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HAMMER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 16)

Page 85

by Samantha Leal

  “You carried Scotch with you?” Jasmine widened her eyes as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “Well, I would have liked to arrange for some hors d'oeuvres, too, but that of course would be impossible,” she replied casually.

  “Wow. You’re charging ahead with guns blazing aren’t you?” Jasmine giggled and walked over to the drawing room which now looked more than presentable. Most of the light bulbs were dysfunctional, but the few that still worked added a faded charm to the room.

  “Good job with the tidying up, Mom,” she said loudly as she found the unopened box of whiskey on top of the corner bar.

  “It’s the best I could do in half a day,” her mother replied from the hallway, just as Jasmine heard a loud rap on the front door.

  “Jasmine, he’s here. Be good,” Camilla hurriedly said, peeping into the drawing room as she began pouring the whiskey into the decanter that her mother had polished down earlier.

  “Calm down, Mom,” she managed to say, just as her mother disappeared.

  Jasmine remained standing by the bar as she heard the front door open and her mother’s nervous high pitched voice greeting someone.

  “I trust you’ve seen the house from the outside before,” Camilla’s loud voice could probably be heard all around the house. “Let’s have a quick chat before I take you on the tour,” Jasmine heard her add a nervous laugh to that and she rolled her eyes.

  She hadn’t heard the gentleman’s voice yet, but seconds later her mother entered the drawing room with her arm outstretched, directing her guest into the room.

  When she saw Marvin walk in, Jasmine’s heart stopped and she didn’t even try to not look surprised. Marvin was in tan slacks now, a white Polo t-shirt covered his torso, which she had seen bare only a few hours ago. His hair was combed back as before and his piercing blue eyes were lazily taking in the drawing room until they rested on Jasmine standing in the corner. He looked his age when he was clothed. In the faded light of the room he looked much older. His hair suddenly looked more grey, and there were lines on his face that she hadn’t noticed in the sun. He looked more tired too. Marvin didn’t seem to be as surprised as she was. Instead, his eyes betrayed a mocking glimmer, and he smirked.

  “Hello Jasmine,” were the first words he spoke in the house, and that voice was unmistakable. Jasmine would have recognized that tone anywhere.

  Chapter 5

  “You’ve met?” Jasmine’s mother broke the silence as she and Marvin stood staring at each other. That smirk on his face was devastating Jasmine, while all she could do was gape in surprise.

  “At the beach,” he explained and from the corner of her eye, Jasmine could see her mother nod nervously.

  “Ah, lovely! So no introductions necessary,” her mother said with a flourish and stretched her arm again, offering Marvin a seat on the couch. Marvin remained standing and finally dragged his eyes away from Jasmine and back to inspecting the room.

  “Jasmine, why don’t you pour us some Scotch and we can all sit down for a chat,” her mother urged again, her polite smile not leaving her face. Jasmine turned mechanically towards the bar and began pouring out two fingers of the whiskey into three recently polished glasses.

  “None for me, thank you,” Marvin said politely and took a few steps in the direction of the open window at the end of the room.

  Jasmine and her mother exchanged looks.

  “You’ll have to forgive us. The house has been locked up for years, as you know. We arrived only today and didn’t have much of an opportunity to clean up,” Camilla said with a nervous laugh, expecting Marvin to comment on what a good cleaning job had been done in such a short time. Marvin, again, said nothing, narrowing his eyes instead while inspecting one of the paintings hanging on the wall next to the window.

  “My father didn’t really have an eye for art,” her mother nervously laughed again and walked over to where Marvin was standing. He silently turned to look at her and then slowly looked away. His face seemed expressionless. His lips closed tight while his arms were crossed behind his back. He looked more like an art critic than a potential buyer for the house. Jasmine was also growing increasingly embarrassed by her mother’s attempts to please him.

