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The Savior's Sister

Page 48

by Jenna Moreci

  He swung at Drake once, twice. The Dragon wove between his assaults, then latched onto Tobias’s throat.

  “Stop it!” Leila bolted to Her feet. Do something. But She had nothing—no maneuvers, not even a weapon.

  Tobias launched his knee into Drake’s gut, breaking his hold. He slid to the floor, plucking up something from the strewn glass—Leila’s blade. With one quick blast, he swung the knife at the Dragon, slicing the assassin’s ear from his temple.

  Drake’s scream ripped through the gallery, his ear tumbling to the floor with a piteous splat. Tobias passed the blade from hand to hand, preparing to make his next kill.

  Faun burst into the room. “What the—?” She glanced over the shards and blood. “What’s going on? I heard screaming.”

  Drake stood firm, as if he weren’t clinging to his own earless head. Tobias stared at Leila, willing Her to say something, but there was nothing. She was frozen.

  “Should I alert the Sovereign?”

  Faun’s words stirred Leila. “No, no, everything’s fine.”

  “Everything’s not fine,” Tobias said.

  “Everything’s fine. The Dragon was just leaving.”

  Leila glared at Drake, forcing back a shudder once his sinister gaze met Hers. Growling, Drake plucked his ear from the floor and trudged from the gallery.

  Leila turned to Faun. “Not a word to the Sovereign.”


  “Promise Me.”

  Faun’s frown spoke for her, and Leila hardened Her tone. “Promise Me.”

  Faun glanced to Tobias, as if she was awaiting his rebuttal, then sighed. “I’ll fetch Damaris. We’ll take care of the mess.”

  As she left the room, Tobias came to life. “My God, are you all right?”

  He took root at Leila’s side, pulling Her close. She knew it was happening, yet She could hardly feel it, his touch a whisper, Her skin cold and numb.


  “I’m all right,” She said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m fine.” She broke free from his hold. “You should go.”

  “Go?” He scanned Her over. “Leila, you’re bleeding.”

  Pain cut through the numbness—the sting of Her shoulder, the ache of Her throat. She had tasted blood before, but never like this. Never this close.

  “It’s all right,” She said. “Go back to Cosima.”

  “Are you mad? I’m not leaving you like this.”

  “Tobias, just go.”

  “Like hell.”

  He scooped Her from the floor, gathering Her in his arms.

  “Tobias! What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking care of you whether you like it or not.”

  He barreled from the gallery with Leila tucked in his embrace. She hadn’t a clue where they were headed, though the wonder drowned beneath the screaming of Her thoughts. The heat of Drake’s hands was fresh on Her throat, and everything within Her longed to claw at Her flesh, to rub it clean until no trace of him remained. Instead She clung to Tobias, unmoving save for Her firing heartbeat.

  She wasn’t in his arms any longer. She sat on a rose couch while Tobias probed through desk drawers. Her study. When had they arrived in the first place?

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m looking for your potions,” he said.


  “You’re bleeding. I’m taking care of you.”

  Sighing, She urged Herself to move, plucking a few vials and a rag from a nearby shelf—left behind by servants, no doubt—and taking Her place on the couch. Tobias sat behind Her, studying the vials as She handed them off.

  “What is this?”

  “Water,” She mumbled. “And mint soap.”

  “Leila, this isn’t—”

  “It’s fine.”

  The throbbing of Her shoulder cut through the numbness—the injury, She assumed. She pulled the straps of Her dress down Her arms, exposing Her from neck to navel. Perhaps at another time this would’ve felt bold, but not now. There was only cold. Pain.

  Tobias spoke against Her cheek. “Tell me if I’m hurting you, all right, darling?”

  He lingered close, waiting for a response that never came. Gently, he wetted Her shoulder—sharp, stinging. It must’ve been the glass. She tried to focus on each pang and wipe, but Her mind was wrapped up in far more grueling tortures.

  Back in the gallery, She had nearly died. She had been helpless.

