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Page 5

by Patrice Wilton

  He took hold of her hand before she could slide from her seat, and he laced his fingers with hers. “Why don’t you expand your horizons for one last night? Everything will still be waiting for you back in Arizona. Your life will remain the same.”

  Somehow she doubted that, but his persuasive voice, the warm glint in his eyes made her pause. He was right. She had never acted out, never explored anything that teenagers did, not even in college. If she went home right now, she’d marry, have children, teach school, cook dinners, and watch sunsets out on her back porch. Years would go by, her children would grow and leave, and once in a while she might be able to look back and remember that one wild night in Vegas.

  That one memory could last her a lifetime. She didn’t dare make another.

  “You know I can’t.”

  “I know you want to.” He looked at her mouth. “I don’t believe that you’re going to go through with this marriage. You know it’s a mistake.”

  “I don’t know. I can’t understand this attraction, but I want to marry David. We’ve known each other for years. He’s a good man. He will make me happy. He does,” she corrected herself.

  “You sure about that?”

  “Uh-huh. So, what we had together was wild and crazy and fun, but I can’t ever do it again. It’s been nice knowing you. Enjoy Timbuktu, where ever it is.”

  She stood up to leave, and her knees gave way. She reached out a hand, found his shoulder and hung on for support. “Something is wrong with me,” she whispered. “Why do I get dizzy spells around you?” She shook her head. “I’m going to walk away now. Don’t follow me.”

  He nodded and didn’t say a word.

  She grabbed her small purse, tucked it under her arms and raced out of the lounge, heading for the elevators and safety. She stabbed at the up button, wanting an elevator to hurry and take her back to her room, where she’d be safe and away from temptation and a certain man named Josh.

  All the lights in the elevator were out. She punched the up bottom repeatedly, but the elevators weren’t moving. A few minutes later Josh showed up.

  “What’s going on? I thought you would be upstairs by now. I wasn’t following you, I swear.”

  “The elevators aren’t working. Nothing’s happening.” Tears glittered in her eyes. “We’re on the top floor. Penthouse.”

  “Stay here. I’ll check with the front desk. Maybe they know what’s going on.”

  She nodded, and watched him leave. If she started now, she could be gone by the time he left. The emergency stairs were just behind that door. It would take her some time to get to the penthouse, but it was a better alternative to spending even a single minute with the too-sexy Josh.

  Seeing him return, she dashed into the stairwell and began to climb. She’d reached the second floor when he caught up with her. “Nikki, wait. You can’t possibly climb all those floors. The woman at the front desk said it might take twenty-thirty minutes before the technicians get them back up and running. Someone’s working on it right now.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll take my time. Don’t worry about me.” Even though she was wearing a new silk dress she sat down on a step and tried not to look at him. “You go first. You’re on the fifth floor.”

  “Come with me. You can wait it out in my room until the elevators are operating again. I won’t try anything. You can trust me.”

  “I can’t trust myself. How can I trust you?”

  He sat down next to her and took her hand, putting it in his lap. “I think I know how you feel. I don’t want to hurt you or ruin your life, or do anything that isn’t agreeable. You want to sit right here until the elevators start up again—fine by me. But I’m not leaving you alone in the stairwell. Anything could happen, and I would be to blame.”

  “Why are you so nice?”

  “I’m not. But leaving a beautiful woman alone at night in a stairwell, well, that’s just asking for trouble.”

  “I think I’d prefer taking my chances on that, then being here alone with you.” She slid him a look, and he smiled.

  “Crazy, isn’t it?” he asked softly.

  “Crazy and stupid, but here we are. You should be back in the casino gambling or hanging out with your sales buddies, not waiting here in this dirty, dismal place.”

  He looked at the gray walls, the grimy stairs upon stairs. “Can’t imagine a better place to be.” He put an arm around her shoulders. “Actually I can. Come on. We can go to my room and hang out for half an hour. This is silly. You can tell me all about David and your wedding plans. I want to know more about this lucky guy that’s going to make you his bride.”

