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The Savior's Sister

Page 42

by Jenna Moreci

  “Give this to Brontes.” She thrust the necklace his way. “Fabricate whatever story you need, just make sure he has it. And once he does, you will discover this traitor. Follow him, beat it out of him, I don’t care. This is My order, and you will obey.”

  He took the jewelry in his trembling hands. “Of course. I won’t fail You.”

  “You’re a lucky man, Senator. No other has crossed Me as you have and lived to speak of it.” She brought Her blade to his throat. “You’ll remember that, yes?”

  His larynx bobbed against the sharpened tip. As he opened his mouth to speak, Leila took Delphi’s hand and disappeared amid beaming white.

  The heat of Her body faded, leaving the two women in Leila’s darkened study. Leila plodded through the chamber, Her sister’s gaze tracing Her every move.

  “Do not chastise Me for sparing him,” Leila said. “We have nothing else. This is our only lead—”

  “I know.”

  The defeat in Delphi’s voice stung. Sitting at Her desk, Leila rested Her head in Her hands. Another traitor. One on the outside of Her palace and one within, not to mention the guards, the Senate, Her own father. Her lungs throbbed, urging Her to scream. This traitor…did She know them? Did She trust them?

  “This is good news,” She lied. “We know the purpose of the jewels. Wembleton will find the source. Maybe this is the last of Brontes’s network. We can finally be free of him.”

  Delphi nodded. “The traitor… Do you think they’re linked with the Kovahrians?”

  “I can’t think of any other reason he’d need them.” Leila faltered. “Her.”

  “Who do You think she is?”

  “This palace employs hundreds of servants. She could be any one of them.”

  A knot coiled in Her stomach. Deception had become a familiar ache, but it pained Her all the same.

  “So what next?” Delphi took a seat opposite Leila. “Maybe take out one of the new Senators? Poor Hylas, he’s a bit of a daisy, isn’t he? I’d hate to see him go.”

  “We wait for Wembleton’s findings. You watch the servants. Look for suspicious behavior.” Leila stiffened. “I’ll see Tobias. Tell him the truth.”

  “You haven’t told him? You said You were going to days ago.”

  “Yes, well, he made it difficult.”

  “How? Was his tongue too far down Your throat?”

  Leila cowered beneath Delphi’s cheeky laughter. “He said some things and…I lost My nerve.”

  “What could he have possibly said?”

  “I swear I loathe The Savior more and more each day.”

  Groaning, Delphi leaned back in her seat. “God, men. Always choking on their own foot.” She raised an eyebrow. “You know he wasn’t speaking of You.”

  “He said The Savior. Is that not who I am?”

  A knock sounded, and Mousumi barged inside without preamble. “Your Holiness. The ally royals will be arriving in a few days’ time. There are matters to discuss. May I?”

  At Leila’s nod, Mousumi rattled off instructions from a scroll that nearly grazed the floor. Though Leila occasionally responded, Her thoughts belonged to greater troubles, Her gaze tracing the servant keeper before Her. Long white dress. Brown leather sandals. A woman in the same garb was lurking in this palace.

  A traitor.

  The thought picked at Leila well past Her meeting with Mousumi. Come the evening, it sat heavily on Her shoulders, enough to ruin Her appetite. She pushed Her nearly full dinner plate aside, Her belly lined with little more than wine, and gazed past the steps of Her bedchamber into Her lush garden. The flowers reflected the glow of the moonlight, a beautiful distraction, and for once Her worries loosened their hold.

  A woman called from the other side of Her door before making her way into the chamber. Damaris walked to Leila’s bedside, collecting Her dishes. “Not hungry, I take it?”

  Leila nearly smiled, but stopped short. White dress. Leather sandals.

  “Too much on My mind, I suppose.”

  “You’ve been taking Your dinner in Your bed for several days now. Is something troubling You?”

  Leila cast a skeptical gaze the servant’s way. “I’m just seeking some time alone. There’s so much commotion in the palace.”