  “I’m sure Mr. Byrne is aware of the house’s qualities,” Jasmine said curtly; Camilla and Marvin both turned around to look at her. She hadn’t spoken a word until then. A look of fright entered her mother’s eyes while Marvin seemed to smile sadistically. Those blue eyes were focused on Jasmine again, and she held his gaze bravely.

  “Those qualities are long gone Ms. Kiberd,” Marvin finally said. Jasmine could see her mother flush a bright red as she stood beside him, barely able to meet his eye or come up with a response.

  “The house has not been lived in for several years,” Jasmine said, hoping that her voice did not betray how shaken she felt by his eyes on her.

  “Neither has anybody bothered to look after it,” Marvin replied immediately.

  “Our family faced difficulties which, unfortunately, took our attention away from looking after the house,” Jasmine said. She was clutching one of the glasses of whiskey in her right hand, and now she swirled the liquid around for lack of something to do with her hands.

  She was equally as surprised as her mother when Marvin suddenly laughed. It sounded cruel and almost inhuman when he did that.

  “I’m well aware of that,” he said and looked around the room again.

  “Mr. Byrne, we are certainly aware that the house requires some attention. But I’m sure you can see that it won’t require much,” Jasmine’s nervousness was now giving way to irritation. Marvin’s behavior was rude and she could see her mother panicking.

  “This house will never sell in this town. Especially in this condition. You must certainly be aware of that as well,” Marvin said and both her mother and Jasmine stood staring at him in silence. She almost expected her mother to faint and fall to the floor.

  “We were expecting an interested buyer Mr. Byrne. We didn’t know you were meeting with us to criticize the condition of our house,” Jasmine managed to say. She knew her eyes were wide and angry; her lips were quivering, and she couldn’t hide the shakiness from her voice any longer.

  Marvin shrugged his shoulders and threw her another smile.

  “Mr. Byrne,” Jasmine’s mother squeaked, after several minutes of silence. “What my daughter is trying to say is that we know that the house hasn’t been looked after, and we appreciate your interest in it,” her voice was meek and submissive, and all Jasmine wanted to do was show Marvin the door – and maybe push him out of it. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen her mother look so utterly subdued.

  Marvin seemed to grunt and look around the room again.

  “Why don’t we show you the rest of the house and you can sleep on it?” Jasmine could see her mother visibly struggling with keeping a polite and straight face.

  “I think I’ve seen enough. I’m well acquainted with the layout of the house, thank you,” Marvin said and dug his hands into the pockets of his pants.

  “Oh yes! You mentioned you’d met my father,” she said, forcing joviality into her voice. Marvin didn’t respond to that, but instead just threw Jasmine another look and began walking out of the room.

  “Are you sure you won’t stay for a drink?” Camilla called after him, but he didn’t respond. Just like that evening on the beach, Marvin was walking away from the scene without a parting word.

  “Jasmine, what did we do wrong?” her mother wailed the second they heard the front door bang shut. She watched as her mother collapsed onto the couch with her face in her hands.

  “I don’t understand, Jasmine,” she was repeating, her voice muffled by her hands. Jasmine remained standing where she had stood throughout the entire episode. Without thinking, she gulped down all the whiskey from the glass in her hand.

  “I’m going over there,” Jasmine said, almost to herself.

  “What?” her mother r
aised her head to ask. Her eyes were puffy and her voice was screechy.

  “I’m going over to his house. He has no right,” Jasmine said and banged the glass down on the bar. Her nerves as rattled as the glass against the wood.

  “Are you crazy?” she heard her mother yell as she strode out of the house into the moonlit driveway of her grandfather’s house.

  Chapter 6

  It took her some time, but Jasmine found Marvin’s home eventually. During their drive in the morning, her mother hadn’t been able to stop talking about how the interested buyer was a billionaire with the biggest house in town. She now stood on the beach, a part that she was certain was private property, staring up at a massive colonial style home at least twice the size of her grandfather’s.

  It was dark now, and Jasmine was still waiting for her eyes to adjust to the low light.

