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The Payment

Page 2

by Mysty McPartland

  When Fanny moved away, he gazed down at the angry face of his sister. “This is not exactly the kind of dress a young woman would wear to her wedding.” He tried to ease some of the hostility between them but he knew he only failed by the loathing lighting her eyes.

  India’s eyes glowed with bitterness. “Ah I find the damn dress quite suited to the occasion. Remember this is no ordinary wedding. Are you forgetting the bride is payment for your gambling debt?”

  Dane left the parlor to see what might be keeping his bride; he stood just inside the doorway and listened to the conversation between brother and sister.

  “Don’t worry brother I’ll marry the swine only to make sure everyone here doesn’t suffer for what you have done. Nevertheless, hear me clearly brother, one thing I do promise and that is you and the spineless bastard who won me will pay dearly for the destruction you both have done to my life.”

  Dane's body stiffened as he continued to listen, he should not have been surprised over her remarks or threats. His gaze slid over her and his hands clenched tightly at his sides when he saw she wasn’t wearing the lovely wedding gown he purchased for her.

  Damn her, she could fight the marriage all she wanted, but it will not change a damn thing. Even now, dressed in that ugly black dress, she still looked amazingly beautiful, and he wanted her just as badly as he did before. No nothing would stop them from getting married.

  Determination filling him, he turned around and headed back into the parlor. It might take some effort on his part, but he felt positive that after a short time, he could change the woman’s attitude and hopefully he might be able to finally smother the driving lust that burned inside him.

  With her head held high, moving past her brother India walked away. Her eyes clouded with anger as she moved through the parlor to stand in front of the preacher. She did not even bother to spare a glance at the man at her side. She felt too disgusted and furious to even make the effort.

  She only wanted the whole horrible ordeal over with as quickly as possible.

  With his shoulders drooping, Jarrod followed his sister through to the parlor. Guilt ate away at him. He knew his sister meant every word she said, and he wondered if he might have just made the second gravest mistake of his life.

  All he could do is pray that one day India would come to realize he didn’t have any other choice and may find forgiveness in her heart for what he forced her to do.

  Out the corner of his eye, Dane eyed the woman beside him; he could not miss the disgust and anger written on her beautiful face. One day soon, he hoped it might be possible to change her feelings. Lord, he hoped so. He let himself relax when she spoke her vows. At least she is agreeing to marry me he thought in wryly amusement.

  He repeated his own vows in a loud clear voice, placed the ring on her finger. When the minister said kiss the bride, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him.

  The look of shock and seeing her lovely eyes grow wide with fear, he suddenly realized she recognized who he was. His mouth lifted up in a mocking smile before he swooped his head down. His mouth covered hers in a quick gentle kiss; he straightened up and let her go.

  When she felt the hands on her and was forced to turn, India stood facing the bastard she married. One look at his face she thought she might faint. Dear God, now she knew why this despicable pig married her. Revenge. When he kissed her, she stood frozen her lips clamped tightly together.

  Now as he stood gazing down at her with such a smug smile on his face, she wanted to slap it of his handsome face. Instead, she spun on her heels and marched hurriedly out of the parlor; caring little what anyone thought of her strange behavior.

  All she knew was she needed to get away from the man as quickly as possible, before she did something she might regret.


  Dane stood alone as he accepted the congratulations. He could see that people were confused as to why the bride left the room, and he didn’t blame them. After several minutes he managed to escape himself, he hurried after his wife. He stood in the doorway of her bedroom, leaned against the doorframe, and folded his arms over his chest.

  His gaze slowly moved around the room, and he shook his head over the destruction of her room. She must have had quite a fit to do so much damage. His gaze returned to his wife. Lord, if she stood any straighter or stiffer she would probably snap in two.

  After a few more moments passed, he grew sick of being ignored. Dropping his arms to his sides, he straightened up and crossed the room to stand directly behind her. “I gather you’re still a little upset?”

  When she heard her bedroom door open, India’s body went rigid, but she refused to turn around. She knew who entered her room. She heard his light tread coming towards her, and she trembled when it stopped behind her. His softly spoken words infuriated her, and she spun around to face him.

  She needed to tilt her head back so she could glare up at his face. “Let me warn you, I’m more than a little upset.”

  By God, she looked magnificent in her anger. Those eyes were like bright gems, glittering with fire. Dane could not help the effect they were having on his body but somehow he managed to take control himself. “Well I suggest you get over it in a hurry, I won’t put up with any of your temper tantrums.”

  Temper tantrum? Temper tantrum, by God she would give this man a temper tantrum he will never forget. “Your threat doesn’t bother me, and if you think I’m going to be some docile little wife well you’re even more of an imbecile than I thought. I’m not so stupid that I don’t realize why you married me.”

  She sneered and gave him a cold look of disgust. “You’re going to regret this and every minute of every day I’m going to make sure you do.” She gave a squeal when the top of her arms was suddenly squeezed in a painful hold.