  “Because of the tournament. I understand.”

  She headed for the door, while Leila’s mind was yet again occupied, this time with more pleasant thoughts. Large brown eyes. Deep brown curls.

  “Damaris? Can you do Me a favor? Summon the Artist. I’d like to see him.”

  The servant’s plump cheeks flushed, and a grin spread across her face.

  “To My study,” Leila said. “For conversation. It’s rather urgent, I won’t bore you with the details.”

  Damaris bowed before taking leave, and Leila flopped back onto Her bed. Perhaps that was a mistake. Could She trust Damaris? Before Her mind could drift into dark corners, She picked Herself up, straightening Her peach-colored dress and combing Her hair.

  Tonight, She’d tell Tobias the truth.

  He was already waiting in Her study by the time She arrived. For a moment, She lingered by the doorway, taking in the width of his shoulders, the firmness of his ass. Swallowing a giggle, She tiptoed behind him, planting Her hands over his eyes.

  “Leila.” His voice flowed through Her, more intoxicating than the dinner wine.

  “Actually it’s Flynn,” She said. “I’ve been mad for you since the moment we met, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

  He let out a laugh. “You scared me half to death, you know. I thought I was about to get my stones chopped off, or something else equally vile.”

  “Is there anything equally vile to having your stones chopped off?”

  “Oh hell, I don’t know,” he said. “Why are you covering my eyes?”

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Is that right?”

  “You have to close your eyes.”

  “What for?” he scoffed. “You’re covering them.”

  Light tickled Her fingertips. “It’s a dual precaution.”

  “This must be some surprise.”

  “Are your eyes closed?”

  “Of course, Leila.” He chuckled. “I’m at your service.”

  They staggered through the study laughing and teasing one another, heading straight toward a wall. The garden. Heat surged from Her palms through his body, enveloping them in Her power and giving way to a cool breeze. They had materialized at the edge of Her bedchamber, color splayed out before them like a rainbow beneath the night sky. She ushered him down the short steps and far along the grassy pathway, stopping once flowers and life surrounded them from all angles.

  “All right.” She dropped Her hands. “Open your eyes.”

  Tobias sucked in a breath. The anticipation plucked at Her nerves, so She made Her way into his line of sight. “What do you think? It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  He didn’t stare at the garden—he stared at Her, his cheeks pulled up into a grin. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Blushing, She turned to Her hydrangeas. “This is my favorite place in the fortress.”

  “Do you come here often?”

  “Every day. Do you like it?”

  “I do.”

  Tobias was beaming, but not for long. His gaze flitted across the garden, no doubt searching for prying eyes.

  “No one can see us,” Leila said. “We’re alone.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’ve been naked out here before.”

  Tobias’s gaze darted back toward Her. “Naked?”


  A cheeky smirk sprang to his lips. “Lies. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  Laughing, She batted his arm before heading off through the garden, stopping at a familiar stretch of grass. She unstrapped the sheath from Her thigh, flinging it aside before dropping to the ground.

  Strength and peace. The garden rejoiced in response, showering Her in li

  “What are you doing?” Tobias said.

  Leila nestled deeper into the grass. “This is my spot.”

  “Well then, where’s my spot?”

  “I don’t know. Pick one.”

  As Tobias lay down beside Her, a smile bloomed across Her face. “A wise decision.”

  She stared at the stars above, but Her mind was on the power around Her—the light radiating from Her body, the blackness reaching up toward the surface. The syrupy strings shriveled beneath Her, and She relished its submission, the one semblance of control She had these days.

  Tobias’s arm wrapped around Her waist, and Her heartbeat surged when he rested his cheek against Her neck. “You’re encroaching on my spot,” She said.

  “My spot is with you.”

  Pinpricks of the brightest fuchsia rose from his body, fading into the night. Leila pressed Her hand to his chest, and color pulsed within him, traveling up Her arm, down Her stomach, and between Her legs.