  “He hit on Jennifer once.”

  “He did what?” Josh swore. “How can you marry a guy like that?”

  She wished she hadn’t told him because it reflected poorly on David, and she knew he really wasn’t a bad guy. He’d made a mistake just as she had. “He apologized for it. Had too much to drink, and he’s never done anything like that since. He made a mistake, like me. That’s all. We’ll both put it behind us and move forward.”

  “I think you should reconsider, especially after this weekend. If you still want to marry him a year from now, go ahead. But I have a strong hunch that you won’t. Marrying him will be a mistake.”

  “My parents have sunk a lot of money into this, and so have I.”

  “A divorce will be a lot more expensive, believe me.”

  “I’m not getting a divorce. I’m getting married.”

  “Is there a way I can change your mind?” He tilted her chin and looked into her eyes. “I want to kiss you right now.”

  Before she could answer, the lights in the stairwell flickered and died. They were alone in the darkness, and she leaned into Josh for comfort.


  “Why did you do that?” Vinnie wanted to know. “She was going to her room to get away from him and now you’ve gone and trapped them. I thought you said zapping her was a mistake. She wants to go home and marry the other guy. Let her. This isn’t right.”

  “No, no, no! Don’t you see? This is the right man for her. Not David, whoever he is. But Josh. He cares for her deeply, more than he knows.”

  “Why? Just because he likes kissing her, and wants to bang her, doesn’t mean it’s love.”

  “Oh, young fool, can’t you see it? Open your eyes! Look at the love that shines in his. See how he touches her, the way he holds her hand, the soft kisses on her cheeks. Watch him now as he comforts her in that stairwell, never leaving her side, protecting her, wanting her, but waiting until she knows that she wants him back.”

  “So this was a trick to get them to see that they are right for each other? What about the free will you were talking about?” Vinnie scratched his head. “Seems to me her free will has spoken very clear. She wants to go home and get married.”

  “That’s her conscious speaking. Her heart wants this man, and to be his. Just watch. The night is young. See for yourself what she will decide.” Cupid chuckled. “I’ll bet you one of those chips you’re carrying that I’m right, and she spends the night in his arms.”

  “You’re on, old man. Easiest money I’ll ever make.”


  The lights flickered once or twice, then came back on. Josh took her hand and helped her up. “Let’s go while we can still see.”

  She didn’t argue, and together they ran up the next several flights of stairs. “Okay, this has got to be my floor,” he said. “Are you coming in?”

  “I better. You’re right. The stairwell is a scary place. I’m glad I wasn’t alone when the lights went out,” she said and raised her eyes to him. “Do you think things happen for a reason? Like fate, or something?”

  “Not sure. I’m glad to be out of there. Got pretty creepy in the dark. Never know if there’s a mugger lurking by.”

  She shivered, tightening her hold on his hand. “I thought of that too.” Nikki hoped she wasn’t making a mistake, but what if she decided to make a break for the
penthouse and the lights went out again? She’d be stuck, without Josh to hang on to. His room was closest, and made more sense until the elevators were fixed. “Okay, I’m trusting you. We’re just going to talk, right?”


  He opened the door to his room, and the king-sized bed, neatly made, was right in front of her. She gulped and felt a trickle of sweat inside her lacy pink bra. She stood frozen for a second, remembering all the wild and wonderful things they’d done in that bed. She needed to lock them in her memory bank and throw away the key.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Uh—deja vu. I had a sudden flash of things that went on here last night.”

  “Forget the bed. Why don’t you take the chair next to the window? I’m just going to use the bathroom. There’s soda or water in the fridge.”

  She knew he was trying to make her comfortable and she appreciated his concern. “Thanks.”

