a woman stepped in front of her.

  “Ms. Garland, my name is Tammy. I’ve put a casserole in the oven for you, but I wanted to let you know your things, the ones from the storage, they came a couple of hours ago.” She nodded to the truck next to the barn.

  “Please if you need anything, I’m here to help.” Tammy smiled at the children, then at her.

  “Mom, will you take the kids inside and get them some sandwiches and cookies? I’m sure they are starving. I want to get a few things out of the truck for the kids. Tammy if you don’t mind helping me searches for a few things.”

  Her mom came over and took Tucker out of her arms. “Tucker, this is my mommy. You three go with her and eat. I’ll be in a minute than we’ll get you settled in your new rooms.” She kissed the top of his head and then kneeled down in front of Travis.

  “I’m so proud of you. You not only saved yourself, but your sister and brother. Your mother is smiling down on you right now.” She opened her arms and he stepped into them.

  “I was so scared, but I knew I had to get here,” he mumbled.

  “I was scared too, how about you and I make a pact. Anytime we’re scared we come to each other. That way we can help each other.” She stood and he stared up at her nodding.

  “Good, now go on with my mom. You can call her Grandma or Cheyenne. It’s up to you.” She watched as the three children disappeared into the house, before she glanced at Tammy.

  “I need your honest opinion, please don’t hold back.” They moved to the truck. “I want to know if the pack will accept me, now that I have been bitten. If there is a chance that they won’t I’ll leave. I will not stand in the way of him or her finding someone else. It would hurt like hell, but it’s my own fault anyway.” They opened the back of the truck and two men stepped up to help them into the truck.

  One of the men frowned at her. “There is no question, you are the alpha female and if anyone does not like it, I’ll rip them apart.”

  She smiled down at the muscle man. “I take it you are one of the enforcers?” He nodded.

  “We are your personal guards. I’m Jody and this is my twin brother Seth. Here, use these. It will be easier to find what you are searching for.” He handed two flashlights.

  “Thank you, but I don’t want you ripping anyone apart Jody. I don’t want to cause trouble for Baas or any of them. I brought this to your door and I feel guilty enough, I couldn’t take it if the pack wouldn’t accept me.”

  Tammy laid her hand on hers and rubbed her back sensing the need to calm her. “Jody is right. The pack will accept you. Everyone heard what you did for Amy and the way you stood up to our alpha. Don’t worry, they have already started sending over gifts for the ceremony.” Tammy laughed and nudged her.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. Our men are all dominant around here. You won’t be the only one naked tonight. What are we looking for?” They both turned and she smiled, the truck was half filled, she hadn’t realized she had put so much away, but now she was happy.

  “I have a box of toys I saved that were mine, also I have a few suitcases, oh there are the suitcases.” She pulled one out to the end of the truck. “Can you...” She stopped and frowned.

  “How is the master bedroom?” She asked Jody.

  He took the suitcase. “They are cleaning it up now. It should be cleaned in a few hours. You want these in there?”

  She nodded. “Have them put in the closet out of the way. I’ll put the clothes away later. If I’m still here.” Emily mumbled the last part and turned to look again, but Jody reached out and touched her leg.

  “They’ll be back. Trust them Emily,” he tried to reassure her, but in
side doubts raised their ugly heads.

  “I’ll try, thanks.” She searched with Tammy for another ten minutes finding all that she wanted. She thanked Tammy and turned to leave when the woman stopped her.

  “I know you don’t know any of the other females and I was wondering if you would like help getting ready tonight for the ceremony. You are allowed one female to help you.”

  She smiled at Tammy and nodded. “That would be great, because I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”

  “Good, I’ll have my mates bring me here around seven. I’ll help you get ready and you and I can travel to the grove where it starts.”

  She laughed. “You have more than one man too?”

  Her new friend laughed when two large muscle men stepped up next to her, Jody and Seth. “You’ll be inside now?” He asked pulling Tammy into his arms.