  “What are you thinking about?” She said.

  “I’m imagining you lying out here. Naked.”

  Leila burst out laughing, and Tobias flashed Her a playful scowl. “What?”

  “You dog.”

  “I’m an honest man. Don’t deprive me of my imagination.”

  She smacked his chest, and his glare morphed into feigned outrage. “Leila!”

  “Stop that.”

  “This is the single most glorious vision I’ve had since the start of this tournament. You’d deny me that? Cruel. Just cruel.”

  Color wafted from his flesh, orange and yellow as vibrant as the surrounding flowers. Leila traced Her fingers through the beautiful haze, writing words in his affection.


  “I wish I could live in the night with you.” Tobias nuzzled closer. “Just sleep through the challenges and wake up to this.”

  “Perhaps one day. Once the tournament is over.”

  “You think so?”

  Leila pulled away. “You don’t?”

  “I try not to think about it. I fear the tournament will end in my death or my marriage to Cosima. I’m not certain which one is worse.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” She said. “I think we might be able to work something out. If we put our heads together.”

  “You do, do you? How do you figure?”

  “I can be very tenacious with the proper motivation.”

  He chuckled. “That I can believe.”

  His breath warmed Leila’s throat, beckoning Her to come closer, to taste his lips. Instead She went rigid, staring at the darkness above.

  There was a purpose to this visit.

  “Tobias…” She breathed in. “I brought you here…to tell you something.”

  “Oh? What is it?” He hoisted himself onto his elbows, staring down at Her. “Leila?”

  “Apologies. I’m nervous,” She said.

  “You don’t have to be nervous.”

  She strayed from his gaze. “I fear once I say what needs to be said, you’ll regret a great deal…particularly your decision to be with me.”

  “No. You’re wrong.”


  “Hear me, Leila.” He fought his way into Her line of sight. “You have secrets. I’m not blind to it. But secrets or none, you’re the woman who saved my life. The woman I long to be with day after day.” His fingers threaded through Hers, gripping tight. “This is the path I’ve chosen. And each day that passes, I thank God I didn’t choose The Savior. That I chose you instead.”

  A stab ripped through Her, stopping Her heart.

  Tobias settling in the grass at Her side. “Now, say what you need to say.”

  No. She couldn’t. Everything within Her pleaded for silence, but She forced Herself to speak.

  “At the Welcoming… You remember those men hovering around Brontes? His Senators?”

  “The vultures?” Tobias said.

  “Yes, them. Well…that flock used to be much larger. It’s been shrinking as of late. Because…”

  “You’ve killed them.”

  The air evacuated Her lungs. A part of Her was grateful he had spoken for Her, but that didn’t eliminate the silence between them, nor the impenetrable tension.

  “Yes,” She said.

  Tobias didn’t respond, and Her thoughts spun frantically. “I tried everything,” She stammered. “There was no other way. I would never… I mean, I wouldn’t even think it if it weren’t absolutely necessary—”

  “You don’t have to justify yourself to me. I know you.” He looked Her in the eyes. “My only question is…why?”

  This was it. All She had to do was reveal Her title.

  I didn’t choose The Savior. I chose you instead.

  Tobias faltered. “Leila—”

  “It’s complicated.” She turned Her head away.

  “I don’t doubt that, but I’m willing to listen.”

  But he wasn’t. As much as She wished it were true, as much as She wanted to believe him, She couldn’t. Not when all his colors had disappeared.

  “You’ll know everything,” She said. “Once it’s taken care of… Once all is said and done—”

  “And what if that day never comes? Killing Senators? That’s no petty offense. What if you’re discovered?”

  “I won’t be.”

  “You don’t know that.” His voice came out hard. “What you’re doing, it’s incredibly dangerous—”

  “It’s just as dangerous if I do nothing. More so, even.”


  “I’ve told you what I can,” She spat. “And when the task is complete, I’ll explain the rest. It’s for the best.”