  Behind the closed door, Nikki heard the sound of water running, and knew she could escape if she wanted to. But she didn’t. For better or for worse she wanted to stay a little longer with Josh. Maybe he had hit on some truths. Perhaps it would make sense to go home and tell David that she needed some time out. They could postpone the wedding. Sure it was short notice, but better than making a terrible mistake.

  After she told David the truth about this weekend, he might not want to marry her at all. She wouldn’t blame him, and while she’d be sorry, she wasn’t as sure about their relationship as before. If she truly loved David, how could she have such a strong reaction to Josh? It didn’t make sense, and she was a sensible girl.

  Lost in thought, she didn’t hear him come back in the room.

  “Your turn to wash up,” he said with a smile. “After sitting on those dirty steps I feel like we need a bath.”

  She glanced at her hands, noticing the black smudge, and grimaced. “Yuck, you’re probably right.” She walked past him and glanced up, her eyes meeting his. “Do you have any wine in the room? I wouldn’t mind a glass.”

  He looked surprised, but nodded. “We’ve got the minibar.”

  “Good. Let’s have a drink. I have something to tell you.”

  “That sounds promising,” he said, his eyes twinkling.

  “Maybe. But first, let me clean up.”

  Nikki had a little private conversation with herself in the bathroom, and when she waltzed back into the room, she knew she was moving into dangerous territory but willing to take the risk. If there was something real going on between her and Josh she only had a day left to figure it out.

  “Here you go. A glass of chardonnay,” he handed her the drink, and toasted her with his shot of scotch. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers.” She clinked plastic glasses and took a sip, her eyes on his face. He was incredibly handsome, but her attraction to him was more than that. He was confident and she liked that. He seemed honest, and had a good sense of humor, and was just nice.

  It was surprising that he wasn’t married already, and she could only surmise that many women tried.

  “Don’t keep me in suspense. What’s the news?”

  “I’ve had time to consider what you said, back in the stairwell. And I think you might be right. I can’t just go home and pick up where I left off. Too much has happened, and I’m not the same person that left Mesa a couple of days ago. That woman would never have done the things I did with you, but I don’t regret them. And that’s the biggest surprise of all. I like being with you. I like how I feel around you. So how can I marry David when I feel like this?”

  “You’re breaking it off? Canceling the wedding?” He put his glass down on a side table and gripped her shoulders, facing her. His eyes searched hers. “Are you absolutely sure?”

  She laughed. “No, of course not. I’m not sure about anything, but I do know that I need to talk to David, see if he still wants me, and whether I still want him. The wedding has to be at least postponed, or cancelled altogether.”

  “That’s great news. I really feel as though we have a special connection, and I’d like to explore it further. Beyond this weekend. Don’t you?”

  “I think so, but until I’ve spoken to David, I can’t promise anything.”

  “I get that, but at least it gives me some hope. And you’re not running off. That’s a good sign.”

  “I probably should be running, and yet, I want to stay.”

  “Does this mean I can kiss you now or do I have to stick to my promise?”

  She put her glass down on the chest of drawers that held the television and nodded, anticipation making her hands tremble. “Yes. I want to know why your kisses thrill me so much, why your touch excites me too.”

  “It may take awhile to figure that out.” Josh brushed her hair away from her temple, his gaze reassuring. “We might have to explore a few options.”

  “Really? How many?”

  He kissed her sweetly, and then his lips grazed her ear. He whispered, “Many options. Let’s start with you tell me where you want to feel my lips, and I’ll put them there.” He nibbled her earlobe. “I want to explore your body, and then to get to know you. Inside and out.”

  Nikki felt a shudder run through her as his hot breath whispered against her sensitive skin. “I have no idea if we will ever see each other again after this weekend, but I can’t stop wanting you.” She pushed away an inch to run her fingertip over his mouth, tracing the shape. “This may be the craziest thing I’ve ever done, and I might live to regret it. But here I am.” She stood on tiptoe to give him a soft kiss. “You’re like a delicious dessert. One that I know I shouldn’t have, but after one taste, I know it’s not enough.”

