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Pathological Therapy Billionaire Bad Boy Box Set

Page 4

by Brittany Dreams

  Peter was startled out of his thoughts by Edward, “Is Celine okay? She saved my life!” Peter’s heart sunk. He hadn’t even thought to check on her or say thank you! “I don’t know,” he said with a smile, “I haven’t seen her yet.” He paused looking at Edward. “I’ll tell you what,” he said quietly. “We will ring her in a minute and check she is okay.” He paused before checking with Edward, “Is that okay with you? Edward nodded, “I like Celine,” he said simply, “Can you make her stay?” Peter gasped, he had no idea that Edward knew so much about who was coming and going. “I’ll try,” he promised as he wrapped his arms round Edward. “Now,” he said, “What do you want to do today?”

  Chapter 5

  Peter stretched, his toe poking out of the bottom of his bed. His whole body ached from a day of building forts, shooting Edward, and throwing himself around. He smiled knowing the aches were definitely worthwhile; he hadn’t had so much fun in ages. The fact that Edward had laughed all day long made him think about selling all the practices. He was rich enough to retire, and Edward was young enough to enjoy spending some quality time with him. It was certainly something to think about!

  However, today was Monday, Edward would be going to school, and he would have to go to work. The path of his thoughts automatically took him to consider Celine. She was probably downstairs already getting things ready for Edward. He didn’t know whether to be grateful for the fact that she stayed when she should have gone home, or to be cross because if she was here she should have kept an eye on Edward at all times. Of course, he knew that wasn’t fair; she had no obligation to stay at the house on her day off. He was almost certain that she had done it because of the state he was in—something that he suddenly felt deeply shameful about.

  He swung his legs out of bed and padded into the ensuite. A quick, cold shower woke him up and just five minutes later he had jeans and a t-shirt on and was heading down the hallway. He paused outside the door to Edward’s room. A gentle knock was quickly followed by him opening the door. Edward was already up. His room was a mess, as always. Peter slowly headed down the stairs. He could smell pancakes and knew that meant Celine was there. He stepped through the doorway and cleared his throat. Celine turned her head. She looked stunning in a simple vest top paired with figure hugging jeans. “Hey,” she said, looking him up and down. “How are you after everything?” Peter shook his head in disbelief. “I’m fine, thanks, but it is you we should be more worried about.” Celine raised one eyebrow, “Why is that?” She asked curiously. Peter sighed as he answered, “Because you are the one who cannot swim but jumped in a swimming pool to save my son’s life.” Peter paused, collecting his thoughts for a moment. “It’s a sobering thought,” he said, “You saved Edward’s life and even put your own life at risk. I just want to thank you for doing that.” Celine nodded. “I didn’t do it for you. Edward deserves better.” “I know,” said Peter. “I have realized that, and I am going to give it to him.” He paused, looking at her nervously. “I have realized something else as well.” He waited for a moment hoping for a response, but Celine was not forthcoming. Peter prompted her, “Would you like to know what?” He asked gently. Celine shook her head. “You made it perfectly clear that my leaving was the end of our working relationship the other day.”

  Peter smiled softly. “Yes, well, that was the other day. Since that occasion I have nearly lost the life of my only son and I have taken a few moments to look at my priorities. I have had them all wrong for several years.” He paused to check he had her attention “I’d like you to stay, but I’ll work out more time for me to be available. I want to play with Edward more. He is at a really fun age, and he hasn’t had the support he should have had since his Mum went.

  Again, Peter paused. His green eyes were serious as he looked at Celine. “As well,” he said quietly, “I don’t want you to leave. I think we could be good together and good for Edward.” Celine looked at him for a long moment; she was wondering if it was really possible for someone’s personality to change that quickly. “I love Edward like my own,” she said cautiously. She didn’t want to upset everything yet, “But I need more than just a flash in the pan. That is, if you are really interested in building a relationship together.” She paused, hundreds of different thoughts raced through her head as Celine debated whether this was real or another elaborate trick.