  “How can I help you?” she heard Marvin’s voice in the dark and suddenly realized that he had been sitting in the patio all along. The thought that he knew and had seen her staring up at his house for several minutes, sent a shiver down her spine. For some reason it also made her angrier.

  “I need an explanation,” she finally managed to say. She remained standing, her pumps digging into the sand, while she crossed her arms and tilted her head up towards him. She knew doing this caused her breasts to be thrust out even further than normal, but she felt safer in that stance while approaching this man in the dark on the beach. He was several feet away from her, but she could see the glass of whiskey in his hands and his blue eyes were shimmering in the moonlight.

  “What kind of explanation do you need, Jasmine?” he asked and took a quiet sip from his glass. He sounded like a man scolding a child.

  “For your behavior,” Jasmine said and hoped he couldn’t see how nervous she had suddenly started to feel. Her fingers were unconsciously rubbing the smooth silk of her shirt in an effort to calm her nerves.

  “My behavior?”

  “Your bad manners, yes. You came into our house on the pretext of being an interested buyer and did nothing but insult our house and family and just left,” Jasmine replied and watched as Marvin stood up from his chair and walked over to the patio railing.

  “I don’t owe you an explanation,” he replied, placing one hand on the railing. The glass of whiskey remained in his other hand.

  “I don’t know where you get your arrogance from Mr. Byrne, but you were unnecessarily rude to us,” Jasmine had raised her voice now. Marvin climbed down the few steps it took him to reach the beach and now was standing much closer to Jasmine. She imagined she could feel the heat he had soaked up from the sun earlier radiating from his skin.

  “I’m sorry, did I hurt your feelings because I refused the drinks you were pouring?” he asked sarcastically, and even in the dark Jasmine could see him grinning. Her rage had risen to impossible heights now and all Jasmine wanted to do was break things.

  “You might be rich, but you have no manners Mr. Byrne!” she said through gritted teeth and turned on her heels to walk away from him, but he had lunged towards her and caught her hand.

  “Now, now, Ms. Kiberd. No need to sulk,” he said with a laugh and pulled her towards him. She was taken aback by his strength and the grip he had on her wrist. He had barely moved and the glass in his hand was still steady. Now that she was only a few inches from him, she tilted her head up to look at him. She could feel her heart start to speed up in her chest at the close proximity to this obviously virile man.

  “This is inappropriate. I wish you knew how to behave yourself,” Jasmine said, even though she didn’t want to say any of those things. Especially not since his eyes were focused on her face, staring at her lips and then flickering over to her eyes again.

  “I am behaving myself Jasmine,” Marvin said after a few seconds of silence. She could feel his hand tightening around her wrist still, and she instinctively licked her lips. Her body was tensed and tied up in knots and her thoughts were jumbled and she couldn’t think and without a second thought, Jasmine had leaned towards him, their lips grazing and their breaths falling on each other’s faces. She felt his hand relax and fall away from her wrist, and she immediately raised her hands and placed them on his shoulders.

  She had no time to judge her own actions because he bent his head further down, their lips unabashedly touching. All Jasmine had to do was lean in a little closer and they were kissing. His slim tight lips were exploring her large pouty ones. She could smell the woody masculine scent of him and it gave her a heady rush. The moment she felt his tongue frantically push apart her lips and find its way into her mouth, she clasped her hands on his shoulders and squeezed.

  She heard the glass of whiskey in his hand fall with a thud on the sand and immediately after, his hands had gripped her waist and he was lifting her up. Their lips didn’t part as he smoothly maneuvered her into position; her jean-clad legs fit perfectly on either side of his waist while her arms remained encircled around his neck.

  He suddenly pulled away from her and Jasmine felt a dull ache on her lips. She didn’t have to look at herself in the mirror to know that her lips were very swollen by now.

  “Forgive me for my bad behavior,” he said with that same devilish smirk. Jasmine wasn’t in the mood for jokes and she surprised herself by ignoring his words and lightly biting his lower lip. His hands were clasped tightly around her bottom, propping her up against his torso. She could feel the rising heat between their bodies as she pressed herself up against his chest.