  She winced. She had spoken too harshly—too much like a queen—but Tobias remained stoic, his eyes on the moon.

  “All right,” he said. “I trust you.”

  Leila’s insides shrank. She didn’t deserve his trust, certainly not after such cowardice.

  A tentative hand reached for Hers. “I’m still here,” Tobias whispered.

  Calm enveloped Her, releasing Her burdens, if only slightly. This is the superior path. He’ll understand once all is said and done. She was sure of so few decisions these days, but this one felt sound. Tobias was the only pure, good thing in Her life. She brought Her cheek to his, allowing him to wrap his arms around Her.

  “Well then, I suppose since you’ve told me a secret, it’s only fair I do the same,” he said. “Let’s see… Back when I was sixteen, Naomi was seeing this smith in our village. Alex. A pathetic cock.”

  Leila smirked. “I can see where this is headed.”

  “It only lasted a few weeks. Maybe longer. Then she finds out he’d been fucking the potter’s daughter the entire time.”

  “A pathetic cock indeed.”

  “Naomi was devastated. I was livid, naturally. Swore I’d go straight to his home and beat his ass.” Tobias scoffed. “I don’t know what I was talking about. I’d never beaten anyone’s ass before, not really. But Naomi insisted I keep my distance. She was appalled by the whole idea of it.”

  “Did you do it anyway?”

  “Of course not. She’s my sister, I respected her wishes… For the most part.”

  Leila raised an eyebrow. “What did you do?”

  Tobias shied away from Her gaze. “Well, I passed Alex’s cottage every day on my way to town. And I had a clear view of his window…”


  “God, I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”

  “Say it.”

  He cleared his throat. “His washbasin was right there on the sill. So…I pissed in it.”

  Leila couldn’t suppress Her laughter, while Tobias continued, grinning. “He didn’t seem to notice. Saw him washing himself later that evening without a care in the world.”

  “He was washing himself in your piss?”

  “Indeed he was. And it was oddly satisfying. So the next day, I pissed in his basin again.”

  Leila gasped. “Tobias!” />
  “And then the next day. And then every day for the next two weeks.”

  “You’re bad.”

  “It became my morning routine. Get up, grab a bite, piss in Alex’s basin. Then one day, he figured it out. Came to my cottage and punched me in the eye.”

  “Then what?”

  He shrugged. “Well, that was that. Though I did watch my step for a while. And checked my own basin daily, just in case. Naomi thought the whole thing was hilarious, and that’s really all that matters.”

  Leila buried Her face into the cowl of Tobias’s shirt, drowning in giggles.

  “Your turn.” He wrapped an arm around Her, pulling Her close. “Tell me a secret. And it better be good.”

  “You already know about the watchtower. That was a secret.”

  “Unacceptable. I told you a piss secret.”

  “Well, I’ve never pissed in anyone’s washbasin. I’ve been stuck here in the fortress not having much fun at all.”

  “There has to be something.”

  A thought came to Her. “All right. There is something. It’s not much of a secret, but I think you’ll like it.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “You can’t judge me.”


  Leila bit Her lip. “You remember that one challenge with the keys?”


  “Raphael nearly died,” She said. “The whole thing was deplorable. Well, I spent all night tending to Raph, trying to keep him alive. And once it was all over, I was just so upset. With the Proctor. Especially with Cosima. So, the next time I saw Her…I slapped Her.”

  Tobias gaped at Her. “You slapped Cosima?”

  “Right in the mouth.”

  “Oh my God!” He rolled onto his back in laughter. “You’re a madwoman!”

  “It was liberating.”

  “What did She do?”

  “She cried. I felt awful. It was wrong of me.”

  “I don’t know about that. It sounds more than fair to me.” He eyed Her with a mischievous gaze. “And to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever been more attracted to you.”

  Self-satisfaction surged within Her. “Your turn.” She glided Her fingers through his locks. “Tell me a secret.”


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