  To be honest she wouldn’t put anything past Peter. But, even she had to admit this was either first class acting, or he really had changed. Peter could sense she was on the edge, and his voice softened. “I know I haven’t been there for Edward when I should and could have been. But, I can’t undo the past. All I can do is move into the future with a new approach and a new attitude to life. Edward means the world to me, and I can make time to ensure he knows that.” Peter stopped to catch his breath as he watched Celine processing the information. A look of uncertainty crossed her face as she debated about which was the right course of action.

  Celine looked at Peter, the expression of hope in his eyes made him look both vulnerable and fierce. She could almost see the dark shadow that resided over him, lifting off. For the first time in many years Peter seemed genuinely focused on Edward and his needs. She smiled softly. “I’m glad you have realized what is really important,” she said. Her voice was barely above a whisper. “I will continue to be your nanny if you want me to. But,” she paused again, almost disbelieving what she was about to say. “But, I can’t be anything more than that. I am not going to be a notch on your bedpost.”

  Peter opened his mouth to say something else, then he decided that now might not be the best time to push this. Celine had just agreed to stay; that was certainly a step in the right direction!

  Surprisingly Peter struggled to find anything to say whilst they waited for their breakfast. It was partly because he was completely focused on the fact that Celine didn’t want to accept his advances, and partly because, despite his decision, he had no idea how to make things right with Edward. But he would, of that he was sure.

  At that moment, Edward came into the room. “Daddy,” he asked quietly, “Will you take me to school today?” Peter suddenly realized that the simplest tasks could be the ones which made the biggest difference. Edward just wanted to spend time with him! He replied to his son eagerly, “Absolutely, Edward. I will even pick you up as well!” Celine smiled, it would appear Peter was really trying! It was at that moment she realized that her feelings for him were developing. It wouldn’t be long before she would be powerless to resist his charm! Celine knew what made the difference for her; Peter was no longer trying to impress her with his macho ways. Now, he was simply being her perfect man; even though he didn’t know it yet.

  Celine watched Peter and Edward talking. Edward seemed more alive than ever as his father listened. She suddenly felt a surge of emotion as she realized Peter could be the one; all she needed was for him to become the man he had just shown her he could be. A few moments later she placed half a dozen pancakes onto the table along with a big bottle of maple syrup. “There will be more ready in a few moments,” she said, smiling. Peter glanced at her, and for a moment their eyes met and she melted. The smoldering tension in the room was almost visible. “Thank you!” said a delighted Edward, oblivious to what was happening between Celine and his father. She smiled, breaking the moment as she told Edward, “You are welcome.”

  They finished their breakfast in amicable silence. Celine wasted no time in making sure Edward was ready for school, whilst Peter got himself ready. He was back downstairs, waiting in the hallway when Celine and Edward reappeared. “All set,” she said, her eyes glistening. Peter nodded as his eyes strolled across her body. Every curve seemed like perfection. But he knew it was more than that, she was one of the only women he knew who would stand up to him and state her own mind. He knew he needed that! “Will you still be here after I have dropped Edward?” His voice was quiet, but strangely powerful. Celine smiled softly, “I can be, if you want.” Peter smi
led back at her, the crease round his eyes making him look wiser and adding a more human touch to his chiseled features. “Good,” he said. “There is somewhere I want to take you.” His hand lightly brushed against her cheek, sending a shiver through her spine. With that, he was gone.

  Celine steadied herself against the stairs for a moment. She felt lightheaded. With a supreme effort and a spring in her step she raced to her room. She had time for a shower before getting dressed!

  It was forty five minutes later when she emerged from her room. Her jet black hair fell neatly to her shoulders; it was dead straight and framed her slightly tanned, petite face. She had opted for a little cherry red lipstick to complement her deep blue eyes. Other than the tiny bit of blush on her cheeks, she was make-up free. Her natural complexion generally made it unnecessary to add too much make-up. The sun was already climbing into the sky, so Celine opted for a summer dress coupled with a pair of backless sandals. She hoped it said summer chic and would appeal to Peter’s more expensive tastes; she couldn’t afford to shop in the same places that he could!