  “You’re quiet,” Tobias said.

  Leila forced Herself to speak. “I’m thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “I’ve gotten you involved in such a mess.”

  “I believe I did it to myself.”

  She shook Her head. “You didn’t.”

  “I entered the tournament.” His voice came out firm. “I drew those pictures of you. I asked to kiss you. I did it, Leila. Me.”

  I’m only alive because of him. How could She protect Tobias if She couldn’t protect Herself?

  “I’d do it all again, you know,” he said. “I have no regrets.”

  “It’s so stupid. I could hardly defend myself.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ve trained for this.” She choked over the words. “I’ve trained for years. And then the time comes, and…I’m a fool. Disarmed in seconds. I failed.”

  “Drake is a mercenary, easily three times your size. There was nothing you could do.”

  “I was pathetic.”

  “You can’t possibly blame yourself for what happened.” Tobias waited in strained silence. “Leila, speak to me.”

  The pain dulled to a steady ache. Tobias had stopped cleaning Her shoulder. A part of Her yearned for the soothing power of his touch, though it wouldn’t do much good now. This wound cut too deep.

  “Have you finished?” She whispered.


  Disappointment laced his words. Still She said nothing, sliding Her straps into place. She wasn’t empty any longer; something was filling Her up, turning Her veins from ice to fire, blackening Her from the inside. She had felt this before as a child. So many years had passed, and She was still lost.

  “I know you don’t want to hear this,” Tobias said, “but you need to tell someone what happened.”

  Leila’s chest clenched. “Tobias…”

  “Something has to be done. Drake needs to be removed from the palace—”

  “Just stop.”

  “I’m begging you, you have to tell Cosima—”

  “Cosima is nothing,” She spat. “She is useless.”

  Tobias hesitated. “And Brontes… He isn’t an option?”

  A pang shot through Her, the sharpest blow of them all. “God, I don’t even want to hear his name. Please, don’t ever speak it again.”

  “Do you think he had something to do with this?”

  “I know he did.”

  The blackness within Her erupted. She balled Her hands into fists, fighting for composure, but Her hatred poured forth in tears, rolled through Her body in trembles and shakes.

  “I am so sick of feeling powerless. Of having no control.” She gritted Her teeth. “This is my home. I should feel free. I should feel safe. This is my fucking home, and yet I am a prisoner.”

  Tobias grabbed Her arms and pressed his lips to Her neck. “Leila darling, breathe. Come to me. Let me hold you.”

  She turned toward him, nestling into his lap. Incapable. Weak.

  His fingers swept through Her hair, his voice gentle against Her skin. “Right now, you are free. Right now, you are safe.”

  “I’ve made so many mistakes.” Her throat thickened with sobs. “Everything I’ve worked for…it’s crumbling around me. And all I can do is watch.”

  “Whatever your troubles, know they’re not yours alone. Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. If you need me to pick up the pieces. If you need me to stand by your side as you watch it all crumble. Whatever it is, I’ll do it. I’m your man.�

  “I don’t deserve your kindness.”

  “Leila, that is the single dumbest thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

  She buried Her face into his chest. You are free. You are safe. Because of him.

  “You are everything. You remember?” he said. “For as long as I’m living, I’ll take care of you. Even in the next life, I’ll find a way. I’ll take care of you always.”

  “I haven’t a clue what I’m going to do now.”

  “Then do nothing at all. Just stay here with me.”

  She obeyed without protest, clinging to him, snug against his chest. At some point Her body stilled, and Her tears stopped streaming, but Tobias stayed put, cooing into Her ear until he fell asleep in Her arms. Still, Leila remained awake, and though the rage within Her had cooled, the havoc of Her mind remained.

  She was supposed to be killed on Her wedding night.

  Plans have changed.


  He didn’t answer. Blinking past tears, She whispered, “I’m The Savior.”

  His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Peace. If only it were so easy to tell him the truth while he was awake.

  “I’m afraid you’ll hate Me when you find out.” She gripped his shirt for stability. “I’m afraid you’ll hate Me just as My father does.”