  Dane’s own anger surfaced and having enough of listening to her threats and insults, he grabbed hold of her tightly and leaned down so they were nearly nose-to-nose. “Say what you like, threaten all you like but little girl I promise you that I will not put up with any nonsense from you.”

  Frightened at seeing the promise of retribution in his golden eyes, India felt herself shaking, but she refused to let him see how worried or frightened she felt. “If we’re leaving, get out so I can change my wedding gown.” She whispered harshly.

  Dane dropped her arms, took a step back, and let his eyes run over her before he turned his gaze back to her face. “Before I go, would you like to explain to me why you’re not wearing the gown I bought for you?” As soon as he saw her chin rise in the air, he knew he would not be getting an answer. Well, it didn’t really matter. With a shrug of his shoulders, he turned away and left the room.

  He stopped at the doorway and looked over his shoulder, giving her a devilish grin. “Don’t be too long in changing, or I’ll have to come back up here and help you.”

  When he heard her outraged gasped, he chuckled softly and left the room.

  Still shaking with a mixture of fear and rage, India moved over to the bed and sunk down on to the mattress. She could hardly believe what was happening to her. The man only forced her to marry him for revenge, his ego bruised he wanted to exact his pound of flesh.

  She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself as she thought of all the ways that this man would take out his revenge on her. Now she knew her life will truly be a nightmare and her mind grew so muddled she could not think of any way out of it.

  Dane went slowly down stairs, the woman will probably not be easy to handle; that he knew was definitely a certainty. Even though he might have made the greatest mistake in his life, he could not deny he still wanted her. Desperately.

  He wanted her with a passion that over took his common sense. He shook his head in disgust at himself. Damn this uncontrollable lust, well all he could do is hope things would work out.

  Tuff stood up when Dane came back into the parlor. He guessed by the look on the boy’s face that things between him and his wife we
re not good. “Well boyo I hope yah don’t live to regret this day. She don’t seem too fond of yah. Let’s just hope that over the next few days her disposition towards yah will change.”

  Dane could only silently agree, but he did not hold out to much hope. Grunting in answer, he ran his fingers through his hair. “Come on old man let’s get changed and ready to leave. I can’t wait to get back home.”

  Slightly, in control of herself, India suddenly jumped to her feet remembering his threat to come back up to her room. By God if he tried to lay a finger on her, she would shoot him. As she rushed to change her clothes, her thoughts were on how she might be able escape the bastard.

  That's what she intended to do, escape him. Her life would be a living hell if she were going to be forced to spend the rest of it with him. She doubted she could survive spending eternity with him. They both detested each other, and she doubted the situation would ever be any different.

  No, she needed to find a way to leave. The money hidden away in one of the wagons would be enough to live on for six months or more if she needed to. She just finished pulling on her boots when a knock sounded on her door.

  Her mouth thinned into a hard line knowing who stood outside her room. At this point, if she laid eyes on her brother the thin control she held on her emotions would snap completely.

  Jarrod knocked again on his sister’s door and when she refused to answer, he let out a heavy sigh. He decided to wait for her down stairs. Hopefully, by the time she came down her anger towards him would have eased some.

  When she heard Jarrod walk away, India snorted in disgust. Coward she thought as she stood up and started to braid her hair. Finished she picked up her hat and placed it on her head. On her way out the door, she swept up her gun and gun belt.

  As soon as she came down stairs, she saw her brother waiting for her and sneered. “What do you want now? Surely you don’t have another debt you want me to pay?”

  Jarrod winced. Not only from his sister’s look but her ugly words as well. “Please India; you must know how much I hated doing this to you.”

  “You ruin my life and all you think about is your own feelings. You’ve ruined my life.” India spat him.

  Jarrod’s shoulders sagged but he gazed at his sister hopefully. “You don’t know that India. Dane seems to be a good man and who knows, you just might fall in love with him.”

  A look of incredulous horror spread across her face and India truly thought that her brother might be insane. “Oh for God’s sake. Jarrod you ruined my life, and you did it to save yourself. I despise you both.” She pushed past him and hurried out of the house.

  Her words lashed at him and Jarrod doubted that his sister would ever forgive him for forcing her into this situation.


  Dane finished saddling his horse when Tuff approached him. He let out a sigh of forbearance and turned to face him. He knew by the look on the old man’s face that he would suffer another lecture, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

  Tuff had been part of the family for so long that he, along with Chin Li were like parents to him and his brothers, and they loved them as fathers. He could never hurt their feelings.

  “We both know how yah brothers are goin to react when yah bring home a wife but there surely going to pitch a fit when they see all this stuff. I also suggest yah prepare yah wife about what she’s gonna face when we get home.” Tuff advised then shifting his hat on his head, walked away.

  Dane grimaced; he knew everything Tuff said was true. Things were really going to erupt with an explosion of devastating force. All this mess might have started out as a way to get revenge and because he lusted after a beautiful face and body, but now he sensed it to be something else as well.