  As she moved back down the stairs she could hear Peter banging in the kitchen. By the time she reached the hallway he had reappeared. “For you,” he said chivalrously. He presented her with a potted rose— the pot precariously balanced on a saucer from the kitchen. Celine looked puzzled. “Thank you, I think,” she said. Her puzzled expression said it all. Peter laughed as he explained that flowers were just so temporary, but a carefully looked after potted plant could last for a lifetime. She realized it was an attempt at romance, or an intimate gesture. Graciously Celine accepted the plant. “Thank you, Peter,” she said with a smile. “I think that is the first thing anyone has given me in a very long time.”

  “Are you ready?” He asked her softly. Celine placed the potted rose on the counter in the kitchen and added a touch of water. She wondered whether to tell him now that she had no idea how to look after any plant, never mind one with such a symbolic nature! Instead she simply replied “Yes.” With that, he ushered her towards the door and out of the house.

  Peter’s sports car was not outside like normal; instead there was a white stretch limousine. Celine gasped, she suddenly felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Peter smiled as he watched her reaction. A moment later he waved the driver away and opened the door for her. She climbed in, amazed at the space available inside the vehicle. Peter sat next to her, their knees gently touching. She could feel the warmth spreading through her body as shivers climbed up and down inside her. She smiled; this was like a dream! Peter laughed. He had been watching her face. “Relax,” he said. “It might be nice, but it is still just a car.” Celine smiled as the car whisked them down the road. For the first time they started to talk. Peter opened up about his relationship with Edward’s mother and her tragic, untimely death. He even spoke about the shallow satisfaction that he obtained from the string of attractive women which he led through his door, night after night.

  Celine recoiled as she realized just how active he had been. “Really?” She asked. Taking a deep breath, she bit her lip and looked at him. “I’ve never been with a guy, not yet anyway,” she said quietly, emphasizing the difference between their sex lives. Peter stopped, stunned. “But you are twenty one!” he exclaimed. “So?” Celine asked him. “Is it a legal requirement to have sex at a certain age?” She asked, before continuing. “I just haven’t found the right one yet.”

  She couldn’t help but smile as he raised an eyebrow. “I hope that is about to change.” At that moment the car stopped. Celine looked out through the heavily tinted glass. She could see a small, private plane next to them. “Are we going in that?” Her voice was incredulous. Peter laughed. “No! Although I will take you in that next time.” He paused, watching her face and the look of confusion. Leaning back he gestured out of his window. There was a helicopter on the other side of the limo. “We are going in this,” he said, as he opened the door of the limo. A moment later he had moved round the car and opened her door. “Ready?” He asked, the concern apparent in his voice—a reaction to the look of shock and awe on her face. Celine nodded, “I think so!”

  Just five minutes later the helicopter was in the air with Peter at the controls. Celine gasped, sitting next to him she could see everything. Her heart raced as he took to the skies, circling round the city before heading south. “I have never seen it like this before!” She managed to say about the city, once she had caught her breath. Peter nodded, “It’s breath-taking, like you,” he murmured. His hand rested on her leg. Celine felt the now familiar surge of passion and desire crossing through her body. The cockpit of the helicopter suddenly felt very intimate. Lightly she rested her hand on top of his. Maybe, just maybe, he could be the man for her. The acknowledgement set her body jingling. She felt like she was on fire as he flew over green fields and large country houses. A few moments later he brought the helicopter down over the impressive Skyline Falls.