  She nuzzled beneath his chin, while Tobias was fast asleep, a blessing She was never granted.


  The Lie

  Fingertips grazed Leila’s shoulder. The wound was barely tender, stiff and scabbed. A body filled with healing light had its benefits, even if it had put Her in danger in the first place.

  Delphi sighed. “I should’ve been there. This would’ve never happened.”

  Leila readjusted the straps of Her dress, staring out at the light pouring over Her garden steps. She and Her sister had been bundled up on Her bed all morning. At some point they’d have to leave, but the palace wasn’t safe for Her now—not that it ever had been in the first place.

  “Brontes’s note said the plan had changed.” Leila turned to Her sister. “I was supposed to die on My wedding night. This attack… It was far too early.”

  “You think that’s what he meant?” Delphi said. “The change of plans?”

  “There’s no other explanation.”

  “Why go through the trouble of orchestrating this tournament specifically for Your assassination, then toss it all aside days from completion?”

  Leila hadn’t an answer for that, Her ignorance a knife to Her pride. “We have to find the traitor. He mentioned a meeting place. We’ll track it down.”

  “We have to keep You safe.” Delphi took Leila’s hands. “Our timeline has changed. Beware the assassins, the Senators. Any one of them could be a threat.”

  “And the Queen of Kovahr. She arrives today.”

  A knock sounded, and Asher made his way inside. “Apologies. You’ve been spending a great deal of time in private chambers. The staff is worried.”

  “Tell them I’m occupied,” Leila said.

  “People are talking.”

  A weight dropped in Leila’s gut. She dragged Herself from Her bed, and Delphi took Her arm as they left the room.

  Eyes followed them as they walked hand in hand, headed to nowhere in particular. She was used to the staring, but this was different. This was condemning.

  “Have You tried shadow walking recently?” Delphi whispered.

  Leila scoffed. “I shadow walk all the time.”

  “No, I mean…have You tried walking beyond the wall?”

  “Past the fortress? You know I can’t.”

  “But have You tried lately?”

  Leila met Her sister’s gaze. “You want Me to escape.”

  “It might be necessary.”

  “I am a queen. This is My palace.”

  “Brontes tried to have You killed yesterday, and he almost succeeded.” Delphi’s face dropped. “We’re losing this battle.”

  The severity of her words stopped Leila in Her tracks. “I can’t do it. I’m not capable. I’ve tried many, many times. I can’t.”

  Delphi said nothing, her silence wounding. Leila swallowed hard. “Our only option is to defeat him from the inside. Otherwise, I’m dead.”

  A feeble smile flickered across Delphi’s lips. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.” She scanned the hallway, and her tension faded, revealing a cheeky smirk.

  “What?” Leila said.

  Delphi cocked her head at a nearby door. “This is Tobias’s chamber.”

  Leila’s heartbeat quickened. “It’s daytime.”

  “It’s a good thing I don’t glow, then.”


  She disappeared into Tobias’s chamber before Leila could finish, shutting the door behind her. What was she thinking? Nerves pricked at Leila, and She watched the passing servants, searching for scrutiny that didn’t exist.

  Delphi re-emerged, a mischievous grin on her face. “You should go in there.”

  Leila sighed. “Delphi, I can’t.”

  “He’s shirtless. My, those rippling muscles—”

  “He was shirtless for half the—”

  “The drapes are closed,” Delphi said. “Not a speck of sunlight to be seen.”

  Leila hesitated. “You swear?”

  “Have I ever told a lie?”

  Leila’s gaze darted between Tobias’s chamber and Her sister. Holding Her breath, She knocked at the door.

  Tobias’s muffled voice sounded. “Come in.”

  Winking, Delphi glided off, while Leila peeked into the chamber. Two beds—one empty, the other a mess of tangled sheets with an easel propped in front of it.

  Tobias’s head popped up above the easel, his face dotted with pink and yellow paint. “Leila. What are you doing here?”