  However, he couldn’t tell his brothers those reasons but how will he explain this insanity to his brothers. Well at the moment, he didn’t have any ideas but there is still plenty of time to think up something that would sound believable.

  Suddenly catching a movement out the corner of his eye, he swung his head around and his brows lifted in surprise at the sight of his wife. He was surprised at seeing her dressed in a tight fitting checkered shirt and even tighter pants. On her slim hips sat a six-shooter.

  What mesmerized him though, were the sweet curves of her pert little backside as she sashayed towards the barn. At the provocative sight, a part of his body reacted with an instant jolt. He cursed the ache growing in his groin. Only when she went inside the barn did he let out the breath he never realized he held.

  He rested his brow against the saddle, closed his eyes and tried to get control of himself. A few minutes later, he lifted his head and spied his wife reappearing atop a magnificent white stallion. It was so unexpected, and it surprised him. He thought she would have ridden in one of the wagons.

  Maybe she isn’t the spoiled little brat he first thought.

  Fluidly mounting his own horse, about to give the signal to get the wagons moving, he stopped himself when he noticed an intense argument going on between his wife and her brother. He wondered what they were arguing about now.

  As he stepped outside, Jarrod noticed his sister atop Lightening and rushed over to her. “You can’t take Lightening.”

  India glared down at her brother. “You’re forgetting this horse is mine, and I’m taking him.”

  “Damn it India I have half a dozen men waiting to put him to stud.” Jarrod tried to reason with her.

  “Damn you, you have no right to agree to such a thing. Lightening is mine.” She spat at him. Throwing her brother a final look of disgust without another word, she rode past him and everyone else. She grew even more furious at her brother; he did not have the right to use her horse without her permission.

  Dane shook his head and giving the signal to Tuff, he rode out after his wife. It is definitely going to be a long trip and just watching his wife riding up ahead of him in those tight pants will most likely going to keep him highly aroused for some time to come.

  The first night they made camp. He became irritated at his wife. Dane sat on a rock, and watched her from heavy lowered lids while she ate her meal. His wife did nothing but see to her own horse and never helped with supper or anything else. He eyed her when she finished her meal, washed her plate and cup before she retired to one of the wagons.

  She never said one word to any one, since they left the ranch. He wondered if she would remain stubbornly silent for the rest of the trip. He thought it would not help matters between them if she kept it up. Letting out a sigh of aggravation, he wondered how he could change things between them. So far, he was unable come up with one decent idea.

  Even though she found it hard to ignore her husband’s stare since they made camp, she was relieved to finally be away from him. India climbed into the back of the wagon, pulled off her boots and took off her gun belt. She lay down on the pallet and tried to make herself relax.

  Tears stung her eyes and for the first time today, she let them fall. All her emotions, which she kept tightly buried over the last few days came pouring out, and she let the misery of her future consume her.

  Never will she forgive Jarrod for this. As for her husband, well if she managed to have her way, he would not be her husband for very long. She needed to find some way to leave and could only pray that he will keep away from her until she escaped.

  If he insisted on his husbandly rights, she did not know what she would do. She just could not let the man bed her. She must find a way to leave before he tried. The thought of being intimate with the man struck terror in her heart. It did not matter how truly handsome he looked with his golden hair and golden eyes.

  It did not matter how enormously and powerfully built he is. She doubted she would ever find the man attractive, not after he forced her to marry him. Liar whispered through her mind, and she let out a growl of protest. She refused to let herself feel any attraction for the bastard.

  Somehow, she would find a way to leave and nothing and no one will stop

  Dane helped Tuff clean up, and afterwards laid down on his bedroll. With his head resting on his saddle, he gazed up at the sky full of stars. Tonight is his damn wedding night and he so much wanted to join his wife in the back of the wagon.

  He grimaced over imagining his wife’s reaction if he did, and if he dared to consummate their marriage. God help them all, he felt sure all hell would break loose. No, he would have to wait until she accepted their marriage and him. No matter how much he wanted to take her in his arms, he would force himself to wait.

  It would most likely nearly kill him, but he wanted his wife willing. He felt nothing but contempt and revulsion at the thought of trying to force himself on his wife. He never forced a woman in his life, and he did not intend to start now with his wife.

  Frustrated, he rolled over to his side. He silently cursed, having a wife is damn hard and especially this one. She was spoiled, stubborn and so full of anger that he wondered if he would ever be able to consummate his marriage at all.

  With her stubbornness, he would probably be an old man before he could even kiss her. In all probability, it will take a tremendous lot of patience on his part. He wondered if he might possibly manage it at all. He knew he didn’t have any common sense, marrying her already proved that particular point.

  He tossed back over on his back and glared up at the sky. He knew he would have to explain to her about his brothers at some point. Damn the boys were not going to be happy when they saw her.

  Hell, that’s putting it mildly. They were going to be damn furious, and they won’t spare her feelings at all. They won’t mean to but after what Irene put them all through, who could really blame them.


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