  He guided her gently from the helicopter and they began to walk down the road toward the falls. Celine followed, feeling like she was in a dream as he guided her through a tunnel and behind the waterfall. The noise was deafening, but the view was breathtaking! She shivered; the water prevented the sun from heating the area up. Peter smiled and wrapped his arm round her, bringing her close. “Thank you,” he said quietly. Celine turned to look at him, “Thank you for what?” she queried. She could see the gratitude in his eyes. He paused, looking into her soul before replying. “You saved my son’s life and I thank you for that. But,” he continued quickly before she could say anything. “You also saved me. I hadn’t realized how self-centered I had become. You didn’t just save him; you saved me as well.”

  Celine gasped, this was more than she expected! She didn’t know what to say. “You are welcome,” passed her lips, although it seemed so inadequate. But Peter seemed to understand. “I want to see more of you, just you and me. I know you are good for me and I am in love with you.” Celine gasped again, she pinched herself; was she dreaming? “Okay,” she heard herself saying. She had visions of a lifetime together floating through her mind. A huge grin broke across her face as she looked at him. Their lips gently touched together. It was a moment she would certainly not forget!

  Chapter 6

  Celine spun round in circles; it had been the best two weeks of her life! At first Peter had been eager to impress. He had even flown her to the best Italian restaurant in the country, despite it being nearly two hours away! She had, of course, protested but he was having none of it. “As far as I’m concerned, I can afford to do this so you should enjoy it.” And that was all he had said. It was clear he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so she had reluctantly agreed although secretly she was as excited as a child at Christmas.

  But, what impressed Celine far more than his attempts to show her how much he had to offer, was the change in his devotion to Edward. Suddenly, he was there for everything Edward did. He was still considering selling the surgeries, although he only held consultancies in the mornings now. Instead, he was there for almost every breakfast with Edward and he had even attended the school play—much to Edward’s delight.

  Celine didn’t think she could be much happier! Her mind whirled constantly, she was still struggling to stay on top of her nursing studies, but that was for a different reason now. She just struggled to focus as she drifted into day dreams about life with Peter.

  It was a little after two on a Tuesday when she heard Peter pulling up outside the house. She felt a little anxious. He was scheduled to leave at the weekend for a conference; as the key note speaker he simply had to go. But, it left her alone in the big house with Edward. It wasn’t a problem looking after Edward, she had done it on many occasions before. But this time was different. She wasn’t even sure why. It wasn’t like they had slept together yet. She had been adamant that she was waiting for marriage. She still slept in her own bedroom. It was then that she realized that this was actually the issue. Peter had been ve
ry active prior to her and had now gone two weeks without any. He would be surrounded by temptation at the conference, and she wasn’t sure he would be able to resist it!

  A moment later Peter was looking at her. “You okay princess?” He asked gently. Celine nodded as she bit her lip. She stepped forward and took his hand. “Yes,” she said cautiously, “But, I am worried about you going away.” Celine took a deep breath and her soulful eyes looked straight into his. “You know I’m saving myself for marriage and I know you have been more than a little active recently. Do you think you will be able to resist all the temptation at the conference?” She paused, waiting for his reaction. A surprised look crossed his face as he registered her words. “You have my heart,” he said simply. Seeing it wasn’t quite enough, he carried on. “Without you I would be descending into a deepening spiral of indulgence, and probably lose my son forever. You are my angel, my guiding light, and my heart’s desire.” He paused, as Celine registered his words. “I’m not going to risk everything I have here just for a bit of fun one night. You and I have a future together.” Celine’s heart skipped a beat; it felt so good to hear him say the words!

  Peter moved towards her slowly. His green eyes glowed, reflecting the sunlight as he pressed his lips against hers. She responded instinctively. Her mouth opened slightly to receive his tongue. Celine enjoyed the strange sensation of his tongue exploring her mouth and entwining itself in hers. She wrapped her arms around his back, feeling the strength in his shoulders. She felt the electricity pass between them; her body yearned to feel him in a more intimate way. Not for the first time she wondered if it was worth waiting for her wedding day; she had never felt this level of passion before!


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