  “Yes, I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to put the kids down for a nap and soak in the tub. Go and I’ll see you at seven.” She waved them away as she carried the box of toys into the kitchen.

  Three pair of eyes greeted her. “I have a few things I thought Betsy might like. They were mine.” She sat the box on the ground and opened it when she heard Betsy squeal and come running over to the box.

  “These are for me?” She picked up the doll and hugged it.

  “Yes, but I thought we’d give the teddy bear to Tucker, that is if he’s not too big for a teddy bear?” She smiled as Tucker came over and took the teddy bear.

  “I use to call him Abe.” She shook her head and glanced up at her mom.

  “I see you still have the gift.” Her mother laughed and Jaeger frowned.

  “Gift, what gift, you haven’t told me of any gift? She waved at him as she picked up Betsy and took Tucker’s hand.

  “Come on you guys, I’m going to show you your rooms, then I want the three of you to try and take a nap. You’ve had a rough couple of days.” Emily sighed and couldn’t wait to sink into the tub. She too could use some rest.

  Chapter Nine

  Emily stood by the new window and stared out. She had put the children down for a nap, taken a hot bath, and ate supper, but still her men hadn’t shown up. It was now six thirty. The children had been taken to the local older couple that would watch them until after the ceremony.

  “You know here I have been so good, not killing anyone and look at me now just itching to rip his or her freaking necks out,” her mother said behind her.

  She glanced over her shoulder at her mom, who sat on the bed staring at her. “Tammy will be here in a half hour and no one has heard a word from them. Do you think they are alright?”

  “They’re fine, just got word that they are on their way back here,” Jaeger handed her a glass. “It’s a shot of brandy. I have a feeling you could use it about now.”

  Her hand shook, but she took the drink and nodded. “Thanks. You’re right.” She downed the shot as the downstairs door slammed open, they were back.

  “I guess that is our cue to leave you alone. Come one Cheyenne we need to get ready.” Jaeger held out his hand, but she ignored him.

  “I will go nowhere ’til I know my baby is going to be okay. Those flea-bitten mutts hurt her,” she yelled just when Baas entered the room.

  He was covered in mud and sporting a black eye and by the looks all four of her men had some kind of cut or swollen eye.

  “There is no excuse for leaving and I’m sorry, please forgive me,” Baas said and fell to his knees before her. He placed his head on her stomach and wrapped his arms around her.

  Everything settled inside her once more. She glanced at the rest of her men who now surrounded her, all of them on their knees.

  “Forgive us all, what we did leaving you is unthinkable. Your mother has every right to be furious with us. Be our mate; have our children,” Sam asked this time next to Baas.

  “Are you sure? You know what it means; our children will be different, like me. I don’t have to bite you so all four of you can stay the same. I can feed from someone else, or I can feed like my mom did, have it poured into a cup.”

  Baas shook his head. “No, tonight we become one.” He stood and captured her face in his hands. “I failed you. I didn’t protect you enough, but I won’t fail you again Emily. I love you.”

  “Baas, you did all you could. How could you have known they knew where I was? I fault no one, but the one who did this.” She kissed his lips softly. “You four better get cleaned up, Tammy will be here in 15 minutes to help me get ready.”

  Her mother winked at her as Jaeger dragged her out of the room and closed the door behind her.

  “Did you keep the plug in?” Sam asked behind her and reached inside her, robe turning it.

  “Bend over the bed and I’ll take it out, but I can’t let you come now, ’til tonight.” Sam ordered and she shivered as she did as he ordered.

  He didn’t waste any time as he lifted her robe and slid the butt plug out of her. “Use the bathroom and get cleaned up. We’ll use the other one down the hall. I believe Tammy is here.” Sam smacked her butt and kissed her cheek.

  “We’ll see you soon.” Each of her men kissed her and left as Tammy came into the room.

  “I’ll be out in a min.” She rushed into the bathroom and cleaned her butt up along with the butt plug Sam had placed in the sink. After drying off she placed the toy under the counter where she found a number of other toys there.