  Shadows blanketed the space from wall to wall. Exhaling, Leila made Her way inside. “I thought you might be lonely with Orion gone.”

  “How are you?”

  “I’m all right.”

  He frowned. “You’ve said that before.”

  “I am. I promise.” Her cheeks warmed. “I wanted to thank you. For being so kind the other night.”

  “There’s no need to thank me. I’m your man. Whatever you need.”

  His easel boasted a large strip of canvas—a mystery She was more than intrigued to uncover.

  “Are you painting?”

  “I am.” He patted the spot at his side. “Join me?”

  Leila hopped onto the bed and took in the painting. Her heart lodged into Her throat. “Lilies?”

  “I promised you lilies. And I also promised to fill the wall.”

  “This is for me?”

  “Of course. Who else would it be for?”

  Large white petals curled at the tips, vibrant spots and stripes in fierce magenta. Stargazer lilies, and so meticulously captured. All the times they had stared at the night sky together—perhaps there was a connection? She clasped Her hands beneath Her chin, beaming brighter than the light within Her.

  “It’s so beautiful.” Her lips parted as She grasped for coherent words to speak. “I don’t even know what to say, I’m so excited.”

  “It’s nearly finished.”

  “Then it’s mine?”

  Tobias nodded, and She took his face in Her hands, kissing him. “Thank you. I love it so much.”

  Tobias laughed. “Let me look at your shoulder.”

  “Oh, it’s fine.”

  “Don’t you brush me off like that, show me.”

  “Listen to you, spouting orders like your words hold title.”

  “Shoulder,” he said. “Now.”

  Leila smiled. “As you wish, Your Highness.” She pulled Her strap low while Tobias eyed the injury. “Better?”

  “Much better.” He resituated Her dress. “I think I might’ve missed my calling. Perhaps I should be a healer as well.”

  “I much prefer you as an artist. That way I get gifts. And I must say, you
look awfully adorable covered in all those spots and smudges.”

  The colors of Her lilies caked his hands and streaked his chest, a playful blend of sweet and inviting. “How adorable?” he said. “Show me.”

  A part of Her wanted to tempt and tease, but She kissed him anyway, lured by his cocksure grin. Tobias came in hard, deepening the kiss, and Leila chuckled. “You’re in a fine mood this morning.”

  “It’s all your fault. I never get to see you this early. You look stunning, you know.”

  She reveled in his gaze before nodding at the painting. “You don’t mind if I watch you work?”

  “Not at all. Do you want to try?”

  He handed Her something—a paintbrush.

  “Try?” Leila straightened. “You mean paint something?”


  “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly…”

  “Of course you can. I’ll show you.” He folded Her fingers around the brush. “Soft strokes. See? Like that.”

  She cringed as the bristles pressed against the canvas. “Like that?”

  “Perfect. You’re a natural.”

  “You lie. I’ll ruin it.”

  “No you won’t.” He sat tall, coming in closer. “And if you do, I’ll fix it. You forget, you’re sitting with a master.”

  “Oh, so you’re a master now?”

  “Indeed I am.”

  Leila let out a laugh. “Loon.”

  “That’s no way to speak to a master.”

  She waved him away before staring long and hard at the painting as if it might somehow calm Her nerves. Tobias’s arm snaked around Her waist, his chin propped along the curve of Her neck as he breathed Her in.

  “Am I doing this right?” Leila said.


  “Are you even looking at the canvas?”

  “Mhm.” He buried his face in Her hair. “Yes. Completely.”

  “You know, I’m trying to learn.”

  “And you’re doing wonderfully. A star pupil.”

  Surrendering to his touch, Leila dropped Her brush and leaned into his chest. He nipped at Her neck, and She swallowed the beginnings of a moan. “Don’t kiss me there, you know it makes me weak.”

  “That isn’t much of a deterrent.”

  She chuckled. “You fool.”

  His lips traveled up Her flesh, then froze. “Do you really want me to stop? I will. Just say the word.”


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