  “Jasmine,” he said her name gruffly, while his mouth was muffled by her hair. She was about to pull away from him, but he instead tipped his body forward towards the sand, and for a second she thought he was throwing her off. Her back touched the soft, cool sand as he lay her down gently. She watched him as he bent over her, stretching his body over hers and kissed her again, this time more softly. She had clutched his t-shirt, unconsciously balling the fabric up in her hands. Marvin looked at her hands and accurately assumed that she wanted it to come off. In one swift motion he had pulled it off over his head and flung it away from them.

  She didn’t even try and resist running her fingers through the grizzly curly hair on his chest, which now hovered over her. She could feel the muscles of his torso under her touch. His smooth, tanned skin stretched over his abdomen, and Jasmine traced it all. When she looked up at his face, his eyes were narrowed with desire, staring into her own eyes.

  Their eyes meeting seemed to trigger something in him because his hands were immediately on her, fondling her breasts through the fabric of her blouse. He grunted in dissatisfaction and, without asking, lifted her blouse up to her neck and was now gently squeezing her lace covered breasts.

  The sensation of his hands playing with her breasts, his fingers squeezing her erect nipples, was too much for Jasmine to bear. She wanted more. She squeezed her hand between them and over his slacks; she could feel him growing big. His penis was hard, throbbing against her thigh, and suddenly all the barriers of clothing made her claustrophobic.

  It seemed like he shared this opinion about the clothing, and he grunted again while unbuttoning her jeans and peeling them off her legs in slow-motion. He hooked his finger on the elastic of her lace underwear and gave it a sharp tug. The cool sea breeze against the exposed, wet triangle between her thighs was an overwhelming sensation, and Jasmine couldn’t help but moan softly.

  She hadn’t realized that he had taken his pants off as well. It was only when she felt the pressure of his strong bare thighs against her own that she sensed his rising urgency. He had to have her. She bit down hard on her lip and arched her body up towards him as she felt his hands grip her waist as he lowered himself on her.

  When he entered her, he did it with a sudden force and she arched her body further up towards him, while his hands on her hips kept her in position. He was big and strong inside her, her wetness helping him slide in smoothly. With the first thrust he held her down strongly and then slowly pulled himself o
ut. She quivered with pleasure and a loud moan escaped her lips.

  He pushed himself inside her again. This time with more force. Jasmine moaned again, and he removed his hands from her hips and placed them on her breasts, squeezing them tightly in the palm of his hands. He seemed to have found his grip because he immediately increased his pace. Pulling out slowly and then thrusting himself back into her again.

  She could feel her back sliding up and down against the sand with the motion he had developed. With one hand he pulled down the straps of her bra and then bent down his head to suck wildly on her left nipple and then the right. Jasmine could do nothing more than moan and arch her hips towards him, trying to take in even more of him.

  His pace was strong and steady, and with each thrust, Jasmine could feel the knots in her body untying themselves. A quivering sensation was rising between her thighs and she couldn’t quell it any longer. She was teetering on the edge now, while his mouth remained stuck on her right breast. She couldn't help but scream out his name as her body shook. She shut her eyes tightly and allowed her body to react without her mind’s control. She could sense that he had let go as well. She could feel him raise himself, place his hands on her waist again and heard him grunt loudly.

  The throbbing wasn’t even close to ending. Her body shook, and her toes curled while he remained inside her, still thrusting in and out in slow-motion.

  When she finally opened her eyes, he was lying beside her on the sand, staring up at the stars. No smile on his face.


  They lay on the beach, on their backs, for at least an hour, their bodies barely touching. Marvin asked her about her work and the kids she spent her days with, while Jasmine avoided the big looming question that was filling her brain - why Marvin Byrne, lived alone in a huge mansion by the beach. He spoke to her about the town’s history, but not for once raised the topic of his own family or hers.


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