  He chuckled at that, and she reached out to put her hands around his neck and kissed him again.

  “Can we be a little creative tonight? I want a lot of firsts.”

  “Oh, sweet girl. I think we can arrange that and more. Anything you need or want, I’m happy to provide.” He was unbuttoning his shirt as he spoke. He pulled it out of his pants, and his chest was bare. It was a magnificent chest. Unlike David’s who was large and very muscular from the labor work he did all day, Josh’s was smooth and silky to the touch. He had a nice build, slender but well shaped. The only hair was low on his belly, dark hair that led a path to places she couldn’t wait to explore.

  Her mouth watered. She unzipped the back of her dress and let it fall on the floor. She stood before him in her silk undies and bra and kicked off her heels.

  “I don’t have much left to remove. It’s your turn.”

  He undid his fly and let his jeans drop to the floor. He had on a pair of Calvin Klein jockey shorts in a light blue. They were stretched to the max right now, as his erection was turning them into a good size tent.

  She unhooked her bra and tossed it across the room. She’d never been so brave. So brazen. She liked it. Excitement heated her blood. Making her hot. Wet.

  Without a word, he reached down and pulled off his shorts, flinging them aside.

  His eyes were on her. “Only one thing left between you and me.”

  She stepped out of her pink panties, and took another step forward, reaching out a hand. She stroked his erection and watched his eyes. “This is a first.”

  He grinned. “You did this last night.”

  “Not the striptease.”

  He reached behind her back, his hands on her bare butt, and pulled her in close against him. “I like you, Nikki. Very much. I haven’t felt this way about anyone for a long, long time.” His eyes glittered. “Want to see how much I like you?”

  “I’m feeling it right now.” Her eyes closed and she allowed herself to just savor him. His warm skin, his hardness compared to her softness.

  “I want to lay you down on that bed and lick every inch of you. Then I want to be inside you, first with my fingers, and my tongue. Oh, baby, I want my cock buried so deep you’ll feel it forever.”

  Her heart thudded like a wild bird’s. She trembled in his arms, desire crashi
ng through her wave after wave. “Sheesh. I think you just made me come.”

  He held her close, his hands on her back, and laughed softly. “And I bet that’s a first.”

  She smiled, pressing against him, wanting him inside. “It certainly is. But that’s only a teaser, right?” Nikki traced the muscle along his thigh. “I want us to have fun but I also want to explore our feelings. Can this thing between us be real or is it just mind blowing sex?”

  “Not sure what you mean by real, but it’s a hellova lot more than just sex. I’ve never wanted somebody this bad.” He cupped her face, his eyes warm and tender. “I’m not going anywhere until about ten in the morning, so we can explore all night.”

  “Okay then. Let’s get started.” Nikki jumped up on the bed, hopping up and down in the center. She never would have done this in front of David. There was something freeing about breaking the rules. “I think you promised me something.”

  Josh kneeled on the foot of the bed, and gave her a long, meaningful look. “I’m going to start here and graze my way up.”

  She felt her limbs liquefy, like she didn’t have a bone in her body. She pulled back the comforter and sat down on the mattress. “Let me know if I can do anything to help.”

  He shoved the blankets off the bed to the floor, as if they were in the way. “Lay back and relax. Let a master go to work.”

  She giggled, getting comfortable on her back as she closed her eyes, determined to enjoy every second. “Okay, Romeo. Just call if you need anything.”

  His mouth captured a toe and she let out a moan. “Oh. That feels amazing.”

  “Ssshhh. Don’t interrupt.” He sucked on one toe and then another, making his way from one foot to the other. He licked the soles of her feet and she giggled again. Then he licked her ankle, and her calf.

  She stiffened, eager to feel what would come next, but anxious too. She might just burst from all this excitement, and she didn’t want to peak too soon. Josh seemed to know all her pleasure zones, and was working her from one end to the other. In the five years she’d known David, he’d never taken the time to learn.


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