  “Damn.” She groaned and ignored the urge to explore, knowing Tammy waited for her.

  Stepping back into the bedroom, she froze at the sight of the gown on the bed. “What is this?”

  Tammy smiled. “Ever since the alpha informed his pack of you yesterday, the elder females have been working at this. This is your matting gown; you wear nothing underneath it. The only things I’ve been given by your mates to put on you are these.” She held up two leather bracelets. Each one had large metal rings on them, but the leather was a pink color and soft as Tammy attached them to each wrist, locking each one with a small lock.

  “Your mates have the key and only they will be able to take them off. Now slip off that robe and lay down on the tarp I spread on the floor. I need to rub you down. Smell.” She lifted up a small bottle and opened it.

  “What is that? I want to roll in it; it smells so good.” Not only did it smell so good, her nipples hardened and for some strange reason she really, really wanted to go seek out her mates.

  She lay down on the floor as Tammy started to strip out of her robe. “As the one who gets to help you, I also will have this spread on me while I put it on you. This lotion, or potion as I like to call it, enhances the sexual experience. More or less, it will drive your mates crazy, males more than females. I can remember my ceremony and let me tell you, my men didn’t stop ’til the next morning. I thought I would never be able to walk again.” Tammy laughed and slid her hands down her butt cheeks.

  “All of you will stand in the center of the circle, the elders will come and say a few words, bless you five and then Baas will take you first in wolf from, followed by the rest of your men.” She tapped her shoulder.

  “Turn over so I can get your front.” She dug more of the lotion out and lathered up her hands. She started with Emily’s arms moving to her neck then her breasts. “Once every one of them have taken you in wolf form, they will chase you to the den house. Wait to you see this place. The men have it stacked with toys, sex furniture, you name it and it’s there. Anyway, your men will take you into the middle of the room where they will collar you and proceed to, well you know.”

  Tammy rubbed her hands down Emily’s stomach and covered her pussy in the lotion, then her legs. When she was done she handed the lotion to her. “Would you put the rest on me?”

  Emily repeated the process and Tammy was right about one thing: wolves were very sexual. By the time they got done, she was so ready to be pounced on. “How are we getting to the grove?”

  Her new friend laughed. “The best part of tonigh
t for me is that my mates won’t be able to touch me until we get to the house. They are taking us there on horseback. I’ll ride in front of Seth while you ride in front of Jody. By the time we get to the house, they will be crazy.”

  She couldn’t help it she laughed and pulled the thin robe around her body. “Isn’t it going to be cold in just this?”

  “Um, you’re a wolf. Believe me you are not going to be cold, but I should warn you. Your mates are going to be very aggressive when we come to the clearing. They are going to be very jealous. You’ll have Jody’s scent on you from the ride there. They’ll want to erase his scent and replace it with theirs.” Tammy held out her hand as she opened the door.

  “Come. It’s time.” She smiled and they both went down the stairs.

  Jody and Seth stood by the front door, each of them dressed in jeans only. “All of us will shift while your mates take you, and we will be following you in wolf form to the house,” Tammy whispered to her when Jody opened the door for them.

  Two horses waited for them. Jody hopped up first and pulled her up in front of him, his arm wrapped around her. She wiggled and tried to get comfortable, but the gown she wore opened up and exposed her pussy no matter what she did.

  “Please hold still, it’s supposed to open like that. So when we ride into the grove your mates will see all of you.” Jody mumbled.

  She stopped her movements, her stomach was in knots. This was the real thing. Tonight, she would be married to these four men. Each one was a fantasy for any women who saw them. Emily sucked in her breath as they rode up the hill.

  In the valley below, hundreds of people waited for them. “How many are here?” She glanced up at Jody and smiled.

  “Over 500. People have been coming from all over the United States for this night. You ready?” He asked and she nodded.

  Tammy laughed and looked at Jody. “Make it good, because any way you look at it he’s going to come for you.”


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